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Bakery Discovery in Northwest CM


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can anyone supply Google Earth map references? Please?

Agree with the comments about brown bread and Thais. My S.O. leaves my wholemeal bread well alone, and he doesn't like mixed rice either. Who needs vitamins?

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Good review.

I like the fact that a photograph was impossible due to the fact that you'd eaten to much! !

Must try to find this place sounds nice- a half of a toasted ham sandwich for 18 baht-or is it a "half-toasted"-?! All sounds too tempting.

Edited by haybilly
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This link shows the road for the bakery, I think. At least, following the directions above we wind up here. I don't see anything that looks like a bakery, but then again, maybe something has developed since the Google photo was taken. It's a short street, so it shouldn't be too hard to find along here.

By all means, sante, let us know if this is the right street. By the way, I agree with Ulysses, Bahn Bakery near the Smith Residence south of Chiang Mai Gate is excellent.


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Duvidl, sorry but I can't offer an opinion about the bagels. They looked good and although I love bagels, am now trying to preserve my aged teeth by resisting very chewy food. But maybe someone who has tried them at Baan Bakery can recommend. The brothers probably share recipes. The baker I spoke to seemed very proud of his brother's success.

And yes, haybilly, "a half of a toasted..." is what I meant. Sorry for the sloppy grammar. I realized my mistake when re-reading my post but then figured most people would understand anyway. A half toasted sandwich would be unusual. Maybe just the top slice toasted?

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I have never seen bagels at Baan Bakery. The Bagel House have the best that I know of. I tried another place that I used to think were OK, but no comparison. The farang husband of the owner of The Bagel House worked at a bagel shop in New York City for 10 years!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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are you sure it's the brother of the owner of Baan Bakery? is the baker Japanese? just curious as i go there about 3 times a week and speak with the owners who are lovely people, every time, and they have never mentioned another bakery. also their wholewheat bread is extremely popular with Thais and Japanese. in fact so much that we have to now call our order in for w/w bread and sometimes have to wait 24 hours to get it. so it's a bit odd that the baker says it's not popular as it is no doubt their most popular item.

also the pricing you mentioned for a loaf is odd as a loaf of w/w at Baan is 140 Baht.

but it sounds good, regardless of who the owner is. thanks for the heads up.

perhaps i read too much into the news...it could be a brother (if Japanese) operating independently of his brother's business.

Edited by Oscar2
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MrBrad, your link doesn't look familiar. Maybe the street view was taken before the bakery opened. It's only been there 1 1/2 years. Also, I think the Chiang Mai street views are from 2011 and Chiang Mai has changed so much since then. Am attaching a Google Map showing the approximate location (purple star). Huay Kaew Rd is in the lower left.

Sappersrest, thanks for confirming the bakers nationality. I began to worry about my cognition when Oscar2 said the owners were Japanese. I was sure the baker was Thai but then began to doubt my perception.

Oscar2, the baker did mention Japan but I think he said his brother trained there. He did say that all the Japanese in the area buy their bread at their bakeries. The loaf I was sold was actually half of a huge long loaf which was priced over 100 baht (forgot the exact amount). But the half I bought was as big as a typical loaf. I didn't check the price for w/w but perhaps it's more expensive than white bread.

Also, I should add that the shop is tiny with a very small selection. There was only 1 1/2 loaves of white bread, a few pastries and bagels, and my half <of a> toasted sandwich. The baker said they sell mostly to hotels and restaurants.


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The owner of Baan bakery does indeed have a brother and he trained him ,they are both Thai, The owner of the other bakery is called Chai.(he is also a tour guide). A first class chap. You are correct there is a Japanese connection the owner of Baan bakery wife.

lol both the wife and i always thought he is Japanese and she is Thai (and my wife is Thai and speaks with her often!) she says she can't understand the man when he speaks Thai. she'll get a kick out of that. lol

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MrBrad, your link doesn't look familiar. Maybe the street view was taken before the bakery opened. It's only been there 1 1/2 years. Also, I think the Chiang Mai street views are from 2011 and Chiang Mai has changed so much since then. Am attaching a Google Map showing the approximate location (purple star). Huay Kaew Rd is in the lower left

Sorry that the link that I posted above shows the wrong street. [Note that on Sante's map North is at the bottom.] It appears that coming from Huay Kaew Road heading south on Canal Road one needs to take the 2nd or even the 3rd left turn, not the first. Perhaps this view will get us closer. Sante, does this street look familiar? http://goo.gl/maps/BY03K

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MrBrad, yes that's the street but it looks somewhat different now. And you're right about the turns--it isn't the first left but the third. I'm still driving mentally on the right side of the road and the bakery shop is on the first street that goes over the canal.

