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Plan for 78th province gets some backing

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Plan for 78th province gets some backing
The Nation


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A local politician has fiercely defended the plan to set up a new province comprising Nakhon Ratchasima's eight districts.

"The plan has already won enough 'yes' votes from the Nakhon Ratchasima Provincial Administrative Organisation Council," Somchai Pinyo said yesterday.

He is the councillor of Kaeng Sanam Nang district, which will become part of Bua Yai province should the plan go ahead. Nakhon Ratchasima province is comprised of more than 20 districts.

Somchai said his district office was about 130 kilometres from the provincial City Hall and top officials rarely visited people in his area.

However, many Nakhon Ratchasima residents are not happy about the plan and provincial governor Thongchai Lue-adun yesterday instructed officials under his supervision to make no comments on the issue.

If Bua Yai province is really established, it will become Thailand's 78th province.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Plan-for-78th-province-gets-some-backing-30243704.html

-- The Nation 2014-09-20

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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.......

Many provinces were necessary when the fastest most expensive transport was horse and it need days for information to travel across Thailand so every small area need an own government that reaches only as far as you can communicate fast.

Since we have cars, telephone and internet that isn't necessary anymore.

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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.

agreed, around 8 would help...but then: the U.S. cuts down to 10 states, In Oz, Victoria merges with Tassie, Germany reduces to 4 states, France to just a handful of provinces (that country had been max- centralized ever since despite that many provinces...) etc.

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Uh, that would be the 77th province as there are only 76 now. Bangkok is NOT a province. It is a special administrative area kind of like Washington, D.C. is not a state in America.

I am not sure Washington is even in America with some of the nonsense they out out

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Driving through Nakhon Ratchasima/Korat I sometimes wondered about the enormous size of this province.

If you aren't joking and think Korat is an enormous province, bear in mind, the Canadian Province of British Columbia is larger than California, Oregon and Washington combined with a population of just under twice that of Ratchasima.

Canada has 10 provinces and approximately 35,345,000 while thailand has 67,368,000.

Perhaps what Thailand needs is 60 less provinces and a far more efficient, honest and reliable public service and a more efficient infrastructure.

But that would incur inactive posts.

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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.......

Many provinces were necessary when the fastest most expensive transport was horse and it need days for information to travel across Thailand so every small area need an own government that reaches only as far as you can communicate fast.

Since we have cars, telephone and internet that isn't necessary anymore.

Sorry to say so, but the fastest transport in Thailand a horse???

That was maybe only the horses from the Spanish and Portugese who fought here.

Further you do not find any horses in Thailand, exept on the beaches.

The fastest animal in Thailand has been the Turtle.....

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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.......

Many provinces were necessary when the fastest most expensive transport was horse and it need days for information to travel across Thailand so every small area need an own government that reaches only as far as you can communicate fast.

Since we have cars, telephone and internet that isn't necessary anymore.

Sorry to say so, but the fastest transport in Thailand a horse???

That was maybe only the horses from the Spanish and Portugese who fought here.

Further you do not find any horses in Thailand, exept on the beaches.

The fastest animal in Thailand has been the Turtle.....

I hope your knowledge of equestrian services in Thailand is not confined to watching a few ponies trot along the sands of Phuket's beaches, while sipping on a beautiful Thai woman and cuddling a Mai Tai.

Apart from the hi-so sport of polo, there are numerous places where horses can be ridden by the public and holidays based on trekking are available. Gee up! Pip Pip!





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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.......

Many provinces were necessary when the fastest most expensive transport was horse and it need days for information to travel across Thailand so every small area need an own government that reaches only as far as you can communicate fast.

Since we have cars, telephone and internet that isn't necessary anymore.

Sorry to say so, but the fastest transport in Thailand a horse???

That was maybe only the horses from the Spanish and Portugese who fought here.

Further you do not find any horses in Thailand, exept on the beaches.

The fastest animal in Thailand has been the Turtle.....

I hope your knowledge of equestrian services in Thailand is not confined to watching a few ponies trot along the sands of Phuket's beaches, while sipping on a beautiful Thai woman and cuddling a Mai Tai.

Apart from the hi-so sport of polo, there are numerous places where horses can be ridden by the public and holidays based on trekking are available. Gee up! Pip Pip!





I could take a horse with carriage just in front of my door, and no, I don't live in Lampang.

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What a nonsense, instead they should cut it down to less 10 provinces.......

Many provinces were necessary when the fastest most expensive transport was horse and it need days for information to travel across Thailand so every small area need an own government that reaches only as far as you can communicate fast.

Since we have cars, telephone and internet that isn't necessary anymore.

Agree. Malaysia has 10 states and 3 federal districts. But 1/2 the population.

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Another province and all the headaches of a new immigration center that people living at point x have to go to. Why to go Thailand the hub of Province building and giving people more migraines!

How many Thais living at point x have to go to immigrations centres?

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