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Experts to discuss threat posed by jihadists returning to Australia


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If you go back and look at the old history of this scenario , it has happened before In Australia, around the late 70's

Young white Australian young men, looking for adventure where punished if they went over to Africa and fought alongside the white tribes over there.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

Since you have been a member only a couple of months, you may not know I spent over 30 years living and working in the Middle East and have many friends and acquaintances that are Muslims.

I classify myself as an "Islamicradicalophobe". (Is there such a term?)

I am not an "Islamophobe" so when you are responding to one of my posts, please don't throw the accusation around willy-nilly.

It makes you look so silly when the sun comes up.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

Since you have been a member only a couple of months, you may not know I spent over 30 years living and working in the Middle East and have many friends and acquaintances that are Muslims.

I classify myself as an "Islamicradicalophobe". (Is there such a term?)

I am not an "Islamophobe" so when you are responding to one of my posts, please don't throw the accusation around willy-nilly.

It makes you look so silly when the sun comes up.

Yeah ...some of my best friends are the J ...people too. They really are!

Depends where you spent your time in the Middle East (so have I). If you did I am amazed at your bigoted views in this and other threads.

Edited by dexterm
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This may not seem like a debate because half my posts get deleted...ends up lopsided as a result.

Australian immigration asking returning Muslims if they are jihadists is about as silly as asking visitors to US if they have ever been a communist. Absolutely pointless unless you enjoy being hassled.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

I guess seeing as the Z word has correctly been ruled off topic.

.yes, along with the J and the other I word. But Muslim bashing is fair game.

With the loaded words in the thread's title this can only ever be a lopsided debate.

Islamophobes only need apply.

"Islamophobes only need apply."

Far from it, it's good to have the input of lily livered liberals like yourself to let us understand exactly where we went wrong.

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1) Find out who they are.

2) Be as brutal as they will be

3) Expel them with no options.

4) If they have been fighting for Jihadists, jail them before deporting.

5) If they are Australian citizens of Mid Eastern Muslim origins, cancel their citizenship.

These people would not give anyone any chance if they are not in line with their beliefs they will behead with impunity, and persuade weak minded followers to strap on a bomb and self explode, most likey in a crowded sports arena. whistling.gif

The murdering scum should not be allowed back into the country. If they are aussie citizens lock them up for life in solitary as they are an extreme risk to Australia.

"AUSSIE" citizens or not.

DO NOT let them back into the country.


By the way they are not AUSTRALIANS, they only have Aussie Passports.

I M O H.

Thus they are Australian.

Unless you believe 99% of the populations are not Australian but only hold Australian passport

Edited by konying
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The problem is the paradox of Western style democracy.

If you have a democracy, you have democratic rules, which include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all men are created equal.

Once you start saying, "Hang on a minute, I don't want that man to have freedom of speech or religion" or "No way is that man equal to me, he is inferior." you start departing from democratic values.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Having said that, I agree wholeheartedly that Australia should incarcerate all returning jihadis for having committed crimes, albeit on foreign soil. Australia should incarcerate all returning combatants that have participated in breaches of international law.

There is precedent. Australia has enacted a law that enables the incarceration of paedophiles returning from overseas perversion trips. Their crimes were committed overseas, their time will be served in Australian gaol.

As for the domestic scene, if you want democracy, then you have to manage radicals in a way that does not contravene democratic values. You can not make laws that discriminate. If you do, you have apartheid, not democracy.

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Off-topic posts and replies have been deleted.

You can be assured that NO ONE is getting 1/2 of their posts removed. If you want your post to remain, then please stay on topic. Please don't quote posts which are obviously inflammatory or off-topic.

Please make your post about the topic and not about other posters.

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This may not seem like a debate because half my posts get deleted...ends up lopsided as a result.

Australian immigration asking returning Muslims if they are jihadists is about as silly as asking visitors to US if they have ever been a communist. Absolutely pointless unless you enjoy being hassled.

Your the only one who suggested AU ask people if they are Muslims so stop using my name in suggesting I did. I'd hardly suggest such an asinine thing. I made a sarcastic comment regarding Muslims not stating their status - AS JIHADISTS!

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The problem is the paradox of Western style democracy.

If you have a democracy, you have democratic rules, which include freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all men are created equal.

Once you start saying, "Hang on a minute, I don't want that man to have freedom of speech or religion" or "No way is that man equal to me, he is inferior." you start departing from democratic values.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Having said that, I agree wholeheartedly that Australia should incarcerate all returning jihadis for having committed crimes, albeit on foreign soil. Australia should incarcerate all returning combatants that have participated in breaches of international law.

There is precedent. Australia has enacted a law that enables the incarceration of paedophiles returning from overseas perversion trips. Their crimes were committed overseas, their time will be served in Australian gaol.

As for the domestic scene, if you want democracy, then you have to manage radicals in a way that does not contravene democratic values. You can not make laws that discriminate. If you do, you have apartheid, not democracy.

This is such a false choice. Setting up the notion this "paradox" you refer to is either free natural rights or individuals revoking others' "freedom of speech or religion" is ridiculous; not only because individuals don't have that power but the collective does not either. Impugning further that such motivation would be because the other is "inferior" really does not set up an objective deliberation at all does it? All this sets up is a slippery entry into your point of view, but it is not valid.

