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Is there a particular reason why fitness supplements are not produced locally in Thailand, but are all imported? By fitness supplements I mean mostly different kinds of protein powders.

All the companies in Thailand seem to be selling imported, often American protein powders. Looking at the prices, these supplements seem to be only available for the upper class segment / farangs.

Is the local market for supplements very small?

Is it too expensive to produce whey protein there, due to high prices of milk?

I'm wondering what is the reason behind this.. E.g. in the UK there are companies selling good whey protein for under 700 baht per kilo, and 500 baht per kilo for larger purchases. This means it's actually cheaper for someone to supplement their diet with whey protein than getting all necessary protein from real food.

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I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

  • Like 1

I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

I don't really mean vitamins or some "magic herb supplements", but just good old protein powders and other supplements proven to help weightlifters/bodybuilders e.g. creatine.

There is no doubt that protein powders work, since it's simply protein. I don't not say of course, that protein powders are a better source of protein than e.g. fish or chicken, but it is definitely a convenient way to up your protein intake. In the UK, it is also often cheaper to take a part of your daily protein from powders (Example: 30g protein powder about £0.40, vs. Enough chicken breast to get 30g of protein: <£1.00.)

And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Clearly you have been brainwashed - http://rhinofitnesslivehealthy.blogspot.com.au/2011/03/multivitamins-no-benefit.html

For me at least, daily multivitamins made a difference with my immunity system. I went from being ill with a cold from around 6-12 times a year to 1-2 times a year.

Anyways, what I'm mainly interested in, is that is the main reason that Thais don't buy supplements the fact that they are way out of the average persons price range? Or are Thais simply less interested in fitness, weightlifting and bodybuilding than farangs? I'm sure Muay Thai fighters could benefit from certain supplements as well, but no point in buying ridiculously priced powders when you can get cheap Khao Man Gai around the corner..


Honestly, you should be happy such supplements are not manufactured in Thailand or China because you would be getting suspect quality that you do not have to be concerned with from US manufacturers.

Do you want trace carcinogens or heavy metals or pesticides or who knows what-all in something you put in your body in large quantity daily?


I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Actually vitamins and supplements are big business in Thailand and growing, Amway has a big market share due to their sales tactics. Low income don't take supplements, but there are a lot of middle income folks who take them nowadays.

You start to see pharmacy and stores like Watson, Boots carry a wider range of supplements also.


I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Actually vitamins and supplements are big business in Thailand and growing, Amway has a big market share due to their sales tactics. Low income don't take supplements, but there are a lot of middle income folks who take them nowadays.

You start to see pharmacy and stores like Watson, Boots carry a wider range of supplements also.

Well, they may have descent sells in locations where Watson, Boots exist which is mostly large cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. But you get out into the provinces and small towns where the majority of Thais live and few vitamins/supplements are sold in pharmacies and stores...and the selection they have in stores like Lotus is pretty sad...probably due to low sales...maybe growing...but sill low. It's just not a Thai norm yet.


I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Actually vitamins and supplements are big business in Thailand and growing, Amway has a big market share due to their sales tactics. Low income don't take supplements, but there are a lot of middle income folks who take them nowadays.

You start to see pharmacy and stores like Watson, Boots carry a wider range of supplements also.

Well, they may have descent sells in locations where Watson, Boots exist which is mostly large cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket, etc. But you get out into the provinces and small towns where the majority of Thais live and few vitamins/supplements are sold in pharmacies and stores...and the selection they have in stores like Lotus is pretty sad...probably due to low sales...maybe growing...but sill low. It's just not a Thai norm yet.

Yea its not the Thai norm yet, but when you compare with western countries its not like 50% of the population takes it as well. I think in any given country, its only the middle income folks who buy it. I don't live in the big city but you can still get the basics such as vitamin C, E, Zinc, Calcium etc at local pharmacies.

You will not find a huge selection like in the states where they pretty much have more than 200 types of supplements in any given convenience store or super market.

I also order mine online but from GNC and have a friend bring it back for me. What brand do you take?


