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DNA samples from two Myanmar workers match with those collected from British victim


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Finally. Thank god they got the murderers and dna match. Atleast these bastards won't be killing again. I guess the parents want death sentence to these animals. Thai polices great breakthrough was main news yesterday in Finland. Finland is by the way maybe the least corrupted country and blue eye finns believe what cops say. Now the Finlands no.1 tourist destination can continue as no.1. All credits go to great drtective work of Thai police. Well done. Case closed and forgotten in 1 month.

You mean this one ? http://www.hs.fi/ulkomaat/a1412299017961 . It's a sideline. I'm a Finn too and I don't believe a single word coming from RTP and will perpetuate that view to any who ask me. But then again I live here.

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Unless I hear a confirmation from the British police or the FBI, I will never believe the results "obtained" by the Thai police.

Too right,

This could well be a framing, just to see the end of the embarrassment for the 'tourism industry'. Seems very convenient. And where are these DNA samples being analysed? Can we even believe the results given the level of corruption in this country? I'd say the Myanmar workers are being made scapegoats. And whatever happened to the village head's son. All buried? Very odd...

Has it skipped our minds that the police admitted they had planted a pair of pants with blood clearly visible on the cuffs, in Chris Wares suitcase ? To what lengths will these police go is the question. Not whether they will go there at all. We know they will, it's down the what extent.

I would be willing to lay a wager on my thoughts on that.

They didn't plant pants. Those pants had paint or something not blood. Why would they plant pants that didn't have blood!

(google it)

This is how BS is spread on the TV forum.

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.........According to the police chief, officers also found Witheridge's missing mobile phone during a raid on Win's residence.............

I know for a fact that this cannot be true! The phone was found at the scene of the crime!

You definitely need to substantiate this statement...

Doubt if he can. Her phone was apparently missing from the crime scene: http://news.asiaone.com/news/crime/investigation-koh-tao-murders-seriously-flawed

That article say it "has gone missing" , implying that they had it, which means it was found at the crime scene, as we all remember. So the cops took it away and planted it at these poor guys house!

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Not at all accurate.

http://www.esr.cri.nz/competencies/forensicscience/dna/Pages/DNAfaq.aspx This forensic lab in NZ says it takes anywhere from a "few days" to "several weeks" to get the results of DNA testing. Do you know something they don't know?

Commercial lab.

About the size of a small copy machine or large printer, the RapidHIT can be moved where it's needed. The equipment requires 90 minutes to examine a swab from a person’s cheek and spit out a DNA profile.

http://www.patc.com/weeklyarticles/dna-timeline.shtml Commercial or police/gov't, some things have to get done and they take time.

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A very good thought that I have read here in this forum among the many posts and threads: Have these three Myanmar men tried in a UK Court. In order to bring this about, the parents of the victims shall have to organise a petition with a certain number of signatures by UK Citizen. UK shall then file an official request to have the suspects handed over, which Thailand may or may not accept. But if a petition is not organised, I doubt very much that UK bodies will intervene on their own.

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Unless I hear a confirmation from the British police or the FBI, I will never believe the results "obtained" by the Thai police.

Too right,

This could well be a framing, just to see the end of the embarrassment for the 'tourism industry'. Seems very convenient. And where are these DNA samples being analysed? Can we even believe the results given the level of corruption in this country? I'd say the Myanmar workers are being made scapegoats. And whatever happened to the village head's son. All buried? Very odd...

Has it skipped our minds that the police admitted they had planted a pair of pants with blood clearly visible on the cuffs, in Chris Wares suitcase ? To what lengths will these police go is the question. Not whether they will go there at all. We know they will, it's down the what extent.

I would be willing to lay a wager on my thoughts on that.

They didn't plant pants. Those pants had paint or something not blood. Why would they plant pants that didn't have blood!

(google it)

This is how BS is spread on the TV forum.

Or in a direct quote from the rtp at the same time of this gem --there won't be a scapegoat this time as the international media is watching. Keep up mate.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

.........According to the police chief, officers also found Witheridge's missing mobile phone during a raid on Win's residence.............

I know for a fact that this cannot be true! The phone was found at the scene of the crime!

You definitely need to substantiate this statement...

Doubt if he can. Her phone was apparently missing from the crime scene: http://news.asiaone.com/news/crime/investigation-koh-tao-murders-seriously-flawed

That article say it "has gone missing" , implying that they had it, which means it was found at the crime scene, as we all remember. So the cops took it away and planted it at these poor guys house!

Sorry I should have explained further. My friends were travelling with Hannah from the UK and they were given the phone by the police the following morning and asked them to put her passcode in so they could check the phone for calls or messages.

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A very good thought that I have read here in this forum among the many posts and threads: Have these three Myanmar men tried in a UK Court. In order to bring this about, the parents of the victims shall have to organise a petition with a certain number of signatures by UK Citizen. UK shall then file an official request to have the suspects handed over, which Thailand may or may not accept. But if a petition is not organised, I doubt very much that UK bodies will intervene on their own.

