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Can my cheating Thai wife get her boyfriend a visa ?

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So according to your professional advice. Married with a jointly owned 1 milion pound bank account. The husband can get a check made out to cash and hide the cash. Then in divorce court can legally say he has no assets?

And wife has no claim against him?

Nice try though.

I had a client do just that, she took the money out in cash, later when asked, claimed she had a gambling problem.

Totally legal, no comeback on her, part of the foolishness of joint bank accounts.

First come, first serve.

(Best to do it before the divorce papers are filed, though)


In the Uk one nice little game, is to file for divorce with no intention of doing it.

Adds a 3-6 month delay while you hide assets.

So you file for divorce ASAP (first one to file has control, need marriage certificate to file)

String it out to the Decree NISI hearing, appear in court, claim to deep seated religious beliefs you can't go through with divorce.

Judge/Magistrate won't like it but has to dismiss case, (judge not permitted to give marriage certificate to other party).

Other party then needs to obtain new marriage certificate (don't give 'em the one you used), then needs to file for divorce.

Good little trick often missed by less competent lawyers/solicitors.


Did I mention, I only represent women in divorce, I like to win. Men are screwed from the get go.

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Sorry to hear this mate, whish you and your daughter all the luck in the next coming difficult time.

I would first freeze all bankaccounts which are in shared name to prevent her from gaining as much as possible from you.

You would know so and about how much money she has in her own accounts, does she work etc? Try to buy yourself some time by cutting of the finances (your finances in a legal way of course).

Change the locks from your house, I don't know about her mental state but with all the scaring recent stories of late, consider a different school for your daughter?

This could all be done today and tomorrow, see a solicitor/lawyer as others recommended and get try to keep your own life together.

Again, good luck.

If your wife is living at the house you can not just chuck her out that would be unlawful...

If she leaves voluntarily then OK, but changing the locks a big no-no, it is considered illegal eviction.

Can your husband, wife or civil partner evict you?

You will have rights to stay if you are the legal owner of your home or if you are a tenant.

Even if you are not an owner or a tenant you will have rights to stay if you have been asked to leave by your husband, wife, or civil partner.

In these situations only a court could order you to leave your home. The court would be unlikely to order this unless you have been violent to your partner.


If your Mrs leaves then she has left the Marital home. I changed the locks after consulting my solicitor......Nooo probs....Must add, was my now ex UK wife.........

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If your Mrs leaves then she has left the Marital home. I changed the locks after consulting my solicitor......Nooo probs....Must add, was my now ex UK wife.........

Absolutely right,

But that won't stop her getting you out with an emergency family court hearing (if she has a child with you).

(1-2 weeks for the hearing slot, then 2-4 weeks to allow you to find somewhere else to live)

If she wants.

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If your Mrs leaves then she has left the Marital home. I changed the locks after consulting my solicitor......Nooo probs....Must add, was my now ex UK wife.........

Absolutely right,

But that won't stop her getting you out with an emergency family court hearing (if she has a child with you).

(1-2 weeks for the hearing slot, then 2-4 weeks to allow you to find somewhere else to live)

If she wants.

Luckily I had noooooo kids in tow....thumbsup.gif

As I said earlier, plant a seed with UK immigration about her plans, it will be noted on record. These women think they have it sorted but you can make it difficult for them. My chum did it....thumbsup.gif

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As I said earlier, plant a seed with UK immigration about her plans, it will be noted on record. These women think they have it sorted but you can make it difficult for them. My chum did it....thumbsup.gif

As long as she has an income of 18k6/pa, as a UK citizen she can bring in a foreign spouse.

Nothing anyone can do about it.

I'm thinking your chums misses wasn't married to him for 13 years, which sort of does away with the conspiracy theory.

(If only 3-4 years marriage, then he could give it a go, but 13 years, no way)

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As said previously, but missed, ignored or misinterpreted by some, she is a British citizen so she has as much right to live in the UK as any other British citizen.

Even if she were not a British citizen and only held ILR, she could still remain in the UK following divorce.