Oh, we (the wife and I) just use a multivitamin called Central Silver since it's formulated for folks over 50. And the wife also takes a couple of Calcium 600mg w/D3 tablets each day like doctors recommend for many females. Have been ordering them off Ebay for years...cheaper than buying them in Thailand. Fortunately, vitamins in small, personal use only quantities is one of the few things other than documents that military retirees can have shipped to their military APO address which I have. I have never found in any Thai pharmacy or store vitamins or calcium cheaper than what I can get it off Ebay...even in provincial/small town pharmacies where prices are kept as low as possible due to income of the typical Thai customer. Now when you look at the prices of vitamins/supplements sold in big city malls you realize those folks have a BIG markup to pay the store rent.

  • Like 1

For the same reason as McDonalds and other imported brand names are popular. Considered either better or more cool, especially among the young.


window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

You can get Whey protein isolate for 950 baht a kilo in Chiang Mai so not a bad price considering it must be imported !

I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

I don't really mean vitamins or some "magic herb supplements", but just good old protein powders and other supplements proven to help weightlifters/bodybuilders e.g. creatine.

There is no doubt that protein powders work, since it's simply protein. I don't not say of course, that protein powders are a better source of protein than e.g. fish or chicken, but it is definitely a convenient way to up your protein intake. In the UK, it is also often cheaper to take a part of your daily protein from powders (Example: 30g protein powder about £0.40, vs. Enough chicken breast to get 30g of protein: <£1.00.)

And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Clearly you have been brainwashed - http://rhinofitnesslivehealthy.blogspot.com.au/2011/03/multivitamins-no-benefit.html

For me at least, daily multivitamins made a difference with my immunity system. I went from being ill with a cold from around 6-12 times a year to 1-2 times a year.

Anyways, what I'm mainly interested in, is that is the main reason that Thais don't buy supplements the fact that they are way out of the average persons price range? Or are Thais simply less interested in fitness, weightlifting and bodybuilding than farangs? I'm sure Muay Thai fighters could benefit from certain supplements as well, but no point in buying ridiculously priced powders when you can get cheap Khao Man Gai around the corner..

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pagespeed.addInstrumentationInit('http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/beacon?org=121_1_go' 'load', '&id=1412934745910348', 'http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=ajax&section=topics&do=mqquote&t=765296')

A company in the USA called iherb.com has great prices and has been a minimum of 50% cheaper on the thousands of items you can buy. All great quality too. Shipping is only $4 to Thailand. For up to 4 pounds!!!!!!you can use this code for $10 off your first

Order. Coupon Code: CHF576

Shipping does take about three weeks though and I have not been knocked by customs as of yet. They have been a godsend. But be careful. I placed 23 orders my first month lol. Good luck!


window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());

You can get Whey protein isolate for 950 baht a kilo in Chiang Mai so not a bad price considering it must be imported !

I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

I don't really mean vitamins or some "magic herb supplements", but just good old protein powders and other supplements proven to help weightlifters/bodybuilders e.g. creatine.

There is no doubt that protein powders work, since it's simply protein. I don't not say of course, that protein powders are a better source of protein than e.g. fish or chicken, but it is definitely a convenient way to up your protein intake. In the UK, it is also often cheaper to take a part of your daily protein from powders (Example: 30g protein powder about £0.40, vs. Enough chicken breast to get 30g of protein: <£1.00.)

And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Clearly you have been brainwashed - http://rhinofitnesslivehealthy.blogspot.com.au/2011/03/multivitamins-no-benefit.html

For me at least, daily multivitamins made a difference with my immunity system. I went from being ill with a cold from around 6-12 times a year to 1-2 times a year.

Anyways, what I'm mainly interested in, is that is the main reason that Thais don't buy supplements the fact that they are way out of the average persons price range? Or are Thais simply less interested in fitness, weightlifting and bodybuilding than farangs? I'm sure Muay Thai fighters could benefit from certain supplements as well, but no point in buying ridiculously priced powders when you can get cheap Khao Man Gai around the corner..

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pagespeed.addInstrumentationInit('http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/beacon?org=121_1_go' 'load', '&id=1412934745910348', 'http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=ajax&section=topics&do=mqquote&t=765296')

A company in the USA called iherb.com has great prices and has been a minimum of 50% cheaper on the thousands of items you can buy. All great quality too. Shipping is only $4 to Thailand. For up to 4 pounds!!!!!!you can use this code for $10 off your first

Order. Coupon Code: CHF576

Shipping does take about three weeks though and I have not been knocked by customs as of yet. They have been a godsend. But be careful. I placed 23 orders my first month lol. Good luck!


