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Looking For Someone To Do A Website And The Whole Package

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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.

This is not a very big site.

I will ONLY be interested in companys recommended and tried out by foreigners.

A good company that always answers the phone, get things done and so on is what I am looking for.

I want to see work done by them and talk with existing clients before starting up.

Not looking for a big professional web company for big clients. Need to be good price on their service also.


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I have a retired Thai friend who can do a web site from start to finish. Here is the link for one he did for another friend of mine; WWW.highfieldvilla.com

PM me for details if interested and I will ask him if he is interested.

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Here is the link for one he did for another friend of mine; WWW.highfieldvilla.com

That site would have been great ... in 1998!!.

Counters , cheesy animated gifs and a top menu that doesn't line up in Firefox.

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Here is the link for one he did for another friend of mine; WWW.highfieldvilla.com

That site would have been great ... in 1998!!.

Counters , cheesy animated gifs and a top menu that doesn't line up in Firefox.

It looks like you get what you pay for. :o I think his computer is a Pentium II. He is certainly not a professional and doesn't claim to be. That site was done free for his friend.

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Guys.. I am not looking for a webdesigner.. I am looking for a company that also has webdesigners, a 1 stop service. A company that can do it all.

They should have a good reference list of clients, able to show that sites they make come high in listings.. etc etc. A company with opening hours and not an office location down in Nana Plaza a couple of days a week.

Regarding this issue and internet, this is one of the biggest mistakes about websites and you see a lot of them in Thailand. You have a web designer make a site for you and the client is happy.. “ yeah of course we`re online, we got a nice website!”

This is then exactly what you ve got and nothing more. People can only see this website if you send them a mail or hand out your business card. Pretty useless from a point of global business view

The truth is that to make a good working website from start to finish involves a lot of other things. It might also never be finished.

Even though my best friend for 20 years and who is an extremly skilled Art Director and could do the design for free, I want a 1 stop service involving one company.

There must be more people out there that has made good working websites in Thailand?

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I have a retired Thai friend who can do a web site from start to finish. Here is the link for one he did for another friend of mine; WWW.highfieldvilla.com

This is just a prime example of what i am not looking for. The house was nice though and I might help the guy out promoting his business in here by saying, Check it out.

And to the guy that made this website, dont worry about the copyrights, no one is gonna steal it. :o

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We were looking for the same thing not so long ago F1, but couldnt find a decent company who spoke enough English, had a decent price, and as you said, VERY importantly answered their phones all the time!!

My wife ended up doing ours as the whole internet thing is a majoy hobby. From web design to SEO, too her about a month of playing around, and we have one of the most professional looking sites in Thailand IMHO, plus, we come up on the first page of Google, Yahoo and MSN when the right keywords are searched.

We dont have an online payment gateway though as we dont need.

I wish you luck with your search. If you do find a good company, let us know as now managing our website, constant attention to SEO and linking, upgrading etc etc is groowing to be a full time job and i would now like to outsource it.

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Isn't it sad, after all this we are still not any closer in revealing such a company as specified by F1. I feel for you F1 and I was really looking forward to the outcome of this thread. I ended up doing my own company website too after calling up Thai companies that do not answer their phones or do not have a portfolio for show! Like moony, I managed to get our page listing top 10 on google, yahoo, msn etc. A lot of work involved but at least I know the end result. Good luck in your search and hopefully you will find that elusive company soon.

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I am looking for a company that also has webdesigners, a 1 stop service. A company that can do it all.

Hi F1 Visa Runner,

Can you supply more details of your exact requirements or are you looking for advice?

Plaroma is a registered Thai company that can supply "a 1 stop service". We "can do it all" and have done for small local businesses, large projects for governmental organisations, private companies, etc and currently competing for a local NGO website update, etc.

Check our website and arrange an appointment to discuss your needs.

Best of luck in your search.


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I am looking for a company that also has webdesigners, a 1 stop service. A company that can do it all.

Hi F1 Visa Runner,

Can you supply more details of your exact requirements or are you looking for advice?

Plaroma is a registered Thai company that can supply "a 1 stop service". We "can do it all" and have done for small local businesses, large projects for governmental organisations, private companies, etc and currently competing for a local NGO website update, etc.

Check our website and arrange an appointment to discuss your needs.

Best of luck in your search.


I am looking for someone to do my site, not only advice. But I want the posts in the forum and not only as private messages. I have seen your message Plaroma and will get in contact with you soon. I want to have some options to choose between before getting started.

Also I think companys that are doing a job like this, which means getting sombodys money should having no problem with posting in a open forum like you are doing right now. This means that more people will contact you, evaluate you, try you out and then able to tell what they think of you.

If comanys are doing a shitty job for these people or dont satisfy according to the standards in this business, be prepared to hear it. Thats what it is about.

I find it quit amazing that in a city with more than 10 millinon people more than this is not coming up.

So this might be the right area to get into then, doing "1 stop service" websites for farangs :o

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Here is the link for one he did for another friend of mine; WWW.highfieldvilla.com

That site would have been great ... in 1998!!.

