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Is Thai bar girl different to most?


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Being 24 and "not desperate" as you said on page 1, would you pursue a relationship in the UK with these identical circumstances?

And why does every poster who picks up a bar girl begin their posts with "I dont struggle with ladies back home"

and yet they come to a third world country, and pick up a hooker (no skills/effort/hansumness required) and wonder why people dont believe a word they say

Hookers are picked up by everyman. Do you really think Tiger Woods or Hugh Grant or Dominique Strauss-Kahn have a problem with women?

Yann Samuelides, 35, a managing director of Goldman Sachs, became so infatuated with the Slovakian escort girl that he wanted to make her his wife. And being a money man, he calculated that 28-year-old Alzbeta Holmokova was worth £500,000. Denis Morley, a 67-year-old retired businessman, told the court the banker had showered his young wife with gifts after becoming her client.

Men are men. Thailand does not have a monopoly on stupid.

Very true, no arguments from me on that one

But I can bet my right foot that noneof them would be saying "I have no problem with women back home"every second line

As I said thailand attracts a certain type of people like I've mentioned previously

I hang out with working expats when I hang out with Farang and they never say that. My got who do you hang with to hear that stuff? Sounds to me like something one would read on the INTERNET posers section rather than a conversation with real people.

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Hey OP:

I just want to go back to something you said quite a while ago. You said your girlfriend has told you on several occasions things like: "I'm not a good girl. I want you to find a good girl. I'm not right for you." That sort of struck a chord with me, because I've heard these phrases before from Thai women I've been involved with in the past.

I would seriously ask myself what she is trying to tell you by saying things like this. My experience has been that when a Thai woman says stuff like this, what she's really saying is: "I want out of the relationship."

I'm not saying this woman doesn't like you. My sense is that she probably does, for all I know, maybe a lot. You say you are a good looking guy, it sounds like there's reasonable chemistry between the two of you, and you're from the same generation. I'm sure these are all plusses in her eyes. So that begs the question: why would she harbour ambivalence about the relationship?

Trying to see things from her perspective, I can think of a few reasons. First off, you're not here, and she knows you could drop off the face of the planet at any time.

You've expressed little interest in providing for her and her child. From her perspective, you're one of these guys who wants to be a penpal or Skype-mate for months (maybe years) on end, and doesn't see any reason to make a commitment. SOP for most bar girls would be to jettison guys like that asap. Without a doubt, she is being bombarded left and right with stories from all the other girls in the bar bragging about how much money they are raking in from their clientele. Even if she doesn't already have other foreigners who are sending her money, the temptation to try and hook a new prospect must be enormous. Why would she invest any time in what would at best be a long shot?

Finally, she may have commitments back home, including the father of her child. By the way, I don't understand how he got your phone number to send you pictures. If he sent you pictures of him and his wife (your girlfriend) it definitely sounds like he is laying claim to her on some level. I'd be careful about this.

Just a couple last comments. I've seen a couple of young guys in their 20s come over here, quickly get involved with a Thai woman, and have one or more children with them. They seem to have given no thought whatsoever to their long-term future beforehand. When the reality of their life started to sink in it became grim. One guy became a raging alcholic. He ran around making up stories about how he had tons of money, disappearing for days on end, worrying his family to death. Another guy, who helped his wife sell grilled sausages in the market, ended up having a serious motorbike accident and getting shipped back home for medical rehab.

Thailand itself - - not just its women - - has a way of seducing you, lulling you into a false sense of complacency, encouraging the illusion that the laws of nature don't apply to you, and entrancing you into believing that you've somehow - -miraculously - - been handed a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card which exempts you from all that is the human condition. Coming to the realization that this isn't true, can be tough. I'm just saying, look before you leap into the fire.

The situation with her ex boyfriend doesn't worry me one bit. He didn't get hold of my number, he found me on Facebook and sent me it. I went on his Facebook and he isn't even friends with my gf and but it said he was in a relationship with another girl who at the time was friends with my gf so he must of found me through her. I'm pretty certain she doesn't have a thai boyfriend, but I know it is pretty common in these situations. How could she come away with me for 2 weeks at a time? They'd be no point if he was letting her do it for the money as I haven't given her any. I didn't want money to be involved right now because I didn't want it to be a business deal I want to see if she actually likes me not money. If we ever live together than I will be more than happy to provide for her.

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Hey OP:

I just want to go back to something you said quite a while ago. You said your girlfriend has told you on several occasions things like: "I'm not a good girl. I want you to find a good girl. I'm not right for you." That sort of struck a chord with me, because I've heard these phrases before from Thai women I've been involved with in the past.

