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Should children living here have a yearly flu vaccine?

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Nothing against vaccination against such rare cases like here the "swine flu" which come every 10-20 years

You are referring to the flu that occurs every year in Thailand (and worldwide) and kills people every year in Thailand (and worldwide). That swine flu.

Please do not accept my word. Do a ThaiVisa search for it. The last thread I personally remember was in March, but that's personal memory. Look it up. Or Google for it in general - "flu deaths Thailand" or something of the sort. THEN you will know something about it and not write silly things that could actually wind up hurting people like the children of the OP - who came here in search of others who support his own opinion and has no interest in hearing the facts.

It's your right to get a vaccination. It is NOT your right to post wrong information unchallenged.


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In my opinion children are given far too many vaccines which cause untold damange to their natural immune systems.

I hope this helps:

Every year, physicians recommend that people get flu shots to bolster their immune system and prevent getting the flu. The ideology behind flu vaccines is that humans are unable to adapt to their environment and must depend on modern technology to survive the seasons. Flu vaccines have been shown to be highly ineffective and toxic for human and animal use.

Vaccines are one of medicine's prized attempt to improve human performance. They use artificial laboratory derived medical technology to produce an immune response within the body in hopes it will lead to a long-term positive anti-body response. The American Medical Association is especially vigilant about requiring those they deem as immune compromised to get the flu shot. This includes infants and children, pregnant women and seniors.

The vaccine ideology is based on the belief that people are created with inferior immune systems that are unable to keep up with the demands of the environment and need modern technology in the form of man-made vaccine formulations in order to bolster immunity.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, "The following substances are found in flu vaccines: aluminum, antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde, human aborted fetal apparatus (dead human tissue), monosodium glutamate (MSG), and thimerosol (mercury)."

Flu vaccines are directly linked to about a dozen cases of paralysis and brain damage each year. Many researchers believe these flu vaccine cocktails produce delayed reactions and long-term health consequences.

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world-leading immunogeneticist, has extensively studied the effects of the flu vaccine on neurological health. The results of his research indicate that an individual has a 10-time greater chance of getting Alzheimer's disease after receiving five flu shots in the course of their life compared to individuals who have had zero to one shot in their lifetime.

Dr. Fudenberg and other researchers believe the increased risk of Alzheimer's is a result of the combination of mercury and aluminum within the flu vaccine. Individuals with poor blood sugar signaling and weakened anti-oxidant defense systems will bio-accumulate these heavy metals in areas of their brain with repeated vaccine and other environmental exposure.

Scientists take an educated guess

Flu vaccines offer no guarantee of protection due to the wide variety of viral flu strains. There is no single virus that causes the flu and there is no single flu vaccine that protects against all strains. Scientists take an educated guess as to what three of over 300 different flu viruses they expect to have the greatest virulence in the upcoming year. The vaccine is then formulated from these three viruses.

When you get the flu vaccine, your body produces antibodies to three specific strains of the virus. So you basically have a three out of 300 chance (one percent) of being vaccinated for the proper viral strain. Additionally, the viruses are always adapting and may change form by the time you are exposed.

Even if you are fortunate enough to receive a vaccine for the proper strain of virus, it will be useless if your body hasn't produced a full response (which takes two weeks) or if there is too much time (over three months) between vaccine and viral exposure. The virus may have adapted over time to create a structure the body fails to recognize.

The vaccine will also be useless if your body doesn't produce enough of a response or too damaging a response due to high levels of viral exposure and poor immune coordination. The immune system could be acting blindly due to high sugar intake, low vitamin D3 levels, damaged gut lining and upper cervical subluxations among other things.

Sources for this article include:




Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037323_flu_vaccines_junk_science_toxicity.html#ixzz3C9HUqRrt

The British Scientist, Mr. Patrick Holford recommends "Echinacea and Elderberry" and of course Vitamin C, for Flu and Colds, this avoids the contentious issue of vaccines, that use the chemical form of Mercury and Alum to carry the vaccine into the blood stream and the brain, the rise of vaccines in USA, is in most parts, is mandatory, ie. Texas, where there is a strong link between Gov. Rick Perry's bank account and one of the Pharmaceutical companies.

