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Scots have spoken, now Britons must act

Lite Beer

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Salmond is not bailing out - he has fulfilled his promises and now reverts to being a "normal" member of the Scottish Parliament. The SNP has the clear majority there, so the next Scottish general election is going to be interesting. Meanwhile let's hope Edinburgh puts the thumb-screws on Westminster to deliver that promises that Gordon Brown referred to, including Scottish tax-raising powers. People forget that this has always been about Scotland's right to govern itself, and that means being in charge of it's finances, and not at the whim of Westminster for "hand-outs" - however else you want to describe the current system. Hopefully the English MP's will not sit back and do nothing - they also need to resolve the issues of Scottish MP's voting on English matters. The whole westminster system is an unholy mess and needs an overhaul, root and branch! wink.png

when they were going to shut grangemouth 2 years ago, when the unions f££ked up,,

who was going to bail it out,,,,,,,

oh yes it was going to be that westminster you dont like,,,,, short memory

the english should have a referendom

I worked for that company Jake. The agreement that was forced on the Unions, depleted Huddersfield by 90% over 10 years. So I've some sympathy with them.. I agree with your last line. Cameron, Clegg, and Brown have opened a can of worms.

Edited by Mosha
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When do the English get to vote if we want Scotland

And whilst we're at it, how about a Welsh vote - that may cause a few upsets!

No problem with me. Why not invite the whole EU while we're at it as removal of Scotland from the UK would have meant removal of Scotland from the EU.

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There is a case for removing a layer of government now that the EU has become the top level. We don't need countries' governments now, the EU does all that anyway. The regions/states/nations can run themselves under that umbrella. Most "countries" in the EU are modern and artificial and have forced two or more groups of people to share an uncomfortable bed. Belgium springs to mind, as does Spain. The UK is but one example of this and the EU would become very popular indeed if it embraced the "nations" of europe rather than the "countries" ;)

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