I would seriously ask myself what she is trying to tell you by saying things like this. My experience has been that when a Thai woman says stuff like this, what she's really saying is: "I want out of the relationship."

I'm not saying this woman doesn't like you. My sense is that she probably does, for all I know, maybe a lot. You say you are a good looking guy, it sounds like there's reasonable chemistry between the two of you, and you're from the same generation. I'm sure these are all plusses in her eyes. So that begs the question: why would she harbour ambivalence about the relationship?

Trying to see things from her perspective, I can think of a few reasons. First off, you're not here, and she knows you could drop off the face of the planet at any time.

You've expressed little interest in providing for her and her child. From her perspective, you're one of these guys who wants to be a penpal or Skype-mate for months (maybe years) on end, and doesn't see any reason to make a commitment. SOP for most bar girls would be to jettison guys like that asap. Without a doubt, she is being bombarded left and right with stories from all the other girls in the bar bragging about how much money they are raking in from their clientele. Even if she doesn't already have other foreigners who are sending her money, the temptation to try and hook a new prospect must be enormous. Why would she invest any time in what would at best be a long shot?

Finally, she may have commitments back home, including the father of her child. By the way, I don't understand how he got your phone number to send you pictures. If he sent you pictures of him and his wife (your girlfriend) it definitely sounds like he is laying claim to her on some level. I'd be careful about this.

Just a couple last comments. I've seen a couple of young guys in their 20s come over here, quickly get involved with a Thai woman, and have one or more children with them. They seem to have given no thought whatsoever to their long-term future beforehand. When the reality of their life started to sink in it became grim. One guy became a raging alcholic. He ran around making up stories about how he had tons of money, disappearing for days on end, worrying his family to death. Another guy, who helped his wife sell grilled sausages in the market, ended up having a serious motorbike accident and getting shipped back home for medical rehab.

Thailand itself - - not just its women - - has a way of seducing you, lulling you into a false sense of complacency, encouraging the illusion that the laws of nature don't apply to you, and entrancing you into believing that you've somehow - -miraculously - - been handed a 'get-out-of-jail-free' card which exempts you from all that is the human condition. Coming to the realization that this isn't true, can be tough. I'm just saying, look before you leap into the fire.

The situation with her ex boyfriend doesn't worry me one bit. He didn't get hold of my number, he found me on Facebook and sent me it. I went on his Facebook and he isn't even friends with my gf and but it said he was in a relationship with another girl who at the time was friends with my gf so he must of found me through her. I'm pretty certain she doesn't have a thai boyfriend, but I know it is pretty common in these situations. How could she come away with me for 2 weeks at a time? They'd be no point if he was letting her do it for the money as I haven't given her any. I didn't want money to be involved right now because I didn't want it to be a business deal I want to see if she actually likes me not money. If we ever live together than I will be more than happy to provide for her.

strike while the iron is hot. if another guy who will support her right away comes along, youre odd man out.

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Being 24 and "not desperate" as you said on page 1, would you pursue a relationship in the UK with these identical circumstances?

And why does every poster who picks up a bar girl begin their posts with "I dont struggle with ladies back home"

and yet they come to a third world country, and pick up a hooker (no skills/effort/hansumness required) and wonder why people dont believe a word they say

I came out of a 5 year relationship and won a few thousand on a football bet. My mate said he was heading out to Thailand so I thought screw it never been that part of the world before. I'd been struggling for months after the break up from her and was off work a while with depression (various other reasons lead to this not just the break up). I wanted to go to Thailand and just have a big blow out, with plenty of bars and female company. I spent £5,000 in 3 weeks in Bangkok! One of my mates we met out there showed us all the ropes and took us to this bar. It was about 1am and I was drunk and he just goes which one do you like? I pointed to one and he waved her down and I really enjoyed her company. I couldn't believe how nice thais were and I possibly made a mistake in going back to see the same one and I kept doing it over again and ended up getting attached. It wasn't meant to happen. Yes I could end up getting a girl here, but I just like how laid back, caring and loving thais are. British girls like to think they're in control and try and make you what they want you to be. It seems thais girls just want you to be happy, and that they're happy when you're happy. Maybe I've just been hit hard by my last break up and lost my way and gone a bit nuts, I don't know. sad.png

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OP, seriously, just say which bar she works in and how she looks, or show a picture of her, and I will check her out for you.

You can PM me. I'm serious about this.

