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Bin Laden son-in-law jailed for life


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Sulaiman Abu Ghaith sentenced to life in prison

NEW YORK: -- Osama Bin Laden's son-in-law, who was an al-Qaeda spokesman after 9/11, has been sentenced to life in prison for terrorism-related charges at a trial in New York.

Sulaiman Abu Ghaith, 48, is the highest-ranking al-Qaeda figure to face trial on US soil since the attacks.

The Kuwaiti clergyman was captured in Jordan last year and brought to the US.

In March, a jury found Abu Ghaith guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans and aiding al-Qaeda.

Addressing him directly, US District Judge Lewis Kaplan said it was his "assessment that you are committed to doing everything you can to carry out al Qaeda's agenda to kill Americans".

Videos showing Abu Ghaith threatening America with no end to the "storm of airplanes'' were shown to jurors.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-29331395

-- BBC 2014-09-24

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I'm really surprised that they brought the bistard to US soil. Usually they take them somewhere to a US military base out of country and give them a military trial. The second they set foot on US soil they gain all of the rights that a US citizen would have for a trial including the high priced lawyers and drawn out, expensive proceedings. I also think they are a danger to the US population.

Probably the most famous place they take them is to "Gitmo," for Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. The US leased that bay and land from Cuba a long time ago and pays a lot of money to Cuba to use it as a military base.

They'll have to put that guy in solitary or his life wouldn't be worth anything. Prison is one place where there is "face" only it is called "cred" for credibility. Outside it is called "street cred" among hoodlums.

Someone would kill that guy for the cred.

Edited by NeverSure
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99 year lease, US $1 -- yes, that's a lot of money!


Probably the most famous place they take them is to "Gitmo," for Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. The US leased that bay and land from Cuba a long time ago and pays a lot of money to Cuba to use it as a military base.


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99 year lease, US $1 -- yes, that's a lot of money!


Probably the most famous place they take them is to "Gitmo," for Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. The US leased that bay and land from Cuba a long time ago and pays a lot of money to Cuba to use it as a military base.


Incorrect on the $1.00 per year or the 99 Year lease. Info from Wiki: Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (also called GTMO and pronounced gitmo by the US Military personnel stationed there) is located on 45 square miles (120 km2) of land and water at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, which the United States leased for use as a coaling and naval station in the Cuban–American Treaty of 1903 (for $2,000 until 1934, for $4,085 since 1938 until now) So, the USA has been there for 111 continuous years and will remain there in perpetuity. Also, since the time of Fidel Castro's takeover of Cuba, The Cuban Government has refused the yearly check and demanded that the USA leave Cuban Territory. Like that's gonna happen any time soon. coffee1.gif

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