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UK: Counter-terrorism police make arrests in London

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Counter-terrorism police make arrests in London

LONDON’S counterterrorism command has arrested nine men including radical preacher Anjem Choudary on suspicion of being members of banned groups and encouraging terrorism.

The men, ranging in age from 22 to 51, are in custody in central London police stations.

Choudary, 47, is believed to be part of a group with other the men, known as Al-Muhajiroun, a British-based Islamic terrorist group who were proscribed in 2010 under the UK Terrorism Act.

Scotland Yard has also raided homes, businesses and community centres as part of the probe.

A police spokesman said: “These arrests and searches are part of an ongoing investigation into Islamist-related terrorism and are not in response to any immediate public safety risk.”

Searches were underway Thursday at 18 sites in London and one residence in Stoke on Trent.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/world/counterterrorism-police-make-arrests-in-london/story-fndir2ev-1227070691805

-- News.com.au 2014-09-25

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Unfortunatly we have no choice but to act even though we are then seen by the muslim world as very anti muslim and therefore the enemy.This just plays into Isis hands as most of what they do is to provoke retalation so more muslim will join their cause.

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The reason they came to Western countries like Britain rather than muslim countries is they want to convert us all to their faith. Just sit on a bench in Regents Park,London and ask any muslim why they came to Britain and they will tell you this. There is no secret. They are quite open about it. Enoch Powell was right when he said,"If we allow all these foreigners into Britain,they will bring their problems with them".

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How I wish people like Anjem Choudary would renounce his British citizenship and go and live in the IS. All of these people who want to live under Sharia law but chose to live in the UK when they had the choice to move to Saudi, or Pakistan or of the many other Sharia run countries in the world are just hypocrites and the Koran states that hypocrites are the worst, worse than drunks, gamblers and people who eat pork.

In theory there has to be a place like the IS for fundamental intolerant and overly sensitive Muslims who cannot live in a Western civilisation. Let them go and live in a 8th century culture by their own laws and leave the rest of us alone. Unfortunately that is not what the IS was created for as all they really are is modern day Nazis.

There were pictures of him going around slamming vodkas during his time in college.

The guy is a horrible dangerous hypocrite.


Good. It is time to start rounding up this scum and putting them in dungeons. .

How about on a boat back to where they came from, where they can enslave their females, ensure their kids have no education worth a damn, and in general lighten the burden of the honest hard working Brits (said tongue in cheek )

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Unfortunatly we have no choice but to act even though we are then seen by the muslim world as very anti muslim and therefore the enemy.This just plays into Isis hands as most of what they do is to provoke retalation so more muslim will join their cause.

That is a terrible misconception that will get a country deep into trouble. You can't give them free reign because they plan to kill you no matter whether you play nice or tough.

If it were true that blasting islamics brought more attacks upon a country, then the US would have attacks daily. But the facts are that by playing hardball, even on the streets, the US has had far fewer attacks and deaths in-country than even Thailand, and that includes 9/11. thumbsup.gif

You have to keep a bully afraid of you and knowing if he steps out of line you can and will smash him. Islamist are afraid of US citizens, even on the streets. This needs to happen in London, right on its streets.

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These criminal's citizenship and human rights should be revoked and they expelled from G.B., or put to a labor camp in Russia or N. Korea to "benefit" the society. This is a high treason done by immigrant(s) which should be punished accordingly.

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ok...so they arrested them but what are they charged with and what evidence do they have to support those charges?

The UK is still a nation of laws is it not? With due process?

I'm all for some kind of punishment if they go off to another state to fight against Britain for example but how are you going to prove that in a court of law?

And if you actually wanted to fight against Britain why would you go abroad to do it? Wouldn't you be more effective if you were in Britain? Couldn't you do far more damage within the country rather then from the outside?

I also fear that the situation facing the world right now will get a lot worse...perhaps WW2 level worse before it gets better...


ok...so they arrested them but what are they charged with and what evidence do they have to support those charges?

The UK is still a nation of laws is it not? With due process?

I'm all for some kind of punishment if they go off to another state to fight against Britain for example but how are you going to prove that in a court of law?

And if you actually wanted to fight against Britain why would you go abroad to do it? Wouldn't you be more effective if you were in Britain? Couldn't you do far more damage within the country rather then from the outside?

I also fear that the situation facing the world right now will get a lot worse...perhaps WW2 level worse before it gets better...

"I also fear that the situation facing the world right now will get a lot worse...perhaps WW2 level worse before it gets better..."

Maybe, but I'm not so sure. This is worldwide enemy, but different from any we've had before. They don't have a real military with ships and tanks and an air force. They are at one time a guerilla fighter and at another a single place terrorist attack.

I can't figure out which nations would join them against the West to create a WWIII.

Never doubt that the UK itself could whip Russia and Russia knows it. Russia also has its own terrorist problem and is anti-terrorist. So does and is China.

These guys have to hide among the general population guerilla style, and hit and run. If they get too embedded somewhere then the US and allies (in this case in Iraq and Syria there are also Arab allies) cut them back.

I suspect this will be a worldwide guerilla style operation for decades or longer.


I used to be employed in Kensington/Knightsbridge area of London where a lot of Muslims live and visit. They came from these strict Islamic countries where it is illegal to drink alcohol,visit nightclubs, have fun with the girls etc.

The first thing they did was to drink alcohol until they were plastered. Go to the local Casino and gamble until their wallets were empty then disappear into the night with a lady of the night.


ok...so they arrested them but what are they charged with and what evidence do they have to support those charges?