Are you sure my map has north at the bottom? I thought it was on top with west on the left and east, the right. Whew, I'm confused....

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can anyone supply Google Earth map references? Please?

Agree with the comments about brown bread and Thais. My S.O. leaves my wholemeal bread well alone, and he doesn't like mixed rice either. Who needs vitamins?

Thais eat plenty of brown bread. The mini tesco and 7/11's around here always sell out of the brown before the white and they get about the same amount in stock.

It did not use to be this way but for the last few years it has been.

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That is not real brown bread. It has almost no whole grains. It is really just white bread with brown coloring.

Agree....... its basically a case of you get what you pay for. The FARMHOUSE brand sees to be the major seller (green pack). The nutritional info,in English, indicates that while it may be low on fat and Cholesterol but its extremely high in Sodium. Once you have experienced eating healthy, grain bread its hard to go back to the mass produced, low quality stuff,bit like comparing instant coffee with the real deal.

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MrBrad, yes that's the street but it looks somewhat different now. And you're right about the turns--it isn't the first left but the third. I'm still driving mentally on the right side of the road and the bakery shop is on the first street that goes over the canal.

Are you sure my map has north at the bottom? I thought it was on top with west on the left and east, the right. Whew, I'm confused....

Sante your original directions are completely wrong from your map...

Coming from the Moat turn RIGHT on canal and the the 3rd LEFT...

Then look for someone selling Bananas xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png


Edited by sfokevin
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I haven't gone back to check [probably a mistake and i will be punished!] but I thought he said go up Huay Keau and then left onto Canal Road and first left--which people now say is actually the third or fourth left--is this still completely wrong????

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Sorry for the bad directions. For over 45 years I drove on the right side of the road in the USA and still haven't adapted mentally to the change. Fortunately, although I have a Thai drivers license, I don't drive here for obvious reasons.

I'll try again with the directions--turn right from Huay Kaew onto Canal and then the 3rd left (first traffic light) to the bakery street. I think/hope that's correct.

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MrBrad, yes that's the street but it looks somewhat different now. And you're right about the turns--it isn't the first left but the third. I'm still driving mentally on the right side of the road and the bakery shop is on the first street that goes over the canal.

Are you sure my map has north at the bottom? I thought it was on top with west on the left and east, the right. Whew, I'm confused....

Sante your original directions are completely wrong from your map...

Coming from the Moat turn RIGHT on canal and the the 3rd LEFT...

Then look for someone selling Bananas xwacko.png.pagespeed.ic.jGW10VtQsI.png


I do believe his original directions are effective if you're looking for the See Man Pub....

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Yes I know but I was unable to locate the place off the Canal Rd you mention so I might as well buy from Baan Bakery Thanks

Aristide, your map and photo are incorrect for the bakery of this topic. Maybe it's the location of brother's Baan Bakery? Other bakery, the subject of this thread, is located off Canal Rd.

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I passed this small bakery shop many times as it is located just 200 m from my condo, J.C. Hill Place. Never step inside.

As written before, when coming from the city, you go the Huaykaew rd. direction west. When reach the Canal rd. at the so called Phucome Intersection, turn right. Follow the Canal rd. (makes a bit curve) till the first traffic light. Then turn left (Chang Khian rd.?) and about 100 m at the right hand side. Et voila. When the rain will finish, I´ll find out the name of the placewink.png

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'Just back from a jaunt to A&C. 'Had a nice chat with K Au (pronounced more like an interrupted "Oh!) and she explained that their bagels (20B/ea) are usually made to order as is the wholewheat bread (140B/large loaf or smaller quantities sold in 35B packs.) She confirmed that her brother in law is the owner of Baan Bakery and taught her to bake properly.

The place is teeny but her enthusiasm is warm and genuine. A couple of French Bread baguettes were in the oven and smelled divine. I had a small pie tart which was especially delish for 10B.

A&C is open Mon-Sat from 7:30AM to 7:00PM. Best time to get any unclaimed bagels or ww bread is after 4PM. If you prefer your bagels with breakfast, best to order ahead - call 081 950 9220 or 089 434 9862.

Now that we know where it is, I plan to support their efforts!

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