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There must be a generational thing or a poverty thing happening if people are saying not everyone has a mobile......I'm 60 and I wouldn't know one person (in the world) without a mobile.....they are absolutely essential to any form of modern life.....thai and farang.

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There must be a generational thing or a poverty thing happening if people are saying not everyone has a mobile......I'm 60 and I wouldn't know one person (in the world) without a mobile.....they are absolutely essential to any form of modern life.....thai and farang.

That is just your opinion - obviously not fact.

Many do not need or have a mobile phone and live their 'modern life' quite happily.

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There must be a generational thing or a poverty thing happening if people are saying not everyone has a mobile......I'm 60 and I wouldn't know one person (in the world) without a mobile.....they are absolutely essential to any form of modern life.....thai and farang.

So not true.

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There must be a generational thing or a poverty thing happening if people are saying not everyone has a mobile......I'm 60 and I wouldn't know one person (in the world) without a mobile.....they are absolutely essential to any form of modern life.....thai and farang.

My mam hasn't got one. Nor Uncle Joe, Uncle Kenny, Aunty Agnes, Aunty Nancy - I could go on. Many elderly people have no need for one, and would get flustered if it started ringing.

As soon as I was able to find someone to take over as contact for the security firm at the office, I got rid of mine (2001) because I didn't want to get phone calls from work. They got enough hours out of me during the day, as many as 16 on a regular basis, at least once a week, and a minimum 12 hour day for the rest, and I didn't like the way it had become a natural extension of my workday for them to phone me at any time when I wasn't there. They would even call me if I was out on a business lunch, knowing that I was in an important meeting - I only ever invited people to lunch when I was negotiating new contracts or rates, it seemed to allow me to catch them off guard and worked well for me. I only ever accepted lunch invites if I wanted to have a serious meeting. My staff knew that, the management committee who employed me (and some of them actually thought they really were my boss) knew that. They threatened to sack me, I said go ahead. Of course they didn't, and if they had I'd have taken them to a tribunal. I didn't have a mobile phone from January 2001 until we left Australia and started our epic never-ending travel around the world quest in September 2007. I'd had one since 1993, a real brick of a thing that I had to lug around with me, but I never, ever missed having one, and only got one in case we got split up somewhere along the way, or were off doing different things and needed to get hold of each other in an emergency.

Even today, I'd be lucky to get one call and a handful of SMS's a week. It's more an alarm clock and music player than anything else. I could do without it in a flash, but then I'd have to buy an alarm clock and a portable music player and a radio......

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There must be a generational thing or a poverty thing happening if people are saying not everyone has a mobile......I'm 60 and I wouldn't know one person (in the world) without a mobile.....they are absolutely essential to any form of modern life.....thai and farang.

Actually I am quite happy that I know people who do not have mobile phones, great people who do not give a shit about "modern life".

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No need to be aggressive....how do you contact each other then....if you're out I mean...not at home...(which for me is about 12 hours of the day)

I don't know one person who doesn't have a mobile phone...that's a simple, true statement. I don't.

Equally though I don't know one person who doesn't have a computer or a tablet or a smart phone and isn't on e mail...

So ...we just know different people I suppose.

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No need to be aggressive....how do you contact each other then....if you're out I mean...not at home...(which for me is about 12 hours of the day)

I don't know one person who doesn't have a mobile phone...that's a simple, true statement. I don't.

Equally though I don't know one person who doesn't have a computer or a tablet or a smart phone and isn't on e mail...

So ...we just know different people I suppose.

Actually, you provoked the responses by insinuating that people without mobile phones were either poor or technologically challenged, which maybe you could admit was a narrow-minded and/or thoughtless statement to make.

Social contact is not an instantaneous requirement for many people.

The same goes for wasting time on bacefook etc.

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+1 for direct debit when working. It took 3 months to set up, and then us being cut-off for non-payment because some bright spark entered my bank account number incorrecly into their system..........

I set mine up yesterday. They told me it's all good to go for next due date.... hopefully.

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