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Implications when marrying a Thai girl


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My Friend,

don't worry.

I married a beautiful lady from Buriram 15 years ago. She was 20 and I was 46. She is the most perfect lady and wife. I am so happy to be with the lady I love. Thai ladys are the the most perfect ever

Generalizing a bit aren't we?

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If your already thinking about the divorce why get married in the first place!!!

If you are thinking about your own death in the future, why live?

If we knew when we were going to die we would probably do things different, well I would anyway.I would probably cancel my marriage plans anyway

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In a nutshell...everything you owned together since marriage would be split 50/50. If you have kids everything changes and i'm sure there are a myriad of ways the water can be muddied in other circumstances.

At the end of the day if you want to marry properly at the Amphur then you have to accept everything that goes with it for better or worse.

One of my main reasons for an official Amphur wedding is for the financial benefit of my girlfriend as I believe if we get married she will get part of my company pension when I die, yes it will be reduced but by Thai standards it would give her an income for life.But what I do not want is her getting a share of what I have already got if we were to split, so I guess the pre-nuptial would be the way to go.

At least with that you can record what you brought into the marriage, which you are allowed to keep. No agreement can save you from Child Support Payments, but I understand that in Thailand those are quite low. I mean compared to the West.

If there is a huge age difference between you and your to be wife, it is best to check the fine print on your company pension policy and don't assume anything. Most pensions are based on your age thus also your life expectancy. It stands to reason then that if you married someone that was 30 years younger, then the payout would be much more and longer than normal and after you are gone.

To compensate for this many insurance companies give reduce payouts to your wife dependent on her age at the time of your death. This reduction can be quite huge. I know of one that if you died at age 65 and your wife was only 40 years old at the time, she would get nothing, It moves up 2% per year from their so if she was your age at the time, she would get 50% of your pension, which is the normal amount they normally receive. But if I recall this was a Government Pension and not Company one.

But it is still best to check into this very closely as most people don't know this, and assume everything.

I would have to check into the pension thing but my understanding that it would be reduced by 1 percent per year of age difference.But having done the maths if my girlfriend was 15 (she is not) and I was 65 when I died she would get nothing but if she was 16 when I died she would get something so it would probably be what you said 2 percent and she would come into the money if she was older than 40. But I guess all I need to do is tell my girlfriend that she would get some money when I die if she keeps me alive longer. Would it always be based on age difference for example if I lived to be 90 years old and she reached 65 years old does that mean she would still get nothing or would I stop counting my age after 65, I hope I am making sence.

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Don't worry about the negative nellies on here. If you love her (and if she loves you) then go for it but be prepared to shell out....

At least I agree you with you on the "shelling out" part.... but you forgot to add to it ....."Indefinitely or until bled dry" whichever comes first!!!

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If your already thinking about the divorce why get married in the first place!!!

I have never been in a position with money when I married previously so I had nothing to lose by getting married so what you are saying do not worry about loosing half your money and assets if you marry and find things do not work out. I have worked very hard for what I have got (nobody gave me anything) and I have no problems sharing my money with my future wife but as we know there are a lot of devious Thai ladies out there. Hopefully my wife will not be one of them but if you are not carefull you could end up with nothing.

Keith, if this really is your point of view, then don't marry.

You need to assume that unless u are willing to fight,she will get more than 50% of everything after marriage in Thailand. Everything outside, unless you take her to your home country will be largely beyond her reach.

But trying to embark on this in Thailand with that hope of a prenup is only going to bring massive pressure on u from her family.

Don't do it. Walk away and enjoy yourself is a much better idea, I have seen too many friends cleaned out.

With this experience of your life you and your friends choose to explore in the wrong circles of Thai society (barscene?).

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Rent first and wait a few years to see if you can trust her before using your life savings to purchase a house and land under her name because all of that can quickly disappear if things go pear-shaped.

Are talking about renting the girl or a house.

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bro, you should do it, get married even if you barely know her. I am sure it will work perfect for you. No man has ever been financially screwed over by a woman. These guys that tell you women will take your money are all crazy conspiracy theorists...

Edited by Mark601
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  • 3 weeks later...

If your already thinking about the divorce why get married in the first place!!!

Because it is an incredibly intelligent decision to plan for something you hope never happens, but might. Becoming lovestruck and not considering this type of thing is truly foolish. We never know what is going to happen tomorrow, next month, next year ....... And no one ever thinks it will happen to them!