The rise of Autism in children, in USA is linked to the vaccines, that is the tests done with Lab mice showed that both the chemical forms of mercury and Alum as used in vaccines, fried the neurons in the brain.

The demise of infectious diseases bottomed out in the early Fifties, thru good quality education starting in the 1920's from the Public Health Dept regarding household and personal hygiene, vaccines came later.

Mr. Holford is best known for discovering the cure for Dementia, a simple and cost effective 10p per day cure as quoted by the newspaper the"Manchester Guardian" the Pharmaceutical company Glaxo-kine also have cure but it costs a lot more.

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You also have risk of death if unlucky and pass on the flu to countless others putting there lives at risk. As said above it will likely the the parents of these children that are most at risk.

In the USA, where flu shots are given to most people, there were still below deaths - without shots it would have been much more. Not everybody is able to fight off such attacks - it makes sense to use what extra is available - and flu shots have been proven over many decades.

CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people.

Well in all my life I never heard a single case of someone (beside maybe some very old people) dieing of flu. While I heard hundreds of stories of people dying......cancer, accidents, strokes, shock, etc etc but not flu

Just because you have never heard of something does not mean it is not true......

no but it means it is extremely rare.

Lol..... Keep telling yourself that..... You are clearly not as informed as you think.......


Nothing against vaccination against such rare cases like here the "swine flu" which come every 10-20 years

You are referring to the flu that occurs every year in Thailand (and worldwide) and kills people every year in Thailand (and worldwide). That swine flu.

Please do not accept my word. Do a ThaiVisa search for it. The last thread I personally remember was in March, but that's personal memory. Look it up. Or Google for it in general - "flu deaths Thailand" or something of the sort. THEN you will know something about it and not write silly things that could actually wind up hurting people like the children of the OP - who came here in search of others who support his own opinion and has no interest in hearing the facts.

It's your right to get a vaccination. It is NOT your right to post wrong information unchallenged.


OK OK, it is always in the morning a hassle stepping over the many flu deaths on the sidewalk....but usually till afternoon when I leave they are removed.


I had a flu shot once. It worked very well, I got it and that was several years back. Every year my former employer sponsored the program but I refused after my initial injection. No flu since here or in Australia. My now 4yo son gets his and while I concur with the original post, my wife feels better if he gets his annually. Me .. my choice is no. Does my wife get one?? NO??

While I undesrtand the 'logic' of the injection, I think it has a place. For those who have low immunity mainly the elderly and given the living conditions I assume the elderly had to endure when in their prime leaves small doubt they could benefit from it.

My wife feels better he gets his needle, That will do me.

For the record after his last injection he was off school sick for 3 weeks and found it easy to contract the runny nose, cough and cold after being exposed to the school environment. He seems able to handle the exposure better now but I put that down to his body building up its immunity more than a flu injection.


I had a flu shot once. It worked very well, I got it and that was several years back. Every year my former employer sponsored the program but I refused after my initial injection. No flu since here or in Australia. My now 4yo son gets his and while I concur with the original post, my wife feels better if he gets his annually. Me .. my choice is no. Does my wife get one?? NO??

While I undesrtand the 'logic' of the injection, I think it has a place. For those who have low immunity mainly the elderly and given the living conditions I assume the elderly had to endure when in their prime leaves small doubt they could benefit from it.

My wife feels better he gets his needle, That will do me.

For the record after his last injection he was off school sick for 3 weeks and found it easy to contract the runny nose, cough and cold after being exposed to the school environment. He seems able to handle the exposure better now but I put that down to his body building up its immunity more than a flu injection.


Flue isn't the most important jab in Asia --Pattaya Pat-- its very important to make sure they have Hep B inoculation, & that includes both you & your wife....If you come from the UK & are under 60 odds are you don't have it.

Its about the water--something Thais do drink a lot of.


This is a wonderful post, it encapsulates just about every misconception surrounding flu vaccination.


Nothing against vaccination against such rare cases like here the "swine flu" which come every 10-20 years

You are referring to the flu that occurs every year in Thailand (and worldwide) and kills people every year in Thailand (and worldwide). That swine flu.

