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Should I stay or leave Thailand?

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my post is going to sound harsh as well

45 with no appreciable assets, no slush fund or fall back position

staying with a GF who may or may not stay with you for the duration

relying on work prospects over the long term in Thailand which are tenuous best in the sense, of the "hire and fire" way things are done in schools here, which may be ok in some sense if a person is decently compensated, which at the salary levels you are talking about it's not decently compensated.

As careers go, this is the time generally in a persons life where their maximum earning capacity is being realized, ie this is as good as its going to get and you need to be maximizing that capacity

if you are considering staying in Thailand for the long term at the behest of your GF, you may as well start paying your subscription to the Pattaya balcony divers club , as if your not careful thats were it could end up, honestly I think your using the wrong head to think this through.

Not trying to p*ss on your parade, but you serious need to do some hard thinking as regards what your about to embark on.

I appreciate the kick in the ass. I know the mess I've gotten myself into. Who knows. Maybe the US government will take care of people like me. There are a lot of us in America who don't have retirement due to the recession. I believe its a third of the population. A lot of people.

Soutpeel and Gecko are on the money. 45 is pretty late in the game to be starting over. And Thailand is about the last place you want to come to start building a nestegg...you're not going be saving very much at 35k/mo. The advice I would normally give is to stay in the US and start working/saving your ass off. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you possess any marketable skills that can land you a decent paying job in the US either. You may be better off trying to find employment in places like the Middle East or Japan/Korea. You can certainly come to Thailand and live off the 35k/mo, which isn't horrible. But if you're worried about retirement, not the right move. As for the US Gov, welfare and food stamps is no way to live.

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my post is going to sound harsh as well

45 with no appreciable assets, no slush fund or fall back position

staying with a GF who may or may not stay with you for the duration

relying on work prospects over the long term in Thailand which are tenuous best in the sense, of the "hire and fire" way things are done in schools here, which may be ok in some sense if a person is decently compensated, which at the salary levels you are talking about it's not decently compensated.

As careers go, this is the time generally in a persons life where their maximum earning capacity is being realized, ie this is as good as its going to get and you need to be maximizing that capacity

if you are considering staying in Thailand for the long term at the behest of your GF, you may as well start paying your subscription to the Pattaya balcony divers club , as if your not careful thats were it could end up, honestly I think your using the wrong head to think this through.

Not trying to p*ss on your parade, but you serious need to do some hard thinking as regards what your about to embark on.

I appreciate the kick in the ass. I know the mess I've gotten myself into. Who knows. Maybe the US government will take care of people like me. There are a lot of us in America who don't have retirement due to the recession. I believe its a third of the population. A lot of people.

Soutpeel and Gecko are on the money. 45 is pretty late in the game to be starting over. And Thailand is about the last place you want to come to start building a nestegg...you're not going be saving very much at 35k/mo. The advice I would normally give is to stay in the US and start working/saving your ass off. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like you possess any marketable skills that can land you a decent paying job in the US either. You may be better off trying to find employment in places like the Middle East or Japan/Korea. You can certainly come to Thailand and live off the 35k/mo, which isn't horrible. But if you're worried about retirement, not the right move. As for the US Gov, welfare and food stamps is no way to live.

lol... I guess I will just kill myself. You should read "Start Late Finish Rich" by David Beck. There are plenty of stories in the book about people who started in their early 50s and were able to retire by the time they were 65.

I have a special needs degree. There are always jobs for people who want to work with disabled students. It's a high demand field.

This is what I'm going to do. I already have a position as an aide back home. it's not great but it does get my foot in the door. Once I obtain a special ed job I will be making over $50k a year. That's only for 9 months. The rest of the time I can increase my income by opening a store for the summer. My dad has over 20 years experience, and he wants to open another cafe. Before we sold our old cafe my father was generating $140k for 4 months a year. I live down by the shore.

In 20 years I will have an OK retirement plan. But I need to be aggressive. Putting money away from teaching and the cafe if I decide to go this route. Finally, I can also look to become an administrator and double my income. That's a good possibility. Finally, I can always double dip. Retire at 62 but not really retire. Just take another position while I receive my pension. Other teachers do it.

It's not so bad I guess. smile.png

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Look back to age 25 a see how fast the years passed. Where did they go? Believe me, they just keep going faster and tomorrow you'll wake up and find that your are 65. You won't believe where the years went.

