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Go Go Music, African American Hi Hop

Ling Kae

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Hi guys, I am a frequent Go Go Cluber and I really enjoy Hip Hop music from the USA. I am not a American but I love the stuff. Groups like 50c, Black eyed Peas, Eminem etc I love it. The track in fashion right now is the "Hump It" one My Hump My Hump My Hump, you know it?

Even though I'm nearly 50 YO I love this music but I find my friends mostly older Aussies and Brits here hate it. They hate going into Go Go's with me when Hip Hop is happening, they say "what is this sh!t".

Am I alone here or are there a few of you Pattaya guys that like it too? I would like to hear from Caucasian Americans as to what you guys think about Hip Hop as the best stuff comes from your Country. I can't understand why so many Aussies and Brits hate it so much.

Whilst on the subject which is your favourite Go Go in Pattaya for Hip Hop. I like Peppermint. :o

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.......I can't understand why so many Aussies and Brits hate it so much.

I thought that I'd respond to your posting simply because I see that many Forum members are viewing and then moving on without posting a comment. "Understanding" is always a two-way street and I think the lack of responses to your post answers your queries. In plain words, I (and others) don't understand why you like it so much. Please can you help us to understand what is so good about it? Thank you.

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Artisan, it has rythem and beat and has a good soul feel. Some of the words if you can understand them are right to the point, it is not always promoting ganster style life and hatred towards cops, some lyrics are quite positive. For example one particular track encourages youth to go down the right path by saying "I know I can be what I want to be" the song encourages youth not to use drugs or have unprotected underage sex or get involved with crime.

This music is played in several Go Go's around Pattaya. Why would they play it if so many people hate it? If going by Peppermint A Go Go I would say it is quite popular as it is full everynight.

The other reason why I like it is because the girls look so sexy sliding up and down a pole to the hip hop tunes.

Jack Jones, I think you are right, it's an age thing maybe. I hope I never get that old that I can't appreciate modern music.

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Im a trance man myself, repetative beats float my boat :o

Hip hop is good, Im 24 and enjoy most of it, not too keen on Black eyed peas and pussycat dolls, - 'dont you wish your girlsfrind was hot like me' and 'spending all your money on me' are just too arrogant for me to enjoy. I prefer older stuff like NWA and London Grime 'POW' !

edit- Theres a place near Big C prodomantly Thai that bangs Hiphop out at ridiculas volume

Edited by hopeless
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Artisan, it has rythem and beat and has a good soul feel. Some of the words if you can understand them are right to the point, it is not always promoting ganster style life and hatred towards cops, some lyrics are quite positive. For example one particular track encourages youth to go down the right path by saying "I know I can be what I want to be" the song encourages youth not to use drugs or have unprotected underage sex or get involved with crime.

This music is played in several Go Go's around Pattaya. Why would they play it if so many people hate it? If going by Peppermint A Go Go I would say it is quite popular as it is full everynight.

The other reason why I like it is because the girls look so sexy sliding up and down a pole to the hip hop tunes.

Jack Jones, I think you are right, it's an age thing maybe. I hope I never get that old that I can't appreciate modern music.

I will admit that I do like "Where is the love" by the Black-Eyed Peas...maybe because it combines a Hip Hop style with a lyrical melody and I agree that Hip Hop seems to make the local go-go girls look even more nubile!

Sure it's an age thing but please don't be so smug. Modern music is only modern today. Tomorrow, when you are older there will be something to replace today's music...and you will look at this 'age thing' from the other end. There are many 'seniors', such as myself, who enjoy music to the full.... modern, not so modern and classical. But I can't include that noise (I won't call it music) produced by the "Pork Dukes"!!! Have a google and you'll see what I mean!! :D

Enjoy your music. :o

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My hangup with it is people are trying to act "black". A lot of it fits nicely with inner city type black folks and more power to 'em. But watching Thai's trying to act "black" looks stupid to me. You know, Thai's using "yo!" and the gesturing that goes on with this type of music. Suddenly everyone is a wannabe gangsta or gangstess. Blacks look cool with their music, fashion, and mannerism, but others look like a bunch of newbile wannabe <deleted>. It's an instant turn off for me and I avoid places with this music.