Please do not accept my word. Do a ThaiVisa search for it. The last thread I personally remember was in March, but that's personal memory. Look it up. Or Google for it in general - "flu deaths Thailand" or something of the sort. THEN you will know something about it and not write silly things that could actually wind up hurting people like the children of the OP - who came here in search of others who support his own opinion and has no interest in hearing the facts.

It's your right to get a vaccination. It is NOT your right to post wrong information unchallenged.


OK OK, it is always in the morning a hassle stepping over the many flu deaths on the sidewalk....but usually till afternoon when I leave they are removed.

So because you're not stepping over cadavers, it's not a problem? Tell me how many cancer and ebola victims did you see on the way to work today? Never mind the deaths, what about the fact that the flu can knock you on your ass for two or three weeks and costs millions in world wide productivity and treatment costs?

I never understood the point of flu vaccine for healthy young people. You get the flu, you fight it off, your immune system got some exercise....finish.

You forgot the part where you inadvertently pass the disease on to an infant, immunocompromised or elderly person who is too young or infirm to receive the vaccine themselves, and they end up dead thanks to your callous selfishness. The purpose of vaccination is two-fold: 1. you should get vaccinated to protect yourself. 2. You should get vaccinated to protect other people you come into contact with.

If you really don't care that you're spreading a potentially deadly virus around to infants and elderly people, then we should probably end the conversation here before I really start speaking my mind. Learn all about herd immunity in this short video.

The key takaway from that video - in case you can't muster the interest to watch it - is the following statistic: From 2004-2007 not one single infant (aged 12 months or less) died from varicella virus, even though none of them were vaccinated (the vaccine is not approved for children under 1 year). So how did it happen that no infants died during that time? Because so many older children and adults got themselves vaccinated, there were no carriers to pass the virus on to children.

Here's a browser-based simulation that allows you simulate infections in a partially-vaccinated community and see what happens when herd immunity drops below the magic number (about 88%). Hint: lots of people die.

CDC flu statistics through August 2014. Consider yourself educated.


You also have risk of death if unlucky and pass on the flu to countless others putting there lives at risk. As said above it will likely the the parents of these children that are most at risk.

In the USA, where flu shots are given to most people, there were still below deaths - without shots it would have been much more. Not everybody is able to fight off such attacks - it makes sense to use what extra is available - and flu shots have been proven over many decades.

CDC estimates that from the 1976-1977 season to the 2006-2007 flu season, flu-associated deaths ranged from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people.

Well in all my life I never heard a single case of someone (beside maybe some very old people) dieing of flu. While I heard hundreds of stories of people dying......cancer, accidents, strokes, shock, etc etc but not flu

To keep things in perspective, in USA

#1 killer= cardiovascular disease (heart attack/stroke)


#3=MD directed therapies.

Infectious disease is well downed on the list.

For many years as a health professional I received yearly flu vaccines.

Now my readings lead me to believe that may be a poor idea.

Edjimacate yourself.

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With respect to the Spanish Flu of 1918,that date should give you a hint why it was so deadly. People were generally in a bad shape in Europe that year.

I used to catch the flu twice a year for decades, like clockwork. 4 years ago I started washing my hands after using public transportation and after handshakes and haven't had a case of flu since.

With kids of course you can't rely on such discipline, and if in contact with other kids, they'll catch whatever hoes around.

Still I consider the family flu shot to be a luxury vaccination, I never even heard if it until I met Americans. Perhaps it's not so much a European thing, but the statistics seem to say "don't sweat it".


Typical....Jockey quotes Dr Fudenberg who was struck off in South Carolina for being guilty of engaging in "dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct" . Much better for the OP to go with the odds and have a child vaccinated. My little one is going next week and my wife tells me the service at the children's hospital at Rachathewee is free. The Thai public health service is excellent in many respects and is especially strong in paediatrics and people should be wary of pseudo doctors and those with vested interest who masquerade in many guises on this forum.


Do you really think Mercury is good for your or your baby? Read this report & think again it's one of hundreds we have on file, and if anyone wants the link to the Vaccine recipe encyclopedia, so you can see what's really inside every commercial you are most welcome. You will be blown away what's in them. And they try to make them compulsory? What a screwed up world run by big Pharma

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Just because you can get a free vaccination, these companies still get paid.