Whether democratic values or the natural rights of man, they exist only to a point. Society inherently has the power to decide where an individual's rights end and another's begin; usually this is where action or intent begin. Jihadis have declared intent. After training abroad they have capability. Once returned to the interior they have proximity. These three are the discriminators for threat assessment. If you propose an argument that certain rights exist irrespective of an individual opposing them, you are correct. However, society must determine threat and minimize collective risk even if stripping rights of the individual (which would not even be the case here because one man's rights never included extending into the realm of another man' rights.

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This may not seem like a debate because half my posts get deleted...ends up lopsided as a result.

Australian immigration asking returning Muslims if they are jihadists is about as silly as asking visitors to US if they have ever been a communist. Absolutely pointless unless you enjoy being hassled.

If someone comes back from an area with an outbreak of Ebola I would hope they were quarantined, the same applies to Muslims returning from a jihad infested area, perhaps a deal could be struck with PNG as a processing center.

P.S if this sounds like internment then so be it.

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Even before ISIS Australia had a jihad problem, notably in Sydney where many Shia businesses were forced to close and sell up for a pittance due to threats from Sunni extremists (not the right wing or any nationalist movement. There have also been violent clashes between both Sunni and Shia in both Australia and the UK, perhaps if they all upped sticks to the Middle East and bashed each other with clubs this could be settled without Western democracies having to play referee.

Your observation should equally apply to the people in Australia from the former Yugoslavia, so called Christians who also indulge in violence between their communities.

Oz citizens went to fight in Afghanistan, we are told around 50 people. Some of those who returned were planning domestic terrorism, arrested and jailed. Currently approx 60 - 150 Australians have been identified as having joined IS, with some already killed. Personally I believe that those who try to re-enter Australia should be arrested and jailed for life, rather than being refused entry and therefore enabled to carry on with their atrocities in Syria / Iraq or elsewhere.

Why Australian politicians keep fog horning their intentions I do not know.

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How does a thread about returning Australians morph into one blaming Israel and the US for all the world's ills?


Because the very title of the thread has already prejudged and condemned a group of people exclusively, without looking at any of the background that has created the problem.

So now all you Islamophobes can have a great big hate fest. Nothing new there then on this site.

My posts now deleted pointed out that there are religions other than Islam in Australia that send their young people overseas to fight in terrorist wars, but the Australian government cares to overlook that fact. Perhaps they should be more even handed in their approach.

Since you have been a member only a couple of months, you may not know I spent over 30 years living and working in the Middle East and have many friends and acquaintances that are Muslims.

I classify myself as an "Islamicradicalophobe". (Is there such a term?)

I am not an "Islamophobe" so when you are responding to one of my posts, please don't throw the accusation around willy-nilly.

It makes you look so silly when the sun comes up.

Yeah ...some of my best friends are the J ...people too. They really are!

Depends where you spent your time in the Middle East (so have I). If you did I am amazed at your bigoted views in this and other threads.

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, Egypt for starters...and I really did.

You accuse me of being a bigot. Please expand on this accusation.

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Islamophobes only need apply.

Thanks for the invite but I'm already here.

As such I'll take the rest of your post with the contempt it deserves.

Blind bigotry never solved any of the world's problems. It causes them.

Edited by dexterm
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My list: Afghanistan Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and 3 Palestinian refugee camps.

Not that we are comparing travelogues.

But I think your posts demonstrate very little understanding of the problems in the Middle East.

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My list: Afghanistan Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and 3 Palestinian refugee camps.

Not that we are comparing travelogues.

But I think your posts demonstrate very little understanding of the problems in the Middle East.

I think it was dexterm who I went back and forth with regarding how returning AU jihadists were not the same as returning AU ____ who fought in another war. You argued that if returning AU muslims should be bared because they were in a war zone then returning AU ___ should be barred from returning from a similar place.

I argued how one clearly continued to pose a clear and present danger after departing their AO (Area of Operations). However, as I have studied more about the matter I wanted to concede to you that while the two are polar opposites in the subsequent threat they pose to civil society, perhaps a ban should be in place that addresses the issue before it is a returning AU citizen issue. Perhaps they should ban all AU citizens from fighting on behalf of any foreign power (unless combined military operations), of any design. This would allow the dreadful issue of returning AU jihadis to be addressed and allow postponing the confrontation with the AU muslim body now. Also, it would allow the politicians to escape facing the underlying issue and establish further political dhimmitude by caving into the AU muslim demands equating returning AU jihadists with AU citizens returning from a different war-like location.

My point is 1/2 serious, 1/2 sarcasm. This would address the need for AU to stop these threats from returning and provide political cover to do so, but it would also increase the appearance that AU polity can be leveraged by the AU muslim body. Just wanted to honor our previous discussion as my position has moved closer to yours. The point is to get them barred from entry.

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My list: Afghanistan Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Jordan, Qatar, UAE, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and 3 Palestinian refugee camps.

Not that we are comparing travelogues.

But I think your posts demonstrate very little understanding of the problems in the Middle East.

You called me a bigot. I requested you to expand on that accusation.

Please do so.

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Modern day Australia is revered in the U.K. by ordinary U.K. citizens , often heard saying " Australians are right about immigrants, they have got it right "

( Your government is tough )

Once again your leadership is needed , how to solve this immigration dilemma, the U.K. is watching you, because our leaders are clueless.

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