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Australia launches anti-terror raids


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@ samran........laugh.png

What a daft reply......All our western countries have noooooo problem whatsoever with any religion and their practices, EXCEPT ONE........The one that doesn't want to integrate, the one that doesn't want to follow the laws of their new abode, the one that wants to kill anything that moves if it doesn't follow THEIR religious code. You know which one that is don't you, you little rascal..whistling.gif

Unfortunately for the west, the west that has opened doors to all, but then we have folk like you and another, who would rather protect these folk instead of looking after your natives. Every society has folk like you, want to bend over backwards UNTIL you get personally hit by shit. sad.png

By natives, I assume you are referring to the Australian Aboriginal population. They have serious issues that are not yet resolved. You wish to discuss this?


Go on, go off on a tangent............rolleyes.gif

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You specifically used the term natives. Native Australians are the Aboriginal people. You are not aware of this?

Is your name Pike ?..........stupid boy.................rolleyes.gif

It was a serious question on a serious topic. You are unable to respond to it without trivialising? Why do you assume to make comments on Australian culture? Australia is not Britain. Your prejudices just make you look more stupid there.

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You specifically used the term natives. Native Australians are the Aboriginal people. You are not aware of this?

Is your name Pike ?..........stupid boy.................rolleyes.gif

Pike you say ?

I thought it was Pile, Private, 1st class.

Don't have the courage of your convictions I see.

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You specifically used the term natives. Native Australians are the Aboriginal people. You are not aware of this?

Is your name Pike ?..........stupid boy.................rolleyes.gif

It was a serious question on a serious topic. You are unable to respond to it without trivialising? Why do you assume to make comments on Australian culture? Australia is not Britain. Your prejudices just make you look more stupid there.

Sorry chummy, the only folk that look stupid are folk like you and another that protect, make excuses for folk that are against the "natives" of a country that gave them a home without persecution from those "natives". bah.gif

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You specifically used the term natives. Native Australians are the Aboriginal people. You are not aware of this?

Is your name Pike ?..........stupid boy.................rolleyes.gif

It was a serious question on a serious topic. You are unable to respond to it without trivialising? Why do you assume to make comments on Australian culture? Australia is not Britain. Your prejudices just make you look more stupid there.

Sorry chummy, the only folk that look stupid are folk like you and another that protect, make excuses for folk that are against the "natives" of a country that gave them a home without persecution from those "natives". bah.gif

Dont feed the troll.

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@ samran........laugh.png

What a daft reply......All our western countries have noooooo problem whatsoever with any religion and their practices, EXCEPT ONE........The one that doesn't want to integrate, the one that doesn't want to follow the laws of their new abode, the one that wants to kill anything that moves if it doesn't follow THEIR religious code. You know which one that is don't you, you little rascal..whistling.gif

Unfortunately for the west, the west that has opened doors to all, but then we have folk like you and another, who would rather protect these folk instead of looking after your natives. Every society has folk like you, want to bend over backwards UNTIL you get personally hit by shit. sad.png

So what do we do about the ones on Christians and Cocos Island then?

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The current pledge

From this time forward

I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people,

whose democratic beliefs I share,

whose rights and liberties I respect, and

whose laws I will uphold and obey.

Nothing here says you can't practice your religious beliefs. Of you want an atheist paradise, I'm sure there is still a soviet republic somewhere still standing.


1. Loyalty to Australia and its people. Is Australia now a Muslim Country ?

2. Democratic beliefs. Is Islam a Democratic Religion ? Or how about which Muslim Country is Democratic ?

3. Rights and liberties. Is Islam conducive to rights and liberties ?

4. Whose Laws I will uphold and obey. I will not insult your intelligence here. Forced marriage / Multiple wives come where in Australian Law ?

I am not questioning anyones right to practice their religious beliefs. There is a vast difference between practicing your religious beliefs and having the right to practice Religious Laws. Which contradict the Law of the Land.

So Muslims from day Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore can migrate right? Cause they are functioning democracies. That works for you right? In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in he world which just also happens to be Muslim.