The Home Office and UKVI are not going to be interested in her; don't waste your time 'reporting' her to them.

Unless you can prove that her intention all along was to divorce you and marry her Thai boyfriend so he could move to the UK with her and so she obtained her visa, ILR and then British citizenship by deception.

But after 13 years of marriage to you that's going to be very difficult to prove. If that was her intention all along the obvious question is that as she could obtain British citizenship after living in the UK for just 3 years, why has she waited a further 10?!

She also has as much right as any other British citizen to sponsor a visa applicant. But if she wants her boyfriend to live in the UK with her he will have to meet all the requirements of the immigration rules; briefly outlined in my previous post.

With regard to division of assets, custody etc.; there is no hard and fast rule in the UK. She is not automatically entitled to a fixed percentage of your assets nor to the marital home nor to custody.

If you cannot agree on this between you, then the court will decide; taking all relevant factors into consideration.

See Money and property when a relationship ends. I think this is for England and Wales. I understand the basic rules are the same in Scotland and Northern Ireland, but the procedure may be different. Consult a solicitor, or if you can't afford one, Citizens Advice.

Ditto for custody of the children; Looking after children if you divorce or separate.

Edited by 7by7
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Lots of drivel being posted here!

The OP should sort out his relationship in exactly the same way as any other couple with marital problems. This will generally involve mediation before hitting the courts. Usually this will be considered on a no blame basis.

My sympathies to the OP, this is not a nice situation for anyone but as has been stated by the sensible posters your wife is legally a British citizen and able to assist with a visa in the same way as any other!

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Lots of drivel being posted here!

The OP should sort out his relationship in exactly the same way as any other couple with marital problems. This will generally involve mediation before hitting the courts. Usually this will be considered on a no blame basis.

My sympathies to the OP, this is not a nice situation for anyone but as has been stated by the sensible posters your wife is legally a British citizen and able to assist with a visa in the same way as any other!

We KNOW that, BUT, plant the seed with immigration, if she tries to bring in someone from her homeland then ? will appear. Just do it.

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Back in the other thread where some bloke was seeking the help of a Private Investigator to do due diligence on his fiance, people were like " ohhh you should trust her" , "ohhh dont you believe in love"

Women, especially thai women, love entertaining multiple dicks, and this thread is a perfect example.

Sorry to hear your story OP, if she is a british citizen already she is just as british as you.

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If you were married in Thailand, and have absolute proof of her infidelity, meaning photos and video, then you should consider going back to Thailand (without the kid) and filing for divorce there. At the same time, you can file a civil action against the person she was having the affair with and win damages from him. Your divorce case will be much better for you in Thailand. I would be hesitant to take the child for fear that the family would kidnap and abscond with them.

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As I've said before, Thai women play the long game, they can wait years to get what they want. Get a good lawyer.

And whats different with european girls? People grow apart over the years that is normal in every country.

You are completely wasting your time trying to convince the TV anti-thias on here that Thai women are the same as any other women in the world !! Thinking like that would deprive them of their daily racist little rants !!

Thai women are more likely to commit adultery and be unfaithful in a farang-thai relationship.


Because most of the time, the women is better in terms of looks, and is much younger. When a relationship has huge disrepancy, its certain that she is in it for the money and passport.

So its very likely she is entertaining multiple dicks while she is in relationship with the ugly/old farang.

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Yes i have made sure she cannot get any money out of me already, as for being a troll, well dont u think ive got better things to do !! I know that immigration will do nothing, but surely she cant sponsor another fella whilst im still in the house and we are still married, i would like to think not but time will tell. The main thing is not having this other fella over that would just do my head in, especially as she must be thinking that, i doubt very much she pre-planned this just for a 2 week fling whilst on holiday and she didnt give a shit about me and my daughter, when i found out she wouldnt pick up the phone even after i sent her a message saying emergency please pick up, she still ignored it !! i didnt get through until 5 am in the morning uk time, and to say im devastated is an understatement but im just trying to keep it together for my daughter......

