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A Thai suicide every two hours, doctor reveals

Lite Beer

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Thailand has a population of 65-67 Million and recorded 3900 deaths last year.

Australia has a Population of 23 Million and recorded In 2012, 1,901 males (16.8 per 100,000) and 634 females (5.6 per 100,000) died by suicide, a total of 2,535 deaths.

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Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.

If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.

Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step

You have no idea about suicide and that of people suffering depression, you should do some research on it before you make cold hearted and insensitive comments about this serious social issue that affect all of us.

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It's a major killer the World over.

Three young males take their own life on average every day across the country – and the recession is thought to be playing a part in many of the deaths.

The latest figures show that the suicide rate rose significantly in 2011 with 4,552 men taking their own life out of a total of 6,045 people.

The highest rate was in the male age bracket 30-44. Suicide in this group accounted for more deaths than road accidents, murder and HIV/Aids combined.

http://metro.co.uk/2013/03/24/suicide-biggest-male-killer-3556960Eh ,

Eh , what recession, or has it always been the case. !

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.
If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.
Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step

You have no idea about suicide and that of people suffering depression, you should do some research on it before you make cold hearted and insensitive comments about this serious social issue that affect all of us.

You are absolutely right!!.

Depression is a very serious illness.

People suffering from a depression have no idea how it comes. They suffer intollerably and can not escape the seemingly everlasting sadness that overwelms them.

The joy in life is non existant and they wish nothing more than to escape the darkness in their mind.

Most people do not wish to commit suicide at all, but can not believe there ever will be an end to the darkness and sadness.

The heavy load they have to bear is consuming their mind untill the moment where they see no other way to escape it anymore.

Most are actually really really sad about the idea of having to commit suicide because they wish nothing more than to be able to enjoy something and feel purpose in life

It is one of the saddest things to feel it is the only way out of the misery!

But thinking you have to live with this darkness in your mind for the rest of your life . It feels like an impossible thing to do.

To my knowledge the only ones that get out are the ones keeping the believe that one day you'll wake up and it's a sunny day again, and keep on believing it day after day after day after day.

Dont joke about it people! because it might as well be happening to you tomorrow just as easily as it did happen to them!

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Right , the NCPO want to reform the medical services (along with everything else) , in so doing they might consider some form of Social services , which i believe most developed Countries have.

Am i wrong but ive not heard of , Social workers here, where do these mentally unstable people have to go to seek help, do they go to any hospital and see a nurse, who is not qualified or trained to deal with the problem.

The mind boggles at the reforms required to get off square one on the board reforms.

Edited by phanangpete
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The mind set in Thailand is such that when life waivers from the norm, ie: a change in circumstances, lose of job, loss of honor. breakdown in relationship, drug related, etc , etc.

They have no system to fall back on, friends are'nt qualified to help in these cicumstances, they have no professional assistance.

Some charities already set up by farangs, do recognise the problem exsists, but have limited resources, as they have no Govt funding.

So farang charities help in situations where they can for example Rotary Club Thailand will help schools up North , by providing toilets for the children and fresh drinking water .

A survey done two years ago with large Thai companies, who were asked about how much they contributed to charity, stated that they did'nt as they did not beileve in it, as low as 2% did make contributions,

.The ones that did were probably had farang Executives in them who could explain the possible tax benefits.or Western educated Thai's running it.

Unless the problem is recognised by the Govt and not embarassingly brushed under the carpet, it will continue to grow.

Im not taking any sides here , but the Thai's do not seem to believe in helping the fallen , if so where are the above, the system stinks and will do , untill they bring in the likes of Foreign experts to set up the systems required and not be afraid if 'losing face', time for change los .!

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I am sure that many issues can be solved if they control the "soapies" ....

Suicide, murder, violence, theft, abuse are part of soapies in any country, but I have never seen it so much as I have in Thailand.

I set a law in my home that they are not to be watched at home as I didnt want to subject my kids to that nonsense. Not much was done at home while the soapies where on and the blank stares at the screen was something quite horrid to see. There was a huge fight at home and I was accused of being a bad and stupid falang who didnt understand the Thai way!

Since then, the family watches docos, cartoons, hi5 etc... My kids now ask me many questions about science, the world and just curious of these new things they are watching. There have been less interest in possesions (something I noticed) and the family has been closer and more bonded and weirdly enough, less tantrums from all members of the family....

Except for Thai Grandma... I busted her watching soapies with the kids... They all looked like zombie drones, watching that nonsense.... I kicked her out of the house for good... Another massive family dispute which lasted months...

I recently asked the missus if she watched them still.... She said quite honestly, that she did start too, but noticed what rubbish they where... something she didnt notice before....

Im not suggesting that soapies are to blame... but I do think they have just as much negative influence as the products that they "fuzz" out in them....

--- Grandma News ---

She is still not welcome... a rule my missus has now enforced...

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Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.

If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.

Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step.

Kris, the last thing you or anyone else on this forum should be doing is apologising to Lom when he contravenes the forum rules trying to correct your English.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.