What about those from India? You know, more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. And india is the worlds largest democracy. What about them?

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Sorry chummy, the only folk that look stupid are folk like you and another that protect, make excuses for folk that are against the "natives" of a country that gave them a home without persecution from those "natives". bah.gif

Ok. In deference to your long posting history, many of which I have read over the years, I will take your comment as a legitimate one.

I don't think I, nor the 'another' have ever defended any criminal activity by a sub group that affects any 'folk' native or not. I even said this in my initiating post and the 'another' has said this also. How is respecting another person and their way of life in any was enabling them to take over the 'native' culture. And the point I wanted you to get is that the term 'native' future is pretty inappropriate in Australian terms.

This is how I read your comment but it is quite cryptic. Do you believe that anything I said supports the rights of any person to go and chop someone's head off? I think I address this quite clearly. Criminal activity should be dealt with by police. On the culture wars thing, my position is that I support multiculturalism and respect diversity. I did not say I like all cultures. I did not say I support all the ways Australian culture may change as a result of immigration. But I do not believe that my culture or my existence is worth more than another persons just because I am white with a British heritage.

You may continue to slag me off and put words in my mouth and place interpretations on my posts that are self serving to your prejudices. But I repeat. Australia is no longer controlled by or influenced by Britain. It has developed a separate identity.

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Sorry chummy, the only folk that look stupid are folk like you and another that protect, make excuses for folk that are against the "natives" of a country that gave them a home without persecution from those "natives". bah.gif

Ok. In deference to your long posting history, many of which I have read over the years, I will take your comment as a legitimate one.

I don't think I, nor the 'another' have ever defended any criminal activity by a sub group that affects any 'folk' native or not. I even said this in my initiating post and the 'another' has said this also. How is respecting another person and their way of life in any was enabling them to take over the 'native' culture. And the point I wanted you to get is that the term 'native' future is pretty inappropriate in Australian terms.

This is how I read your comment but it is quite cryptic. Do you believe that anything I said supports the rights of any person to go and chop someone's head off? I think I address this quite clearly. Criminal activity should be dealt with by police. On the culture wars thing, my position is that I support multiculturalism and respect diversity. I did not say I like all cultures. I did not say I support all the ways Australian culture may change as a result of immigration. But I do not believe that my culture or my existence is worth more than another persons just because I am white with a British heritage.

You may continue to slag me off and put words in my mouth and place interpretations on my posts that are self serving to your prejudices. But I repeat. Australia is no longer controlled by or influenced by Britain. It has developed a separate identity.

I am writing as me and nothing to do where I come from.

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Sorry chummy, the only folk that look stupid are folk like you and another that protect, make excuses for folk that are against the "natives" of a country that gave them a home without persecution from those "natives". bah.gif

Ok. In deference to your long posting history, many of which I have read over the years, I will take your comment as a legitimate one.

I don't think I, nor the 'another' have ever defended any criminal activity by a sub group that affects any 'folk' native or not. I even said this in my initiating post and the 'another' has said this also. How is respecting another person and their way of life in any was enabling them to take over the 'native' culture. And the point I wanted you to get is that the term 'native' future is pretty inappropriate in Australian terms.

This is how I read your comment but it is quite cryptic. Do you believe that anything I said supports the rights of any person to go and chop someone's head off? I think I address this quite clearly. Criminal activity should be dealt with by police. On the culture wars thing, my position is that I support multiculturalism and respect diversity. I did not say I like all cultures. I did not say I support all the ways Australian culture may change as a result of immigration. But I do not believe that my culture or my existence is worth more than another persons just because I am white with a British heritage.

You may continue to slag me off and put words in my mouth and place interpretations on my posts that are self serving to your prejudices. But I repeat. Australia is no longer controlled by or influenced by Britain. It has developed a separate identity.

I am writing as me and nothing to do where I come from.

