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Bachelor's Degree graduates in Thailand face a bleak future for their careers


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Bachelor’s Degree graduates face a bleak future for their careers

BANGKOK, 22 September 2014 (NNT) - College students in Thailand who are Bachelor’s Degree holders are unlikely to have a promising salary, as the employment market has been saturated with Bachelor’s Degree graduates.

Sirikanya Tansakul, a senior analyst from the Thailand Institute of Future Studies Foundation, declared that Bachelor’s degree students are less likely to have a bright future for their careers than they did 10 years ago.

In the first few years of the 2000s, the salaries for Bachelor’s degree holders used to be 3 times higher than their high school counterparts. Nowadays however, their salaries are only 2.4 times higher.

The senior analyst mentioned that as the market is becoming saturated with Bachelor’s degree holders, employers are less likely to give a high salary or a fresh start in their careers since they have no special qualifications.

The government should, therefore, focus on reforming the educational system in order to produce higher quality graduates and bridge the social inequality gap. Should this issue be prolonged, then it would be a critical problem within the next 5-10 years ahead.

-- NNT 2014-09-22 footer_n.gif

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Actually this as a good evolution.

An income of 2.4 times the income of somebody that finished highschool is still pretty high compared to most Western countries.

We've just talking about a bachelor degree here.

In my country somebody with a bachelor degree starts around 1.25 times the income of somebody with a highschool degree.

So, there still a lot of inequality between Thai people.

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Actually this as a good evolution.

An income of 2.4 times the income of somebody that finished highschool is still pretty high compared to most Western countries.

We've just talking about a bachelor degree here.

In my country somebody with a bachelor degree starts around 1.25 times the income of somebody with a highschool degree.

So, there still a lot of inequality between Thai people.

What does a high school graduate earn on average in Thailand......?

2.5x a little is still a little

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"College students in Thailand who are Bachelor’s Degree holders are unlikely to have a promising salary, as the employment market has been saturated with Bachelor’s Degree graduates."

On the bright side...This must mean that 7-11 has saturated the market and will not be building any more stores clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

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But a degree in any of the computer sciences will land a good job. So will medicine. There is a shortage of those people.

If your an Indian national it will....wink.png

Could be but it will in the US too. Craigslist for instance is forever advertising for help on their front page. LINK

And there are lots of jobs for new nursing graduates due to baby boomer aging, and all areas of medicine for that matter.

Anything tech related is booming.

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trouble is that the degree of knowledge associated to these degrees is very minimal, in reality they are no better than a western high school leaver and that doesnt mean finisher, it means someone that left as soon as they were able. When these people are still unable to add up manually, spell correctly or even understand an equation there is a big reason they are not able to get work. To pass a degree these days is a joke, they used to mean something 20 years ago when you needed to have a brain and think to be able to p[ass but no longer. Even iv]n schools they teach absolute garbage to the students, they treat them like idiots with their pass no matter what you answer tests and when only one class(out of several at the same level)actually teaches the harder subjects due to the fact most students cannot even fathom what the classes are about it becomes obvious.

Maybe some old fashioned learning and actually having to pass exams to advance or get a degree might help but I doubt it.

I recall, a friend, English teacher showed me one of his tests.....I couldn't believe it:

"Washington is the capitol of:"

a) Elvis Presley

B) Bangkok

c) USA

Beside that the question is very easy, even if you don't understand anything and make random marks you get 33% of the points. So with just guessing right on a few questions you pass.

I couldn't believe it......

(Some private University)

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Given the fact that the Thai educational system is so poor and that you can buy the degree of your choice, I would think most Thai degrees are actually worth less than the paper they are printed on.

That said, I consider it something of a miracle that the holder of a Thai bachelors degree can actually earn 2.4 times what a high school graduate earns.

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Yes the same applies in OZ, with Geologists the unemployment rate is 15 unemployed to 1 of everyone else, same across all degree students now the enrolments are dropping off as they see their mates still looking for work 2 years later after graduating , this also indicates the Australian mining industry is not as healthy as some would like you to believe, some of my Thai family have had degrees in Media and one did work as local TV manager, the whole station didn't get paid for 2months, so they all walked out, they have mostly given up looking and do other work, which pay's SFA.bah.gif

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Yes the same applies in OZ, with Geologists the unemployment rate is 15 unemployed to 1 of everyone else, same across all degree students now the enrolments are dropping off as they see their mates still looking for work 2 years later after graduating , this also indicates the Australian mining industry is not as healthy as some would like you to believe, some of my Thai family have had degrees in Media and one did work as local TV manager, the whole station didn't get paid for 2months, so they all walked out, they have mostly given up looking and do other work, which pay's SFA.bah.gif

I think OZ should focus on manufacturing. This is a value-added way to create new wealth. It has stopped building its own car brands and relied on natural resources.

Does it have its own brand of TV or computer or smartphone or... ???

If it has to buy all of that from other countries it is a wealth drain called negative trade balance and negative balance of payments.

No group can stand around with their hands in each others' pockets and believe they'll all get rich. Someone has to create new wealth. This is most easily done by converting raw materials into marketable and exportable products.

Australia is rich in land and natural resources and ocean and... It needs to maximize their value by adding value and this is what creates wealth and jobs.

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