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With free visas, Thailand tells Chinese tourists 'please come back soon'


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With free visas, Thailand tells Chinese tourists 'please come back soon'
By Orathai Sriring and Pairat Temphairojana

BANGKOK (Reuters) - To make vacationing in a country still under martial law a little more attractive, Thailand’s military junta is offering tourists from China free visas.

Chinese are the biggest visitors to Thailand, accounting for 18 percent of total arrivals in July, but they also proved among the most nervous, with numbers slumping more than other nationalities after May's military coup.

Tourism accounts for about 10 percent of the Thai economy, and the imposition of martial law in May after the coup hit the industry hard. Winning back the Chinese visitors is imperative - spending by mainland tourists jumped 80 percent to $6 billion in 2013 from 2012.

The slump in tourist numbers after the coup was much more pronounced among visitors from East Asia than from Europe.

Chen Wei, the manager of an outbound travel department for Asia at Shanghai Huating Overseas Tourist Co, said his firm had only one group of 20 tourists a week traveling to Thailand this month, compared with two to three groups a week of more than 30 tourists each last year.The number of visitors from China fell 41 percent in June - the first full month under military rule - from Hong Kong 46 percent, Japan 25 percent, and Korea 29 percent, while arrivals from Europe fell by three percent.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand said its new tourism promotion measures included a 30-day extension of stay for visitors from 48 countries and one territory, in addition to the free visa for Chinese guests, although tourists from many other countries don't need holiday visas.

Full story: https://news.yahoo.com/free-visas-thailand-tells-chinese-tourists-please-come-071239803--business.html

-- YAHOO! News 2014-09-05

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Yet when the Chinese GF went to get a visa, the visa agency said they couldn't get her one because she has too many 10-12 day trips to Thailand in her passport- about 3 a year since I've been here- 3-1/2 years.....

They claim a lot of tourist visas with her history are being denied at the Beijing Consulate. For her next trip, I told her to go to the consulate in person.

Still, she fits the textbook definition of tourist- comes in, stays 10-12 days, then goes home for 3-4 months- fresh tourist visa each time and never comes close to overstay.

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Can the thai immigration authorities please start doing random passport checks in areas like Huay Kwang, Ratchada, Thonglor, Chinatown etc as there are lots of Chinese overstayers who are living and working in Thailand and even Singaporean Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Fillipinos, Koreans and even Japanese overstayers these days I have been told. Some blend in by speaking thai and acting thai. In areas like Huay Kwang and Ratchada like the Ideo Huaykwang Condo for instant, I have seen chinese renting 31 sqm condos with 4 to 6 people staying in them. The agents like Bangkok Residence and the condo management do not comply with Thai laws which make it mandatory to report to immigartion and the local police any foreigners who are staying in the building. I have seen many young Chinese operating businesses here in Thailand even at the Jatujak Market (I did not know that there were work permits that allow foreigners to sell at the weekend market or even to work in certain salad bars at Paragon (one run by the family of a so called patriotic Indian family employs only fillipinos serving staff...again did not know that workpermits were allowed for such professions).The thai immigration should start doing random checks in all condo buildings in Bangkok not only the low class condos but aklso the middle and upper end ones.

Please its not fair for farangs who abide by thai and immigrations laws and pay local taxes duly to see other foreigners doing things illegally and the authorities not catching them.

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As I own a bus window cleaning company I am very pleased to hear this. All these unfortunate people see of Thailand is the bus window. They get driven from hotel to spending place, told where to eat, drink and toilet stop and eventually returned to their place of residence with instructions as to where to be at 07.30 the next day to press their noses against the window of the next tour.

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Whatever the statistics are ...it shows in reality ...they are giving only free visas to the Chinese.

