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NGO questions if the two Myanmar suspects are scapegoats

Lite Beer

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KOH TAO: -- The Cross Cultural Foundation, a non-governmental organization, has voiced concern over the arrest of two Myanmar workers in Koh Tao on alleged rape-murder charge of two British tourists, reasoning there was no transparent justice procedure in making arrest and feared the duo might be scapegoats.

Yes because anywhere else the interrogations and police investigation would be open for public viewing during the investigation and prior to arrests or convictions.

The other issues are valid concerns but give it a rest on setup conspiracy until evidence is formally made public, including DNA and an actual conviction. They arrested two people, they are not convicted yet despite admitting to the crime and reenacting the crime and despite them being placed at the scene at the time of the crime and not coming forward.

Edited by metisdead
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Of course she is worried about how the immigrant workers are treated on the island. We know that many of them are working illegally and with no rights if anything should happen to them .

So its a good thing that this organization questions if they were scapegoats . But still it doesn't mean they are.

But I hope she will go ahead and ask the right people for answers.

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Someone must sneak some swabs of their DNA to the Brits who most certainly have true semen DNA samples from the murdered woman's body.

Nice idea, would never hold up anywhere.

The Thais care very much about the court of world opinion. If the Thais frame these guys and the UK finds out there isn't a DNA match...

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Clearly these guys were tortured into confessing. Now, everybody is supposed to live happily ever after like in a fairy tale???? And now the tourists will flock back to the island? And I read somewhere else that Prayuth is going to give the cops a reward? For first-rate torture techniques I reckon. The people that buy this whole debacle with its "happy ending" must have failed critical thinking in college, if they even ever attended college.

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How long does it take from being charged of a crime until the court case trial starts in Thailand?

There is no time limit.

The trail will not happen soon,

it will be into the long future, when interest in this case will be forgotten, and when it disappears off the radar on here, yes here.

Then quick trial will proceed.

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Sadly, public comments by senior police and even higher ups have gone so far in relation to these three that it is unlikely that justice will ever be served. Does anyone know if there is supposed to be a presumption of innocent until proven guilty (in a court of law) in the Thai legal system? Whether they did it or not, how can there possibly be a fair trial with an unbiased judiciary?

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Sadly, public comments by senior police and even higher ups have gone so far in relation to these three that it is unlikely that justice will ever be served. Does anyone know if there is supposed to be a presumption of innocent until proven guilty (in a court of law) in the Thai legal system? Whether they did it or not, how can there possibly be a fair trial with an unbiased judiciary?

An anonymous panel of judges will decide if they're guilty or not, then they will be sentenced to death and executed.

Edited by ukrules
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Kudos to this lady.

We can only hope that more people with some kind of authority raise concern as to the legitimacy of these arrests.

I wish the British Embassy and media would get some backbone and start asking more difficult questions of what's gone on here.

I'm not saying these guys aren't the killers. They might be. But an independent verification would prove this once and for all.

There's no legitimate excuse not to allow or offer this if they are confident they are right. Thailand has everything to gain my definitively proving they have got the right men. The world is watching.

other than sovereignty of course. Not gonna happen unfortunately
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Well, you can't argue with the facts.

The DNA results from the victims said the attackers were Asian, so they arrested three Asians

I would really like to know if all traces of evidence were removed from the bodies before they made it back home and if follow up tests will be done at some point in the future. It could be years away but I'm sure the full proven truth will eventually emerge.

If that DNA exists outside Thailand then collecting samples to match it with will be trivial in the future.

DNA test result show DNA from suspects are the same discover on female vicitm's body

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I think if the they were being tried in a UK court, it is highly likely that the DNA and other evidence would be thrown out as inadmissible due to the inability of the local police to keep the scene of crime and other evidence forensically sterile.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am a foreigner, I have lived n Thailand for six years now. I think am I moving away from this country of fake smiles and xenophobia. Spend my descent salary in some other country where I can feel safer as a farang then in Thailand. My condolences to the family and friends of the murdered couple, Thailand has a serious problem with not only it´s governing bodies, but with it´s people as well (no Thai-person on Koh Tao is coming forward with the truth). My guess is the Burmese guys are paid in the vicinity of 100- to 500.000 baht to play the scapegoats)

It does have the flavor of a Thai "on the spot" plea bargain. We'll pay your families, you'll do a little time until it all blows over, and then you'll be sent home.

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I am a foreigner, I have lived n Thailand for six years now. I think am I moving away from this country of fake smiles and xenophobia. Spend my descent salary in some other country where I can feel safer as a farang then in Thailand. My condolences to the family and friends of the murdered couple, Thailand has a serious problem with not only it´s governing bodies, but with it´s people as well (no Thai-person on Koh Tao is coming forward with the truth). My guess is the Burmese guys are paid in the vicinity of 100- to 500.000 baht to play the scapegoats)

They won't be paying the a bean to be scapegoats, theyve just tried to stitch them up by beating them and planting a phone on them.

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I am a foreigner, I have lived n Thailand for six years now. I think am I moving away from this country of fake smiles and xenophobia. Spend my descent salary in some other country where I can feel safer as a farang then in Thailand. My condolences to the family and friends of the murdered couple, Thailand has a serious problem with not only it´s governing bodies, but with it´s people as well (no Thai-person on Koh Tao is coming forward with the truth). My guess is the Burmese guys are paid in the vicinity of 100- to 500.000 baht to play the scapegoats)

Nobody believes this, the whole web is crawling with tales about just how fake it all is.

It's all over the Thai language sites as well.

There's going to be big scrutiny over the court case when the time comes, they had better 'double check' they've got the right people or it will backfire in a spectacular manner.

What court case? Reports are that there are confessions. Only sentencing remains.

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I am a foreigner, I have lived n Thailand for six years now. I think am I moving away from this country of fake smiles and xenophobia. Spend my descent salary in some other country where I can feel safer as a farang then in Thailand. My condolences to the family and friends of the murdered couple, Thailand has a serious problem with not only it´s governing bodies, but with it´s people as well (no Thai-person on Koh Tao is coming forward with the truth). My guess is the Burmese guys are paid in the vicinity of 100- to 500.000 baht to play the scapegoats)

Nobody believes this, the whole web is crawling with tales about just how fake it all is.

It's all over the Thai language sites as well.

There's going to be big scrutiny over the court case when the time comes, they had better 'double check' they've got the right people or it will backfire in a spectacular manner.

What court case? Reports are that there are confessions. Only sentencing remains.

There will still be a trial.

From here : http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/jan/18/ukcrime.travelnews

Wichai and Bualoi were arrested on January 9 and confessed to the crime, but a trial was held on Friday, as is customary in Thailand for cases carrying a maximum sentence of capital punishment.
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Nobody believes this, the whole web is crawling with tales about just how fake it all is.

It's all over the Thai language sites as well.

There's going to be big scrutiny over the court case when the time comes, they had better 'double check' they've got the right people or it will backfire in a spectacular manner.

What court case? Reports are that there are confessions. Only sentencing remains.

There will still be a trial.

From here : http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2006/jan/18/ukcrime.travelnews

Wichai and Bualoi were arrested on January 9 and confessed to the crime, but a trial was held on Friday, as is customary in Thailand for cases carrying a maximum sentence of capital punishment.

OK. Well it would appear there is more surreality in store. Pitiful.

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