I can understand OP is enchanted by this girl. It is what sets a Thai bar girl apart from any western prostitute: Thai girls are fun.

With western working girls it is more like entering into a business agreement.

On top of that, this girl is a 20 year old Thai girl. Nothing more needs to be said really.

OP, at the end of the day, your girl is still a working girl. She has a quota to reach, money to make, family to support,

kid to provide for (by the way, have you already about taking up the responsibility of raising a kid that is not yours?).

Sure she is nice, sure she is lovely, sure she has feelings, she is a 20 year old person, so yes a lot of what you see and what she says is

real, of course.

She might not want to go with men, she might feel bad about it for you, so she tells you she isn't doing that anymore,

but I would bet the amount of a bar fine that she is still going with men.

If you are of Asian persuasion as I am, then Thai girls are just darn pretty, cute, lovely, beautiful.

In fact, there is not much else of attraction in Thailand really.

But Thai girls, Thais in general, are masters at pretending. This is not Thai bashing. Anyone who has spent

long enough time in Thailand (I, 7 years counting), interacting with Thais, knows this.

It's part of Thai culture to pretend, so they are good at it.

Some say Thais are not so bright, but you can bet that this girl is looking out for herself and looking at options

for her future, and part of that is keeping options open and not betting on one horse.

Now that might sound void of emotion, but understand that she is from a poor rural background, has family to take care of,

a kid to take care of, there is no welfare to speak of in Thailand, so her mind has to be focused on getting the best out of it.

If you want to develop a serious relationship with this girl, then of course you don't want her to work in that bar any longer, which means

she will have to quit and you will have to substitute the income she had.

This is not necessarily a Thai bar girl leeching off a farang.

A Thai guy would have to do that too. Difference is, not many Thai guys would take

a bar girl to be their girlfriend.

Also, you never really know what a person is doing unless you live with that person 24/7.

So the question is, do you want to make this girlfriend your actually girlfriend and take care of her and her kid,

and probably her grandmother, financially, while you see her 3x3 weeks in a year?

She is just 20 now and from what you have written about her, she hasn't turned into one of those hardened

bar b1tches yet, so don't wait too long to make your own decision.

The offer I started this post with still stands by the way. smile.png

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If she had only worked in the bar a week, and you took her out of there immediately, then your chances are good. But 3 months in the bar is a sure way for her to transform from shy, demure and no alcohol, to tattoos, belly-button ring and a dirty laugh when she's pissed. The other girls will put peer pressure on her to be like them, while fat-walleted customers will up the price until she says ok. Her own naivete about foreigners and younger men, will soon change when she realizes you won't or can't afford to whisk her away. She doesn't yet know you are a poor prospect. Old farts are much better because they only need sex once a week and not 3 times a day, will die within a few years, fall in love easily (after painful divorces and the lack of available women back home) (usually over 40) and have pensions and assets that can be skillfully transferred.

I fear it is already too late for you but as you are in the middle of a fantasy, enjoy it while it lasts.

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If she had only worked in the bar a week, and you took her out of there immediately, then your chances are good. But 3 months in the bar is a sure way for her to transform from shy, demure and no alcohol, to tattoos, belly-button ring and a dirty laugh when she's pissed. The other girls will put peer pressure on her to be like them, while fat-walleted customers will up the price until she says ok. Her own naivete about foreigners and younger men, will soon change when she realizes you won't or can't afford to whisk her away. She doesn't yet know you are a poor prospect. Old farts are much better because they only need sex once a week and not 3 times a day, will die within a few years, fall in love easily (after painful divorces and the lack of available women back home) (usually over 40) and have pensions and assets that can be skillfully transferred.

I fear it is already too late for you but as you are in the middle of a fantasy, enjoy it while it lasts.

She already had a tattoo. In fact she has my name tattooed on herself ha ha.

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If she had only worked in the bar a week, and you took her out of there immediately, then your chances are good. But 3 months in the bar is a sure way for her to transform from shy, demure and no alcohol, to tattoos, belly-button ring and a dirty laugh when she's pissed. The other girls will put peer pressure on her to be like them, while fat-walleted customers will up the price until she says ok. Her own naivete about foreigners and younger men, will soon change when she realizes you won't or can't afford to whisk her away. She doesn't yet know you are a poor prospect. Old farts are much better because they only need sex once a week and not 3 times a day, will die within a few years, fall in love easily (after painful divorces and the lack of available women back home) (usually over 40) and have pensions and assets that can be skillfully transferred.

