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Apology was good, but rape is a big problem in Thai society

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Rapes are not reported because 2 understandable reason. First, because the family and the community will be informed. Second, because, in most countries, will be reported to men. In few countries it is a special female team in the police force to deal with rape, and female abuse. In even fewer countries it is a hotline to do an anonymous report. If the system was in place in Thailand, perhaps was possible to obtain real leads in this case. Probably the perpetrators of this crime are not first time offenders, and probably other victims of them are on the island without means to report them to the Police, without being exposed to shame and more suffering.

Without the help of the island's community will be not easy to find those criminals.


If wearing a bikini on the beach is not appropriate, perhaps under-dressed young women hanging offpoles in Pattaya and Bangkok's Soi Cowboy and Soi Patpong should be criticised. . .

The writer is doing what the general did, implying that because a girl is dressed in a certain way this somehow makes it her own fault if she is raped and excuses the perpetrator..

This is delusional and dangerous nonsense. The rapist is to blame for rape, not the victim. The fact that so many Thais - from generals to journalists - have doubts about this is one of the reasons why this appalling crime is endemic here.

Grow some real cajones and take responsibility for your actions, guys.


It would seem that long term prevention can be done with mindset / attitude change.

Or in other words "education, education, education"

'Castration, Castration, Castration,' would work better.


Every fifteen minutes ?

It's very hard.

I will get 3 day suspend again, but these rap-men are MONKEYS as I told before many times.


I am sure we don't have rape happening every 15 mins in Australia

A quick google search turned up this:


For every 100,000 people, 28.6 of them are raped in Australia.

For every 100,000 people, 6.7 of them are raped in Thailand.

official registered statistics ( if correct) What reliable stats on rape in Thailand? I will tell you . NONE

If the bank left all the money laying out on the counter would it be bank robbery? Yes of course. But would people say the bank was asking for it?


If wearing a bikini on the beach is not appropriate, perhaps under-dressed young women hanging offpoles in Pattaya and Bangkok's Soi Cowboy and Soi Patpong should be criticised. . .

The writer is doing what the general did, implying that because a girl is dressed in a certain way this somehow makes it her own fault if she is raped and excuses the perpetrator..

This is delusional and dangerous nonsense. The rapist is to blame for rape, not the victim. The fact that so many Thais - from generals to journalists - have doubts about this is one of the reasons why this appalling crime is endemic here.

Grow some real cajones and take responsibility for your actions, guys.

That's your way of looking at it. What general probably meant was that women should dress up reasonably instead of walking around half naked - for their own good. It was a general statement. Anyway PM Prayuth apologized for his remarks.

Are you implying that the rape is exclusively Thai thing? Abject nonsense. A woman is more likely to be raped in London than in Bangkok. A fact.

UK Taxi Rapes

"No Woman is Safe in a Cab"

by Soeren Kern

July 17, 2013 at 5:00 am


Taxi rapes are rarely reported; apparently because the politically incorrect crimes are not deemed to be newsworthy. BBC radio host Sam Mason, a single mother, was fired after she called a taxi company and requested a "non-Asian" driver to take her 14-year-old daughter to her grandparents' home; preferably a female driver. The operator refused, and said, "We would class that as being racist." Mason responded, "It's not your 14-year-old girl." A BBC spokesman said, "[Mason's] comments were completely unacceptable…she will no longer be working for the BBC."


An alternative and more thoughtful headline might have been - Apology Essential But Misses The Whole Point.

The point being "those scantily dressed girls are bringing rape upon themselves oozing outward sexuality". is argued in every rape case in every courthouse in the world by defense lawyers. Why is the PM being lambasted for his typical suggestion/comment????


Sexual assault is not rape in Australia a woman can have you up for sexual assault for saying her bobs a to big get it Australia is a Police state you live here to long and you don't go back home and see what is going on so you people who think you know what you are say of the net go back and see how it is now ok .



"If wearing a bikini on the beach is not appropriate, perhaps under-dressed young women hanging offpoles in Pattaya and Bangkok's Soi Cowboy and Soi Patpong should be criticised, along with the owners of the bars they work in, as well."

Big difference being in a go go bar out of sight or on a beach in public. Some western girls seem to think that everything is OK in Thailand. Wearing a g-string hiding nothing and hanging out in bars like that is frowned upon in this conservative culture.