What an unbelievably moronic idea. First, the crimes were committed in Thailand, not the UK. Second, if tried in the UK they would end up with a couple of years in a holiday camp as punishment.

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A very good thought that I have read here in this forum among the many posts and threads: Have these three Myanmar men tried in a UK Court. In order to bring this about, the parents of the victims shall have to organise a petition with a certain number of signatures by UK Citizen. UK shall then file an official request to have the suspects handed over, which Thailand may or may not accept. But if a petition is not organised, I doubt very much that UK bodies will intervene on their own.

Never happen. Occurred in Surat Thani province so the trial will have to occur there I am advised unless extenuating circumstances can persuade the Supreme Court to move it to Bangkok.

But I am no authority just what I heard from a Bangkok copper.

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putting aside my opinion and my personal thoughts on this cover up crime, some simple questions remain unanswered and maybe somebody on here could answer em for me. The guitar playing Burmese from the AC bar were amongst the first people to be DNA tested and whose results came back negative. Question 1. How is it possible that this time their DNA results come back positive. Are they the same tested people? Question Number 2. What fool would take the victims belongings ie Hannah's phone and keep it at their house in a bush in the back garden where it was apparently planted found. Question Number 3 Why would the Scotsman Sean state the "Owner" of AC Bar did it....and not "the young Burmese employee at AC Bar did it" He obviously knew all the "players" all very well. Q4. Why were all the locals scared to talk if it was only a few migrant workers who committed the crime .Q5 Why did certain people refuse a DNA test when a DNA test would clearly clear them of any guilt? of being/related to, the actual murderer.There are many more questions that remain unanswered. Innocent until PROVEN guilty beyond any reasonable doubt!!!! Justice must be served properly and to the right people.

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You definitely need to substantiate this statement...

Doubt if he can. Her phone was apparently missing from the crime scene: http://news.asiaone.com/news/crime/investigation-koh-tao-murders-seriously-flawed

That article say it "has gone missing" , implying that they had it, which means it was found at the crime scene, as we all remember. So the cops took it away and planted it at these poor guys house!

Well, I don't read "has gone missing" as meaning that the police had it then 'lost it' ... that's your reading based on your expectations/beliefs. I simply read it as the whereabouts of her phone is unknown (i.e., she had it at one point during the night and it has not been found).

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By the way, just because these three Burmese men appear to have been directly involved and responsible for the murders and rape of the young couple, doesn't mean others weren't also involved. In other words, what if more than three people were in the group responsible? What if the evasiveness of certain locals does imply involvement, but that was in addition to the Burmese and what if these locals are quietly allowed to get away with their involvement?

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ok we've had all the usual rubbish about scapegoats, so let's have a vote............

how many of you doubters would be happy to see these guys released and spend a night at a beach party with your daughter sister wife girlfriend?

Can't possibly come to any harm as these guys are as inoocent as the driven snow according to yourolleyes.gif

Probably a lot more comfortable than having the owners of AC Bar and their immediate family aroundwink.png

This 'case' would not stand up anywhere else in the world.


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Why are the two accused wearing bullet- proof jackets and crash helmets ?

All those police officers were there to stop the mob from lynching them. That's common in Thailand. In case of rape people often take law in their hands and beat the hell out of culprits. There are many on that island who would cut them into pieces simply because their crime (yet to be independently confirmed) gave bad name to their island. Moreover, the islanders' income has taken a hit because considerable number of tourists cancelled their arrangements.

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I am trying hard not to be cynical about this announcement...I may have been here too long...history tells us that things are often not as they appear on the surface...especially in these high profile cases...

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In my mind,, there's a pretty simple explanation for all... The 2 victims had consenual sex on the beach (the used condom was his,, and he was mostly naked),, the attackers appeared,, beat him,, then raped/killed her... the police KNOW who did this,,, they locate 3 Burmese still on the island,, (not guilty,no reason to flee),,, attempt to beat/bribe a false witness,, (taxi driver),, to implicate the 3 they already had chosen,,, no luck,, so pick up the 3 anyway,,, coerce/bribe them into admitting it,,, take DNA,, (and large brown envelope) from the actual murderers,, take DNA from the Patsy's,, while this DNA is being transported to testing,,, swap the ACTUAL killers DNA,, into the vile containing suspects DNA,, test them,, PRESTO!!! POSITIVE MATCH!,,, this all would have worked much better,, without all the recent doesn't speculation,, WHY all the delays????, the correct amount of Baht,, in the hands of the correct people,, pretty simple actually,,,

OK so lets say you were the patsy and you were paraded in front of the press...........would you keep your mouth shut and not attempt to defend yourself?

Even Lee Harvey Oswald made an attempt to get it through to people he was a patsy at th first opportunuty.