Well that gives me nothing to work with. And I don't believe it. Your heritage is transparent in your posts on these issues. Additonally your views on immigration should be taken into context as a resident or temporary visitor to Thailand and how you engage with Thais and other foreigners. You post a lot on many of these issues on other threads.

In Thailand, do you not see areas that could be 'improved'? Like immigration processes? If you could have input into this area, would you not try and influence the way things are done on the basis of your experience from 'the west'? Similarly in politics. If foreigners could vote, I am sure many would actively participate. I am sure you interact with Thais but do you tend to engage with 'your type' more often, socially? Do you speak Thai exclusively?

Being an immigrant is complex. Immigration is complex. You experience it personally as do I. I wonder why you cannot empathise with others who experience this?

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Me personally getting involved with Thai stuff is a total waste of time, being a TTP volunteer I know. I no longer go to Temples etc, done all that got the T-shirt. But most of my friends are Thai, we get on great, why, cos I integrate and they understand me.

This type of debate and my participation is for one reason and one reason only, and that is the senseless killing of the innocent for absolutely no reason other than a religion.

That is it. The world is being held ransom for nothing, just numnuts with guns that kill the unarmed. To me they are like mosquitoes, totally useless forms that kill.

Stop the killing, then we can all get on with our lives TOGETHER.

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So Muslims from day Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore can migrate right? Cause they are functioning democracies. That works for you right? In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in he world which just also happens to be Muslim.

What about those from India? You know, more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. And india is the worlds largest democracy. What about them?


What have those Countries that you mention above, got to do with Muslims in Australia.

I have no idea how to make this any more clearer for you. Muslims, from any Muslim Country are able to migrate to Western Countries if they have the skills and qualifications that ant one of those Countries needs. This includes Australia.

The onus should then be on those individuals to align themselves with the rules and Laws that those Countries deem necessary for harmony within the general population.

I have made my home in Thailand. I accept and abide by the Laws of Thailand. I have no intention of trying to enforce my beliefs, or ask Thailand to change to accommodate me.

This is something that the Muslim population in any Westernized Country have difficulty in accepting. They want their terms and their conditions. That is what I have a beef with.

For some reason you seem to think that it is acceptable for the opposite. I disagree.

They align themselves with the laws and practice their religion. I don't see a contradiction.

There have been Muslims in Australia from those countries from the day dot. We've for a substantial community of Malays on Christmas and Cocos islands who have been there for centuries. They are part of the Australian fabric, albeit a small one. But a legitimate part none the less. They understand democracy. On the mainland since the Colombo plan we've has tonnes of students come to study and then many stay. None of this has even been inconsistent with Australia.

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Me personally getting involved with Thai stuff is a total waste of time, being a TTP volunteer I know. I no longer go to Temples etc, done all that got the T-shirt. But most of my friends are Thai, we get on great, why, cos I integrate and they understand me.

This type of debate and my participation is for one reason and one reason only, and that is the senseless killing of the innocent for absolutely no reason other than a religion.

That is it. The world is being held ransom for nothing, just numnuts with guns that kill the unarmed. To me they are like mosquitoes, totally useless forms that kill.

Stop the killing, then we can all get on with our lives TOGETHER.

I agree with your comment that the killings are senseless and abhorrent. I support your opposition to this 100%.

I do not think that we should eradicate by deportation or genocide all muslims in Australia as a result. I am not a Muslim and I do not particularly like a number of aspects of the way the religion is practiced but they are part of my country and we can hope that we can benefit from them. I have very little to do with muslims in Australia and probably never will since I live here in Thailand. But I welcome them.

I know you were a TTP. As far as I know there is no central law creating the TTP. It seemed to be a local response to benefit both police and tourists. This is engagement between immigrants and the host society. You can't stop it. People are people. My knowledge of the TTP in Phuket mainly come from your posts. I do not like what I hear about the TTP in Pattaya. I have worked for the Thai government for more than 15 years and believe that if the police want to use foreign employees they should pay for them and give them appropriate official status and be regulated like their peers.