Counters , cheesy animated gifs and a top menu that doesn't line up in Firefox.

u mean 95? or 93 ... :o

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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.
When evaluating a prospective web designer (I know, this is only part of the package you need), run the URL of his home page or any page of his site through http://validator.w3.org

Consider any result with less than 100 errors to be good; www.thaivisa.com for example has 143 errors at last count. Mind you, this is only one part – a technical part – of the evaluation.



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I have been working here in IT here in THailand for the last 5 years (approx). Most of my work has been in-house but I always thought there was a major opportunity to develop some top-end websites. If have done a few side projects but am considering doing a lot more!

SOme of the sites that I see promoting companies are a joke..... they would scare away business rather than attracting them.

THe biggest problem with developing any website is not the technical aspect but the "business analysis" aspect. That is, getting to know what the customer wants and expects from the website.

Before any line of code is written a huge amount of work has to be put into by BOTH sides!! Most people who want a website made just expect the web designer to come up with all the ideas, designs, text etc but it just doesnt work that way.

I have a 7 page quesionnaire for people to fill out before I even consider doing any design for them. First it shows commitment on their side and that they are serious about following the project through.

But it also gives me info to work on so that I can develop a prototype. Once there is something concrete to work with then the communication is much easier.

I like to give this as an analogy:

When you are sick you go to the doctor. Before he can help you he asks you some pertinent questions. Based on your replies he will prescribe the appropriate treatment (or even refer you to someone more qualified!). THe same goes for most things in IT (including web design).

Be prepared to give as much info as possible and if you have got a good developer in should be a winning combination.

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yeah thai web designers are for the most part pathetic. you might be better off posting on craigslist or the like to outsource your site to india or the US. also, there are plenty of farang designers here who could help you out for a decent wage.

one thing i can't stand though is people who want to pay one person to do a whole site and expect it to be done right. not that you are that person necessarily, OP, but there are several different disciplines inherent in building a site- user experience design, graphic design, and development are the 3 main ones - and very few professionals will learn them all, but instead will focus on one aspect and become good at it. if one is not willing to pay a team, you are less likely to get something acceptable in the end.

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Go to S.Com in the I.T. Section of Seacon Square, Srinakarin Road. Absolutely Excellent service by Professionals who have been doing this for years as well as advertising and T.V. Commercials. I have known them for 12 years. Khun Gang and Khun Mee, speak good English.

We put together a Web site working with them and they charged a very small fee, about 90% cheaper than many Ex-Pats here who profess to be experts, and turn out crap.

They also edit and transfer your Movies and pictures on to CD in a nice professionally done presentation DVD.

They also have their own Web Hosting Server.

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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.

This is not a very big site.

I will ONLY be interested in companys recommended and tried out by foreigners.

A good company that always answers the phone, get things done and so on is what I am looking for.

I want to see work done by them and talk with existing clients before starting up.

Not looking for a big professional web company for big clients. Need to be good price on their service also.


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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.

This is not a very big site.

I will ONLY be interested in companys recommended and tried out by foreigners.

A good company that always answers the phone, get things done and so on is what I am looking for.

I want to see work done by them and talk with existing clients before starting up.

Not looking for a big professional web company for big clients. Need to be good price on their service also.


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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.

This is not a very big site.

I will ONLY be interested in companys recommended and tried out by foreigners.

A good company that always answers the phone, get things done and so on is what I am looking for.

I want to see work done by them and talk with existing clients before starting up.

Not looking for a big professional web company for big clients. Need to be good price on their service also.


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I am looking for a thai company that can do a website with the whole package. From registration to design, payment systems and putting it out on the web. They should know how to make it searchable everywhere on the net and things like that too.

This is not a very big site.

I will ONLY be interested in companys recommended and tried out by foreigners.

A good company that always answers the phone, get things done and so on is what I am looking for.

I want to see work done by them and talk with existing clients before starting up.

Not looking for a big professional web company for big clients. Need to be good price on their service also.


My web page designer is good,she is a thai web page designer can can speak good english

my contact is [email protected]

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Like Estrada and a few others pointed out, then there are plenty of good Thai web designers who speak good English. Just go to a place like Seacon Square, Phantip, or similar IT malls and after a bit of searching you'll find what you are looking for. They are quite cheap and many of them are really good. They should be able to show you templates that you can choose from plus examples of their previous jobs.

Fyi, to get a nice website, really depends more on your skills than theirs, as you need to be able to clearly tell them what you want, when it comes to design, layout, webcopy, etc. So most of the work is really on your side....

When it comes to SEO, then you may run into a problem....The Thai company can load your websites with keywords, using all kinds of techniques, and submit your site to relevant listings, indices, BUT that is far from a guarantee for ranking and success.

SEO is an ongoing thing! I don't know how dependent your company is/will be of rankings on various search engines, and I don't know much you are willing to spend every month to have someone looking after your rankings. But for the ongoing SEO you cannot expect the CHEAP thai services to handle it for you. It takes YOUR knowledge of your line of business to figure out which keywords will work for you. So again if you want success, it really is up to you and not the Thai 1-stop-shop. Having said that, then there are of course also Thai SEO companies out there that can act as a 'business analyst' for you, but then we are talking different prices.

Best of luck,


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