The green eyes monsters can claim it's unfair because of the taksin effect

The righteous can claim the Chinese cant drive cant bike and has annoying noise volumes which disturbs the rest

The political will pull all sort of bs claiming their countries have more legit rights than the Chinese in getting free visas

The realist realizes without these bus loads of Chinese tourists actually staying here, in budget and high end hotels, buying boxes of local produces and keychain and supporting the local tour guides and buses and attractions ...it's game over from a industry point.

It's just pure numbers and they have tons and loads of first time tourists available and anyone who works in the industry tells you the first timers are the best spenders ...they have not had the photo op with the tigers yet, they have not got fleeces by the tuk tuk yet....they enjoy buying all the tee shirts etc etc

So I would say keep them coming as they keep it real for the rest of us who choose not to live in tourist areas and enjoying the locals while they keep the rest of industry alive.

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Can the thai immigration authorities please start doing random passport checks in areas like Huay Kwang, Ratchada, Thonglor, Chinatown etc as there are lots of Chinese overstayers who are living and working in Thailand and even Singaporean Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Fillipinos, Koreans and even Japanese overstayers these days I have been told. Some blend in by speaking thai and acting thai. In areas like Huay Kwang and Ratchada like the Ideo Huaykwang Condo for instant, I have seen chinese renting 31 sqm condos with 4 to 6 people staying in them. The agents like Bangkok Residence and the condo management do not comply with Thai laws which make it mandatory to report to immigartion and the local police any foreigners who are staying in the building. I have seen many young Chinese operating businesses here in Thailand even at the Jatujak Market (I did not know that there were work permits that allow foreigners to sell at the weekend market or even to work in certain salad bars at Paragon (one run by the family of a so called patriotic Indian family employs only fillipinos serving staff...again did not know that workpermits were allowed for such professions).The thai immigration should start doing random checks in all condo buildings in Bangkok not only the low class condos but aklso the middle and upper end ones.

Please its not fair for farangs who abide by thai and immigrations laws and pay local taxes duly to see other foreigners doing things illegally and the authorities not catching them.

If it bothers you that much and you obviously know where they all are why don't you report them to Immigration, you seem the type to do so

Are these people affecting your life in some way? I doubt it so what's your problem?

People like you knock me sick to be honest.

As a long term resident in Thailand having married a local girl in 1971, it is the attitude of people like you that makes this country such a mess it is today.

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Thailand is desperate for tourists at this point. And while free visas may get more first timers here, there actually is not a lot of returning Chinese. There are too many countries in the region for them to travel to once they check Thailand off the list. All the other countries in Asia are getting flooded with Chinese at the moment, not just Thailand.

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As a long term resident in Thailand having married a local girl in 1971, it is the attitude of people like you that makes this country such a mess it is today.

Wow 1971. Still married? Would be a great story!

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"Chinese are the biggest visitors to Thailand, accounting for 18 percent of total arrivals in July"

Um, I understand they might be the largest group among all groups, but 18% is a fifth of total arrivals. I would like to see a breakdown that adds up to 100% -- anyone have a link to the demographics?

Getting accurate figures from TAT is always voodoo economics, at best.


Add in too the differing figures as to whether or not the Chinese spend more than any other tourists as like other figures quoted in LoS it depends on who is issuing them and for what purpose,

My own idea is that it can't be the Chinese but am more than willing to be corrected.

In the main the Chinese come with a tour group with accommodation etc paid in advance. They eat, shop etc as per an itinerary and don't really ' splash out '.

Of course saying this might give the impression they are not valued guests so as per usual officialdom will be careful how they present figures.

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good god, not more Chinese bike riders on the roads of Chiang Mai, they have all the driving skills and road sense of a newborn chimp!

