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2015 to be promoted as year of 'Thai Way of Life Tourism Experiences'

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The Thai Way of Life is not having such good press at the moment what with Ferrari driving kids killing a cop and being allowed to run away, army and cops losing gobs of cash, people and cars in Khon Kaen and arguing about it, police using police vans to smuggle millions of tablets of drugs, the whole torrid pathetic police investigation into the sad Koh Tao story and all the Thais involved from bottom to top, messy beaches full of rubble, murders, stabbings and beatings of foreigners and the whole political mess. And they want to promote Thai Way?

Hmm maybe not going to be the most successful campaign ever run!

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Pst........... between you me and the gate post,how did you get this post past Evan Almighty?????????????????????

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The short ones work best, I doubt they will ever beat "Amazing Thailand" for being memorable and accurate (along with "Inedible India" and "Malaysia, Truly Asia").

Oh, and couple more posts hidden.

."Inedible India" is great. TAT should get you on their ad copy team. Clumsy slogan smacks of a committee clutching attitude guidance notes. Not written by a creative genius for sure.

Alternative slogans: "Pai Thai Dai" or "Go Thai Dieving". "LOSt in Space" or just "Get Lost". "Paradise LOSt"

Regime has missed a trick here. They could run a national slogan competition.


Thai way of life tourism experiences?

A pretty, young tourist holidaying in your country has just been violated and had her face smashed in by, in all likelihood, local males. Is this the Thai Way then and would it be considered a Tourism Experience? Suggest sticking with Amazing Thailand, we all know what that means.

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'Thai Way of Life Tourism Experiences', Rolls nicely off the tongue, a truly memorable catch-phrase

What no mention of sex, my goodness I could come up with some tourist ads, come and fill your boots lads, the short, the tall the fat, and the ugly you all han sum man.


The Minister needs to have a chat with his colleague responsible for immigration matters because there is a lot of confusion out there about the definition of "tourist" and the use of visa exempt entries. Clarification of that could help the numbers. Unfortunately a lot of decent, genuine tourists ( including many contemplating retirement visas) are pretty much in the dark and apprehensive about what constitutes "too many" entries as a tourist. It shouldn't be that hard to distinguish between frequent visitors and visa runners...but I know many people choosing their leisure time elsewhere in the region because of this confusion/apprehension.

Thailand has a captive audience of foreigners who by and large enjoy the country, nothwithstanding its frustrations, but seems to want to treat this group as "undesirables". It defies belief.


Like what you have to say,I went back to the UK for the first time in 10 years,part as a reality check and part some personal business.I was pleasantly surprised how friendly people were.Yes there were the moans and groans from daily life,as it was when I left 12 years ago,but overall I found the UK not too bad.Having been here in Thailand I think ( only my own opinion ) it is going backwards and becoming less attractive for expats.Before anyone jumps down my throat,I did a little bit of forward planning before I came here.I.E. I kept my house in the UK,just in case I had to bale out.I think there are a few expats in TV with the same opinion,plus also there are the usual lot who say " Why did you come and why do you stay".I think they are the ones who are trapped with no where to go.Be interesting to see opinions,excuses,replies.Call it what you may.To be PC,this it not intended to be a troll or antagonistic post.( Little bit of brevity here ).


'Thai Way of Life Tourism Experiences', Rolls nicely off the tongue, a truly memorable catch-phrase

What no mention of sex, my goodness I could come up with some tourist ads, come and fill your boots lads, the short, the tall the fat, and the ugly you all han sum man.

They had it right with "Amazing Thailand" a few years ago although "Malaysia, Truly Asia" was probably the best.. It's all a bit sad now, I wonder if it was one of the army blokes who came up with this latest wonder?

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Thai boxing and massage is INTELLECTUAL heritage??? That explains a lot of things I been wondering about...

can't talk about Muay Thai, but Thai traditional massage has a long tradition in healing. There are problems that people routinely get operations for in the US but are essentially healed via massage here.


Can anyone actually define the Thai way of life anymore, or what their culture is for that matter? Everything has gone murky the past 8 - 10 years for me.

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"amusing comments so far"-everybody is so negative about Thailand but still stays here alt=facepalm.gif>

I don't think it is a negative attitude , call it helping hand, you never know your short coming until you tell the world , there are readers of TV who take note of items and comments and constructive criticisms and not so constructive, TAT is an identity that is run in yester-year and really needs a shake up, in time this will happen.


"amusing comments so far"-everybody is so negative about Thailand but still stays herefacepalm.gif

If moving was necessary every time a criticism of the place you live is made, then you couldn't live anywhere.


Thai boxing and massage is INTELLECTUAL heritage??? That explains a lot of things I been wondering about...

can't talk about Muay Thai, but Thai traditional massage has a long tradition in healing. There are problems that people routinely get operations for in the US but are essentially healed via massage here.

well muay Thai is Khmer not Thai at all in it's origin. Don't know about massage healing anything but it nearly crippled me last time I had one, so never again.

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Thai boxing and massage is INTELLECTUAL heritage??? That explains a lot of things I been wondering about...

As I said, where anyone is going to find this cultural heritage holed up in their 5 or 1 star hotel is a little beyond me.


I think the Thais need to concentrate on doing a bit of damage limitation if they have any chance of wooing back tourists, who have been put off by the coup, martial law, the appalling road safety record, trains that keep falling off the rails and the recent (and not so recent) murders of tourists that have hit the international headlines mainly due to police ineptitude. All these TAT 'cunning plans' that have emanated from the 'Baldricks' in that organisation have been complete failures and I doubt this one will be any different.

Don't insult Baldrick

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