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So Muslims from day Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore can migrate right? Cause they are functioning democracies. That works for you right? In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in he world which just also happens to be Muslim.

What about those from India? You know, more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. And india is the worlds largest democracy. What about them?


What have those Countries that you mention above, got to do with Muslims in Australia.

I have no idea how to make this any more clearer for you. Muslims, from any Muslim Country are able to migrate to Western Countries if they have the skills and qualifications that ant one of those Countries needs. This includes Australia.

The onus should then be on those individuals to align themselves with the rules and Laws that those Countries deem necessary for harmony within the general population.

I have made my home in Thailand. I accept and abide by the Laws of Thailand. I have no intention of trying to enforce my beliefs, or ask Thailand to change to accommodate me.

This is something that the Muslim population in any Westernized Country have difficulty in accepting. They want their terms and their conditions. That is what I have a beef with.

For some reason you seem to think that it is acceptable for the opposite. I disagree.

They align themselves with the laws and practice their religion. I don't see a contradiction.

There have been Muslims in Australia from those countries from the day dot. We've for a substantial community of Malays on Christmas and Cocos islands who have been there for centuries. They are part of the Australian fabric, albeit a small one. But a legitimate part none the less. They understand democracy. On the mainland since the Colombo plan we've has tonnes of students come to study and then many stay. None of this has even been inconsistent with Australia.

The contradiction is that they want to live under Sharia Law not the Law of the Land.

I am not denying that there have been Muslims in Australia for a very long time. Just as there have been Muslims in the UK for a very long time.

Of course they understand democracy, they will even accept it, until they get to a certain number and then things will change.

Ask yourself this. Even though it is against the Law of the Land. When did forced marriage, multiple wives and aspects of Sharia Law Law start becoming part of Australian fabric ? When did everyday Aussie's start finding out about it ? I will not even go into the more nastier parts of Islam.

Western and Muslim Cultures cannot live side by side. They are totally incompatible. If you think that this is not the case. Please list your reasons.

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So Muslims from day Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore can migrate right? Cause they are functioning democracies. That works for you right? In Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in he world which just also happens to be Muslim.

What about those from India? You know, more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. And india is the worlds largest democracy. What about them?


What have those Countries that you mention above, got to do with Muslims in Australia.

I have no idea how to make this any more clearer for you. Muslims, from any Muslim Country are able to migrate to Western Countries if they have the skills and qualifications that ant one of those Countries needs. This includes Australia.

The onus should then be on those individuals to align themselves with the rules and Laws that those Countries deem necessary for harmony within the general population.

I have made my home in Thailand. I accept and abide by the Laws of Thailand. I have no intention of trying to enforce my beliefs, or ask Thailand to change to accommodate me.

This is something that the Muslim population in any Westernized Country have difficulty in accepting. They want their terms and their conditions. That is what I have a beef with.

For some reason you seem to think that it is acceptable for the opposite. I disagree.

They align themselves with the laws and practice their religion. I don't see a contradiction.

There have been Muslims in Australia from those countries from the day dot. We've for a substantial community of Malays on Christmas and Cocos islands who have been there for centuries. They are part of the Australian fabric, albeit a small one. But a legitimate part none the less. They understand democracy. On the mainland since the Colombo plan we've has tonnes of students come to study and then many stay. None of this has even been inconsistent with Australia.

The contradiction is that they want to live under Sharia Law not the Law of the Land.

I am not denying that there have been Muslims in Australia for a very long time. Just as there have been Muslims in the UK for a very long time.

Of course they understand democracy, they will even accept it, until they get to a certain number and then things will change.

Ask yourself this. Even though it is against the Law of the Land. When did forced marriage, multiple wives and aspects of Sharia Law Law start becoming part of Australian fabric ? When did everyday Aussie's start finding out about it ? I will not even go into the more nastier parts of Islam.

Western and Muslim Cultures cannot live side by side. They are totally incompatible. If you think that this is not the case. Please list your reasons.

I don't get your post.