But with your legit teaching degree with a specialty, you can find a job in a growing area. Don't limit yourself to one place. You'll make good money while building a teacher's pension in addition to Social Security and retire well.

What you do with the gf is up to you. I know I would let that go but that's me.

If you buy a condo you can pay it off in 20 years and be right back in the game. Then if you want you can rent it for income and head for Thailand.

You still have a solid chance to land squarely on your feet, but you don't have time to waste. If you delay even 2 years you'll lose 10% of your SS income and who knows how much teacher's pension.


Social Security benefits are calculated on the amount you paid in for the last 20 years before you turn 65. You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US.

Teachers get a good retirement also and there are places that need real teachers in the US. It pays pretty well.

You will get old and you will need retirement income or massive savings. You'll need to maintain an address in the US to be eligible for Medicare at 65. If nothing else, google for an address in S. Dakota. It's the only state that actively seeks expats and snowbirds as residents and it's legal.

Nice post but I think some of your points are incorrect. "You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US" I left the USA when I was 22 and worked my entire life overseas (I'm now 70) and I filed for SS when I turned 62 and started collecting monthly payments.

"You'll need to maintain an address in the US to be eligible for Medicare at 65". Again not true. I also filed for Medicare at 65 and although I elected to not take Part B I do have Part A.

The OP is 45. He probably already has his 40 quarters of SS payments so even if he doesn't work another day he will be qualified for for something.


Look back to age 25 a see how fast the years passed. Where did they go? Believe me, they just keep going faster and tomorrow you'll wake up and find that your are 65. You won't believe where the years went.

But with your legit teaching degree with a specialty, you can find a job in a growing area. Don't limit yourself to one place. You'll make good money while building a teacher's pension in addition to Social Security and retire well.

What you do with the gf is up to you. I know I would let that go but that's me.

If you buy a condo you can pay it off in 20 years and be right back in the game. Then if you want you can rent it for income and head for Thailand.

You still have a solid chance to land squarely on your feet, but you don't have time to waste. If you delay even 2 years you'll lose 10% of your SS income and who knows how much teacher's pension.

If the OP has a genuine teaching degree and in a specialist area, he should have no problem getting a REAL teaching post at an International school for at least double 35k a month!


You can certainly come to Thailand and live off the 35k/mo, which isn't horrible.

Can you though? This teaching figure seems to have been the same for the last decade but consumer prices very much havn`t. Out of Bangkok I`m sure it`s just fine to get by on, but could you really live an enjoyable life on this figure? I don`t think I could. Mingling with other expats at an expat bar would be off the table I`d have thought so you are basically restricted to living like a local.

There are all sorts of tutoring options if you don`t mind putting in the hours and are good with the kids. If so you could easily double that based on a friend who tutors evenings and weekends.

The flip side is 10 bucks an hour isn`t going to get you any better in the states, maybe worse, and you`ll be without your gf. It`s a tough one.

Your right foot isn`t massively swollen up by any chance?


In the UK if you don't pay in a single penny, spend your life drifting around the world and rock up to the Uk at 65 you will get your rent paid and £650 ($1100) a month. Free health care and bus pass.

How is it in the USA?

If the OP were British I would be very tempted to say enjoy 20 years in Thailand with a nice gf and accept the low income retirement in the UK.


In the UK if you don't pay in a single penny, spend your life drifting around the world and rock up to the Uk at 65 you will get your rent paid and £650 ($1100) a month. Free health care and bus pass.

How is it in the USA?

If the OP were British I would be very tempted to say enjoy 20 years in Thailand with a nice gf and accept the low income retirement in the UK.

And how long do you really think this situation will last with the uk paying out dreams are free if you think in 20 years it will be the same as now not a hope in hell.

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Saudi teaching English.

Housing, car, 3 flights a year, bank 4kUSD a month, 5 years and you are good to go with at least some dosh in your back pocket.

It aint so bad.

PM me if you want any details ( Stuck in the Sandbox at the moment, flying out tomorrow night - BBBB ( beer and Bacon Butties for breakie )


In the UK if you don't pay in a single penny, spend your life drifting around the world and rock up to the Uk at 65 you will get your rent paid and £650 ($1100) a month. Free health care and bus pass.

How is it in the USA?

If the OP were British I would be very tempted to say enjoy 20 years in Thailand with a nice gf and accept the low income retirement in the UK.

and if the OP was British doing what you suggest I would be calling him a scrounging b*satard of the highest order and suggesting this is why the UK is in the mess its in, and before you start bleating, I am entitles to this opinion, as I have the PP..wink.png


Why do you restrict your thinking to teaching as being the only thing you can do ? - you are probably capable of doing better paid jobs here in LOS which would certainly expand your options.