This applies to the pedestrians, too. Three days ago one of those sheep crossed the street looking to the left while I was approaching with the motor bike. My front wheel slipped and I got off the bike not in the best way. I should have run her over. They should be told about left hand traffic in some countries, if they are too blind to see. :-[

P.S. My knee still hurts.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Can the thai immigration authorities please start doing random passport checks in areas like Huay Kwang, Ratchada, Thonglor, Chinatown etc as there are lots of Chinese overstayers who are living and working in Thailand and even Singaporean Chinese, Malaysian Chinese, Fillipinos, Koreans and even Japanese overstayers these days I have been told. Some blend in by speaking thai and acting thai. In areas like Huay Kwang and Ratchada like the Ideo Huaykwang Condo for instant, I have seen chinese renting 31 sqm condos with 4 to 6 people staying in them. The agents like Bangkok Residence and the condo management do not comply with Thai laws which make it mandatory to report to immigartion and the local police any foreigners who are staying in the building. I have seen many young Chinese operating businesses here in Thailand even at the Jatujak Market (I did not know that there were work permits that allow foreigners to sell at the weekend market or even to work in certain salad bars at Paragon (one run by the family of a so called patriotic Indian family employs only fillipinos serving staff...again did not know that workpermits were allowed for such professions).The thai immigration should start doing random checks in all condo buildings in Bangkok not only the low class condos but aklso the middle and upper end ones.

Please its not fair for farangs who abide by thai and immigrations laws and pay local taxes duly to see other foreigners doing things illegally and the authorities not catching them.

If it bothers you that much and you obviously know where they all are why don't you report them to Immigration, you seem the type to do so

Are these people affecting your life in some way? I doubt it so what's your problem?

People like you knock me sick to be honest.

As a long term resident in Thailand having married a local girl in 1971, it is the attitude of people like you that makes this country such a mess it is today.

I'm confused with the last comment........which attitude do think is adding to the mess of Thailand today......the guy who is pissed off with people acting illegally here ? .......or the later poster who finds being pissed off with illegal activity sickening????

Edited by Khun Loong
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I'm confused with the last comment........which attitude do think is adding to the mess of Thailand today......the guy who is pissed off with people acting illegally here ? .......or the later poster who finds being pissed off with illegal activity sickening????


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They have to be careful.....Some of those Chinese might spend some MONEY in Thailand. How many years does it take a country to learn that tourism means MONEY AND JOBS? Thailand should throw its visa regulations out the window if it REALLY wants investment. This country could SWIM in money if it weren't obsessed with bureaucracy.

Yet when the Chinese GF went to get a visa, the visa agency said they couldn't get her one because she has too many 10-12 day trips to Thailand in her passport- about 3 a year since I've been here- 3-1/2 years.....

They claim a lot of tourist visas with her history are being denied at the Beijing Consulate. For her next trip, I told her to go to the consulate in person.

Still, she fits the textbook definition of tourist- comes in, stays 10-12 days, then goes home for 3-4 months- fresh tourist visa each time and never comes close to overstay.

Edited by Jools
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Interesting. The Chinese charge the same price for an American to visit China as America charges a Chinese person to visit America. Makes sense. I went with a Thai lady to China and I remember they charged her about 2,000 baht. Is it now free for Thai's to go to China? I also traveled with her to Vietnam and it was free for her to go there, no Visa required, but certainly one was needed for an American.

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Why not ask Europeans to come back ? They were being discouraged to stay or come to Thailand years ago before the average Chinese even left the farm or the noodle shop. I cannot figure out why Thailand is offering free visas to the mainland Chinese. They only stay for a few days then leave. Per capita they spend a pittance, it is only because they are invading the country in huge numbers that they are worthwhile to the economy. On the other hand Europeans, Australians, the English, Americans etc, spend larger amounts and stay longer, and were once the powerhouse of tourism in Thailand, sadly not anymore. They have been discouraged in so many ways over the last 20 years. And if you think about it a lot of the falang money goes directly into the hands of Thais in the lower income brackets, not the wealthy as does the Chinese money through five star hotels and big travel agencies. As in all countries, governments look after themselves, numerus unus prior.

I am very skeptical of a promotion campaign that specifically targets one population. It is skewed too much to the politically incorrect, as most other nation's tourist bureaus would see it (I will temper my words here).

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