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AnotherOneAmerican, on 26 Sept 2014 - 15:16, said:
Time Traveller, on 26 Sept 2014 - 13:14, said:
khunpa, on 26 Sept 2014 - 11:54, said:

Before starting any separation process or involving lawyers etc., I would start by selling everything I could and hide the cash made from that. Then I would create more debt in both your names, so that the only thing you would share when divorced is debt.

khunpa, so you've got fraud and concealing assets. Any more crimes that you would like to add to the sentence?

Seriously, do people here think Lawyers are stupid? If you post on a web forum asking how to get back at your wife and the forum is littered with stupidity like, take out loans in your wife's name and sell joint assets and hide the money. You think they won't find out about it? They have this things call subpoenas (or summons) which allows courts to order the disclosure of email records and your web browsing history.

I think you will find the UK courts have no interest in recovering hidden cash.

If you can get it into notes (under the bed), or a foreign account (don't leave a paper trail, and not in Europe), it's gone and forgotten.

There is no penalty from UK family court for hiding assets, as long as you don't commit perjury while doing it.

So essentially, sell everything, take the money and hide it, then don't respond to any family court summons.

If you don't reply, you have broken no criminal laws. The worst they can do is give her maximum 50% of your pension (which she will get anyway), and award her all other discoverable assets (hopefully by that time none).

To add insult to injury, if you are working, you have to pay all your legal fees, and hers as well (can you believe that?).


I'm a former divorce lawyer (USA), but with experience in UK cases (USA/Brit marriage and divorce).

(And I know every dirty trick in the book, to extract all the husband's money and assets, used them all)


You can also get out of child maintenance payments, if you give up your current employment NOW.

(And don't work in the UK again).

Your pension money (or future savings) cannot be used in child maintenance awards, only currently earned income.


Uk is one of the worst countries in the world for divorce settlements, but at least they don't chase you for criminal charges if you're a 'bit naughty'.


@Time Traveller, I'm certainly not stupid, but I don't work for nothing, and once the assets are gone, she can't pay me, so my advice would be, "cut your losses". Once his money has 'disappeared', she can't afford me, and the case goes away.

UK divorce law (family court) is much easier than in the USA, in the USA every state has it's own laws, UK is completely clear cut to lawyers (essentially if she has a kid, man loses everything), but carefully hidden form the general public (men obiously) until it's too late.

Maybe the laws have changed a little since you practiced AOA.

If married the law states 50/50 irrespective of who paid for what, and who has the mortgage.

However circumstances are now taken into account and that can change any awards.

If children are involved the Court see's that as the residence of the child and you cannot force either party to sell before the child is 18.

The OP also has just as many rights as the woman to take sole custody of the child and stay put in his home.

Whoever takes responsibility and custody for the child in a divorce will inevitably be able to remain in the matrimonial home until the child is at least 18, unless they sell it by mutual consent.

I wouldn't wish this sort of crap on my worst enemy. My condolences to the OP.

On the brighter side she is sure going to regret her past mistakes in the future.

It may be her plan to take your son and get what she can, then return to Thailand with new funds and new boyfriend.

Without your written permission she cannot take your son out of the UK, so she's fcuked again.

Don't feel sorry for her, play hardball, seriously you'll be better off.

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Just out of interest I have tried to get figures for divorce rates. Not much UK related but Switzerland figures were interesting:

In 1999, the divorce rate for domestic marriages (Swiss married to Swiss) in Switzerland were at a record high of 50%. In the same year (1999), marriages with foreigners are comparatively better: Marriages between Swiss and German or Italian women have a comparatively better divorce rate: 40%. Marriages between Brazilian or Thai women and Swiss turned out to be more durable than expected, the divorce rate reached the low rate of 30%. Fantastically low divorce rates were reached at marriages with women from Colombia (20%). Marriages with women from the former USSR reached a rate of 15%;

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Lots of drivel being posted here!

The OP should sort out his relationship in exactly the same way as any other couple with marital problems. This will generally involve mediation before hitting the courts. Usually this will be considered on a no blame basis.