What have these guys got to lose by crying out to the press....."It wasn't us?"

They certainly don't ook like they've had a beating to confess......they are very likely to be sentenced to death or spend the rest of their lives in prison YET they stay stoom.

You plonkers have sh!t for brains and are totally obsessed with the idea everyone in Thailand is a crook

go home

What proof will.there be that these blokes are ever going to jail? Someone from the daily mail going to visit klong prem and ask to see Mr. Win.

They might just be deported with a bunch of cash and told never to return

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Abigail1989 Wrote:

.........According to the police chief, officers also found Witheridge's missing mobile phone during a raid on Win's residence.............

I know for a fact that this cannot be true! The phone was found at the scene of the crime!

You definitely need to substantiate this statement...

Doubt if he can. Her phone was apparently missing from the crime scene: http://news.asiaone.com/news/crime/investigation-koh-tao-murders-seriously-flawed

That article say it "has gone missing" , implying that they had it, which means it was found at the crime scene, as we all remember. So the cops took it away and planted it at these poor guys house!

Sorry I should have explained further. My friends were travelling with Hannah from the UK and they were given the phone by the police the following morning and asked them to put her passcode in so they could check the phone for calls or messages.

Now that's interesting. I don't recall anything about this being mentioned in the press ... sometime time ago I seem to recall that an iPhone' was mentioned as having been found in a worker's hut (this was before the recent arrests). Wasn't clear that this was Hannah's phone however. And I think that would have blown the case wide open if they had indeed found Hannah's phone at a residence back then. Your friends actually had Hannah's personal passcode to her phone then? That's unusual, but not impossible. That whole lead seems to have disappeared...

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Thanks Abigail

So if the phone was definitely asked by the police to be unlocked from hannahs friends then they had the phone and planted it later?

if thats true then that is a massive cock up and in itself needs investigating

In your opinion what do you think happened and do you think the police have got the right men?

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Why are the two accused wearing bullet- proof jackets and crash helmets ?

All those police officers were there to stop the mob from lynching them. That's common in Thailand. In case of rape people often take law in their hands and beat the hell out of culprits. There are many on that island who would cut them into pieces simply because their crime (yet to be independently confirmed) gave bad name to their island. Moreover, the islanders' income has taken a hit because considerable number of tourists cancelled their arrangements.

Never seen it once.

They parade the accused. Everyone points. Accused sometimes apologises.


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Sorry I should have explained further. My friends were travelling with Hannah from the UK and they were given the phone by the police the following morning and asked them to put her passcode in so they could check the phone for calls or messages.

Abigail 1989 posted this anmd it seems to be very important if it can be substantiated, would certainly cast doubt on any 'evidence' the BiB produce and possibly destroy the whole case.

Apologies for large type, system would not let me quote directly.

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In my mind,, there's a pretty simple explanation for all... The 2 victims had consenual sex on the beach (the used condom was his,, and he was mostly naked),, the attackers appeared,, beat him,, then raped/killed her... the police KNOW who did this,,, they locate 3 Burmese still on the island,, (not guilty,no reason to flee),,, attempt to beat/bribe a false witness,, (taxi driver),, to implicate the 3 they already had chosen,,, no luck,, so pick up the 3 anyway,,, coerce/bribe them into admitting it,,, take DNA,, (and large brown envelope) from the actual murderers,, take DNA from the Patsy's,, while this DNA is being transported to testing,,, swap the ACTUAL killers DNA,, into the vile containing suspects DNA,, test them,, PRESTO!!! POSITIVE MATCH!,,, this all would have worked much better,, without all the recent doesn't speculation,, WHY all the delays????, the correct amount of Baht,, in the hands of the correct people,, pretty simple actually,,,

OK so lets say you were the patsy and you were paraded in front of the press...........would you keep your mouth shut and not attempt to defend yourself?

Even Lee Harvey Oswald made an attempt to get it through to people he was a patsy at th first opportunuty.

What have these guys got to lose by crying out to the press....."It wasn't us?"

They certainly don't ook like they've had a beating to confess......they are very likely to be sentenced to death or spend the rest of their lives in prison YET they stay stoom.

You plonkers have sh!t for brains and are totally obsessed with the idea everyone in Thailand is a crook

go home

Thais did it...!!!

Not many people on this forum will believe otherwise.

+1 go home.

Absolutely,, they KNOW who did it,, local, Hi-So,,, as far as why aren't the Patsy's claiming innocents?,,, $ for families,,, short time in jail,,, released in a couple years,,, under the radar,,,,

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Well, whether it was these 2 or not, I don't see how being Burmese or Thai makes any difference to safe tourism, or even the perceptions thereof..

You're just as dead either way, and while these things keep happening, Thai tourism will keep suffering. It's the crimes that make the headlines, and worried parents won't be saying to their gap year kids that they're safer going there now we know it was the Burmese wot dunnit.

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