But hey, who is complaining, not I.

I also hope that the scum will be caught soon and locked up for good. My heartfelt condolences to the families.

So bars on beaches should be a male only preserve. As for g strings, never seen the point of them, even less so at night. Or should women be scared that barmen in bars are going to jump on them

.Thailand is conservative?


They would like to be.


The more I read Thai Forum, the more tired I become of foreigners that feel that they are entitled to special treatment in Thailand. From how to get around the visa issues, to ED and triple-entry scammers..........No wonder they treat Farangs with such disdain.

You want a good life??? Keep your promises whenever possible, be honest with others and yourself.....and most important "Do the right thing". No matter what country that you choose to live in, you will always be okay.

Until you randomly get your head smashed in.

What on earth are you going on about?


There doesn't seem to be any code of behaviour or dress code in Thailand . Young tourists come to Thailand as if it were an international playground like Majorca or Costa del Sol . Clumbsy as the general maybe in his wording , Bikinis are fine on the beach during the day to swim and sunbathe , but in the

evening , people should change into say shorts and shirt . Drinking in bars and walking on remote beaches at night is taking a grave risk . Thailand is

not really a land of smiles at all , there is a lot of violence , especially in city areas , Pattaya and Phuket . Somebody needs to draw up a code of

conduct for holiday makers in Thailand , a list of dos and don'ts .

It's a very long time since i read any tourist information about LoS and it was quite basic such as respect for the Royal Family and Buddhism, dressing to visit palaces or temples etc. I seem to remember something about open displays of affection in public were frowned on and that was about it.

An extensive list is something TAT wouldn't touch as it would cast a bad light on the country and that's an official No No.

It would take travel publications or television travel shows to do something like this and then the potential trouble could start with anything from a ban to a defamation charges.


I have no complaints about Thailand or it's people. I feel secure & the people treat me well, i have a good quality of life here. There are tourist police in nearly every town, not many countries have that. After 6 years of living here i have not had any major problems. There is crime, what country doesn't. When we are children our parents care for us & we grow up and learn to care for ourselves. Danger can happen at any place any time, that's life. It's just a matter of being aware and try to minimise or avoid unfortunate situations one can find themselves in. Even so, sh#t happens.

Prayuth's statement was not PC, but what political leader has never 'put their foot in it', no leader is perfect.

We don't know the full story of what happened in Kao Tao, so it's really to early to comment. Let's hope the investigation finalises with the truth and the culprits are caught.

For all the laws, rules and regulations my life was under in Australia it did not make my life safer or better. All that did was give the government more power & control over the personal lives of it's citizens.

Pom Rak Thailand

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It's a very long time since i read any tourist information about LoS and it was quite basic such as respect for the Royal Family and Buddhism, dressing to visit palaces or temples etc. I seem to remember something about open displays of affection in public were frowned on and that was about it.

An extensive list is something TAT wouldn't touch as it would cast a bad light on the country and that's an official No No.

It would take travel publications or television travel shows to do something like this and then the potential trouble could start with anything from a ban to a defamation charges.

As an example the Oz government has an extensive list of do's & dont's for travel in Thailand, including advice on minimising the risk of sexual assault. From time to time the website is advertised in print and electronic media, including permanent signs at international departure airports. In addition when passports are issued a booklet is included that also strongly recommends the travel advisory website.



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"I have too much pressure" = It's clear I don't like foreigners in my country.

Aren't PM's supposed to be under pressure that's their daily life and why they are elected.


Personally, I think Prayuth is a good man facing a tough task. He took the reins of a country that was experiencing turmoil and chaos caused by political factions that spent more time warring with each other than dealing with Thailand's myriad problems.

He also had the courage to publically apologize for his briefing gaffe. You have to realize that he "speaks from the cuff" and doesn't use a Teleprompter like other leaders. Give the guy a chance to put into action his proposals......I believe the future will bring pleasant surprises.

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In the period 2011-2012 there were over 51000 sexual assaults reported in Australia. That figure does not include those under the age of 18. Given that Australia's population is one third that of Thailand those figures are somewhat alarming. That's a sexual assault every ten minutes.

But you would have to specify exactly what "sexual assault" in those figures meant.