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But I can't include that noise (I won't call it music) produced by the "Pork Dukes"!!! Have a google and you'll see what I mean!! :D

Enjoy your music. :o

Hmm, the one track I heard from them just now made me think it kind of wouldn't be apt for a Go Go Club, bit of head banging isn't it but I'm sure there would have been a time and place for it once.

My hangup with it is people are trying to act "black". A lot of it fits nicely with inner city type black folks and more power to 'em. But watching Thai's trying to act "black" looks stupid to me. You know, Thai's using "yo!" and the gesturing that goes on with this type of music. Suddenly everyone is a wannabe gangsta or gangstess. Blacks look cool with their music, fashion, and mannerism, but others look like a bunch of newbile wannabe <deleted>. It's an instant turn off for me and I avoid places with this music.

Are you saying you won't go to these places because others want to act "black" and looks stupid to you or do you just hate the music?

It seems to be happening all over the world. My friends Thai stepson wears that gear, he bought it in OZ. Other Thai teenagers were asking him where he bought it, they wanted the same gear. The quality is not available in Thailand. Wearing jeans that are 4 times bigger than yourself and woollen beanies and silver chains wrapped around ya is something that I think looks quite funny.

Anyhow must go, off down walking street tonight. :D

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Naaaaaaaagh It must be me. A certain written style with a couple of hooks to drag TV posters down a certain path ??? Naaaggghh could't be the same " new" poster who tried to bait the lads with bar girl prices?? Naaaaghh Must be me.

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Are you saying you won't go to these places because others want to act "black" and looks stupid to you or do you just hate the music?

How do you act Black?


Don't ask me ask the Coder, he wrote it. Change of pace today, going to TQ 1 for some ol fashion Rock and Roll which I like also.

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I'm from NYC, the home of hip hop and it's ok once in a while , but man these locals love the crap out here a little too much. I'm 34 and definitely prefer the thai dance music at stripjoints as well as trance/house. I can deal with the hiphop once in a blue moon for a little change in tempo. :o

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I love hip-hop, it's this hip-pop that I hate...crap like "My humps" and "Don't ya...". Anyway. it's ok once in a while, a few jack&cokes and it starts listening better :o

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I love hip-hop, it's this hip-pop that I hate...crap like "My humps" and "Don't ya...". Anyway. it's ok once in a while, a few jack&cokes and it starts listening better :D

:o anybody know of a bar with jack jones music and burt bacherach, love it bit once in a while the other is all crap to listen to, and my favourite is rose rose I love you have not heard it for a while. poor thais cant hit the hi notes and all their singing is the same. :D

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Well I am 43 (although the girls say I look like 35 -MGID....) and I love to travel between the Lucifer Disco, Marine and Marine2.

I like anything from HioHop over to Eletro, Dance, whatever.

I guess for people who are not into that music, there are more than enough alternatives in Pattaya.

However I would really like to find a Hard Rock Gogo, so far no success....


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i cant stand hip-hop and if they start playing it then i leave.

i agree about people trying to act black and thinking its cool, it makes me puke.

but the main reason i dont like it is because it <deleted>!!! the lyrics are usually woman-hating cop-killing stories of absolute laughable nonsense. nothing to do with me and my life.

give me some decent guitar music any day.

Edited by leftcross
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Well I am 43 (although the girls say I look like 35 -MGID....) and I love to travel between the Lucifer Disco, Marine and Marine2.

I like anything from HioHop over to Eletro, Dance, whatever.

I guess for people who are not into that music, there are more than enough alternatives in Pattaya.

However I would really like to find a Hard Rock Gogo, so far no success....


Try these 3 on a prowel one day. Start off at Tequela Queen beach road, then around the corner to Nevada, then late at night try Champion. Warning though Champion is getting really run down and stinks like a toilet inside if you sit in the wrong place that's why I leave it until last.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I choose the venues by music only and any disco/hip-hop/trance crap makes me run. Good old Rock Music rules, on the other hand I leave instantly upon the intro of "Hotel California"...that song deserves a ban by now.

