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David Haines's 'evil murder' condemned by PM Cameron

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David Haines's 'evil murder' condemned by PM

LONDON: -- The murder of David Haines was an "act of pure evil", David Cameron has said after the release of a video purporting to show the UK hostage's beheading.

The PM vowed to do "everything in our power to hunt down" the killers of the 44-year-old aid worker, from Perth, who was kidnapped last year in Syria.

Islamic State militants have already beheaded two Americans, saying it was in response to US air strikes in Iraq.

The latest video also includes a threat to kill a second British hostage.

Mr Cameron said the murder of an innocent aid worker was "despicable and appalling".

"It is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to the family of David Haines who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude throughout this ordeal.

"We will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes," he added.

A Downing Street spokesperson said the prime minister would chair an emergency Cobra committee meeting later.

Labour leader Ed Miliband said he was "sickened at the disgusting, barbaric killing" of Mr Haines.

Read More: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29195872

-- BBC 2014-09-14

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The cruelest of irony this morning.

On BBC's pre-recorded ' Dateline London ' early today an Arab writer, a long time resident in London, and who is just back from Jordan where he was researching a book on ISIS said he thought Haines would be safe ' for a while ' if the RAF didn't get involved in air strikes.

Within a couple of hours ISIS released the video of the beheading.

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Islamic State claims beheading of British hostage

WASHINGTON - The Islamic State jihadist group claimed Saturday it beheaded British aid worker David Haines, in what would be the third such execution in recent weeks, after two US journalists were shown murdered.

The Islamist group released a video, available on the website of private terrorism monitoring group SITE, purportedly showing a masked militant beheading Haines.

The two-minute-27-second video titled "A Message to the Allies of America" blames British Prime Minister David Cameron for joining forces with the United States, which has said it is at "war" with the jihadists and launched air strikes against them in Iraq.

"You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against th eIslamic State, just as your predecessor Tony Blair did, following a trend amongst our British prime ministers who can’t find the courage to say no to the Americans," the executioner says in the video.

The militant, who may be the same man as in the previous videos, told Britain the alliance will "accelerate your destruction" and will drag the British people into "another bloody and unwinnable war."

He also threatens to execute another British hostage.

Scottish-born Haines, 44, was taken hostage in Syria in March 2013 and was threatened in a video released this month depicting the beheading by an IS militant of the US journalist Steven Sotloff.

Haines had been working for the Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), an international relief charity, and was previously involved in humanitarian work in the Balkans, parts of Africa and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Islamic-State-claims-beheading-of-British-hostage--30243232.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-14

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I awake this morning to learn of the despicable disgusting execution of David Haines. I am so sickened by this cowardly act perpetrated on a humanitarian worker who selflessly put his safety at risk in order to reach out to desperate people in urgent life-critical humanitarian need. David was a humanitarian safety and security adviser for an INGO which, along with over 400 other similar organisation, abide by the principles of the International Federation of the Red Cross Code of Conduct. Even in war and conflict humanitarians do not carry arms and do not seek armed protection in their daily work, this ensures they maintain the ethic of complete impartiality.

Learn about the IFRC Code of Conduct here http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=INZuLjbHg3Q

Rest in Peace brave brave David. Condolences and thoughts go out to your poor family who have endured 19 months of agony at the hands of these evil barbarians.

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A troll post has been removed, if you have nothing worthwhile to say on this terrible subject then please move on to another one.

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In this article he is portrait as a friendly charity worker. In other news you read he is an ex military involved in security work for charity organizations. This is totally something different.

This all Is a very well orchestrated media campaign.

Where was the outrage in British parlement and news after the attack and beheading of an innocent women in London.

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italy danmark and few other countries paid ransom and the hostages are alive and free

the choice of uk government is different and this scottish man is dead.

in my opinion who cares how the terrorists will use the money often the hostages are kidnapped by "regular" criminals and then sold to terrorists so the Cameron statement was not so detailed

i wonder if it will influence the referendum for indipendence

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Where was the outrage in British parlement and news after the attack and beheading of an innocent women in London.

That is a valid point. They immediately tried to claim that it was "not terrorism." It reminds me of the "workplace violence" claims for the Fort Hood shooting in USA - 13 people dead and more than 30 others injured.

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In this article he is portrait as a friendly charity worker. In other news you read he is an ex military involved in security work for charity organizations. This is totally something different.

This all Is a very well orchestrated media campaign.

Where was the outrage in British parlement and news after the attack and beheading of an innocent women in London.

He was indeed ex-military who, after retiring from serving his Queen and country had moved across to the humanitarian sector as a safety and security advisory. He was abducted 19 months ago by terrorists whilst conducting an [un-armed and unprotected] humanitarian assessment of likely beneficiaries close to the Turkish boarder. You are suggesting what exactly? Look at post #9 before replying.