You can get the steroids over the counter here.

Be careful. You need to technically go to a hospital for those. If

You get caught you might need to pay a big cash 'fine'. If you have the money it's worth going to the hospital. At least you can have a little better chance a good quality.


I honesty don't trust any of the products here in Thailand. Even if they are supposedly centrum (unless from a place like boots or watsons. ). Then you pay a LOT more than double US prices. They have really perfected counterfeiting in Asia. I even order my coconut oil and olive oil from I herb. Coconut oil seems really iffy here. I bought collagen once here and I broke out really bad in acne. Never happened with products from iherb.

Even celestial seasonings tea is half the price of here. I ordered 10

Boxes the other day and shopping was only $4.


My friends who come over at various times during the year ask me what I can't get here and they will bring over like cheap suppliments, certain deoderants or cologns ect


Honestly, you should be happy such supplements are not manufactured in Thailand or China because you would be getting suspect quality that you do not have to be concerned with from US manufacturers.

Do you want trace carcinogens or heavy metals or pesticides or who knows what-all in something you put in your body in large quantity daily?

Have a look at the ingredients in your multi vit.

In order to mix all those chemicals they often add talc and or magnesium sterate so that the mixing machine can run faster, make more product at a cheaper cost with better profit for the manufacturer.

Not all supplements are created equal!

A similar story can be told for whey protein.

If you are going to use it, make sure it's from a good source, remember that you tend to get what you pay for and cheap and best quality don't often run together.

Q10 is heralded as a big thing but over about 40 our bodies lose the ability to process Q10 and make use of it

- thus Q10 is a total waste of time except for the young who probably don't need it anyway.

Us older folks should take Ubiquinol instead, it's what a young body makes from Q10.

If you live in the dark north, take Vitamin D3, not D2, again, the older bodies can't process D2 so well.

Well made supplements can be helpful but well made is hard to find LOL

As to the brainwashing:

If you believe that taking them will help you - they most likely will!

(Mind over matter)

However, take care with calcium, the makers often use the "wrong kind of calcium" and it can be deposited in the arteries, heart valves etc.

Great to see the post that shows calcium being taken with Vitamin D.

The Vit D helps the calcium go to the right places.

However, us older folk can strengthen their bones and muscles with a vibration plate exercise machine.

We bought one cheaply (85 Euros) three weeks ago.

We are both losing fat but maintaining weight and gaining muscle.

Now, I can stand on one foot and climb into my underwear without having to lean on something!

We return to Thailand next month and I shall be on the lookout for a machine there.


You can get the steroids over the counter here.

Be careful. You need to technically go to a hospital for those. If

You get caught you might need to pay a big cash 'fine'. If you have the money it's worth going to the hospital. At least you can have a little better chance a good quality.

You can buy them at most any pharmacy no problem. We buy them for our dog as the steroid helps to control the itching/scratching. The steroids are for humans, but most animal medicines are really human medicines...only a few come in packaging which implies they are for animals.

In fact, the same dog which has a skin allergy also has a urinary track infection right now...after using the first 7 days of antibiotic meds given by the Vet he said we can come back and get more from him or get them at the pharmacy...we got another week's worth at the pharmacy...once again...same meds used to fight certain bacteria infections humans can also get. And our Chihuahua which had spine surgery a few months ago is on human meds as prescribed by the Vet...we just go to the pharmacy to get them. Yes, sir, you can get most any (not all) medications are your local pharmacy with no prescription required.

  • Like 1

You can get the steroids over the counter here.

Be careful. You need to technically go to a hospital for those. If

You get caught you might need to pay a big cash 'fine'. If you have the money it's worth going to the hospital. At least you can have a little better chance a good quality.

You can buy them at most any pharmacy no problem. We buy them for our dog as the steroid helps to control the itching/scratching. The steroids are for humans, but most animal medicines are really human medicines...only a few come in packaging which implies they are for animals.

In fact, the same dog which has a skin allergy also has a urinary track infection right now...after using the first 7 days of antibiotic meds given by the Vet he said we can come back and get more from him or get them at the pharmacy...we got another week's worth at the pharmacy...once again...same meds used to fight certain bacteria infections humans can also get. And our Chihuahua which had spine surgery a few months ago is on human meds as prescribed by the Vet...we just go to the pharmacy to get them. Yes, sir, you can get most any (not all) medications are your local pharmacy with no prescription required.


