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Terrified Briton flees Koh Tao after 'mafia' death threat

Jonathan Fairfield

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Richard Barrows posts an update from the Koh Tao Community Board on Facebook stating Sean's claims are factually incorrect:


In fact when, making the accusations, he in fact pointed out the owner of In Touch on his earlier FB comments a a possible culprit (Quote "the guy on the left"). I can categorically state that the owner of In Touch is one of the most decent, honest individuals on the island.

Quite a lot of support for that post in the group.

Al Capone was adored, too.

Yep, Pablo Escobar too...

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Richard Barrows posts an update from the Koh Tao Community Board on Facebook stating Sean's claims are factually incorrect:


In fact when, making the accusations, he in fact pointed out the owner of In Touch on his earlier FB comments a a possible culprit (Quote "the guy on the left"). I can categorically state that the owner of In Touch is one of the most decent, honest individuals on the island.

Quite a lot of support for that post in the group.

Al Capone was adored, too.


Koh Tao 'locals' also keen to point out they're keeping quiet out of respect and because they actually don't know anything about what went on that night.

The thing is - I don't think the "silence" jibes were ever aimed at them. More so to the fact that actually retracing the footsteps leading up to the murder given the amount of people out and about that night you'd think would be quite trivial... Friends, other backpackers, staff, food sellers, anyone?

They weren't alone in that bar that night were they? Why isn't there a better account of the night?

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I've analyzed some of Seans posts on Facebook. After the murder, 9 out of 10 his posts are about the scottish referendum, seems everything went to normal for him instantly, I don't see any feelings of grief in his posts. And some things don't just add up, why would the thai mafia threaten to hang him instead of going on with it instantly, if they were indeed members of the local mafia, how did he run away from them in such a tiny island. And farangs living in that island have vouched for the guy in the picture saying he is a decent person and would never do such a thing, turns out the guy isn't even the owner of AC bar.

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I have no doubt this kid has been scared in some way. But if this was real serious, then the mafia guys would not have threatened him first. They would just have done it, if they really wanted to kill him. There is something strange to this. Why does he not just tell in detail what he claims to know? If he should get killed, then at least he has told all he knows. It really does not make sense to me.

According to one poster here who has seen the phone transcripts, he has already done it.

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This could all turn out to be a real acid test for the Junta. Catch the killer, punish all the back handed 'police' officers involved AND go after the family/families that threw their money about for the cover up to happen.

I know their are lots and lots of pressing issues here in Thailand, but that would be one hell of a statement of intent.

Absolutely. The loss of face has been catastrophic, and can only be restored by a total clean up. If the junta allows this farce to continue, their credibility will suffer as well.

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Richard Barrows posts an update from the Koh Tao Community Board on Facebook stating Sean's claims are factually incorrect:


In fact when, making the accusations, he in fact pointed out the owner of In Touch on his earlier FB comments a a possible culprit (Quote "the guy on the left"). I can categorically state that the owner of In Touch is one of the most decent, honest individuals on the island.

Quite a lot of support for that post in the group.

Yes, and I as posted in anoher thread, I'm sure Fred West and Harold Shipmans friends and neighbours thought they were stand up blokes too !! whistling.gif

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Richard Barrows posts an update from the Koh Tao Community Board on Facebook stating Sean's claims are factually incorrect:


In fact when, making the accusations, he in fact pointed out the owner of In Touch on his earlier FB comments a a possible culprit (Quote "the guy on the left"). I can categorically state that the owner of In Touch is one of the most decent, honest individuals on the island.

Quite a lot of support for that post in the group.

I would take any farang vouching for anyone in Thailand with a biiiiiig grain of salt. Richard barrow might be a long termer but vouching like that can be fraught with misconception.

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

All thai sims can make international calls. And actually quite cheap. I was surprised when I called first time from a thai number.

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"You've got two people's deaths on your hands"

I've never heard a Thai speak like this. Must be educated mafia in Koh Tao

How are they supposed to say it?

You you . . . kill . . . two . . . you you.

Oh come on! I think what NCFC is saying is that even Thais with "perfect" English don't tend to use idiomatic language like this. But like someone else said, this Sean guy probably paraphrased.

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"You've got two people's deaths on your hands"

I've never heard a Thai speak like this. Must be educated mafia in Koh Tao

How are they supposed to say it?

You you . . . kill . . . two . . . you you.

Oh come on! I think what NCFC is saying is that even Thais with "perfect" English don't tend to use idiomatic language like this. But like someone else said, this Sean guy probably paraphrased.

Aye! Paraphrasing.

Sean needs to remember word for word. NCFC's right, it's not very Tinglish.

Perhaps his full story will come out.

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Koh Tao is home to a bunch of backwoods coconut farmers who think they can get away with murder. They need to put this thing to an end NOW!

Just because I have someone to keep my toilet clean,

doesn't mean he owns the s**thole. Think about!

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I was the one who mentioned that it's the same guy in the video as Seans pics.

I've been intouch with someone from the media, they've seen the pictures, they know of him too and they're going to look into it and maybe write it up in the paper, depending on developments.

I've also been intouch with someone who confirmed this guy from the pictures is the owner of 2 resorts on the island, next to AC bar, as we know, they are all in it together. The fact the police let him be 5 feet from the bodies on the day of the crime tells me he's not just some resort owner.

For me, the rumour posted on the German forum, about Sean being covered in blood etc. speaks volumes. To me, if all this is true, it looks like the rumour was spread, and the plan was for him to hang himself..... there you have it, a guilty farang who killed them.... who knows.

I really hope they solve this

Top job!

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From his twitter fun in past



He looks a bit like a younger version of Johnny Depp .

Could have got the part as a pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Anyway he looks like he is on drugs.

Wow what an assumption from a key board warrior. Glad to see he is safe. Now back to the TV detective squad...coffee1.gif

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"He revealed the Thai men snarled at him"...

That doesn't suggest paraphrasing, that's how you would address a direct quote.

And the quote is way too good English for a mafia goon. It reads like something from a poor crime novel.

OK the guy is spooked about something and maybe someone has leant on him to keep quiet or keep his nose out of other people's business but I believe he has over-dramatized his role in the affair

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So they're still trying to pin it on a foreigner.

I don't see why the new Prime Minister doesn't send the army into this lawless place and audit everyone who lives there to weed out the seemingly endemic corruption.

Martial law is still in effect isn't it ?

Who are these 5 families who are so important that even the prime minister can't touch them ?

i like this , but where did you get 5 important families from ???

Previously we were told that 3 powerful families "own" the island and its police, now you have found 2 more families, where did you learn this and can you please name them.

Maybe it was 3, I work from memory these days and don't take notes. The main point I was making is that I previously read about a bunch of poeple in various families who appear to be above the law.

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