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Ecuador legalizes same sex couplings (but not marriage)

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South America continues to move forward with LGBT legal equality (or "sort of" equality anyway).

After sending mixed signals on the issue, President Rafael Correa says the country is ready to grant full rights to same-sex couples. Beginning September 15, same-sex couples will receive the same benefits that their married heterosexual counterparts already enjoy.

“If someone is still turned away by a government employee, that employee will be dismissed for denying constitutional rights,” Correa told South American television network Telesur.

Same-sex couples will still not be permitted to legally marry in Ecuador — a policy reflected through much of South America, except for Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, which have enacted marriage equality.


Correa is an interesting populist leftist Latin American leader. He represses the press and all that, clearly wants to be leader for maybe life, but in some ways is a kinder gentler version of Chavez.

I like the strength of threatening to fire government workers who don't follow these new rules ... but wouldn't want to be on his wrong side!

In the case of Ecuador, actual legalized gay marriage is a very long way off.

Why can't Thailand do something like Ecuador RIGHT NOW?

I don't see a down side.

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