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I'll give you an idea that a bloke I worked with successfully launched in Tasmania, Australia.

He lived on acreage in Tasmanian in an area with high rainfall.

He decided to make money out of Tasmanian rainwater, so he essentially had water catchments built (roof structures), guttering to feed into stock tanks. He hand bottled the water from the stock tanks into various sized packaging and sold it all to the American Market.

Last I heard he was expanding.

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Exporting bottled water? To what market? Unless you've identified some magical effects of drinking Thai water and can sell it at astronomical prices, it seems the shipping costs alone would kill you. And most of the places with people silly enough to pay a lot for magic water are pretty far away and have hosts of health regulations.

I was sure this was a satire thread.

I think satire requires a certain level of sophistication not in evidence here.

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