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I choose the venues by music only and any disco/hip-hop/trance crap makes me run. Good old Rock Music rules, on the other hand I leave instantly upon the intro of "Hotel California"...that song deserves a ban by now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Place I was in last night was playing a wide range of stuff, including some disco, ACDC, Dire Straights and so on.

If you had of jumped up and left when Hotel California started, you would have missed the "special" show

(had something to do with bananas and girls that really, really liked each other, a lot !) :o

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I choose the venues by music only and any disco/hip-hop/trance crap makes me run. Good old Rock Music rules, on the other hand I leave instantly upon the intro of "Hotel California"...that song deserves a ban by now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Place I was in last night was playing a wide range of stuff, including some disco, ACDC, Dire Straights and so on.

If you had of jumped up and left when Hotel California started, you would have missed the "special" show

(had something to do with bananas and girls that really, really liked each other, a lot !) :o

You have got to take me there Kerry. I'm sure I would love the music.

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I choose the venues by music only and any disco/hip-hop/trance crap makes me run. Good old Rock Music rules, on the other hand I leave instantly upon the intro of "Hotel California"...that song deserves a ban by now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Place I was in last night was playing a wide range of stuff, including some disco, ACDC, Dire Straights and so on.

If you had of jumped up and left when Hotel California started, you would have missed the "special" show

(had something to do with bananas and girls that really, really liked each other, a lot !) :o

was that at the Angelwitch? I think I saw that before, they tried for five minutes to eat a banana and didn't manage to eat anything...now I know why they were so skinny....

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I choose the venues by music only and any disco/hip-hop/trance crap makes me run. Good old Rock Music rules, on the other hand I leave instantly upon the intro of "Hotel California"...that song deserves a ban by now.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Place I was in last night was playing a wide range of stuff, including some disco, ACDC, Dire Straights and so on.

If you had of jumped up and left when Hotel California started, you would have missed the "special" show

(had something to do with bananas and girls that really, really liked each other, a lot !) :D

Hmmm now I know where you hang out, only one place in town that does that, well done Kerryd nice to see you are on the ball. :o

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Hmmm now I know where you hang out, only one place in town that does that, well done Kerryd nice to see you are on the ball. :o


It is but one of many places (and no Raro, it wasn't AngelWitch, but they do seem to have a problem with finishing their "meal" as well). :D

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Hmmm now I know where you hang out, only one place in town that does that, well done Kerryd nice to see you are on the ball. :D


It is but one of many places (and no Raro, it wasn't AngelWitch, but they do seem to have a problem with finishing their "meal" as well). :D

So it is a safe assumption that at least two places in town employ staff that is unable to eat a banana. Which one is the other one? Errmm....a friend of mine wanted to know..... :o

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just my two cents, i was brought up to respect others and to be proud of who i am, music to me, is a matter of taste, when you look across the country i live in (usa) you can travel through out this land and find music for just about every taste, you can go to new orleans and hear incredible cajun music, go down into the midwest and you can enjoy country and western music, through out the country you can find music from the fifty's, sixty's being played

music from seventys is still going strong just as the bands are still on tours, what do these songs of years gone by have in commen?, well for the most part the words had meaning to what most people could relate to, they were for the most part about love and those things which are meaning full for people. which brings us to the topic on hand, hip hop, now i would like to think that there is something meaningful in it but as soon as the cop-killing garbage comes up then everything after that is not worth listening to, what i find interest though is why some one would listen to something that de-values life and is filled for the most part with that which is negative.

i am no cop-kisser but i can't think of one of these hip hoppers who has the character or for that matter the guts to be a cop for one day yet alone make a career of it, when i hear hip hop at the fitness centers i can't help but think of the athletes who say they should not be looked upon as example for the youth of today, those that say that are right, you only have to look at the sports section of the local newspaper to see some of these thugs with a god given talent to play sports being arrested for some form of battery or resisting arrest.

athletes like musicians live a privledged life instead of spreading that which is positive some choose to talk (not sing because they're really not singing) about those things which are filled with hate and bitterness, it sad that anyone could embrace this noise because that is what it is.


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