What exactly is the problem with this? Do you expect drug companies to give away their products free of charge?

Every drug has a side effect when taken regularly or sometimes only once, which generally requires another drug to combat the side effect and so on.

Care to list several examples?
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Just because you can get a free vaccination, these companies still get paid.

What exactly is the problem with this? Do you expect drug companies to give away their products free of charge?

Every drug has a side effect when taken regularly or sometimes only once, which generally requires another drug to combat the side effect and so on.

Care to list several examples?

It’s estimated that around 140,000 Australians are admitted to hospital every year because of problems associated with the use of medicines, including side effects. Source: Better Health Channel

(Do you believe that all these patients wouldn't be prescribed with any medication?)

When side effects of a drug or medication are severe, the dosage may be adjusted or a second medication may be prescribed. Source: drugs.com

Medications Used to Treat Side Effects of Chemotherapy Prescription

Bax solution: Available by prescription, this medication helps in controlling the possible fungal infections and pain from sores in the mouth and esophagus.

Benadryl/Nystatin/Viscous lidocaine solution: These three medicines given by prescription help to ease the pain and inflammation of sores in the mouth and esophagus. It also helps prevent fungal infections in these sores.

Diflucan: Diflucan is a prescription medication that treats fungal infections in various parts of the body, including the mouth and esophagus that can be administered by pill or IV.

Compazine: Used for the nausea and vomiting after the first 48 hours past the time of treatment. It can be administered by mouth or IV.

Decadron: This drug is a steroid that may help acute nausea and vomiting (either alone, or with Zoferan or Kytril). Additionally, it may increase appetite and improve a patient's sense of well-being.

Zoferan: Zoferan is for acute nausea and vomiting in the first two days after chemotherapy. It can be given by IV or by mouth.

Kytril: Also used for vomiting and nausea in the first 24-48 hours after chemotherapy treatment, and given by mouth or IV.

Lomotil: This drug is used to treat diarrhea by slowing down the movement in the colon. With the increased transit time, more water is absorbed, and diarrhea is stopped.

Marinol: This drug is a controlled substance, and is only when other medications do not work to stop nausea and vomiting. It increases the appetite in the same way marijuana does, but without giving a "high".

Megace: This medication can help increase appetite, and in doing so help a patient to gain weight. It might be given in a pill or a liquid form.

Reglan: This medication is used to decrease the time food spends in the stomach by sending it through faster, and can help with nausea and vomiting.

Non-Prescription (Over the Counter)

Immodium: Available at almost any drugstore, immodium stops diarrhea by slowing down the time food moves through the colon.

Milk of Magnesia: Available over the counter, MOM draws water into the large bowel which makes stool softer and easier to pass. MOM has a side effect of cramps.

Magnesium Citrate: This drug also increases water flow to the intestine, thereby softening stools. It can also cause cramps.

Senokot: Available over the counter, this medication relieves constipation by increasing the bulk of stool.

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As above.

But if your children are under the age of 12 they can get this through the public system for free, no need to pay for it.

That the government has decided to provide it free of charge to specific high risk (of which school children are one) should tell you something about its value/importance.

BTW it protects not only your kids but also helps protect the rest of the family. Bugs pass through schools like lightening and school children are often the portal through which a whole family gets infected. Of course, you might still pick up the flu fro elsewhere, but you are very likely to get it if your kids do.

If you are QUICK, and you are still covered by the Thai Health Care System (about to be ditched at the end of October) you MIGHT just get it for

30 Baht.

I saw a Doctor last week under the 30-Baht scheme, mine expires in October and I'll be back again in a few days to see if I can get vaccinated, even if I have to pay for it. My wife and our teenage daughter will also be getting the shots and we don't mind paying for them.


Just because you can get a free vaccination, these companies still get paid.

What exactly is the problem with this? Do you expect drug companies to give away their products free of charge?

If something is marketed for free it is usually taken up by more people whether they need it or not.


