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NLA passes first reading of Homeless Protection bill


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NLA passes first reading of Homeless Protection bill

BANGKOK, 26 September 2014 (NNT) – The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) has passed the first reading of the bill to protect homeless people.

143 NLA members voted in favor of the bill, with three abstaining. The NLA has also set up a 15-member panel to vet the bill.

The bill requires the state to provide food, shelter, and career opportunities to homeless people. A special committee and homeless protection centers will be in charge of following up on the issue.

The state assistance, as specified in the bill, will only apply to Thai citizens and not foreign nationals. NLA members insisted, however, that homeless foreigners will continue to receive humanitarian aid from state agencies.

In addition to the Homeless Protection bill, the NLA agreed to pass the first reading of the Labor Skills Development bill.

-- NNT 2014-09-26 footer_n.gif

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Where the hell did this little caveat of a bill pop its head from?

If ever there is a populist bill that could instantly make thousands of people willingly homeless and on the govts doorstep with a begging bowl, this is it.

How does this get this far without any public scrutiny.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Where the hell did this little caveat of a bill pop its head from?

If ever there is a populist bill that could instantly make thousands of people willingly homeless and on the govts doorstep with a begging bowl, this is it.

How does this get this far without any public scrutiny.

Absolutely. No hint that this was in the pipeline. No media discussion that I can recall. No indication of the size of the problem (they probably don't know), or of who and where the homeless are. And of course no indication whatsoever of what it is going to cost the taxpayer to provide countless thousands of homeless people with food, shelter and "career opportunities" (?!)..

I did a quick Google and could find hardly any official, statistical information on Thai homelessness, other than unverified estimates from international child protection organisations of up to 25,000 Thai children fending for themselves.

From what I have seen while living in Thailand for many years, I would say there must also be huge numbers of homeless adults begging and living rough in Bangkok and other major cities and many others struggling to survive in the much poor country areas. One suspects the temples open their doors to lots of other children and grow-ups who otherwise would be scavenging on the streets.

The mind boggles at the potential size of the problem, the logistics and cost involved in setting up the kind of solution being proposed - but most of all the apparent lack of any political - let alone public - debate before ushering through legislation with what appears to be indecent, if well-intended, haste.

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