Open your mind to the big wide world that exists outside of schools and education before you make a decision.


Social Security benefits are calculated on the amount you paid in for the last 20 years before you turn 65. You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US.

Teachers get a good retirement also and there are places that need real teachers in the US. It pays pretty well.

You will get old and you will need retirement income or massive savings. You'll need to maintain an address in the US to be eligible for Medicare at 65. If nothing else, google for an address in S. Dakota. It's the only state that actively seeks expats and snowbirds as residents and it's legal.

"Social Security benefits are calculated on the amount you paid in for the last 20 years before you turn 65."

Not sure if things have changed, but when I taught in Illinois hundreds of years ago ( blink.png ), teachers didn't pay into Social Security because of their state government (mis) managed pension fund. Possibly that's no longer the case.

"You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US."

Not quite accurate. I worked 25 years for a US employer, but not in the US. The employer paid both employer and employee contributions for me and I've been receiving monthly payments without working in the US during that time. There were some US based corporations in Saudi and other places that hired teachers for schools run for their employees' children. They would contribute SS payments for their teachers.

Saudi is one of the highest paid places for teachers.

Well I taught at the tertiary level in the UAE and the compensation package was quite good, but have the Saudis become so desperate for teachers at the lower grades that someone with a Special Ed degree and facing the prospect of returning to New Jersey as a teacher's aide, would be hired by a reputable school to teach English? I know in the UAE some of those teaching at the elementary and high school level were not overly qualified, but their compensation was pretty minimal as well.


The OP should return to the US and, if the Thai GF is willing and able to relocate, he should bring her over on a K-1 fiancee visa, which will not be difficult for him to obtain despite his belief. He should finish his career in the US with wife working and becoming US citizen after the required thee years. Later they can retire to Thailand where their SS benefits will go further.

For him to remain in Thailand is to prepare for an old age in poverty. The number of English teachers here who have prepared a retirement successfully must be very small.

I reckon a lot of them are hoping for mummy and daddy to die and leave a wad of cash.

None that I have met have any sort of long term plan whatsoever.


In the UK if you don't pay in a single penny, spend your life drifting around the world and rock up to the Uk at 65 you will get your rent paid and £650 ($1100) a month. Free health care and bus pass.

How is it in the USA?

If the OP were British I would be very tempted to say enjoy 20 years in Thailand with a nice gf and accept the low income retirement in the UK.

and if the OP was British doing what you suggest I would be calling him a scrounging b*satard of the highest order and suggesting this is why the UK is in the mess its in, and before you start bleating, I am entitles to this opinion, as I have the PP..wink.png

The UK is in the mess it's in because the highest order scrounging b'stards aren't actually British.


If you are a qualified teacher especially in a shortage subject you can make good money on the international school circuit. Starting in your 40s is a bit late and as some have indicated get your skates on. You may end up in or near Thailand and be able to make frequent trips. In 15 or 20 years time you could look forward to retirement with a pension or a nest egg.

The alternative: working in a local school for peanuts, living hand to mouth until some crisis erupts like a medical emergency. Relationships too can be fluid rather than lasting.

I think it is one of those decisions to be made with your head not your heart.

However whatever you decide: Good Luck!

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Do you have other assets. People can't judge your girlfriend only you can do that. Many people live here that are in their 40's. Good lifestyle for many.

Chicken George... going slightly off topic but are you from Iowa by any chance ?

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It seem that you have done the calculation then what is stopping you? I would never destroy my life for anyone. If you feel you are better off in your country then don't even wait a minute. Nothing is granted anywhere. Even your girl friend can get sick of you in few years, then what? You are the best judgement for your situation.


Get back home and get yourself sorted. You've known your girlfriend a metaphorical five minutes and are factoring in this and that. Bottom line: you will get married and have kids (that's what they all want) and be earning 35k a month. The price of things has gone up here dramatically in just a few years (certainly more so than where I'm from) and will continue to rise. Promotions in teaching are possible and you may eventually end up with all of 45-50k, but then again it is likely you will remain on 35k, or perhaps rules regards teachers work permits etc might change on a whim and you're screwed.