Until they get to a certain population and then they over throw democracy? Then how did the modern Indonesia come about? A majority Muslim nation who over threw the dictator Suharto for a democracy. They do democracy even better than Thailand does it.

Why do I think Muslims in Australia can live there successfully? Cause I am a child of two countries. People used to say Asians could never live in Australia. We even used to have a white Australia policy to keep Asians out. The same lines you spit out now that people were used then, were used by apartheid South Africa, were used by the southern states who opposed the civil rights movement. These people can't live together because their cultures are too different. They'll take over.

All of which were crap.

Where nations survive is when you have strong secular institutions that people trust and the institutions are stronger than the sway of any one group.

But I know people like you. Older, pining for the days of old which never really existed. When things seemed consistent. Probably worked hard all your life and now see the world changing around you. For people like myself it is just change, for people like yourself it is he end of the world and you don't like it. Easily scared by fear mongers.

Edited by samran
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^^ Yup!

Samran: Where nations survive is when you have strong secular institutions that people trust and the institutions are stronger than the sway of any one group.

This is correct. Is this what Saddam Hussain knew and Bush/Blair refused to acknowledge?

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I don't get your post.

Until they get to a certain population and then they over throw democracy? Then how did the modern Indonesia come about? A majority Muslim nation who over threw the dictator Suharto for a democracy. They do democracy even better than Thailand does it.

Why do I think Muslims in Australia can live there successfully? Cause I am a child of two countries. People used to say Asians could never live in Australia. We even used to have a white Australia policy to keep Asians out. The same lines you spit out now that people were used then, were used by apartheid South Africa, were used by the southern states who opposed the civil rights movement. These people can't live together because their cultures are too different. They'll take over.

All of which were crap.

Where nations survive is when you have strong secular institutions that people trust and the institutions are stronger than the sway of any one group.

But I know people like you. Older, pining for the days of old which never really existed. When things seemed consistent. Probably worked hard all your life and now see the world changing around you. For people like myself it is just change, for people like yourself it is he end of the world and you don't like it. Easily scared by fear mongers.

You dont get my post ? I think it was fairly easy to understand, maybe its a case that you dont want to get my post.

I did not speak about overthrowing democracy. I said that when they get to certain numbers they start to apply pressure to get what they want. Which is recognition of Sharia Law

I asked you to list your reasons why you think Western and Muslim cultures can live side by side. You failed to do so.

You know people like me ? I dont think so. I'm 51 so I must be ancient by your reckoning. Consistency of what ? I left home at 18 and had the pleasure of working all over the world. Easily scared by fearmongers, what a joke that is. I spent the last 8 of 11 years working in 2 sh1tholes in the ME. Guess what, that gave me the dosh to retire at 50.

Where nations survive is when you have strong secular institutions that people trust and the institutions are stronger than the sway of any one group.

Funny that you should come out with that statement. Only one vocal group in the UK that has been pushing for change for the last 10 years.

Why do I think Muslims in Australia can live there successfully? Cause I am a child of two countries.

That wasnt the question. The question was. List your reasons that you think Western and Muslim Cultures can live side by side. Being a child of 2 Countries has absolutely no bearing on anything. I think it is well established that Muslim Communities can live anywhere. The demographs of the UK is testament to that. However that does not mean that there is harmony. Which even to a casual observer is pretty evident.

So the question remains. have Muslims in Australia integrated into society ? Or, more likely, are you seeing a parallel with the UK, in which they have set up areas that are by and large, exclusively Muslim ?

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I asked you to list your reasons why you think Western and Muslim cultures can live side by side. You failed to do so.

Quickly! His Majesty requires the lists. You must say why you think muslims and democracy are compatible point by point in these lists. Funny how this guy gets to throw out bigoted garbage unchallenged.

For the credulous reader who may be taken in by the crap this twit is peddling, let me tell you that forced marriages in the context which this guy is pushing and the other nonsense he is spouting have never been or currently are part of the fabric of Australia. Since he has no connection with Australia or knowledge of its culture or history, I won't bother to talk about the impact of Australian culture on the traditions of the Southern Mediterranean Christian and Muslim communities who emigrated in the 50's and the very quick destruction of the arranged marriage tradition in many of these families. I grew up with these 2nd generation kids and engaged with them on these exact issues in school and socially.