The UK is still a nation of laws is it not? With due process?

I'm all for some kind of punishment if they go off to another state to fight against Britain for example but how are you going to prove that in a court of law?

And if you actually wanted to fight against Britain why would you go abroad to do it? Wouldn't you be more effective if you were in Britain? Couldn't you do far more damage within the country rather then from the outside?

I also fear that the situation facing the world right now will get a lot worse...perhaps WW2 level worse before it gets better...

"I also fear that the situation facing the world right now will get a lot worse...perhaps WW2 level worse before it gets better..."

Maybe, but I'm not so sure. This is worldwide enemy, but different from any we've had before. They don't have a real military with ships and tanks and an air force. They are at one time a guerilla fighter and at another a single place terrorist attack.

I can't figure out which nations would join them against the West to create a WWIII.

Never doubt that the UK itself could whip Russia and Russia knows it. Russia also has its own terrorist problem and is anti-terrorist. So does and is China.

These guys have to hide among the general population guerilla style, and hit and run. If they get too embedded somewhere then the US and allies (in this case in Iraq and Syria there are also Arab allies) cut them back.

I suspect this will be a worldwide guerilla style operation for decades or longer.

You think the UK could whip Russia? Interesting. Is that with or without American help?

There are now millions of these Muslims world wide and seemingly growing hatred against them just like the Germans hating the jews before/during WW2....If you catch my drift...

If the Muslims start getting pushed back or pushed out of places like the UK for example that could radicalize millions and the battles would be all over the place. And the Response would/could be?

This is certainly not a good situation.


I used to be employed in Kensington/Knightsbridge area of London where a lot of Muslims live and visit. They came from these strict Islamic countries where it is illegal to drink alcohol,visit nightclubs, have fun with the girls etc.

The first thing they did was to drink alcohol until they were plastered. Go to the local Casino and gamble until their wallets were empty then disappear into the night with a lady of the night.

Good for them!

Not that I condone such behavior.


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Unfortunatly we have no choice but to act even though we are then seen by the muslim world as very anti muslim and therefore the enemy.This just plays into Isis hands as most of what they do is to provoke retalation so more muslim will join their cause.

I used to think "live and let live" when it came to Muslims. Now, I just cannot justify that belief. There may be tolerant Muslims in the world, but all too often, they are silent about the atrocities committed in the name of Mohammed. They immigrate to western countries because their own countries are basically middle age cesspools. There is no attempt to integrate into western society. Instead, they demand that western society change to accomodate them. Immigrants shoould be required to pledge upon immigration to western countries to abide by that countries laws, learn to speak that country's language, agree to no government financial assistance for 10 years, and failure to not live up to any of this would result in immediate expulsion from the country. If someone leaves the country to fight for a terrorist organization, their passport should be cancelled, and they should be barred from re-entry to the country. Any assets remaining in the country should be confiscated. We have been tolerant for too long.

I would tend to agree with you but I would erase "Mulsims" and insert "any religion". We have "Buddhists" killing Muslims in Myanmar, Christians and Muslims killing each other in Africa, Muslims in the Middle East killing seemingly anyone, Jews killing Muslims in Gaza ..........Religion doesn't seem to do much good in bringing peace to any place.


I would tend to agree with you but I would erase "Mulsims" and insert "any religion". We have "Buddhists" killing Muslims in Myanmar, Christians and Muslims killing each other in Africa, Muslims in the Middle East killing seemingly anyone, Jews killing Muslims in Gaza ..........Religion doesn't seem to do much good in bringing peace to any place.

There is a Muslim crusade happening right now and just because the majority of Muslims in western countries are silent about the barbaric atrocities which are being done in the name of their religion doesn't mean they are not condoning the acts. The silent majority are silent probably because they also want Sharia law to take over the Western Countries that they are living in. Islam is not a tolerant religion which can peacefully co - exist with a Western culture which is why everywhere in the world where there is Islam there are the same brand of terrorists trying to expand a Sharia state into a non - Sharia society. Look at anywhere where there are Muslims and you will see that it is the exact same cause and terrorist activities driving for the same goal; Phillipines, Chechnya, Southern Thailand, Nigeria, and so on. Islam does not integrate, it conquers and the whole basis of it is designed to propagate and conquer as quickly as possible which is why a Muslim man can marry any religion and can have 4 wives because 1 man can convert 4 women and all of their 32 children will be Muslim. However a woman has to marry a Muslim because their children will have the religion of the father. There are many things in the design of Islam like this to ensure it will spread rapidly and dominate the planet, and we are letting it happen by being soft on home grown terrorists.

Tell me how many Islamic countries are there which are not at war with their neighbours and haven't been for centuries?

We need to stop being so politically correct and tolerant of these Nazis who are causing atrocities in our own countries. 20 years ago would you have expected a British man to have been decapitated in the streets of London in broad daylight because of some Islamic zealots? It isn't going to get better unless we stand up against these animals.

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I have said before that the way to tackle the UK radicalists is to partly give them what they want. If Muslims commit a crime then in a British court of law try them and if found guilty then sentence them under the Sharia law they seek to have everyone live under.

Steal something and cut off their hands, Murder someone then stone them to death etc. I will guarantee the screams that their human rights are being infringed and demanding to be sentenced under British law would be deafening.

This way the so called Moderate Muslims we are forever being told about but never seem to hear from may just start to reign in the radicals ?

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