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Friendship Bridge to Vientiane


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Has anybody taken a van from the Friendship bridge to Vientiane lately? A few years ago I remember there were vans that would drop you at or near your hotel. They would quote a price of 300 baht a person but back then you could barter them down to 50 baht a person.

Also are there any vans that regularly go back to the Friendship bridge? and if so where can you catch them?

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As I remember well, whenever I used to do my visa run to Vientiene, there were about 5 -6 people around asking

Taxi sir? Taxi to Vientiene?

Once got one of them for 5 hours to drive me around Vientiene, remember paid about 600Baft.

Very nice driver.

Edited by Costas2008
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There are vans and there are cars and there are Tuk-tuks. I learned to always ask to see the vehicle before I sealed the deal. Also if you expect to be the only passenger, confirm that. Some van drivers will lead you to believe you are the only passenger, then surprise you once he has the money by making you wait while he tries to hustle a few more passengers..

Usually about B300 for a decent car, not shared.

Edited by dddave
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There is also now a regular bus service from the bridge to the Vientiane bus station, costs 6,000 kip (about 23 baht). The buses are modern, supplied by the Japanese government, they are painted green and leave at regular intervals.

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We paid 300 baht for a nice modern van. We didn't share with anyone else. You can get a dilapidated open back van and share with others for maybe 50 baht each. I also think there's a bus that leaves regularly. Better to pay 300 baht for a better van if you can afford it.

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