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help ! marriage divorce don't have a clue what to do

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Sorry to hear. This would be my biggest fear. I know another guy who was supposed to get 1/2 of a house he bought and he'd even bought a 30 lease on the land. But that did him no good when he went back and some Thais promised to kill him if he ever came around again.

If you can afford it, I'd just walk. Life is short enough and I hate court fights. Somehow I get bigger and better emotionally when I just walk from something rather than get into a protracted hassle. At least I know who the better man is.

I sincerely hope you can afford to put it behind you and get on with your life.

Others may disagree with me and tell you to fight it. Up to you. I wouldn't.

I agree with NeverSure Don't take her to court unless your losses are ruining you. Walk! If you don't you may well finish up dead. I know it hurts to walk away from your losses. I know because I walked on all I had in Thailand including two Thai children at the end of 2008. Now I'm married to another Thai and everything is fine. Good Luck my friend

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Sorry, don't know where to post this question - hopefully someone can answer it or direct me to the right forum. Does a British man intending to marry a Thai have to post a "Notice of no impediment" with the British Embassy?

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The OP is repeating his old story from a few months back. Yes we know you were made to take the old motor cycle the day they tried to killed you. Yes we know you gave everything to her fathers business. You built houses and bought vehicles. Your a good guy with more bucks than brains. Turn around is fair play. Do onto others what they have done onto you. Good luck.

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Wondering how someone semi-literate managed to accumulate $120,000.

No helping for any guy as daft as the OP.

(this can't be real)

You shouldn't slag off someone whose first language is not English. There are many people out there that are completly illiterate and are multi-millionaires:

The man who invented the "Cats Eyes" used on the roads worldwide was completely illiterate and became a multi-millionaire.

Andreas Panayiotou, a London real estate tycoon worth £400 million (roughly $650 million), lives on a 20-acre estate and owns several private jets. At just 45, he’s come from humble beginnings as the son of Greek immigrants and is now ranked as the 200th richest man in Britain. And he can’t read.

No native English speaker would write a "piece" in this manner. I agree there are a few illiterate rich people (remember George Bernard Show's story about the illiterate church usher?....), BUT ALL OF THEM SPEAK THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE, ALBEIT SOME IN THEIR DIALECTS, BUT GRAMMATICALLY IN AN ACCEPTABLE FORM. THIS IS NOT THE CASE WITH THIS OP.

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I'm so lucky, I was born in a country where English is it's native language....had I been born outside of those countries and learned English as a second language, I would be considered "dumb" or "illiterate" were I not word perfect when writing in it, according to some people.

I would be very chuffed with myself if I could participate in a forum that was in a different language from my own.

I'm really sorry for the OP and I imagine you could do with all the support you can get....in my thoughts (prayers).

If we assume the OP is not a native (english speaking) then it would means the OP speak at least 2 languages (his own, + english) + some thai fluency.

The person who pointed on the semi-fluency of the OP speak how many languages? Such attitude is akin to the one I often get at work, with 'red-neck' looking at me as if I was the willage fool (I am french with a very strong accent) because I do not speak english the way they expect. Some even waste some breath in daring toask me how I did land such a job while being neither a Britt or a US citizen!

The very funny part of the story (the punching line in decent english, I believe) is they mostly stay only some month, and then are kicked out. While after a decade I am still here, getting a pay check with 6 digits every month.

So I am lucky (atl east I feel so) to be born in a country and in a time where english was tought long after GErman, Italian, Latin and Greek (classical one); because I do not feel superior simply because I am able to speak only one language. I rather feel like Omar Sharif, thinking in one language while speaking in another one ... having the mind open, with some empathy would describe it quite well.

And my apologies for my broken english, even if not grammaticaly correct (neither politicaly) I assume it is understandable enought for the usual public here.

Last, but not the least, the OP would have better time to move abroad quick, and then set a rescue team for his son. There are progessionals for that king of things, and it would keep you out of the arm way! Do not give up, but move physicaly back, because even if the threads are real, they are only localized. You on the other hand will have a very long range action, as law will be in your favour (even thai law will favour you, if what you say is true).

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Is confused american for real? smells like a troll to me, well his english is very poor so he could be that dumb.

I don't believe the story either. Just someone with nothing better to do than stir up the gullible folks on tv.

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Okay... I hear your pain and frustration but you have to admit that spending $140,000 US ($60K and then another $80K) was nuts. I would not have spent that on anyone without a dam good reason.,.. like a hospital bill for treatment comes to mind. So why on earth would you do that!? Then you say that you built "an empire" for another $120K US! That is over half a million Dollars US! What were you thinking... especially given that yo met this woman over the Net.

But questions aside... my suggestion is to hire a VERY good and expensive law firm and fight like hell for everything you can get! Seems that this investment in a law firm will be a much better investment.