Typical....Jockey quotes Dr Fudenberg who was struck off in South Carolina for being guilty of engaging in "dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct" . Much better for the OP to go with the odds and have a child vaccinated. My little one is going next week and my wife tells me the service at the children's hospital at Rachathewee is free. The Thai public health service is excellent in many respects and is especially strong in paediatrics and people should be wary of pseudo doctors and those with vested interest who masquerade in many guises on this forum.

A very good example of "dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct" would be Bayer / Baxter (producers of the swine flu vaccine) when they deliberately infected thousands of hemophiliacs, many of them children, with an aids tainted vaccine.

Forced by the US government to take it off the market in the US, they were allowed by the same government to dump it on the markets of France, Spain and Japan. It was well reported in the NY Times and on MSNBC :

Any vaccine you are thinking of receiving, or giving to a child should be well researched, there are some posters on here acting very irresponsibly, telling the OP to go ahead as if they are some kind of authority on the subject rather than expressing their ill informed opinion. The OP is wise not to just go ahead without some research, this is his child, he's being a good, responsible father. Hopefully you will look to other sources of info, and make an 'informed' decision, vaccines are not nearly as safe as many here are telling you.

Would you buy a vaccine off a company that makes mistakes like this?:

'Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc. has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The "mistake" (if you can call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious question: How could this have happened?'

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/025760.html##ixzz3CBnRR4QP

Just be careful is all I'm saying.

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Seriously, your saying that keeping your family healthy and preventing them from getting really sick is something you don't want them to have. My GOD, your the one they need prevention from. Shame On You!!!!

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Seriously, your saying that keeping your family healthy and preventing them from getting really sick is something you don't want them to have. My GOD, your the one they need prevention from. Shame On You!!!!

What a ridiculous post!

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Just because you can get a free vaccination, these companies still get paid.

What exactly is the problem with this? Do you expect drug companies to give away their products free of charge?

If something is marketed for free it is usually taken up by more people whether they need it or not.

So your point seems to be that more people will get vaccinated if it's free? I'm still not seeing what the problem is. And who is this mysterious group of people who don't need to be vaccinated?


Seriously, your saying that keeping your family healthy and preventing them from getting really sick is something you don't want them to have.

What a ridiculous post!

Explain why.

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The problem for all of us is that the flu virus honestly does not care. It does not care if the host is Asian, Caucasian or African, it does not even care if the potential host is a towering intellect on TV, it is only looking for a place to live and multiply. It has been around for countless aeons and has learnt to adapt very successfully indeed. It changes faster than our immune system can recognise and kill the little bastards. That is why each year we need to have this seasons Fluvax which has been tailored to the 3 or 4 commonest strains around at the time.

As a general rule flu does not kill us, it just makes us very sick indeed, that is not because the flu virus is a caring and sharing little chap it is simply because it makes little evolutionary sense to kill the host because from the viruses point of view that would be a form of suicide. Mind you, sometimes things go badly awry and we get a pandemic like Spanish flu, (Wikipedia is your friend here), it is reported that 50 - 100 million people died, more than all who died in the Great War and possibly more even than the Black Death, unusually it tended to target young adults.

Flu virus, being bereft of any sense of honour or fair play, has also learnt to attack the more vulnerable in our society, children in particular because from an immune perspective they are still developing - can you think of other humans who also may have impaired immune response?

As I said the virus does not care about our opinions, thoughts or anything else, we are just a place for lunch and a cosy place to --- ahem --- replicate not to mention a terrific place from which to launch its DNA.

One thing we can do is is get a flu vaccination each year, if enough of us do it we get herd immunity. Few people have actually had flu or seen it, believe me a severe case, particularly in a child is a frightening thing to see. It is very much more than a cold which people tend to call flu.

I have Fluvax every year, I care about myself and others around me.


As above.

But if your children are under the age of 12 they can get this through the public system for free, no need to pay for it.

That the government has decided to provide it free of charge to specific high risk (of which school children are one) should tell you something about its value/importance.

BTW it protects not only your kids but also helps protect the rest of the family. Bugs pass through schools like lightening and school children are often the portal through which a whole family gets infected. Of course, you might still pick up the flu fro elsewhere, but you are very likely to get it if your kids do.

My kids get theirs free too.

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