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Is my Father racist?...


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So I have a Thai wife, we have a half Thai child, now my brother and his girlfriend who is from Hong Kong announces they are engaged.

Whole family says congratulations, and my Dad then says to no one in particular, 'god how many Asians have we got now'?

I said 2 and a half, so far ;)

Look I don't think the mans really racist, but I think that's getting close.


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Well he was just being honest...sounded a bit tongue in cheek to me. My dad has got 3 sons me included and we are all married to asian girls.

Gee there's a few in your family! My old man wouldn't know what to do.

Are they all Thai?

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Racist or not it's your father.

Respect him and don't try to look further.

When we get older sometimes things that we don't mean come out of our mouths.

It's the privilege of the age.

I'm sure he loves your wife, his grandchild and his future daughter in law, without any restrains.

Go and give him a kiss now.

Probably right there. He just spoke without thinking, I hope.

No kisses, hand shakes is how it works round here.

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OP you have known your dad for many years.

Is this a one off or has it been a pattern over your lifetime?

You tell us if he is a racist, you would know.

I agree I should know, but now theres Asians in the family. I think has somehow upset his balance.

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Sorry,moved to Pub.

27) Additional forum rule for the "General forum": It is a forum for general interest & discussion topics related to Thailand only and not covered by other sub forums. The General Forum is not a place for chit chat, banter and daily life observations. Those sort of topics should be placed in the Farang Pub sub forum.

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My mum and dad (divorced) both rolleyes.gif when I told them my plans. When I took Mrs.Trans to the UK for a holiday to meet them they were both great.

I can still see Mrs.Trans and dad (then 87) strolling down the prom at Weston-Super-Mare arm in arm, me walking behind. thumbsup.gif

My mum (then 84) asked Mrs.Trans, "Do you kiss him"..........facepalm.gif ................laugh.png

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

Can you clairfy what you mean, if it could be worse having an Australian in the family (POHM - prisoner of his majesty) or a person from the UK - the slanderous 'POM'? I'm going with Pohm but ,mostly that's unfair, come on Robby, they've done their time, you should give them a break now.

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Well he was just being honest...sounded a bit tongue in cheek to me. My dad has got 3 sons me included and we are all married to asian girls.

why would you ask strangers that quetion? don't you know your own father? what is your level of education? as for his comments, NO they are not racist! if he uses degrotory words, than maybe, but you had better think of why you had to ask that question in the first place!

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I reckon it's more of an "old" generation thing, my Dad said something similar years ago and I took him aside and corrected him.

Not that what they say is actually incorrect it's more about when it's said and who it's being said to. I don't think your dad is a racist at all...

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Your old man hasn't moved with/adapted to the times.

My guess would be he hasn't travelled much. Travel opens eyes, makes one less insular and accepting.

This is 2014, closer to 2015, and 'inter racial marriages/unions' (for want of a better term), are here to stay, and our older generation/s need to change.

Is he racist? Probably not, but maybe a discreet word with him may be required.

I'd guess that your Asian in laws are racist though, but that may be fixed by some baht changing hands.....at least superficially.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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Don't agree with OP.

Being wonderous about why both sons have Asian wives, doesn't mean that there is any negative meaning to it.

Being non-racist is not equivalent with feigning to completely ignore reality!

More is needed before calling someone a racist.

Edited by manarak
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I reckon it's more of an "old" generation thing, my Dad said something similar years ago and I took him aside and corrected him.

Not that what they say is actually incorrect it's more about when it's said and who it's being said to. I don't think your dad is a racist at all...

and who should care if he is,doesn't he have a right to his own opinions ? This PC bullshit goes too far

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Could be worse Krisb you could have a pohm in the family then he really would have something to complain about.

But Hay, racism is just another of the PC bits of BS that didn't exist in your fathers day.

racism is bs?

yes, one should have the right to feel the way one feels and express it, like the gay's and the Muslims have,liberal society feels the need to bend over backwards for them why not for an honest racist.

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I wouldn't say racist buy probably having a laugh/trying to wind you up by the sounds of things, my grandad is similar... he will only eat 'Yorkshire' food too which will be good when he comes here next year... give him a quick boot up the ass :P

Yorkshire food now is mainly Indian curries

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Krish,you have brought up a subject more intimidating then the old, don't argue about baseball or religion and I, reply as an honest to goodness RACIST ". Actually the title is misleading but none other is available to people who simply, for various reasons, some good, some not, simply don't wish to be around some others.

I was born/raised in an era of self segregation whereby, thruout the US, Poles. Italians, Germans, etc.., established their own mini communities with their own services - barber, butcher, grocery and many, never learned to speak English. We really liked it that way, didn't interfere with other's habits/customs/religions and, generally, didn't inter marry

Anyone who says they want to diversify, accept into their life other's sometimes undesirable habits, is either a saint or a liar..We, and I believe I speak for many, just want to be around others just like us and do our best to be absorved by the overall community. I, for example am of Polish/Mexican heritage, was discriminated by just about every other group - Yeah, the Wops, Spics, Mics, Paddies and Krauts too, ( see I can say that here but not in the US ! ).Unlike today's groups who wear scraggly beards, sheets on the women, carry arms and curse everybody, we just minded our own business - I didn't wear a sombrero or carry a machete.

Don't be too hard on you r Dad as he may have similar beliefs which kept us from killing each other - unlike today.

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at this rate, your family might be more asian than non asian, in a few generations

funny joke, don't remember what cartoon it was ...

dumb boy asks pregnant dumb girlfriend, what name she will give the baby

girlfriend says: must be something chinese

boyfriends asks why

girlfriends says: 1 out of 3 children born nowadays is chinese, better prepare for it

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