Edited by iancnx
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italy danmark and few other countries paid ransom and the hostages are alive and free

the choice of uk government is different and this scottish man is dead.

in my opinion who cares how the terrorists will use the money often the hostages are kidnapped by "regular" criminals and then sold to terrorists so the Cameron statement was not so detailed

i wonder if it will influence the referendum for indipendence

The payment of ransom for hostages just leads to more and more abductions with no consequences in sight for the perpetrators. The millions of dollars that are transferred to terror organisations annually helps to not only buy them weapons and explosives, but it helps them to grow their command and control structures, develop their technical ability, improves their supply and logistics, fund their training regimes and promotes the indoctrination of vulnerable youth.

Ransoms should not be paid. David's blood is on the hands of those weak governments and commercial organisations that have paid ransoms in the past.

u say David Blood is on the hands of government as italy danmark... and you call them weak governments...such a foolish statement....but now the hostages are free with the family

why most of the abducted are from US or UK if those governments dont pay a cent?

and again often the hostages are kidnapped by "regular" criminals.....and consequently sold to terrorists ..which makes your straight statement even foolish

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As I've stated before the war against the political supremacist entity within Islam is doomed to failure unless we drop several elements of freedom within liberal democracies. Just as a cancer cell manages to trick the immune system into not destroying it Jihad exploits our humanity and moderation as a weakness to turn against us. All rights of citizens should be revoked if they are so much as suspected of aiding ISIS, internment may be seen as an option along with mass expulsion somewhere down the line. The only other options are to capitulate over time to an ideology just as evil as Nazism, or watch the UK gradually turn into another Lebanon.

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Why is it that these people being beheaded make the statements against their country when they surely know it will not save them anyway? If anything it only prolongs their agony waiting for the inevitable to happen. RIP David.

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when is the world going to stand up to islam and wipe this murderous cult from the face of the planet.

How long will it be before the usual radical Islamic apologists appear, trying to minimize this, blame it on the UK or pointing at Christian atrocities from hundreds of years ago as a justification for this barbarity. We have already heard from the conspiracy theory brigade. bah.gif

Give it a rest UG, we all know you will foam at the mouth over every crime committed by Muslim's, and defend Israel no matter what crime they commit.

I can't get worked up over the execution of this man, when we the west are responsible for the catastrophe the middle east has become.

Edited by johna
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italy danmark and few other countries paid ransom and the hostages are alive and free

the choice of uk government is different and this scottish man is dead.

Countries that pay muslims ransom purchase something far more grievous in the long term. Islam has 4 possible actions muslims can take with regard to booty seized/slaves; among them is ransom. When someone pays ransom to muslim jihadis they define themselves as a dhimmi, a sub-category of humans according to the koran. A cursory look at how Denmark is progressing with its dhimmitude suggests their policy does nothing other than make Denmark a vassal state of Islam[ists].

I dont comment on the value of any single life here, only on the grave danger such a position poses to a country. A policy of overwhelming, brutal response- every single time- is ample to dissuade hostage taking from a particular nation. The US and UK do neither; they dont pay the ransom, and they dont overwhelmingly defend their citizens (for sure the US does not).

What you infer above is submission. The definition of Islam is submission; not peace! If there is no point that our nations wake up and respond with overwhelming force (not proportional) then we most surely will be subjugated, one bloody body at a time.

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British PM chairs emergency meeting over beheading video

LONDON - Prime Minister David Cameron will gather some of his top security advisors on Sunday to discuss Britain's response to an online video showing the murder of an aid worker by Islamic State militants.

He will chair a meeting of the government’s emergency response committee, Cobra, attended by senior representatives of the military and security services, the Foreign Office and Home Office interior ministry, a spokeswoman said.

Cameron has condemned the beheading of 44-year-old David Haines as "pure evil", after the video was released late Saturday showing his execution by the IS jihadist group, which has swept across Iraq and Syria in recent months.

The prime minister said Britain would do "everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes".

It was the third apparent beheading of a Western hostage in less than a month and the militant in the video threatened to execute a fourth, another Briton.

The video blamed Cameron for joining forces with the United States, which has said it is at "war" with the jihadists and launched air strikes against them in Iraq.

The government in London faces accusations of confusion over its policy towards IS after conflicting comments from Downing Street and the Foreign Office last week.

During a visit to Berlin, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said Britain would not take part in strikes against IS in Syria, after parliament last year voted against taking military action in that country.

But just hours later, a spokesman for Cameron’s Downing Street office insisted the prime minister was not ruling anything out.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/British-PM-chairs-emergency-meeting-over-beheading-30243243.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-14

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If it wasn't for the oil we'd sit back and let it run its course. The West never gave a toss about Rwanda or Sudan.

All they're worried about is that ISIL don't remove all of their friendly heads of state and hold a quarter of the world's oil to ransom.

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