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Having difficulty with Non-Immigrant B visa cancellation

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I am having a difficulty of switching schools. I have been in this school for years through and agency who has not been a fair employer. I had to complain to the Director of the school but nothing better happened. I then decided to quit. However, I'm on a Non-B visa and work permit bearing the school name. Currently, I left the school after a detailed written explanation to the Director. I have found a new job but the problem is I have to cancel my visa and work permit from the former school to get into the new one. Director of the former school not satisfied with my decision to leave, has refused to give me a visa cancellation letter.

My current visa will be expiring by the end of this month. Please what other feasible options do I have? Is it O.K to let the visa expire, to start on a new slate with the new school? Will the visa expiration put me in a tight edge of irremediable overstay? Your advice is urgently needed please.



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you can go just to the labor department and notify them on your resignation which will cancel your work permit without any fuss.

you will than have to leave the country within 24 hours, apply for a new non-im "B" visa at the thai consulate abroad.

so make sure that your paperwork for the new work place are in order.

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You can cancel the work permit yourself by submitting a work permit cancellation form. http://wp.doe.go.th/wp/images/form/form_Return.pdf

You can leave the country to cancel your extension if you are flying out. Some border crossings will not let you leave without it being canceled.

You could go to immigration on the date you cancel your work permit and show them the receipt for the cancellation and ask them to cancel your extension. You would have to leave the country or apply for a 7 day extension.

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@ubonjoe, do you think I could do the cancellation here in Thailand without a letter from y former employer? I don't really want to do it abroad.

after cancelling in thailand your work / visa you will have to go abroad to get a new non-imm b visa under your new employer name and return to thailand to start again the process applying for new visa extension/work permit

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@ubonjoe, do you think I could do the cancellation here in Thailand without a letter from y former employer? I don't really want to do it abroad.

If you take the receipt for the work permit cancellation immigration should cancel your extension.

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You should be aware your "B" which was provided through your company is void from your last day and a new one is required. You have seven days to leave country or face an overstay an obtain a new tourist visa or B visa if your new company will provide documents. As for the work permit you will need to apply at your new area. Is your new school through an agency? If so, you'll the same steps as before.

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You should be aware your "B" which was provided through your company is void from your last day and a new one is required. You have seven days to leave country or face an overstay an obtain a new tourist visa or B visa if your new company will provide documents. As for the work permit you will need to apply at your new area. Is your new school through an agency? If so, you'll the same steps as before.

You do not automatically have 7 days to leave the country, you have to apply and pay for that 7 day extension.

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Go to your local Labour office and cancel your current work permit. Note they may ask you two questions a) are you leaving the country or changing schools? B) has your current contract expired . ( They asked me these questions but didnt check about the contract. Then you have two choices leave within 24 hours and apply for a new Non B outside of Thailand. Your visa will cancel automatically when you leave providing you dont have a re-entry permit. I left by land to Savanaket without any problems. You could go to immigration in Thailand with your letter/receipt from the Labour office and cancel the visa and apply for seven days extension of stay. which ever you choose you will need to leave the country to get a new non B. I believe this is going to change soon for teachers anyway. Whatever you do make sure you have all the paper work together for your new Non B before you cancel the other one.

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Can anyone pls explain -

Cancel wp at ministry of Labor for Bangkok.

THIS starts a clock ticking and one must leave within 24 hours?

Then, within that time you are supposed to go up and sit all day at Immigration to cacek your extension? The clock does not start with the Immigration cancellation?

Id read often about a one week window? I wouldn't need a week, but hello.

Any issues in cancelling wp by self I should be ready for? I have the paper.

The name on the doc should be employer or school?

Is it that easy, fill out paper, toss your pp back to them?


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The 24 hours is not really correct.

You cancel the work permit and then go to immigration to cancel your extension. You can apply for a 7 day extension or you would have to leave by midnight on the date they they cancel your extension.

The employer shown on your work permit would what you would put on the work permit cancellation form.

You give them the form, your work permit and your passport and the will cancel your work permit.

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ubonjoe, sorry not perfectly clear. same day, not p.m. then a.m. and catch a plane. wp is tied that closely with immigration?

"you would have to leave by midnight on the date they they cancel your extension."

so...if you left the next morning or certainly a few days later you would be subject to overstay I presume? lol. can't win.

Edited by Mencken
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You can cancel your extension a few days before the cancellation date if you have a letter from your employer stating the date. They will make the cancellation effective that date. This would give you time to leave.

Otherwise you need to apply for a 7 day extension.

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  • 1 year later...

If your problem was with the agency and not the school, then why did you change school? You could just as easy have ended your contract with the agency and signed a contract directly with the school, that's what I did at my first job as teacher.
The school has an contract with the agency to pay an amount of money for you teaching there and of that the agency will keep about 35-60%. So if you felt that the agency did not pay you enough then you should have resolved it with them as the director of the school can't do anything about what the agency pays you!

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