I fear it is already too late for you but as you are in the middle of a fantasy, enjoy it while it lasts.

She already had a tattoo. In fact she has my name tattooed on herself ha ha.

I hope she didn't give you a special nickname just for you as "teerak" and have that tattooed on her chest to show her commitment

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OP, seriously, just say which bar she works in and how she looks, or show a picture of her, and I will check her out for you.

You can PM me. I'm serious about this.

I can understand OP is enchanted by this girl. It is what sets a Thai bar girl apart from any western prostitute: Thai girls are fun.

With western working girls it is more like entering into a business agreement.

On top of that, this girl is a 20 year old Thai girl. Nothing more needs to be said really.

OP, at the end of the day, your girl is still a working girl. She has a quota to reach, money to make, family to support,

kid to provide for (by the way, have you already about taking up the responsibility of raising a kid that is not yours?).

Sure she is nice, sure she is lovely, sure she has feelings, she is a 20 year old person, so yes a lot of what you see and what she says is

real, of course.

She might not want to go with men, she might feel bad about it for you, so she tells you she isn't doing that anymore,

but I would bet the amount of a bar fine that she is still going with men.

If you are of Asian persuasion as I am, then Thai girls are just darn pretty, cute, lovely, beautiful.

In fact, there is not much else of attraction in Thailand really.

But Thai girls, Thais in general, are masters at pretending. This is not Thai bashing. Anyone who has spent

long enough time in Thailand (I, 7 years counting), interacting with Thais, knows this.

It's part of Thai culture to pretend, so they are good at it.

Some say Thais are not so bright, but you can bet that this girl is looking out for herself and looking at options

for her future, and part of that is keeping options open and not betting on one horse.

Now that might sound void of emotion, but understand that she is from a poor rural background, has family to take care of,

a kid to take care of, there is no welfare to speak of in Thailand, so her mind has to be focused on getting the best out of it.

If you want to develop a serious relationship with this girl, then of course you don't want her to work in that bar any longer, which means

she will have to quit and you will have to substitute the income she had.

This is not necessarily a Thai bar girl leeching off a farang.

A Thai guy would have to do that too. Difference is, not many Thai guys would take

a bar girl to be their girlfriend.

Also, you never really know what a person is doing unless you live with that person 24/7.

So the question is, do you want to make this girlfriend your actually girlfriend and take care of her and her kid,

and probably her grandmother, financially, while you see her 3x3 weeks in a year?

She is just 20 now and from what you have written about her, she hasn't turned into one of those hardened

bar b1tches yet, so don't wait too long to make your own decision.

The offer I started this post with still stands by the way. smile.png

Thanks for the offer but I already have a friend out there who could do it but I have chosen to just let her get on with it. She has said to me you have friend in Bangkok why don't you get him to come in the bar and then you will know I no bar fine.

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I'm sure more than a few of us would be willing to check her out for you.

Name, place of employment, description ( or even better a photo) and about 20,000 baht is all it takes.

We could tell you if she is really only doing shows and not bar fining any more as she claims.

It sounds like you may have found a very good one.

But, some are extremely crafty and deceptive.

Wouldn't it be worth about 20,000 to find out discreetly?

If she is a bad one 20,000 is a bargain to find out early!

Sad but true. And if you are really confused, this is the way to find out.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Regardless of the whether you are a troll or not, please keep posting.

This story gets better and better...are you sure you are not writing a book?

"Scoteng's life was going nowhere fast - He had just lost the love of his life, he hated his job and his Mum threatened to throw him out of the basement. Life sucked.

So, as a last hurrah he bets on a football game and wins big and decides to join his mates on a weeks holiday to Thailand. He didn't know it as he boarded that plane, but life was about to change forever.

And then it happened. He walked into a Go Go Bar and there, on stage, shuffling to a remix of "Hits of 98" he saw her - the dark skinned, purple nippled, flat footed princess that would change his life forever. He spent the night with her, and then the next and then the next. Despite spending 5,000 pounds in 3 weeks, she paid her barfine and flight to Samui and even got Scoteng's name tattooed in Thai on her, or at least thats what she told him. He knew his life would never be the same. She was the one.

She told him about her child with a Thai man at 15, her drug dealing ex boyfriend and his girlfriend in jail and many other wondrous stories. He was intrigued. Where had this girl been all my life? She was perfect.

Eventually, he had to return to his dreary life as a Croupier in the UK, and leave his beloved to struggle with the generosity of drinks from strangers. She still danced, and drunk men leered, but through the smoke and lasers no one saw the tears trickle down her cheeks and splatter on the mirrored floor of the bar.