My sympathies to the OP, this is not a nice situation for anyone but as has been stated by the sensible posters your wife is legally a British citizen and able to assist with a visa in the same way as any other!

We KNOW that, BUT, plant the seed with immigration, if she tries to bring in someone from her homeland then ? will appear. Just do it.

There is no seed to plant. She can sponsor anyone she likes for any type of UK visa and if the criteria for that visa are met it will be issued.

UKVI will place any such report from the OP in the circular file.


surely she cant sponsor another fella whilst im still in the house and we are still married

As said, she can sponsor anyone for any type of visa.

But the criteria need to be met.

For a visit, one of those is adequate accommodation; so unless you have a spare room he wouldn't pass this test. Even if you do, he would need permission from the property owner to stay there.

Adequate accommodation is also a requirement for settlement. In addition, she would need to meet all the other criteria as already outlined.

Forget about her sponsoring him for a visa; settlement aint going to happen while she is still married to and living with you, a visit one is also extremely unlikely in those circumstances.

Sort out the relationship and/or divorce.

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As I understand it is very difficult to get a UK visa . He might not speak English well , what job prospect has he got in Britain ?

As suggested , notify the British Consulate that his woman is married to you .

Given the circumstances of wanting another man , you might be able to have very favourable divorce terms .

Mcdonalds ? Train announcer ?

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Life is not always fair or end up the way we had anticipated...best to get your act together so that you do not lose most of what you have worked so hard to accumulate...forget the wife and the boyfriend...man up...get on with the task at hand...and do the right thing for your daughter...good luck...

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Maybe the laws have changed a little since you practiced AOA.

If married the law states 50/50 irrespective of who paid for what, and who has the mortgage.

However circumstances are now taken into account and that can change any awards.

If children are involved the Court see's that as the residence of the child and you cannot force either party to sell before the child is 18.

The OP also has just as many rights as the woman to take sole custody of the child and stay put in his home.

Whoever takes responsibility and custody for the child in a divorce will inevitably be able to remain in the matrimonial home until the child is at least 18, unless they sell it by mutual consent.

Nope, I keep up with the UK and my home state.

If anything UK has got worse for men in the last 3 years.

Women are considered always truthful, in family court, if the kid is under 14, woman will usually be awarded home outright.

UK law has never divided 50/50, not in the last 15 years anyway, if there is a child involved.

I could get the wife, the house and 100% custody in an instant.

And block dad from ever seeing the kid again.

She just has to play it right.

First a trip down the police stn, report she is worried about his mental state, and risk of violence towards her and the kid (touching the girl in an inappropriate way?).

Second trip to his local Citizens advice, ask for help (which will block him using it).

Third trip to his local doctor, ask for mental trauma help, mention him touching the daughter (which will block him).

Fourth, trip to kids school, see headmaster, worried about his mental health (touching the kid).

Etc., it's a really easy process.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Maybe the laws have changed a little since you practiced AOA.

If married the law states 50/50 irrespective of who paid for what, and who has the mortgage.

However circumstances are now taken into account and that can change any awards.

If children are involved the Court see's that as the residence of the child and you cannot force either party to sell before the child is 18.

The OP also has just as many rights as the woman to take sole custody of the child and stay put in his home.

Whoever takes responsibility and custody for the child in a divorce will inevitably be able to remain in the matrimonial home until the child is at least 18, unless they sell it by mutual consent.

Nope, I keep up with the UK and my home state.

If anything UK has got worse for men in the last 3 years.

Women are considered always truthful, in family court, if the kid is under 14, woman will usually be awarded home outright.

UK law has never divided 50/50, not in the last 15 years anyway, if there is a child involved.

I could get the wife, the house and 100% custody in an instant.

And block dad from ever seeing the kid again.

She just has to play it right.

First a trip down the police stn, report she is worried about his mental state, and risk of violence towards her and the kid (touching the girl in an inappropriate way?).

Second trip to his local Citizens advice, ask for help (which will block him using it).

Third trip to his local doctor, ask for mental trauma help, mention him touching the daughter (which will block him).

