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Why do Thai women act suspicious towards men good their own why?


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bra, on 30 Sept 2014 - 09:44, said:

"However whenever I tell Thai women that I have several priorities in my life but women are not my first three. Thai women will look at me as though I got measles."

Any woman in the world would look at you as though you had measles or worse if you told her she was that low on your priority list. She expects to be number one and rightly so. With your outlook do not even attempt to have a relationship more than a one night stand with any woman. You wont have to try hard.

Surprisingly though, most women of Asian culture have several priorities, of which the man is not in the first 3, but they don't announce it!

1. Money

2. Marriage

3. House

4. Children

5. Car

6. Family members.

The man is farther down the list and only realises he is not the first priority after he has provided for 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

At least the OP is honest and upfront.

7. Neighbours,

8. Non existent cousins

9. Soi Dogs...........

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As a result of natural selection, most women (of course, I'm not referring to just Thai women) are driven to 'catch' a man and rope him into to a stable relationship; ideally, that man will be a provider and protector in addition to a father. As a result of natural selection, most men are driven to avoid this and to instead 'chase' numerous women (in reality, to impregnate then move along or stay with one but impregnate others). Of course, this is not completely conscious, and culture (including religion, norms, and laws) suppresses some of this behaviour, mostly on the male side. Most men, when aware of this drive, learn to channel it in less problematic ways (strip-clubs with the lads, etc.) and learn to present the opposite picture when talking to women ... they let the woman believe they want to settle down and put the chains on and that they would never ever ever look at or even think about another woman whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif> . So while you are behaving in what is, in some sense, a quite natural way, you are explicitly going against women's idealisation of the world (man sticks with woman and supports them and children). They may not fully fathom it--they will think you are either gay or a 'bad man'--and they certainly won't like it. Nothing especially Thai about this...

I just love the phrase ' catch a man and ROPE him into a stable relationship' Perfect description clap2.gifclap2.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another thread devoid of any intelligence from any quarter start to finish.

Did you read all of the posts before submitting your own?

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Probably they think you are gay and I don't mean happy here.

To the OP. Any woman in, I think, any country expects a future husband, or present BF to accept that she is his first priority, but almost no Farang can expect to be his Thai wifes first priority.

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I myself Am at the point in life where why buy the cow? rather rent it for my needs or wants and show it the door no drama no same oh same oh. No not tonight I got headache or I don't like doing that. No having to say where your going to anyone total freedom. What's for dinner what ever I want. no clogged drain with hairballs from hell. If I want to Fart I break wind. no excuse me if I want to eat a whole pie or cake no That's not good for you. Downside your alone upside Who cares not me for sure. watch what I want when I want. Besides when you die you Die alone.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

As a result of natural selection, most women (of course, I'm not referring to just Thai women) are driven to 'catch' a man and rope him into to a stable relationship; ideally, that man will be a provider and protector in addition to a father. As a result of natural selection, most men are driven to avoid this and to instead 'chase' numerous women (in reality, to impregnate then move along or stay with one but impregnate others). Of course, this is not completely conscious, and culture (including religion, norms, and laws) suppresses some of this behaviour, mostly on the male side. Most men, when aware of this drive, learn to channel it in less problematic ways (strip-clubs with the lads, etc.) and learn to present the opposite picture when talking to women ... they let the woman believe they want to settle down and put the chains on and that they would never ever ever look at or even think about another woman whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif> . So while you are behaving in what is, in some sense, a quite natural way, you are explicitly going against women's idealisation of the world (man sticks with woman and supports them and children). They may not fully fathom it--they will think you are either gay or a 'bad man'--and they certainly won't like it. Nothing especially Thai about this...

I just love the phrase ' catch a man and ROPE him into a stable relationship' Perfect description clap2.gifclap2.gif

Maybe this is one reason why some men are falling out of societal norms and prefer not to be roped.

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Can someone translate the title for me ... then reference same to the OP?


Confused (apparently as so are the Thai Lassies)

Man going his own way is basically a man who enjoys life without the hassles of dating or relationship with women. Does not mean he has not set though. It's just that he does not see women as a priority

If women are not a priority, why are you worried about it.? I suggest you live by the Cold Beer theory. You enjoy the hell out of a cold beer. However, when you finish with it, you do not take it home, you simply get another cold beer--no maintenance costs, no inventory holding charges.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Probably they think you are gay and I don't mean happy here.