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The lure of sex has an inordinate power over some men (and some women) that pulls them into making all

kinds of irrational decisions just so they can fulfill their lust. They choose to believe whatever will sooth their

egos so they can feel "loved". This desire equates sex with love, so caution is thrown aside in order to "have"

sex. with the sex object. When I was a youth back in the 60's we had more respect for love. The phrase,

"having sex" was not yet in our vocabulary. We spoke of "being in love" or "making love", as something

that accompanied a committed relationship, usually marriage. As the pursuit of sex for its own sake became

more acceptable, respect for "true love" waned. Pornography came out of the shadows and further twisted

men's reason as sexual addiction became a 'disease' to be reckoned with. As some on TV are wont to say,

..."just saying".

It does have that power but only over really myopic and stupid people (men and women). Lust is lust and though it can be 'purchased', love cannot be. I was around in the '60's and I remember the term "Free Love" which had nothing to do with love, or a "committed relationship" or "making" anything... just sex.

But to spend that much money is both silly, irresponsible, childish, and myopic. Especially when one had no idea what they are doing and without any 'protective' documentation which cover the investment and other personal holdings (present or future).

Though I have sympathy with the poster, he now has to lay in the bed that he made and seems to have paid for without any intelligence that someone who could have made that much money should have had... unless he made the money by picking the right numbers in the lottery.

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Don't take this the wrong and I mean to be circumspect in every way, but this is the thing:

you are an idiot. To have squandered so much of your money on someone who is little more than a troll and operating on pure evil, you deserve the lion's share of blame; period. You obviously had countless times to think over your situation, but what did you do? You made the same mistakes. The first one, to trust an unworthy...I'll call her a woman, but we both know what this person is. You blew it. She's a monster. Get over yourself. Don't quit your day job. Oh, and they will kill you if they get a chance. This is Thailand, the Land of Smiles. People are hit all the time. But you did not know that. Is it sinking in yet, bro? I wish you luck. You stay away from Thais and Thailand. Stick with your kind, at least you have an idea of what they are like and you have recourse to the law when things get rough. Se la vie!

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There are a thousand and one such stories on the Internet and not just Thai women.

Would you get married and buy a new house etc in your own Country for someone you just met on the Internet............No!

So why do it when it's a foreign woman with a different culture?

Age, beauty.............dreaming of being youthful again.

It's one reason I rent in Thailand unless I had a long term relationship first and felt complete trust.

Even then, nothing is guaranteed in life.

As long as your prepared to walk away and take the losses.............OK.

Otherwise think with the large head, not the small one.

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Is confused american for real? smells like a troll to me, well his english is very poor so he could be that dumb.

OP didn't say he was an American - he sad he spent US dollars, which actually could mean the value of the investments made.

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Wondering how someone semi-literate managed to accumulate $120,000.

No helping for any guy as daft as the OP.

(this can't be real)

You shouldn't slag off someone whose first language is not English. There are many people out there that are completly illiterate and are multi-millionaires:

The man who invented the "Cats Eyes" used on the roads worldwide was completely illiterate and became a multi-millionaire.

Andreas Panayiotou, a London real estate tycoon worth £400 million (roughly $650 million), lives on a 20-acre estate and owns several private jets. At just 45, hes come from humble beginnings as the son of Greek immigrants and is now ranked as the 200th richest man in Britain. And he cant read.

Yes I agree, but they probably could afford to pay someone to write a sentence that most of us could understand?

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Been on That Train ,walk away /sorry Run away as fast as you can ,get little home in your own country or some where nice ,start new life ,theres is no chance meeting normal thai lady on the internet ,all are scammers ,but just by chance you could meet OKish lady in thailand tried lot found one thats OK in the end ,trying was fun

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If you're properly married (and not just the Buddha blessing nonsense) Thai law is the same as back home, you're entitled to 50/50. You don't say where all this happened, if it's a little village in Issan for example, don't go to the local police to file any report, go to Korat or somewhere to do it. Then sort yourself a lawyer and go for it. Get a divorce (I hope you haven't agreed a divorce with her yet) and go after her. You'll come away with half (if there's still half there of course) which is better than nothing

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MOD, may I suggests initiating a new TV forum section where by all marriage woes, i.e. problems,

advice, guidance, and pouring of the hearts will be bunched in one section for easier perusing...

it can be under the heading of Thai marriages, or I married a Thai B#*^%......

Good thinking, but wives, girlfriends etc make up the majority of posts !

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Is confused american for real? smells like a troll to me, well his english is very poor so he could be that dumb.

OP didn't say he was an American - he sad he spent US dollars, which actually could mean the value of the investments made.

His profile says he's from South Carolina. I think that's in the US. Also his user name is "ConfusedAmerican48". But he could be pretending.

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Troll op. $120,000us and built an empire. Give me a break. That money is home deposit in AU. Don't think u lost an empire. Also like so many others prob put it in her name. How lame. Move on. And others put only in wife or gf name that u are Happy to loose and grow up.

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