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parking at condo !


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its usually very difficult to find a space to park after 8pm but i dont moan. I often have cars park in front of me so I have to push them out of the way,not a problem i too have parked the thai way across another car as parking is hard sometimes,but yesterday I got to my car to find the car in front with a wheel lock on,so I took a photo and wondered off to security, they sent me back to my car, about 5 mins later a security guard turns up and explains visually that the fool has put the hand brake on,any way the guard wonders off and comes back with a trolly jack and jacks the back wheels up and we attempt to push the car but it dont move, so after 10 mins of trying I tell him dont matter I'll walk :( anyway checked a couple of times and still there I'm hoping its gone today as I really want to get in my car! Have things to do,why dont they make all residents and guests put the room number in the window it would make things a lot easier,I'll bet I dont even get a sorry for not been able to use my car all day :(

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Sad to say its just another example of the Thai mentality......think only of themselves. Amazing to me because there are also many examples of the giving thoughtful nature of Thais ...But when it comes to their cars and driving ......they seem to only think of themselves....

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This is down to bad management in your building. In my building no one gets in without a numbered sticker and anyone parking like that (or anywhere else outside a marked bay) would be clamped within a minute or two.

You need to talk to the management/committee and get them to introduce a penalty system that works.

Anyone who relies on Thais doing "the right thing" is wasting his time. They mostly think only of themselves and the only answer is to punish them for their selfishness.

there are bays marked out for it its a bit crazy and the security guard knows you he lets you in if not you need a ticket heres a pick to clarify the way he parked :)


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there are bays marked out for it its a bit crazy and the security guard knows you he lets you in if not you need a ticket

Fair enough. The management should introduce more severe penalties for those who dont leave their handbrake off. A resident sticker system could be traced to individual units by security in case of need. This should be very cheap to implement.

Edited by KittenKong
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I 've been living in a hotel for about a year together with my wife and one day we had the same issue. Car parked infront of her car with handbreak on but also a policehat behind the rearwindow. The security didn't dare to touch that car so she had to go to work with a taxi.

When she came home at night by taxi the security had money for her for using the taxi, the policelady had paid that.

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Buy your wheel lock and put it on one of his wheels with a note to contact the security, who can then contact you to remove it. The declared purpose of which is so that the owner can be asked not to park in such a way in the future. smile.png

and make sure you are unavailable to come remove it for a few hours.

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Buy your wheel lock and put it on one of his wheels with a note to contact the security, who can then contact you to remove it. The declared purpose of which is so that the owner can be asked not to park in such a way in the future. :)

Parking wars and wheel clamping can it get any better ?
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Buy your wheel lock and put it on one of his wheels with a note to contact the security, who can then contact you to remove it. The declared purpose of which is so that the owner can be asked not to park in such a way in the future. smile.png

Parking wars and wheel clamping can it get any better ?

Well I suppose one could just let it be - much like those hiso idiots parking in the handicap zone at that mall in Pattaya recently.

Or one could convey that such behaviour won't be tolerated.... like the handicap guy in the video about said vehicles.

Deacon's approach is on the mark. Two things will happen, first the idiot that blocked you won't do it again and two, the security guards will probably make sure if anyone does, they have their car in neutral.

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Some interesting comments. There is enough trouble and strife in the world without creating more. Keying the vehicle, for instance, is a form of violent behaviour that no civilised person should countenance.

It is possible that the offender made a mistake, or was affected by some sort of personal problem, or was just not thinking straight at the time.

Sometimes it is a good idea to walk a while in the other guy's shoes, don't judge others, and particularly do not judge people from a totally different cultural background from the viewpoint of your own culture.

OH sorry for being so racist.
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Perhaps quietly wait for a week or two, then put a wheel lock on when it is in a normal parking space, with a note in Thai that the key will mailed to the condo office in 2 days time.

Result: they get the message about their poor choice of previous parking.

Reduces risk of future ramifications.

Edited by Deacon Bell
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He's just punishing you for your inappropriate light cluster ornaments.

Dont get me started on them things ! the mrs and the brother-in-law went out in it one day suposedly to the market the car came back like that got them on the front too,we had a big barney over them bloody things in the end i gave in,they screw the lights for night driving!theres some stupid black strip on the front of the bonnet too serves no purpose at all :(

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He's just punishing you for your inappropriate light cluster ornaments.

Dont get me started on them things ! the mrs and the brother-in-law went out in it one day suposedly to the market the car came back like that got them on the front too,we had a big barney over them bloody things in the end i gave in,they screw the lights for night driving!theres some stupid black strip on the front of the bonnet too serves no purpose at all sad.png

You poor guy...

Presumably if they're so desirable, might not a 'stranger' 'steal' them one day when the wife/BiL happen to not be around?

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