Fourth, trip to kids school, see headmaster, worried about his mental health (touching the kid).

Etc., it's a really easy process.

It takes a pretty scummy person to accuse someone they once cared about of being a paedophile. I appreciate they are out there but that has to be one of the lowest things I've ever heard of just to get a better divorce settlement.

I'm male so I doubt it would be of any benefit for me to do the same, but I really couldn't live with myself if I did that to someone.

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you know i am very glad i started this thread as it has been a world of encouragement and advice, where as the last week has been pure hell for me not knowing whats happening or what to do, roller coaster of emotions even considered moving out of the home just to appease her, but now i have some focus ,i will not be moving out i didnt do this she did and i will not be getting divorced anytime soon either and good luck to that darling i will drag it as long as i can and just be very careful what i say and do from now on as i dont want to give her excuses, she also has no family and friends here now as she has been shunned, and she her main goal is her and her feelings not anybody elses especially our daughters as her reply to this is gonna mess her head up is , she will be alright dont worry i will sort it ! nah i dont think so !! now i will sort it my head is much clearer now thankyou all ,this has been better than talking to family thats for sure !! Thanks again it looks like it gonna be 1 more ride !!

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As far as I am aware in extreme cases your British citizanship could be withdrawn I do not think running off with another guy would warrant this. Divorce is always hard but it happens and you have done well to get to 13 years of being together, when it happened to me I looked at it as being the start of a new chapter in a book ,take a trip to a lawyer and file for a divorce for the sake of the children's happiness try and come to an amicable arrangement with your wife good luck for the future !

If you could establish dishonesty with regard to the obtaining of the citizenship (e.g. if cheated on the English test, which used to be quite common before they brought in the more recent stringent checking) the citizenship could be revoked (although if you were aware of this at the time, then obviously that would make you an accessory before/after the fact).....

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She is, whether we and the OP like it or not, a British Citizen, so, again whether we like it or not, she has just as much right as you or I to remain British.

(Refutation omitted)

Do you think that the Secretary of State is likely to consider that having a bit on the side is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom?

Well, if Akajack9 is running important operations in MI6 and this is an operation to drive him off the rails, it's just possiblesmile.png

To be serious, I was just explaining that theoldgit was wrong when he claimed that Mrs Akajack9 had as much right as me to stay British. Mr Akajack9 probably has more right to remain British than Mrs Akajack9 or, worryingly, the Misses Akajack9.

I think it highly unlikely that she could be deprived of British nationality - and it probably wouldn't help the OP if she were.

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Why even bother. Let her go. Nothing to lose. I never had my dogs on a leash. If they don't want to be with me I don't want them anyway. You played the fool long enough now get a lawyer who can use his head. This things do not just pop up over night. This women think that the grass is greener with a farang and tolerate many things they would not with a Thai man and eventually see the light.

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She is, whether we and the OP like it or not, a British Citizen, so, again whether we like it or not, she has just as much right as you or I to remain British.

(Refutation omitted)

Do you think that the Secretary of State is likely to consider that having a bit on the side is seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom?

Well, if Akajack9 is running important operations in MI6 and this is an operation to drive him off the rails, it's just possiblesmile.png

To be serious, I was just explaining that theoldgit was wrong when he claimed that Mrs Akajack9 had as much right as me to stay British. Mr Akajack9 probably has more right to remain British than Mrs Akajack9 or, worryingly, the Misses Akajack9.

I think it highly unlikely that she could be deprived of British nationality - and it probably wouldn't help the OP if she were.

OK, maybe me saying that that the OP's wife had has much right to retain her British Citizenship as you and I was not strictly correct, but I was trying to present realistic information whilst maintaining some credibility to the argument that she could lose her UK Citizenship and Passport.

I will now re-phrase my point, "She is, whether we and the OP like it or not, a British Citizen, so, again whether we like it or not, she has just as much right as you or I to remain British, providing that it would be conducive to the public good to deprive her her British citizenship status and to do so would not render her stateless; or she obtained her citizenship status through naturalisation, and it would be conducive to the public good to deprive her of her status because she has engaged in conduct “seriously prejudicial” to the UK’s vital interests, and the Home Secretary has reasonable grounds to believe that she could acquire another nationality; or that she acquired her citizenship status through naturalisation or registration, and it was obtained by means of fraud, false representation or concealment of any material fact".

