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aside from the D750 itself . . . i'm also looking forward to reviews & tests of the new Nikkor 20mm f/1.8G ED. This could be a killer landscape lens. It's £680 on pre-order.

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Anybody know when and where we can check these bodies out? I assume they will be available all across thailand on the same day. I just want to go hold one, not sure if it comes out on a different date here in thailand. I know they are all made in ayutayya from what I can tell.


^^^ meand...try this page....www.nikon.co.th

Then try AV Camera & Big Camera....Google for their URL's.

Thanks. I think it will be in stores on the 23rd or thereabouts.


I heard a good quote on sons of anarchy last night...... "whenever you feel rushed realize that you need to compose yourself and take your time".

I want to buy this 750 now so bad, probably but def going to force myself to mull it over a month or two. After Christmas seems like a good time to get lucky with a deal anyway. Maybe it will all be clear by then. Or maybe I'll have convinced myself to go 810 by then lol.


I heard a good quote on sons of anarchy last night...... "whenever you feel rushed realize that you need to compose yourself and take your time".

I want to buy this 750 now so bad, probably but def going to force myself to mull it over a month or two. After Christmas seems like a good time to get lucky with a deal anyway. Maybe it will all be clear by then. Or maybe I'll have convinced myself to go 810 by then lol.

Mr Spock to Captain Kirk when the Klingons were closing in for the kill...

"The logical choice is yours and yours alone Captain."


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So it looks like ISO performance the 750 is at the top of the heap. Another check box for it.

I'm waiting to hold one. Should be in stores in two or three days I believe. After holding one there'll probably be no going back.


^^^ Follow your heart meand...follow your heart.

I bet the little feller on your shoulder is whispering....

D810, D810, D810, D810....adnauseum!


^^^ Follow your heart meand...follow your heart.

I bet the little feller on your shoulder is whispering....

D810, D810, D810, D810....adnauseum!

For some reason, every time there is a post in this thread my money comes further out of my pocket :)

I think I have already convinced myself, although I am still steadfast on waiting a good while until after Xmas. I figure the fact that I wnt have to lean over when I'm on my tripod and below eye level is worth the extra 500 alone. My back will be thanking that tilt out screen. I gotta say 810 is way off the radar for me, but you never know. I should probably avoid trying one when I go check out the 750 this week :)


^^^ meand....An old friend of mine who is also a pro has a side job in New York...he works

for Nikon USA...must be nice to have a steady paycheck in this day and age eh! Well..

it was Norman (friend in NY with steady Nik job) who talked me into buying an 810 plus

the D4s....sometimes I wanna smack him! However...I'm getting the bodies for a price I

cannot let out and when he arrives middle of November he's bringing them with him.

Then after a few days we're doing Burma together on a paid job. We'll be there for

around 60-80 days...visa's already approved...bring spending money kinda thing.

As a result of this "purchase" I am flogging off my trusty D700 & D800 and the 700 has

been sold off already while the 800 won't go until after Norm arrives. I will retain my 800E.

I'm not a young lad anymore...in me 60's and I really cannot think of a better adventure

than a couple old ( key word OLD) mates "Doin Burma" with Niks newest kit! Heck...it's

only money....and maybe we"ll make some too boot! And have heaps of fun while at it.

Like I said...do what your heart says and if that lil feller on your shoulder pesters

you too much....knock him off it. I didn't mention the knocking him off bit earlier,

no apologies either...hah! Cheers & Keep Shooting!

NB...edit to change a ; to a '....hmmmmmmm

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Very positive field review. It should be out today. I'm thinking fotofille may have it, but am too lazy to go check it out.


I am not sure if these videos are blessings or detriments. On the surface, I have always kinda scoffed at the thought of un-boxing videos. Yet, when you really want something you become rather interested in them. They give you some form of vicarious pleasure, yet without the wallet pain. As I was watching this one in particular I could not help but wonder what in our evolutionary history has lined up our genes so as to be so pleased upon seeing a hunk of black metal and plastic come out of a cheap, cardboard, gold painted box.


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My annoyance with Nikons latest cameras is there is no room for a clip on plastic screen protector.

Yes you could use other protectors but they don't protect the screen from getting smashed when people like Mike Tyson or Kanye West set upon you for taking their photo.

The tight gits wont even include a 5 baht hot shoe cover.


Are you gonna use the machundstrappen when you buy it, or does it get in your way?

I don't know what that is, but if I had to guess, I wont be using it :)

If it is what I think it is, I have actually very recently been quite fond of "free balling" it (I just made that up), and going without a camera strap. For most all my serious "work" I am on a tripod and don't like the strap being blown around in the wind.


I am not sure if these videos are blessings or detriments. On the surface, I have always kinda scoffed at the thought of un-boxing videos. Yet, when you really want something you become rather interested in them. They give you some form of vicarious pleasure, yet without the wallet pain. As I was watching this one in particular I could not help but wonder what in our evolutionary history has lined up our genes so as to be so pleased upon seeing a hunk of black metal and plastic come out of a cheap, cardboard, gold painted box.


Meand....perhaps it's that same genetic lineup that makes us kinda quiver with excitement whenever

a beautiful woman gets undressed in our presence...Hmmmmmm!

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Ken Rockwell's bought one, to add to his mantle piece maybe.

I wouldn't mind one myself TBH that low ISO goodness is attractive but for the same price a D800e seems to attract me more.

Would like to see how Dx0 Mark rate it against the 800e.

Lots of D700's on ebay since the 750's arrival.


Ken Rockwell's bought one, to add to his mantle piece maybe.

I wouldn't mind one myself TBH that low ISO goodness is attractive but for the same price a D800e seems to attract me more.

Would like to see how Dx0 Mark rate it against the 800e.

Lots of D700's on ebay since the 750's arrival.

RW...Ken Rockwell "said" he bought one. Ken Rockwell says that about every camera he

reviews. If true that he actually does buy every camera he reviews then I'd really like to see

where he keeps all his gear....in fact I'd pay money to see the place.

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Seen quite a few reports from pleased owners now. I have no problem with the money issue so this isn't easy haha. I know I know follow my heart. I'd really rather buy it from a us source though so trying to hold out till I get there.


I went in to check one out yesterday, finally. I ended up going to mega bangna because i needed to go to ikea as well. I realize now they dont have the best camera shops at mega.

So..... i walked into the first shop I found, I dont even know the name, and looked around, didnt see anything. I asked the salesman if they had them, and he said yes, but I could not see one. I kid you not. He told me the price, said they were in the back if I wanted to buy one. 72,500 baht was the price i got. Not bad I must say. I thought they were going to be charging more here.

The second shop said the exact same thing... they had them but not for display.

I honestly don't know if this is typical of how Thais release a new product, or if they are just waiting to get some promotional materials in the stores before they put them on display, but I could not help but laugh. They are of course welcome to do what they please, but if you are selling pancakes, and they aren't on the menu, and nobody knows you have them, you probably aren't going to sell too many, haha.

So, my quest continues smile.png I suppose I will have to head into MBK (which I don't like MBK). Do you guys recommend a good camera store that will allow you to get your hands on the product? I know I have heard fotofile is good.

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