Edited by inbangkok
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Assuming my girlfriend and I get married, what are the financial implications when we get married. I guess if it is just a village wedding there would be no financial commitment if we broke up but if it was an official Amphur wedding (preferred) what would the financial implications be if we broke up. I would make a will and leave everything in Thailand to my girlfriend but would she have any claim on my assets in the event of a split.

Sorry, I didn't read all the posts, so excuse me if this has been said by others.

Get the book Thailand Fever, it will seriously answer many of the questions you have.

It is written in English and Thai, not as a translation but as an interpretation.

This means that what you read and understand in English will have exactly that same meaning/understanding to a Thai reader.

It will teach you both Thai and western culture and you will understand that your wife will have an obligation to support her parents and siblings. Pensions in Thailand are non existent for many and small for those (government workers, army police etc.) that have them so children are the pension. It is something that I believe you must learn about and, in the end, accept if you are to be successful in your relationship.

You will always be second to her family. It's the way it is.

On the other hand, many Thai ladies don't care too much about how good looking you are, as long as you are generous and "have a good heart".

The seamier side of Thai relationships is very well covered in Stephen Leathers ebook which you can download free.

An excellent and useful read, even a bit too scarily close to the truth for many relationships!

During the Amphor marriage, you will be asked if there is any property to be noted in the marriage certificate.

Check is out, it's like a pre-nup.

However, once married, everything obtained will be shared 50-50 as another poster mentioned.

I applaud the fact that you have your thinking head on and not just a holiday head.

Talk to your gf about all your worries and get her reaction, many Thais don't like to "talk too mutt" but I believe that it is important that you don't have secrets and "other agendas".

"White lies" are acceptable in Thailand and even preferable to having a confrontation so you may have to learn to read between the lines a bit, at least for a while, before proper mutual trust is established.

I believe that a marriage is a state of caring and sharing - everything, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Don't rush into anything any more than you would in your home country.

If taking your time causes trouble, better find that out now and move on until you find someone with whom you can be compatible.

Decide what you want, where you want to live/work, find out about visa requirements, the costs and time to achieve etc.

Have a life plan, remember you will get old and requirements will change with age.

Don't forget that you will need a pension LOL

Good luck and have a great and happy life.

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Do you love her?

Do you trust her?

Why do you look on the worst case scenario?

I trust her but she does not trust me very much

Please read my previous post.

Mutual trust is earned!

There are many Farang who are sweet talking ....... And she is right to let you earn her trust.

However, by the same token, she must earn your trust.

Trust is not free, to be given away as it has no value!

There are also many sweet talking Thai ladies out there.

Sometimes, trust has to be tested, by both of you!

Stay calm at all times.

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Do you love her?

Do you trust her?

Why do you look on the worst case scenario?

I trust her but she does not trust me very much

Please read my previous post.

Mutual trust is earned!

There are many Farang who are sweet talking ....... And she is right to let you earn her trust.

However, by the same token, she must earn your trust.

Trust is not free, to be given away as it has no value!

There are also many sweet talking Thai ladies out there.

Sometimes, trust has to be tested, by both of you!

Stay calm at all times.

I always wonder what the girl is doing while overSEASman is contemplating marriage..................lol. Is she looking for the next best thing or WHAT? OP doesnt sound like that good of a catch. 1....op has an elderly sick mother.

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  • 4 years later...

I think you can sign an agreement even though persuading an asian girl and her family to understand thr agreement is a little bit tough ????

(But it is worth the effort. Coz an Aussie friend of mine lost quite a fortune last year after his divorce with a Chinese mixed Thai woman ???? TheThe judge sees things we dont see from the marriage I guess hehe)

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are a US Citizen, then the US Embassy gets involved. Your 15th Cousin, twice removed could get involved if there is any (I'm being fascious)(Incorrect spelling) appreciable money involved regardless of your having a Thai legal marriage. As a US citizen you will have to have a US Embassy issued death certificate for your wife to collect your assets and the Embassy will notify any US relatives. Corrective measures?

1. All property in your wife's name, use a Thai/American lawyer.

2. All life insurance policies make her sole beneficiary.

3. Military benefits, her name only.

(not recommended for marriage to wife of 3 weeks or less)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just make sure you have enough money in your home country and never let your missus know. Fixed deposit certificates kept with your dad or mum perhaps.

If all farangs do that there wouldn't be destitute farangs  seen in Thailand. (a country where many evilness are being practiced, other countries too but more so in Thailand.)

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