So unless any of the first two points are relevant, and I would think that's highly unlikely, or the OP could convince HMG that his wife set out to obtain her Citizenship by fraud etc, all those years ago, then she has every right to retain her citizenship.

Now can we stick to the original question please, can the cheating wife get her boyfriend a visa?

Can I also ask other members not tp post any more comments regarding hit men, setting on dogs on her or other dubious means to prevent this lady bringing her "new" partner to the UK.

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akajack9, on 26 Sept 2014 - 18:34, said:

Yes i have made sure she cannot get any money out of me already, as for being a troll, well dont u think ive got better things to do !! I know that immigration will do nothing, but surely she cant sponsor another fella whilst im still in the house and we are still married, i would like to think not but time will tell. The main thing is not having this other fella over that would just do my head in, especially as she must be thinking that, i doubt very much she pre-planned this just for a 2 week fling whilst on holiday and she didnt give a shit about me and my daughter, when i found out she wouldnt pick up the phone even after i sent her a message saying emergency please pick up, she still ignored it !! i didnt get through until 5 am in the morning uk time, and to say im devastated is an understatement but im just trying to keep it together for my daughter......


As previously stated by 7by7 it would be impossible for your wife to sponsor him as either a Spouse or Family Visitor.

He could apply for a Visitor Visa, but I very much doubt he would be successful with an application.

I know this is understandably messing with your head, but once you take control and the initiative, the better you'll feel.

Ask yourself a question: Is the marriage reconcilable, could you ever trust her again?

If the answer is 'No', then go and get some legal advice.

Take the bull by the horns and think only about yourself and your daughter.

She may think she is in control, but when she is served with a summons for divorce, the look on her face will be sweet revenge.

Seriously many of us have been through this crap, but life is better when the dust settles.

I was married twice. I divorced my first wife and got custody of our 4 kids.

I raised them all and worked, the youngest was 3 at the time.

I went through hell, but I have no regrets. It's not easy but the benefits are rewarding. My kids and I had a great time without a woman in the picture and we have bonds that will never be broken.

You owe it to your daughter to end the misery you are both suffering.

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AnotherOneAmerican, on 26 Sept 2014 - 20:38, said:
Faz, on 26 Sept 2014 - 18:39, said:

Maybe the laws have changed a little since you practiced AOA.

If married the law states 50/50 irrespective of who paid for what, and who has the mortgage.

However circumstances are now taken into account and that can change any awards.

If children are involved the Court see's that as the residence of the child and you cannot force either party to sell before the child is 18.

The OP also has just as many rights as the woman to take sole custody of the child and stay put in his home.

Whoever takes responsibility and custody for the child in a divorce will inevitably be able to remain in the matrimonial home until the child is at least 18, unless they sell it by mutual consent.

Nope, I keep up with the UK and my home state.

If anything UK has got worse for men in the last 3 years.

Women are considered always truthful, in family court, if the kid is under 14, woman will usually be awarded home outright.

UK law has never divided 50/50, not in the last 15 years anyway, if there is a child involved.

I could get the wife, the house and 100% custody in an instant.

And block dad from ever seeing the kid again.

She just has to play it right.

First a trip down the police stn, report she is worried about his mental state, and risk of violence towards her and the kid (touching the girl in an inappropriate way?).

Second trip to his local Citizens advice, ask for help (which will block him using it).

Third trip to his local doctor, ask for mental trauma help, mention him touching the daughter (which will block him).

Fourth, trip to kids school, see headmaster, worried about his mental health (touching the kid).

Etc., it's a really easy process.

Bull! You've got to prove it. You don't think the kid will be questioned.

Sorry this is off topic, but I've been there, done it, wrote the book, got the t-shirt.

You assume the women get custody, not always the case!

Another topic.

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