Australia has and will continue to welcome muslim immigrants. We have nothing to fear. We will continue to be a democracy incorporating muslims as well as many other communities.

Edited by Tep
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Being a child of 2 Countries has absolutely no bearing on anything.

You know what it's like to be a minority? Any concept of the pressures of biculturalism? It has everything to do with this topic. It is entirely what being a modern Australian is about. We want to respect this diversity. Feel free to go there and actually see for yourself if you don't want to believe what you are being told.

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I asked you to list your reasons why you think Western and Muslim cultures can live side by side. You failed to do so.

Quickly! His Majesty requires the lists. You must say why you think muslims and democracy are compatible point by point in these lists. Funny how this guy gets to throw out bigoted garbage unchallenged.

For the credulous reader who may be taken in by the crap this twit is peddling, let me tell you that forced marriages in the context which this guy is pushing and the other nonsense he is spouting have never been or currently are part of the fabric of Australia. Since he has no connection with Australia or knowledge of its culture or history, I won't bother to talk about the impact of Australian culture on the traditions of the Southern Mediterranean Christian and Muslim communities who emigrated in the 50's and the very quick destruction of the arranged marriage tradition in many of these families. I grew up with these 2nd generation kids and engaged with them on these exact issues in school and socially.

Australia has and will continue to welcome muslim immigrants. We have nothing to fear. We will continue to be a democracy incorporating muslims as well as many other communities.

Yes, his majesty shall never be pleased.

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I asked you to list your reasons why you think Western and Muslim cultures can live side by side. You failed to do so.

Quickly! His Majesty requires the lists. You must say why you think muslims and democracy are compatible point by point in these lists. Funny how this guy gets to throw out bigoted garbage unchallenged.

For the credulous reader who may be taken in by the crap this twit is peddling, let me tell you that forced marriages in the context which this guy is pushing and the other nonsense he is spouting have never been or currently are part of the fabric of Australia. Since he has no connection with Australia or knowledge of its culture or history, I won't bother to talk about the impact of Australian culture on the traditions of the Southern Mediterranean Christian and Muslim communities who emigrated in the 50's and the very quick destruction of the arranged marriage tradition in many of these families. I grew up with these 2nd generation kids and engaged with them on these exact issues in school and socially.

Australia has and will continue to welcome muslim immigrants. We have nothing to fear. We will continue to be a democracy incorporating muslims as well as many other communities.

Yes, his majesty shall never be pleased.

I do not need to be pleased.

Have a read, This is what is happening in Australia.

You might want to try braille, clearly your eyesight is not working.

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I asked you to list your reasons why you think Western and Muslim cultures can live side by side. You failed to do so.

Quickly! His Majesty requires the lists. You must say why you think muslims and democracy are compatible point by point in these lists. Funny how this guy gets to throw out bigoted garbage unchallenged.

For the credulous reader who may be taken in by the crap this twit is peddling, let me tell you that forced marriages in the context which this guy is pushing and the other nonsense he is spouting have never been or currently are part of the fabric of Australia. Since he has no connection with Australia or knowledge of its culture or history, I won't bother to talk about the impact of Australian culture on the traditions of the Southern Mediterranean Christian and Muslim communities who emigrated in the 50's and the very quick destruction of the arranged marriage tradition in many of these families. I grew up with these 2nd generation kids and engaged with them on these exact issues in school and socially.

Australia has and will continue to welcome muslim immigrants. We have nothing to fear. We will continue to be a democracy incorporating muslims as well as many other communities.

Yes, his majesty shall never be pleased.

I do not need to be pleased.

Have a read, This is what is happening in Australia.

You might want to try braille, clearly your eyesight is not working.

Yes sah!

Is there anything else I can do for you massa?

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