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Koh Tao tourism tumbles

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Koh Tao tourism tumbles

Sairee beach, Koh Tao. Photo David Sim.

BANGKOK: The Tourism Council of Thailand say the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao had caused bookings to fall dramatically in the short-term for this popular dive destination.

TCT president, Piyamarn Techapaibul, said tourism bookings to Koh Tao slowed down soon after news of the murders broke in the international press.

“The incident should be taken as a warning that all relevant agencies need to be vigilant in providing a safe environment for visitors and tourists themselves need to be vigilant at all times to ensure their own safety.”

The president added that the horrific murders of two young travellers would have an impact on the country’s tourism sector in the short term.

Authorities continue their investigation under considerable pressure from Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha.

“There has been progress in the investigation and the joint effort by the private and public sectors on the island are regulating migrant workers to restore tourists’ confidence,” she said.

However, migrant workers were not the prime suspects after a failure to find DNA matches. The investigations are now focusing on Thai suspects.

According to Dusit Poll released earlier this week, 84.05 per cent of 1,229 respondents said the case would have a very negative impact on the country’s tourism image.

Also, 83.16 per cent of those interviewed urged the authority to reorganise regulations in tourist destinations, tighten safety and security measures and increase patrols by local polices and volunteers.

CCTV has been a useful tool in the current investigation and there are calls for increased CCTV cover at all tourist destinations especially near beaches.

The poll showed that 80.47 per cent wanted authorities to strictly enforce the law, while 75.67 per cent said tourists should also take care of themselves and avoid risky areas, such as remote areas of beaches after dark.

In addition, 69.49 per cent suggested destinations needed to warn and educate visitors of the risks and also increase surveillance.

The poll was conducted between 16 to 20 September.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/koh-tao-tourism-tumbles-48924.php

-- Phuket News 2014-09-29

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"all relevant agencies need to be vigilant in providing a safe environment for visitors"

should read providing a safe environment FULL STOP. The problems themselves need to be address, mafia, drugs, poverty, etc. Not just keep building walls between the Thais and visitors so the visitors can stay alive long enough to empty their wallets.

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What else to expect? And doubt the polls look much better after 9 days of nothing has passed.

"The poll showed that 80.47 per cent wanted authorities to strictly enforce the law"

Could be the best idea ever!

Unfortunately the remaining 19.53% part is the one with enough money to pay the BIB not to enforce the law.

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Seems to me that the PM is getting some heat from abroad... think he will realise that the bad guys need to be caught. I'm expecting him to toss the old ledger in the fire, and start from scratch. Think we'll see some credible justice yet in this case. (I LOL'ed Regarding increasing patrols, that would not be hard... they'd only have to do one for any kind of increase. In 30 years, I have never seen a police party patrolling the beach, other than hiding in the bushes to bust someone smoking pot.

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The incident should be taken as a warning that all relevant agencies need to be vigilant in providing a safe environment for visitors and tourists themselves need to be vigilant at all times to ensure their own safety.

NO! The incident should be taken as a warning to arrest the right people and make a MASSIVE public statement about it. There is little doubt who committed this crime and until EVERYBODY who was on the island that night has agreed to give a DNA sample people should continue to boycott the island. The simple fact is that if you go to Koh Tao you are supporting the very structure that has allowed this pathetic situation to arise.

It's not a warning.

It is literally a life or death issue.

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In a country where things are done even remotely properly an unauthorised statement on the progress of a police investigation would be jumped on.

I think we can be sure this tourist spokesperson is a clueless as the BIB but just has to get in there to try and protect tourist revenue, after all isn't that what it's all about ?

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This has made me so angry! Yes I know this kind of thing can and does happen across the world but it's how it's been and is being dealt with.

If the two young kids being horrifically murdered wasn't enough, the families have to now endure the complete incompetence and lies of all involved! Inremembervthem saying at the start of all this that a Thai couldn't do such a thing! It was a European, then it must be a Burmese and now finally after all this time, it's a thai!

Get your heads out of the sand and crack some skulls!

People need to at the very least boycott this island, hit them in the pockets!

They say money talks! Well let's see how long it takes when the takings start to dwindle!

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