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Web based company setup


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I would like to start a small web business with a Thai national that would have access to the company’s bank account. My thai partner would respond and fullfill orders. We evaluate about 5 hours / week the amount of work required. We do not have plan to have thai employees appart eventually my partner. Renting a dedicated office would not be required.

My role would be a partner role as i m providing all the investment in the equipment and website to start business, for about 50 000 THB. I will be as well doing marketing, promoting the business, as i have finacial interest in it, but i would not be involved in day to day activities nor bank account management.

If the company make any profit, including investments, we would distribute along company shares proportion (49% / 51% i guess).

My questions :

- What (simple?) company type would be best suited ?

- What visa would i need to be able to be involved (as stated above) legally in this activity ? I m currently in Thailand on Ed Visa but I want to be legal, and my name will appear on company website. Should i get now or next year a more suitable “business” visa ?

- About how much would it cost to set this up ? (Company creation assistance + Accounting 1 Year + Visa?)

- About how long it takes to be legal (company + visa?), and start doing business ?

Thank you in advance for your time and answers.

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