It is obviously more fanciful to go the easy route and stay on here, but you'll find yourself in the same dilemma in 10 years with nothing to fall back on. I'd get over there now while you're not married, don't have kids and still young enough to be considered employable as the above scenario would complicate things greatly. Come back over for a holiday in a few months, if you're still mad about the missus, then perhaps rethink, but I personally wouldn't alter what could be a good career move for a new girlfriend. She'll be fine. wink.png

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Do you have other assets. People can't judge your girlfriend only you can do that. Many people live here that are in their 40's. Good lifestyle for many.

Chicken George... going slightly off topic but are you from Iowa by any chance ?


No.. short and sweet. Lol

Haven't got any chickens either. . Hope the person you knew there was a good guy.


I started coming to thailand at the age of 54. I also thought about moving here. I got some job offers from head hunters in thailand,but what cause we to finish out until I reached 62 was my Social Security benefits. My pay was good in the US and if I were to move to thailand at age 54 it would have really knock down what I would be getting from Social Security each month. Someday you will stop working and need something like Social Security to keep you going in your old age. Call Social Security and ask them if you leave the US now and then at age 62 what would your monthly check be.


Why do you who will barely be able to survive if you take that job in Nj feel that you should send your love her rent money? She has a job and got on fine before you came along.

Go home get a job and make some money, plan for your future, if shes true to you she will still be around once you move into better times, relationships start and end all the time, people change, i think its obvious what you should do its just the laure of a woman that makes you think twice.


Social Security benefits are calculated on the amount you paid in for the last 20 years before you turn 65. You'll lose all SS if you don't work in the US.

Teachers get a good retirement also and there are places that need real teachers in the US. It pays pretty well.

You will get old and you will need retirement income or massive savings. You'll need to maintain an address in the US to be eligible for Medicare at 65. If nothing else, google for an address in S. Dakota. It's the only state that actively seeks expats and snowbirds as residents and it's legal.

You don't lose SS if you don't work in US, your benefit is simply less. Given that the whole thing is set to implode ehen he retires and the age might also be raised, it worth a risk.

Good luck making it a year teaching here let alone a lifetime. In fact with all the visa, agency, school nonsense plus the workload snd the kids Id bet my life savings OP will be gone in five years. Most likely 1-2.

Hope she is a beauty, you are sacrificing your future for her.

Monumental visa hassles ahead.


At 45 years old with no savings and not a high paying career, better head home and work on that career. Mu old room-mate over 25 years ago and make good money as a special Ed teacher..But that he b/c he is discipline and been doing it for the last 25 years...

Get off the stick and don't worry about Thai GFs..they come and they go...

A career with savings takes a plan and follow-through to make it happen...

You already know the answer....



I guess my question would be, with an education degree (and some experience), why are you accepting a mere 35k? That's a wage set aside for guys like me that have no such degree.

If I were in your shoes, and was really wanting to stay, I'd be beating the pavement with degree and resume in-hand.

I know if I had what you have, I wouldn't be settling for less than 100k a month, and I'd be getting it.

Just a thought!

Best Wishes!

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What would you do if there was not a gf in the picture...you talk about financial matters...retirement, healthcare, long term career benefits...then you bring up the girl as a factor in making a financial decision...you are not married...nothing is keeping you here...

If you love her so much you can not leave Thailand...then the finances will become secondary for the moment...

If it is more her wants and needs than your own...then make the decision that is best for your future...you have only known her a short time...your have the rest of your life ahead...

Look at the big picture...make a decision that will not be a burden now and a nightmare later...


What would you do if there was not a gf in the picture...you talk about financial matters...retirement, healthcare, long term career benefits...then you bring up the girl as a factor in making a financial decision...you are not married...nothing is keeping you here...

If you love her so much you can not leave Thailand...then the finances will become secondary for the moment...

If it is more her wants and needs than your own...then make the decision that is best for your future...you have only known her a short time...your have the rest of your life ahead...

Look at the big picture...make a decision that will not be a burden now and a nightmare later...

I'm thinking long-term. Most definitely. If I didn't have my gf I might be a bit reluctant to go home. Then again getting a decent paycheck and bennies are important. More so when your older.


Mate if you're serious about this girl and you're future here I've seen some excellent examples of guys like you teaming up and starting your own language school and raking some much better coin...

Never go into business with someone you have the slightest doubt on though!


Leave -make some good money then come back,if you are not business minded or experienced in business by now(45)then you better make money in the way you know in your home country.If you evenyually marry the girl you wont have any problem bringing her to live with you and she can also make some money there with you.

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