An intriguing story of love that is sure to warm you heart...or make you laugh your ass off"

Coming soon.

If we've been trolled then its a dang good job! Hahah then hat's off to the op for it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Regardless of the whether you are a troll or not, please keep posting.

This story gets better and better...are you sure you are not writing a book?

"Scoteng's life was going nowhere fast - He had just lost the love of his life, he hated his job and his Mum threatened to throw him out of the basement. Life sucked.

So, as a last hurrah he bets on a football game and wins big and decides to join his mates on a weeks holiday to Thailand. He didn't know it as he boarded that plane, but life was about to change forever.

And then it happened. He walked into a Go Go Bar and there, on stage, shuffling to a remix of "Hits of 98" he saw her - the dark skinned, purple nippled, flat footed princess that would change his life forever. He spent the night with her, and then the next and then the next. Despite spending 5,000 pounds in 3 weeks, she paid her barfine and flight to Samui and even got Scoteng's name tattooed in Thai on her, or at least thats what she told him. He knew his life would never be the same. She was the one.

She told him about her child with a Thai man at 15, her drug dealing ex boyfriend and his girlfriend in jail and many other wondrous stories. He was intrigued. Where had this girl been all my life? She was perfect.

Eventually, he had to return to his dreary life as a Croupier in the UK, and leave his beloved to struggle with the generosity of drinks from strangers. She still danced, and drunk men leered, but through the smoke and lasers no one saw the tears trickle down her cheeks and splatter on the mirrored floor of the bar.

An intriguing story of love that is sure to warm you heart...or make you laugh your ass off"

Coming soon.

My name is tattoed in English not Thai. :) By the way I actually don't mind my life in the Uk working as a croupier, it's my kind of job. Unfortunately can't seem to let go of this.

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No longer sense that the OP is genuinely interested in Thai Visa member's opinions. His most recent posts seem to be have been written for the primary purpose of trying to see how long he can keep this thread alive.

Really don't care about keeping the thread alive. Why would I? Hadn't skyped her for 3 weeks due to no internet,and think my mind ran away with me, but now I have internet and have skyped her and talked to her in great detail, and remembered of course this girl is nice and different to others. I don't need people telling me different, who haven't spent any time with her. Everyone just goes off on the oh she is a bar girl, she's a whore after your money and continuing to sleep with guys and mugging you off. Just because a lot of you on here have had bad experiences doesn't mean everyone else does. Bar girls are still human and there has to be some of them who have a heart and are decent honest people. I believe I have found the decent one. So many times I have said why do you want me I don't send money to you and take care of you and she always says I don't care about money, I care you. I have told her about my situation and she knows I am not well off and that I won't be sending her money, but she still insists that it's ok she just wants us to be happy.

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OP, I would suggest you to do the following. Call her and tell her you are going to play some lottery and you had a dream of a lottery number and you are going to buy that number this week. Next Monday you tell her you won 20,000 pounds and you want to marry her asap to take her out of the bar.

She now knows you don't have currently any money but once she knows you sit on 20,000 pounds which is one million Baht she may speed up things and you get a clearer picture of her. Ask her you want to marry her and that you read on the internet that you must pay a dowry and some gold. I bet with you that she will ask for Sinsod and a couple of Baht gold and a big party in the village.

In regards of bringing her to the UK your chances are very slim.

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So you spent £5000 in three weeks in Bangkok but let your teelak pay for flights to Samui. The holes in the story are getting bigger.

People don't read things properly do they? I said I won a few thousand, so I had unexpected money to go out and blow to go and have a good time and get over my previous relationship. I return home and my situation money wise is back to normal. There is a 3 month gap of my return to Thailand so I am hardly going to be loaded for my next trip. I wanted to leave it a little longer but holidays at work were fully booked in august and weather in September is hardly great in Thailand. I would've paid for the flights anyway but she was very insistent. What is actually wrong with her paying for something anyway? Considering she actually probably doesn't earn far off what I get and I'm spending £2,500 total for the trip and her practically nothing? Is it not normal for a british woman to pay money towards things? So any holes you think are getting bigger in this story, well I have just filled them back in. Anything else I'm saying to make any holes bigger for me to fill in? So anyone else saying I'm a troll or making this story up well 555 you are wrong because this is 100% reality and I'm not sad enough like some clowns are to make stories up for giggles. I maybe sad or stupid enough to start a relationship with a bar girl on the other hand. I work nights as a croupier remember so I'm hardly wanting to use any spare time wasted making stories on this website, but of course I might have made up being a croupier 5555 whatever. clap2.gif

Sorry but I'm just getting annoyed with people thinking this real situation is made up and I'm a troll. If you think that don't comment. thumbsup.gif

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It's probably because of this from your OP:

"But now I think I sound like a lot of people do when they say my bar girlfriend is different to the rest! Have I really hit the long shot of finding a decent one? I really hope so. What are peoples thoughts on this I would be interested to know?"

