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TAT confident Chinese arrivals will exceed 2014 target


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TAT confident Chinese arrivals will exceed 2014 target

BANGKOK, 2 October 2014 (NNT) – The Tourism Authority of Thailand is confident that the number of Chinese arrivals to the country will exceed this year’s target.

TAT’s East Asia director Srisuda Wanapinyosak on Wednesday led a team of representatives from Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited, the Immigration Bureau, the Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) and the Thai-Chinese Tourism Alliance Association (TCTA) to welcome a group of 180 Chinese travellers from Shanghai who flew to Thailand for their Golden Week holiday during October 1 and 7.

Mrs. Srisuda said that the number of Chinese visitors to Thailand has been rising lately although statistics showed an 18.9% on-year decrease in Chinese arrivals during the first eight months of 2014 because of the political crisis in the first quarter of the year.

She believed that the improvement in the Chinese market was partly attributed to the Thai government’s visa waiver for travellers from China and Taiwan while the Golden Week holiday was another factor that helped draw more visitors to Thailand.

The TAT’s East Asia director expects between 400,000 and 500,000 Chinese visitors will visit Thailand during the fourth quarter of this year — the number that will raise this year’s total number of Chinese arrivals to 4.3 million which is higher than the initial estimate of 3.98 million.

-- NNT 2014-10-02 footer_n.gif

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TAT, believes that Chinese or other tourists will start coming back to Thailand.

Can't blame them for that, this is their job this is their aim.

I do believe they are doing their best to lure tourists back in this country.

Lets not always ridicule them but wish them their calculations and efforts become true, for the good of the economy of Thailand and to the dismay of the farangs living in tourist areas.

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TAT, believes that Chinese or other tourists will start coming back to Thailand.

Can't blame them for that, this is their job this is their aim.

I do believe they are doing their best to lure tourists back in this country.

Lets not always ridicule them but wish them their calculations and efforts become true, for the good of the economy of Thailand and to the dismay of the farangs living in tourist areas.

And to the dismay of most Thai restauranteurs too!

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Par for the course.

When there's any bad publicity about tourism and apart from Koh Tao the hotel association reports a massive reduction in booking so TAT can be relied on to pluck magical positive figures out of the air.

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"The Tourism Authority of Thailand is confident that the number of Chinese arrivals to the country will exceed this year’s target."

Just need to make some lame movie set anywhere in the world and the Chinese will flock there to re-enact the scenes in the movie. Too bad they don't make a movie about young Chinese tourists driving motorbikes safely. Re-enacting that would cut down on the waiting line in the local hospital emergency rooms.

Edited by jaltsc
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yeah. Whatever.

don't these guys ever get tired of predicting a number just to make themselves feel good. It will change next day anyways and so on.....

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Are they under some sort of obligation to update their predictions each week? Why so often?

And if they expect 500,000 in the fourth quarter and a total of 4 million, wouldn't that mean a huge drop in numbers? two months of the fourth quarter are high season no? In any case, 4 million divided by four quarters is 1 million a quarter. But for this year, wouldn't the 4 million estimate include a big slow down because of the protests (18.9% per the article)? So 500,000 for the fourth quarter is extremely small!

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The TAT’s East Asia director expects between 400,000 and 500,000 Chinese visitors will visit Thailand during the fourth quarter of this year.

I think all of them were trying to get into a lift I was trying to get out of at Pullman King Power yesterday.

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Lets hope no Chinese get raped and murdered then.

From the looks of most Chinese coming here I assume the Thais feel they have little to fear...

Are you saying that they will be safe in a bikini?

Didn't you know Chinese Bikinis are major major safe?



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The TAT’s East Asia director expects between 400,000 and 500,000 Chinese visitors will visit Thailand during the fourth quarter of this year.

I think all of them were trying to get into a lift I was trying to get out of at Pullman King Power yesterday.

Only trying? Not Chinese then.

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They better hope so because the Chinese are probably the only ones still willing to come here. Most other nations nationals are now avoiding Thailand like a whore with AIDS. As for the expats ... three of my friends this morning joined me in Malaysia - that's four people who refuse to support the Thai regime any longer. All we need now is for a hundred thousand or so other expats to grow a pair and develop a conscience and maybe Thailand will sit up and take notice - dare we even consider change!

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Tourism is deffo down.

The hotels are pretty deserted and anyone been to Swampy recently?

I have been there 3 times since May and each time was been half or even less what it was last year.

Thai tourism is being killed off and no amount of optimistic BS is going to repair it.

Soon Thailand is going to wake up and find that death of tourism never returns, people find better places... cheaper, friendlier, great beaches, great food, less bus and train crashes and road accidents and most importantly SAFER!

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