Yes I noticed that Thai women usually assume men to be gay if they are not dating or in a relationshi. Somehow they cannot grasp that there are an iincreasing number of men who rather enjoy their freedom instead of appeasing women.

Amen to that. The reality for men as they age and get into their 50's, the sex drive is not what it was when they were in their 20's/30's/40's...it's not there is no sex drive later in a man's life, it's just not as pronounced. Some guys will resort to taking testosterone, steroids, etc. to try and "regain" that pronounced drive. Others take it in stride as a natural evolution of life and perhaps make use of the little blue pills when needed. I have found this period of life to be about the best ever; I never would have thought back in my 20's/30's turning 50+ would be the best years of my life for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is if a woman becomes too much drama, too demanding, unappreciative, non-reciprocating, etc., I am able to walk away at the drop of a hat with no regrets. The diminished sex drive tends to be replaced by more wisdom and discernment. Very refreshing.

I am over 60 and am proud to admit that I have never had to resort to using any little blue pill I hope that is the case until I am placed in my wooden suit !

Ha! When I first used the little blue pill, I cut it into quaters. My urologist laughed and said all I needed to do was sniff the pill! Guess i don't want to take the chance of not satisfying my female love!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Probably they think you are gay and I don't mean happy here.

Yes I noticed that Thai women usually assume men to be gay if they are not dating or in a relationshi. Somehow they cannot grasp that there are an iincreasing number of men who rather enjoy their freedom instead of appeasing women.

Amen to that. The reality for men as they age and get into their 50's, the sex drive is not what it was when they were in their 20's/30's/40's...it's not there is no sex drive later in a man's life, it's just not as pronounced. Some guys will resort to taking testosterone, steroids, etc. to try and "regain" that pronounced drive. Others take it in stride as a natural evolution of life and perhaps make use of the little blue pills when needed. I have found this period of life to be about the best ever; I never would have thought back in my 20's/30's turning 50+ would be the best years of my life for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is if a woman becomes too much drama, too demanding, unappreciative, non-reciprocating, etc., I am able to walk away at the drop of a hat with no regrets. The diminished sex drive tends to be replaced by more wisdom and discernment. Very refreshing.

I am over 60 and am proud to admit that I have never had to resort to using any little blue pill I hope that is the case until I am placed in my wooden suit !

Ha! When I first used the little blue pill, I cut it into quaters. My urologist laughed and said all I needed to do was sniff the pill! Guess i don't want to take the chance of not satisfying my female lover!

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Yep, going through that right now.

Tried explaining ‘balance’… time with myself, time with my friends, time with her…she had no clue what I was talking about…said I don't care her feelings and was about ready to toss it all away, to which I replied, up to you... because I like being on the hunt... If you don't know this I suggest you Google this: Lynyrd Skynyrd On the Hunt Live 75

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"However whenever I tell Thai women that I have several priorities in my life but women are not my first three. Thai women will look at me as though I got measles."

Any woman in the world would look at you as though you had measles or worse if you told her she was that low on your priority list. She expects to be number one and rightly so. With your outlook do not even attempt to have a relationship more than a one night stand with any woman. You wont have to try hard.

Any woman? I've not met them all and I would imagine there must be at least one in this big world that would feel the relationship was not number one on their list.

I prefer not to tell others what to do or attempt. It's their choice, their life and their business.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Probably they think you are gay and I don't mean happy here.

Yes I noticed that Thai women usually assume men to be gay if they are not dating or in a relationshi. Somehow they cannot grasp that there are an iincreasing number of men who rather enjoy their freedom instead of appeasing women.

Amen to that. The reality for men as they age and get into their 50's, the sex drive is not what it was when they were in their 20's/30's/40's...it's not there is no sex drive later in a man's life, it's just not as pronounced. Some guys will resort to taking testosterone, steroids, etc. to try and "regain" that pronounced drive. Others take it in stride as a natural evolution of life and perhaps make use of the little blue pills when needed. I have found this period of life to be about the best ever; I never would have thought back in my 20's/30's turning 50+ would be the best years of my life for a variety of reasons. Not the least of which is if a woman becomes too much drama, too demanding, unappreciative, non-reciprocating, etc., I am able to walk away at the drop of a hat with no regrets. The diminished sex drive tends to be replaced by more wisdom and discernment. Very refreshing.