If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.

Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step

You have no idea about suicide and that of people suffering depression, you should do some research on it before you make cold hearted and insensitive comments about this serious social issue that affect all of us.

You are absolutely right!!.

Depression is a very serious illness.

People suffering from a depression have no idea how it comes. They suffer intollerably and can not escape the seemingly everlasting sadness that overwelms them.

The joy in life is non existant and they wish nothing more than to escape the darkness in their mind.

Most people do not wish to commit suicide at all, but can not believe there ever will be an end to the darkness and sadness.

The heavy load they have to bear is consuming their mind untill the moment where they see no other way to escape it anymore.

Most are actually really really sad about the idea of having to commit suicide because they wish nothing more than to be able to enjoy something and feel purpose in life

It is one of the saddest things to feel it is the only way out of the misery!

But thinking you have to live with this darkness in your mind for the rest of your life . It feels like an impossible thing to do.

To my knowledge the only ones that get out are the ones keeping the believe that one day you'll wake up and it's a sunny day again, and keep on believing it day after day after day after day.

Dont joke about it people! because it might as well be happening to you tomorrow just as easily as it did happen to them!

And what a lot of people don't and cannot realise is that depression can take on a physical manifestation to the point that the physical pain, real physical pain that hurts, becomes so great that ending your life is the only way that you can see to achieve relief from the pain. Depression is not just a mental illness. My mate blew his head off.

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Did you mean 'witch' runs to her room, or 'who' runs to her room. Condescending either way.

You should think about the ways in which you express yourself in future posts because, as your rhetoric suggests, you're selfish indeed.

Who. I am sorry I am not a native English speaker.

Well, from me the woman can't expect too much sympathy.

If she wanted to kill herself she would have better done it her own place.

Most people that commit suicide have done many attempts before actually being actually successful. Also this woman made a previous attempt (a few years ago, she took pills). People tried to help her.

Some people just can't handle life, and no matter how hard people around them try, it's all suffering for them. It's so easy to feel sorry for the person that committed suicide but I believe it's often a choice made during years of suffering. For them it's the best and (from their perspective) the most logical solution. And when they die, their suffering stops, so they have got what they want. So, why do we have to feel sorry?

I don't think it's a brave thing to do. It takes less than a minute to hang yourself and die. But the family and friends, they will carry it with them all their life. They will always feel guilty, they will feel like they should have done more to prevent it.

You might call it a cry for help, but it's sometimes more than that. It's like the final and most extreme punishment you could give the people that love you. It's an extreme but also selfish cry for attention. The girl that killed herself must have understood how the boyfriend would feel after he would find her ... it's like the ultimate revenge. Again, I think it's a selfish thing to do.

Don't misunderstand me. Everything should be done to prevent suicides. But I have little sympathy for people that kill themselves.

The only case were I can show sympathy is if the suicide is a form euthanasia and the people around yourself have been explained beforehand about the reason why it was necessary to take the step and they understand why you need to take that step.

I think it best you stop posting on matters like this or else you may find KARMA IS A BITCH. The comments you make are insensitive and downright NASTY and you are now up for trolling.

MODS stop and lock this post - it is too sensitive for most

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Thailand has a population of 65-67 Million and recorded 3900 deaths last year.

Australia has a Population of 23 Million and recorded In 2012, 1,901 males (16.8 per 100,000) and 634 females (5.6 per 100,000) died by suicide, a total of 2,535 deaths.

It is how the figures are attributed that really count.

I Australia they may take a car driven deliberately to cause death as suicide whereas in Thailand it may be CAR ACCIDENT...

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According to Pareto's law, 80% of suicides likely result from 20% of the same causes such as debts, incurable illness and love (disappointment).

Its common knowledge that depression is universal but that is the end result which is often times incurable as long as the underlying cause is still present.

The best weapon of defense is a strong support system from friends, family and loved ones.

Problem is in today's society people are so engrossed in their own narcissistic lives to even notice someone else's signs of depression and being glued to our smartphones while at the dinner table with friends instead of talking to them isn't helping either.

Try observing others while at a restaurant or starbucks and I'll bet you will see 80% of the people looking at their phones instead of chatting with the person across from them.

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It's a major killer the World over.

Three young males take their own life on average every day across the country – and the recession is thought to be playing a part in many of the deaths.

The latest figures show that the suicide rate rose significantly in 2011 with 4,552 men taking their own life out of a total of 6,045 people.

The highest rate was in the male age bracket 30-44. Suicide in this group accounted for more deaths than road accidents, murder and HIV/Aids combined.


Actually suicide is not to blame. These people kill themselves, a decison they made by themselves.

Suicide is not the cause, it's the result.

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I think people should be allowed to commit suicide when they want to, check yourself into boots they take you out back and put to sleep. Saves all these horrific throw yourself off a condo and wardrobe hanging.

I'm including old age here when altzeimers has kicked in, the choice is yours, not the state.

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