You've said your piece and people have responded with the predictable range of responses for ThaiVisa. That's about it I reckon.

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OP, seriously, just say which bar she works in and how she looks, or show a picture of her, and I will check her out for you.

You can PM me. I'm serious about this.


The offer I started this post with still stands by the way. smile.png

Thanks for the offer but I already have a friend out there who could do it but I have chosen to just let her get on with it. She has said to me you have friend in Bangkok why don't you get him to come in the bar and then you will know I no bar fine.

And? I see that that gamble of hers is working on you.

Ah well, I guess if you are alright with her sitting on other guys' laps and getting groped (since that is what is still happening while she works in a bar,

because.....that's what happens in such bars) and more as the hours grow late, then getting barfined is ok too, since that is just the next step. smile.png

You can see that this girl, or this situation, is already occupying your mind a lot, and not much in a pleasant way. Consider that.

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Call me a liar, but I've never been with a ho. Just don't know what the appeal is since I pass by ramkhamheang uni every day and see plenty of gorgeous girls who I would be chatting up if I wasn't in a relationship. Paying for sex in thailand is lunacy and getting involved with a prostitute is beyond stupid. When I was 38 I was able to get a well off Thai gal in Canada 15 years younger and hot. When we travelled to bangkok to see her family she told me she wants to take me to soi cowboy because she was scared i'd go by myself. Then her hiso friends. whispered they were courious about those bars and wanted to go. So I went with 6 really nicely dressed girls into a strip joint. It was a fun night. When would I be able to experience something like this with a bar girl? I'm anti social and average looking and I never stooped so low like the op :)

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Call me a liar, but I've never been with a ho. Just don't know what the appeal is since I pass by ramkhamheang uni every day and see plenty of gorgeous girls who I would be chatting up if I wasn't in a relationship. Paying for sex in thailand is lunacy and getting involved with a prostitute is beyond stupid. When I was 38 I was able to get a well off Thai gal in Canada 15 years younger and hot. When we travelled to bangkok to see her family she told me she wants to take me to soi cowboy because she was scared i'd go by myself. Then her hiso friends. whispered they were courious about those bars and wanted to go. So I went with 6 really nicely dressed girls into a strip joint. It was a fun night. When would I be able to experience something like this with a bar girl? I'm anti social and average looking and I never stooped so low like the op smile.png

I've been out with 6 nicely dressed bar girls all the time. We've been to strip joints or dance clubs. Why wouldn't you be able to do this with bar girls?

BTW who are you to say the OP is stooping low? Are you God?

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Call me a liar, but I've never been with a ho. Just don't know what the appeal is since I pass by ramkhamheang uni every day and see plenty of gorgeous girls who I would be chatting up if I wasn't in a relationship. Paying for sex in thailand is lunacy and getting involved with a prostitute is beyond stupid. When I was 38 I was able to get a well off Thai gal in Canada 15 years younger and hot. When we travelled to bangkok to see her family she told me she wants to take me to soi cowboy because she was scared i'd go by myself. Then her hiso friends. whispered they were courious about those bars and wanted to go. So I went with 6 really nicely dressed girls into a strip joint. It was a fun night. When would I be able to experience something like this with a bar girl? I'm anti social and average looking and I never stooped so low like the op smile.png

I've been out with 6 nicely dressed bar girls all the time. We've been to strip joints or dance clubs. Why wouldn't you be able to do this with bar girls?

BTW who are you to say the OP is stooping low? Are you God?

I am sorry you found my post offensive :) All I was trying to say is that I don't find sex with a prostitute exciting and I am sure neither does a prostitute who sleeps with a different "client" every night. Don't see the appeal and never will. Men and women like to be aroused by experiencing new things. Do you really think your bargirl enjoys spending the night with you.....as she has done it 554467 times before? Sorry... you are just a gig and if I wanted to watch someone work I'd have gotten an office job long time ago.

Like I said. Total turn off for me.... but whatever rocks ur boat.

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