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Anybody here photograph any of the cosplay events in Bangkok ?

I've seen a couple of farang photographers who seem to be at most of the events I've been to.

here are 3 from the "Japan Festa" at CentralWorld last weekend :


Hello Sailor !


Flowers for me ? Oh shucks....


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Interesting topic MikeN...for some folks I guess. However for myself I witnessed

this type of stuff in Harajuku, a district of Tokyo back in the mid to late 70's.

Found it a bit strange...still do...mind you the school girl outfits are kinda neat

and that's where the sailor suit stuff originated! But to photograph it...give me

the streets at lunchtime any day instead. All that said...I do fancy the top pic!


Yes, some of it is certainly a bit strange ! I don't know what any of it is about, but when you have pretty girls willing to pose for complete strangers I don't complain. The sexy schoolgirl/sailor/whatever outfits are a bonus !

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No offence MikeN, but I'd feel like a nonce. My daughters certainly wouldn't be going anywhere dressed like that.

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Well there were lots of nonces there then ....


No offence, but I'd suggest it is you with a problem if you tell your 20+ daughter what she can or cannot wear, because that's how old these girls are, they are not under age !


I do apologise MikeN. It was not my intention to infer you were in anyway some sort of subversive. My diabetes is roaring at the mo and this causes what's left of my brain to emit wild and self righteous wording.

That said I personally feel uncomfortable with this Cosplay stuff. It seems like the sexualization of young people.


No difference to fancy dress balls of older days.

or Murder Mystery trains with everyone dressing in strange old costumes.

I am getting a bit old for it but if younger I could maybe have dresssed up as Superman....or more likely the wimp on the sand getting sand thrown into his face.....

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Cosplay is strange...no doubt about it...however...fancy dress balls/parties were usually held at certain indoor

venues whereas cosplay...Japanese style...is held in public view in trendy locations. Such a location was and

still is; Harajuku, a district in Tokyo...on any weekend. Back when I was there (read my 1st reply on his thread) the

Cosplayers were mostly imitating 50's & early 60's Bobby Socks & greaser styles from the US plus the Hippie

influenced trend of the day. Then there were the Aliens....I'm not referring to foreigners in Japan I'm in ref

to other worldly creatures of all shapes & sizes. The Japanese kids back then were into this stuff 100% just as

they are into it now. On any gven Saturday or Sunday...especially on a Sunday...the Cosplayers were out in

droves and what a show it was! This was just starting back then...and you must try to imagine the ultra

conservative Japanese society trying to deal with kids dressed as Sailor Suit girls, Aliens, Hello Kitty,

giant Tomatoes (seriously), and all other forms of costumes your imagination, and theirs, could ever dream

up. It was on the streets! It was neat! It was crazy! It was live! it was alive!...All in a Japanese kinda way.

Hell... I even saw a Japanese James Dean sitting on a Harley once in Harajuku back then....blew my mind!


I do apologise MikeN. It was not my intention to infer you were in anyway some sort of subversive. My diabetes is roaring at the mo and this causes what's left of my brain to emit wild and self righteous wording.

That said I personally feel uncomfortable with this Cosplay stuff. It seems like the sexualization of young people.

No offence taken !

I can understand some people being uncomfortable about some of the cosplay costumes, some of the shoppers walking past were giving the "schoolgirls" rather strange and disapproving looks (heaven knows what they would think about something like this at the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras ! )

but it is not all girls in short skirts, there are plenty of superheroes ready to save the world, or girls in very nice and probably expensive gowns such as in the first photo above.

To say nothing of a big thai guy with severe acne dressed in a fluffy blue bunny outfit !!

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I do apologise MikeN. It was not my intention to infer you were in anyway some sort of subversive. My diabetes is roaring at the mo and this causes what's left of my brain to emit wild and self righteous wording.

That said I personally feel uncomfortable with this Cosplay stuff. It seems like the sexualization of young people.

No offence taken !

I can understand some people being uncomfortable about some of the cosplay costumes, some of the shoppers walking past were giving the "schoolgirls" rather strange and disapproving looks (heaven knows what they would think about something like this at the Sydney Gay Mardi Gras ! )

but it is not all girls in short skirts, there are plenty of superheroes ready to save the world, or girls in very nice and probably expensive gowns such as in the first photo above.

To say nothing of a big thai guy with severe acne dressed in a fluffy blue bunny outfit !!

I've had a look on Flickr, there's entire groups dedicated to this and you're right it's not actually what I originally thought. It is youngsters and even the not so young any more dressing up as cartoon characters and many of them seem to put a lot of time and effort in.

Many apologies again Mike.

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