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Terrified Briton flees Koh Tao after 'mafia' death threat

Jonathan Fairfield

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I just wish we could influence other TV members & holidaymakers to boycott this hellish place.

I've just been reading this Telegraph article from yesterday and the place sounds like it's a real den of Iniquity ………. bah.gif

The power of Koh Tao's hidden underworld – a stark contrast with its spectacular natural beauty – has left many residents too terrified to speak openly about this week's shocking crime for fear of offending a handful of powerful and, many believe dangerous, island families who run the show.

……like many on this beautiful island he refused to discuss the evening further, saying it was inconvenient to be seen in public talking to a journalist.blink.png


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Goof lord, the conspiracy theorists are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, whatever happened to real journalism.

Given the incompetence of the BIB I think the more TV speculation the better. It is just possible the hawk-eyed poster who spotted the similarities in the pictures will lead to this case being cracked or prevent some stitch-up. At the very least it should result in a drop-off in visitors to the island which might cause them to clean up their act. And maybe it will prevent some other family being destroyed.

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Goof lord, the conspiracy theorists are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, whatever happened to real journalism.

He looks like an extra from Hangover 2. A complete and utter goof. Making a mockery of it all.

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A spaced out western beach junkie making up a good little story to secure him his 15 minutes of fame!!whistling.gif

And a good little earner by selling his story to The Mirror!

And everyone is buying into it?? Lord have mercy!!

When I posited the notion of farangs taking drugs there the other day you dismissed it out of hand. Now look at you making the accusations.

You change your tune quicker than the Guitarman !

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I see the usual Thai aplogists are all over this like a tramp on chips.. talk about character assasination when you don't know anything about the guy.. what was it the mods said earlier about defamation laws?? ..


I doubt he would ever need to sell his story to the Mirror, he can clean up on defamation lawsuits just from TVF.

I like the way the police have basically limited his security to 'we will make sure of his security till he gets off the island'...... But who is going to be waiting for him in Surat Thani?.......... yeek!

Even that is just words. Like a TAT story, "it is because we said it"

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Goof lord, the conspiracy theorists are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, whatever happened to real journalism.

He looks like an extra from Hangover 2. A complete and utter goof. Making a mockery of it all.

I bet you dont look much either...

<deleted> does what someone looks like have to do with anything ? stuck up much ? facepalm.gif

Yea, when you mumble along through an interview sounding more incoherent than Cheech and Chong, it does tend to influence judgments about your credibility.

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Maybe Sean knows just enough but had to elaborate to make everybody aware?

if both them pics can be confirmed to be of the club owner then I would believe Sean more than anyone on the island

ps Any one managed to blow the mail picture up and see kind of red marks on his cheeks?

Edited by littlebw
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"The last known images of Hannah Witheridge were taken at 12.07am as she walked past a diving resort on the way to the AC Bar with two men and one woman whose names are thought to be Matt, Tom and Emma.

Speak up guys. If you feel you can't then go throug the media if you have to. Knowing what happened both AT and between AC Bar and the beach could massively influence this investigation.

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

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I can judge that he hasn't once mentioned his friend, throughout the whole interview.... clearly videoed in a shinky tuk-tuk, whilst still in Thailand.

If he was so afraid, he would not have found time to even be approached by the Telegraph reporters. Don't rule him out yet!

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This is all over Facebook. I don't understand why he didn't contact somebody off island if he has legit information!

He did.

The press.

His family. (Who contacted the British Embassy)

His friends.

There were posts during the time he was in the market.

Stating that the thugs were outside.

I read all of his posts on Facebook before the British Embassy told him to remove them.

(After they got back to him)

Along with the photos.

I have screenshots...

Edited by iReason
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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

The photo certainly looks like it was taken from behind a counter. Phones seem to be connected to the internet constantly now, it's not like years ago when it would chew up a tonne of credit.

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Goof lord, the conspiracy theorists are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one, whatever happened to real journalism.

He looks like an extra from Hangover 2. A complete and utter goof. Making a mockery of it all.

I bet you dont look much either...

<deleted> does what someone looks like have to do with anything ? stuck up much ? facepalm.gif

Yea, when you mumble along through an interview sounding more incoherent than Cheech and Chong, it does tend to influence judgments about your credibility.

ahh you have a problem understanding dialects then, i understood everything he said clear as a bell.. I bet youd sound pretty incoherent to some too

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

He wouldn't need to.

He was on Facebook. He had internet access to make those statements. He also managed to upload a photo. He could have just have easily called through Facebook Messenger.

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Maybe Sean knows just enough but had to elaborate to make everybody aware?

if both them pics can be confirmed to be of the club owner then I would believe Sean more than anyone on the island

ps Any one managed to blow the mail picture up and see kind of red marks on his cheeks?

Why name the guy he thinks did it,without explaining why he thinks that is the case?

Think about it. If he keeps info secret, then he gives them incentive to go after him. If everything he knows is made public, the cat is out of the bag already.

I take it with a pinch of salt. Could just be gossip. This is Thailand.

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A spaced out western beach junkie making up a good little story to secure him his 15 minutes of fame!!whistling.gif

And a good little earner by selling his story to The Mirror!

And everyone is buying into it?? Lord have mercy!!

When I posited the notion of farangs taking drugs there the other day you dismissed it out of hand. Now look at you making the accusations.

You change your tune quicker than the Guitarman !

It was not about farangs taking drugs, you speculated in the victims taking drugs!!

And after all too much information about semen here and semen there, I thought out of respect for the victims families, it was a little too much!!

As for Mr Sean, IMO he is 100% BS!coffee1.gif

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

The photo certainly looks like it was taken from behind a counter. Phones seem to be connected to the internet constantly now, it's not like years ago when it would chew up a tonne of credit.

Yes, apologies, I posted that in haste and irrate with the ammount of character assassination that's going on and in breach of forum rules too.

When I'm home I'm always logged into skype or viber so I can IM/Call my kids as and when I want.

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How many 7/11 workers could you borrow a phone from that have INTERNATIONAL call availability, to call your mum and sister?

BS - He's lying.

How many 7/11 workers do you know that have enough credit to call International numbers? rolleyes.gif

Even my own wife rarely has anymore then 200-300 baht credit on her phone, and I don't tend to have much more in mine either when I'm at home.

The photo certainly looks like it was taken from behind a counter. Phones seem to be connected to the internet constantly now, it's not like years ago when it would chew up a tonne of credit.

Yes, apologies, I posted that in haste and irrate with the ammount of character assassination that's going on and in breach of forum rules too.

When I'm home I'm always logged into skype or viber so I can IM/Call my kids as and when I want.

Remember years ago? I remember a £500 bill one month. TGF Skype!

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