I am over 60 and am proud to admit that I have never had to resort to using any little blue pill I hope that is the case until I am placed in my wooden suit !

Lets hope they don't have trouble nailing the lid down ...

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Its not about knowing what you want, its all about knowing what you dont want.

As you grow older you realise and understand exactly what you dont want.

"As you grow older you realise and understand exactly what you dont want. "

And yet as many grow older they seem to think their self-perceived charm, wit and boyish good looks are as attractive to others as always (which may have been a deeply cherished delusion well before they achieved their current urbane maturity).


Edited by Suradit69
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The amount of expecting women with their hands out in this country is staggering.

I love asking Thai women what they can do for me, and the relationship, because there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Finally some sense.

Presumably most of the members on this forum would have never considered getting into a relationship in their home country with a woman (and her family) who was so poor that the guy was expected to pay for everything for her and members of her family.

Yet innumerable men come to Thailand and do just that.

Personally I won't even consider any woman as a potential girlfriend unless she is financially self sufficient and her family are too.

If I were to marry someone and they or close family really needed some help then fine, but marrying or dating someone who just has their hand out is insane.

Of course the other question is why would anyone who is from the West and presumably well educated want to go and live in a shack in the Thai provinces surrounded by poor people (and by shack I also mean 4 concrete walls made to look from the outside like a Western style house).

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rather rent it for my needs or wants and show it the door no drama no same oh same oh.

Now here's an honest guy. This to me is better than all the Romeos out there who promise a woman the world, yet, is only interested in getting in her pants. Farang guys want Thai women to be honest, but some are rather deceitful. They should just be honest--"Honey, I am not going to marry you. I am not even going to be your BF. I am not going to give you money. I just want free sex when I feel the need. Don't tell me about your problems because I don't care. Just come over and spread your legs when I tell you." Is that so difficult?

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Bagging a foreigner...much on the minds of the ladies who work the foreign circus...bars and massage parlors...are shocked that a man would not want to become a provider and take them away from their profession...make them an honest woman...buy house, vehicles, pay for their children's schooling...give a handsome monthly allowance...and lend money to the relatives...which will never be paid back...

You present yourself as a person who can not be bagged, tagged, and exploited...this is hard for them to comprehend...

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Ha! When I first used the little blue pill, I cut it into quaters. My urologist laughed and said all I needed to do was sniff the pill! Guess i don't want to take the chance of not satisfying my female lover!

Mine told me all that I needed was a (small) poster, showing only the box/packaging.

Anything more would run the risk of perma-boner, and we can't have that.

Edited by MilesofSmiles
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The answer to the question lies in the fact that family is the only safety net in Thailand. It is the family that has traditionally taken care of people when they are old and infirm. Put another way; there are no nursing homes in Thailand. Adding to the anxiety is this safety net is eroding. Working class young Thai women want to get married and have kids with a husband who can "make secure" their lives, and in many cases help her fulfill her obligations to her parents. If you are not willing or able to do that then you are very strange, indeed.

There is a class of professional Thai women who earn good livings who are unmarried and have no plans to marry. However, for the most part, they cannot "date" due to very strong cultural prohibitions and the threat of being found out by their families. This is a very unfortunate situation for farang men who do not want to get married, but would like to date and have a lover. In recent years high end introduction services for professionals have emerged in Bangkok that vet both Thais and farang.

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Thai women are pragmatic. First and foremost they want a man who is a good provider. The concept of romantic love is ludicrous if you are existing on a bowl of sticky rice and pla ra a day.The beautiful 45 kilo Thai girls do not marry grossly fat 100 kilo geriatric farangs because of their body (or body hair). Stick to a short time when you get the urge and indulge your other priorities.

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"However whenever I tell Thai women that I have several priorities in my life but women are not my first three. Thai women will look at me as though I got measles."

Any woman in the world would look at you as though you had measles or worse if you told her she was that low on your priority list. She expects to be number one and rightly so. With your outlook do not even attempt to have a relationship more than a one night stand with any woman. You wont have to try hard.

I'm interested in why you say "and rightly so". Often guys in this country have to get used to the idea that wife's family and then kids and maybe even other Thais come before the husband in terms of priorities. If we aren't number one priority why should the OP put a women (who isn't even his wife but maybe just a date) as number one priority?

Sauce for the goose and all that, surely? I admire the OP's honesty when dealing with women he isn't leading anyone down the garden path with false promises.

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