!. Rape

2 Man pinches womans bottom on bus

Both sexual assault

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There doesn't seem to be any code of behaviour or dress code in Thailand . Young tourists come to Thailand as if it were an international playground like Majorca or Costa del Sol . Clumbsy as the general maybe in his wording , Bikinis are fine on the beach during the day to swim and sunbathe , but in the

evening , people should change into say shorts and shirt . Drinking in bars and walking on remote beaches at night is taking a grave risk . Thailand is

not really a land of smiles at all , there is a lot of violence , especially in city areas , Pattaya and Phuket . Somebody needs to draw up a code of

conduct for holiday makers in Thailand , a list of dos and don'ts .

Who are these people wearing beachwear at night, and where do they do it?

Certainly not the murdered couple, in Koh Tao, they were wearing normal clothes.

(Excluding Thai Coyote and go-go girls)

What they were wearing has not been made clear .


Islanders are isolated and often primitive thinking people whose attitudes may be different from mainland people .

I live in the rural north east . My wife now in her 50s is a school teacher and very staid and old fashioned in her thinking , which I am not .

Her 3 brothers all policemen have other women on the side . An Australian man married to a Thai likes to go out in the evening ,

they attend festivals and concerts in villages and small towns nearby . He tells me that many many couples get drunk and have sex

just anywhere in full public view . I myself have witnessed a young farm labourer effectively raping his girl in a muddy hollow , in a crowded area

beside the road in mid afternoon at our Bonfie festival . nobody turns a hair ! My wife is usually efficiating with the local dignitaries ,

so I like to make a showing . I find the whole occasion too noisy , crowded and utterly disgusting so return home almost as soon as I have arrived .


There doesn't seem to be any code of behaviour or dress code in Thailand . Young tourists come to Thailand as if it were an international playground like Majorca or Costa del Sol . Clumbsy as the general maybe in his wording , Bikinis are fine on the beach during the day to swim and sunbathe , but in the

evening , people should change into say shorts and shirt . Drinking in bars and walking on remote beaches at night is taking a grave risk . Thailand is

not really a land of smiles at all , there is a lot of violence , especially in city areas , Pattaya and Phuket . Somebody needs to draw up a code of

conduct for holiday makers in Thailand , a list of dos and don'ts .

Who are these people wearing beachwear at night, and where do they do it?

Certainly not the murdered couple, in Koh Tao, they were wearing normal clothes.

(Excluding Thai Coyote and go-go girls)

What they were wearing has not been made clear .

She was wearing a white skirt (not particularly short) and a fairly large strapless pink tube top (no cleavage visible).

He was wearing long shorts and a t-shirt.

On the CCTV video of their walk between bars, not revealing, not sexy. Prim & proper compared to many Thai girls.

Been shown on lots of news reports.



It would seem that long term prevention can be done with mindset / attitude change.

Or in other words "education, education, education"

Interesting. In another thread you said: "PM Prayuths ideas on bikinies and women reminds Australians too much of their attitude to Sheilas"

Is this what you mean by "Education, education, education?"


"I have too much pressure" = It's clear I don't like foreigners in my country.

Aren't PM's supposed to be under pressure that's their daily life and why they are elected.

A very good point, but he wasn't elected, so he can say any ridiculous thing that he likes. wai2.gif


It would seem that long term prevention can be done with mindset / attitude change.

Or in other words "education, education, education"

Interesting. In another thread you said: "PM Prayuths ideas on bikinies and women reminds Australians too much of their attitude to Sheilas"

Is this what you mean by "Education, education, education?"


Please study both topics and report back tomorrow when you should explain in your own words why that is so.

Even a Thai should be able to do such.


I'm sorry but all you PC posters who advocate the right for a girl to wear a bikini whenever she likes and take no responsibility for her own safety are talking out of your backsides. Those western principles are not universal <deleted>! Just because it's OK back home doesn't mean it's OK everywhere.

Thailand is a relatively modest country for the most part and visitors here need to remember that.

She wasn't wearing a <deleted> bikini that night!!!!!!!!!!!



The cost of vacation in Thailand just went down dramatically .

This guy is good .

He could scare hookers off a Powerball winner .

Way to go ""dear leader""


"They think our country is beautiful and is safe so they can do whatever they want, they can wear bikinis and walk everywhere," Prayuth told top government officials during a policy address. "[but] can they be safe in bikinis ... unless they are not beautiful?"

Hope the box of Kleenex and mute duck suffices


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