Now there is one vitamin that sells very good in Thailand and not at a high price...and that vitamin is Vitamin C.

Why do so many Thais take it...especially younger Thais...maybe to fend off colds? No, they take it in high dosages to lighten their skin.


We see some confusion here. Thailand has everything one would ever want or need for natural health rejuvenation. There's a big difference in "supplements vs. naturals".

Perhaps foreigners don't know the names of the Thai herbal health products to purchase here. Thai sellers think foreign people want factory produced 'brand name' supplements from overseas.

They are generally worthless in terms of nutriment value after being heat and chemical processed by factories. I suspect that most vitamins are purchased in bulk from China and re-labeled by foreign sellers for Europer and America.

Siam Natural Products of Thailand has a complete line of natural nutirment products for health ejuvenation and disease prevention that are cultivated here locally. see siamnatural.com exports

  • Like 1

I expect vitamins/supplements are not big sellers in Thailand because of the free medical care & medicines offered under the various national health care programs like the 30 baht medical program and because the majority of Thais are low income folks---no money for vitamins and supplements other than maybe getting some herbs from a herbs/Chinese medicines store. And Thais haven't been brainwashed yet by snake-oil sellers on vitamins and supplements...now in saying that I do take a multivitamin everyday that I order from the U.S. off Ebay because it's cheaper than buying multivitamins in Thailand.

Actually, vitamins/supplements ARE big sellers in Thailand. There are at least 3 very active MLM companies that sell them.

  • Like 1

Wow, 3 companies.

If you know of Amway, you should know what they are capable of just by themselves. If not you can read about them, quite interesting. Every year they fly hundreds of their sales people, all expenses paid to exotic holiday destination around the world to celebrate their success. They have over $10 billion in combined revenues worldwide.

I think that's one side of the business normal people don't know anything about so they under estimate the market or sales distribution of a certain product. If you are from the states, than you must heard of Tupperware. Tupperware is also one of the biggest and most successful MLM (multi-level marketing) companies.


Wow, 3 companies.

If you know of Amway, you should know what they are capable of just by themselves. If not you can read about them, quite interesting. Every year they fly hundreds of their sales people, all expenses paid to exotic holiday destination around the world to celebrate their success. They have over $10 billion in combined revenues worldwide.

I think that's one side of the business normal people don't know anything about so they under estimate the market or sales distribution of a certain product. If you are from the states, than you must heard of Tupperware. Tupperware is also one of the biggest and most successful MLM (multi-level marketing) companies.

Amway has been around for a long time around the world....they sell a ton of different stuff...and vitamins/supplements of just one of the many thousands of different items they sale...Amway sells pretty much anything they can sell. Tupperware also been around for a long time also...don't know if any of the many, many items they sell is vitamins/supplements though. Plenty of companies out there "that sell all kinds of things," but that don't mean vitamins/supplements are big sellers in Thailand.

Now as I earlier mentioned, I don't have anything against vitamins/supplements as both the wife and I take a few; it's just from my personal observations vitamins/supplements are not big sellers when you consider the Thailand population as a whole. Are sales growing significantly?...Probably I guess...of course sales of most everything grows year over year. Big vitamin/supplement sales out of the plastic bottles sold at places like specialty vitamin/supplement stores, vendor carts, or Tesco/Big C pharmacy just ain't a Thai norm yet...still a small market IMO.


whistling.gif In case you hadn't noticed many Thais are on a low income anyhow, and such luxury items as "health supplements:" are not affordable supplements to their diet.

Also, "health supplements" are a Farang thing ....... many Thais do not believe there is any value in them.

Additionally,, a large minority of Thais, as are many in Southeast Asia, are somewhat Lactose intolerant ..... they feel "bloated and gassy" when they drink milk or take Milk products.

All this leads up to the fact that there is not a great market among Thais for protein supplements or "Whey powder" from Milk products.

it is a Farang thing, mostly not Thai.

That is also why Butter or Cheese is so expensive in Thailand ..... it is mainly bought by Farangs, and not Thais.

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