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Quick Logistics Questions For Arriving in Chiang Mai


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Hey guys and gals. I'm leaving Atlanta for Chiang Mai on January 13th. I'm planning on staying indefinitely. I'm a freelancer and work online so finally ready to take the plunge. Have my passport, Visa, plenty of money saved, and my plane ticket booked. I just have some quick questions. I've never been out of the country, so please forgive me if some of these questions seem stupid.

1. What do I do about my cell phone? I have a Galaxy S5 - when I get there, how do I make calls, what do I do?

2. I have booked a month at Smith Residence south of the gate (with the intention of staying there while I look for a place). How do I get there from the airport, just hale a cab?

3. Can I just withdraw the currency from any ATM (is English an option on them?)

Any other general advice would be welcomed.

- William

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1. Replace the US SIM card in your phone with a Thai SIM card. This will get you started: http://www.trulytraveled.com/step-step-guide-get-mobile-phone-service-thailand/

2. Probably easiest just to take a taxi. It should be 150 thb flat rate to where you're going.

3. Yes....bearing in mind that the ATM fee here is 150 thb per transaction, in addition to whatever foreign transaction fees/ATM fees your own bank charges you. If you're going to be here a while, I'd suggest opening an account with Bangkok Bank so that you can transfer money relatively inexpensively between your US account and their New York branch (which Bangkok Bank then deposits into your local account.)

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You already have a visa? What kind of visa is it?

Are you familiar with the laws about working here?

Don't mean to intrude, but how old are you? If under 50, and no work permit, you're going to have a heck of a time staying here long term. If over 50, it's much easier.

Now guys, he said "indefinitely." That could be 30 days. tongue.png

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Well if you are in the USA open an account with Usbank. Very easy to transfer money from Usbank to Bangkok bank through the internet. You can enter with $20,000 cash or bring a cashiers check. that is what i did, takes about 3 weeks to clear. Much cheaper on the fee side instead of using ATM's. ATM withdrawals are very expensive, the foreign transaction fees suck.

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You already have a visa? What kind of visa is it?

Are you familiar with the laws about working here?

I got a multi-entry Visa. I'm not working there, I work online. Anywhere in the world I go, as long as there is an Internet connection, I make the same amount of money. So I'm not planning on working anywhere over there.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Don't mean to intrude, but how old are you? If under 50, and no work permit, you're going to have a heck of a time staying here long term. If over 50, it's much easier.

I'm 28. Why? I've been talking with plenty of people over there who have multi-entry Visas and they just get extensions or fly to another country and come back in. They don't have any problems. A buddy of mine has been there for five years doing that. If it's fine for everybody else, why would it be difficult for me?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

1. Replace the US SIM card in your phone with a Thai SIM card. This will get you started: http://www.trulytraveled.com/step-step-guide-get-mobile-phone-service-thailand/

2. Probably easiest just to take a taxi. It should be 150 thb flat rate to where you're going.

3. Yes....bearing in mind that the ATM fee here is 150 thb per transaction, in addition to whatever foreign transaction fees/ATM fees your own bank charges you. If you're going to be here a while, I'd suggest opening an account with Bangkok Bank so that you can transfer money relatively inexpensively between your US account and their New York branch (which Bangkok Bank then deposits into your local account.)

Because 100% of my money comes from online clients via PayPal I have two debit cards I withdraw money from - PayPal debit card and my Simple debit card (I haven't been in a physical bank in over five years).

So, knowing PayPal charges about $3 now for withdrawels I would be looking at about $7, which is a bummer.

Do I need to pay cash at most places, though? Or can I simply swipe my card? If I can't swipe my card then I guess I'll need to open a bank account. Jeez - I haven't carried cash in my wallet in years. I don't remember the last time I handled a piece of paper currency hah hah.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Well if you are in the USA open an account with Usbank. Very easy to transfer money from Usbank to Bangkok bank through the internet. You can enter with $20,000 cash or bring a cashiers check. that is what i did, takes about 3 weeks to clear. Much cheaper on the fee side instead of using ATM's. ATM withdrawals are very expensive, the foreign transaction fees suck.

All of my money is in PayPal and Simple (both of them are online banks). That worries me a little because I can't transfer funds from Simple to another bank. I guess I could just link the account with PayPal (like I would any other bank) and that'll be the solution.

- William

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28 year old dude,

You will be fine with the visa thing. Once you get here, and you have swapped stories with many of us here, you will do what you need to do to stay here. It can be a little inconvenient, but no big deal. Thailand is not likely to change visa requirements much. It has the occasional slight change, but don't worry. Living in the best place in the world is worth the small trouble.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You already have a visa? What kind of visa is it?

Are you familiar with the laws about working here?

Don't mean to intrude, but how old are you? If under 50, and no work permit, you're going to have a heck of a time staying here long term. If over 50, it's much easier.

Now guys, he said "indefinitely." That could be 30 days. tongue.png alt=tongue.png>

Hah hah - no definitely not. When I say indefinitely - I'm moving out of the US and I want to be gone at least five years or so. Of course, I'd like to setup a home-base there, but if I can't do it in Thailand I'll do it somewhere else like Vietnam. By home-base, I mean a solid location i can return back to after traveling to neighboring countries.

After SE Asia I'm planning to travel SA for a while. I'm 28, have absolutely zero family or spousal obligations, after years of hard work I'm finally making PLENTY of money online, so at this point the world is my oyster :)

Thailand was my pick because I already train Muay Thai, and although that's not my sole reasoning for going to Thailand, it is a big part of my life and I would like to continue training while I'm there.

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28 year old dude,

You will be fine with the visa thing. Once you get here, and you have swapped stories with many of us here, you will do what you need to do to stay here. It can be a little inconvenient, but no big deal. Thailand is not likely to change visa requirements much. It has the occasional slight change, but don't worry. Living in the best place in the world is worth the small trouble.

Thanks man (It's William by the way). That's what I was thinking! I figured there would be some annoyances, but I could manage.

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William as soon as I read your OP I thought to myself it won't be long before the visa police are out and I was right. Yes working online is a bit of a grey area, its working, which is not allowed on a tourist visa. However in this electronic age there are 1000's of people all around the world doing exactly the same. Thailand is going to have to get used to it. There are a lot of old guys on here who have difficulty accepting that it is relatively easy for a bright young guy to make a living on line because they have no clue how to do it.

CM is great, I was there for a month earlier this year. Hope you negotiated a monthly rate with Smith Residence and didn't just book by the day. Monthly rate would be around half daily rate.

Be aware that if you use Ebay, they may block your account when they see you regularly logging in from Thailand. Possibly Paypal also. Unsure. Do your own Google research. Good luck & enjoy CM.

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William as soon as I read your OP I thought to myself it won't be long before the visa police are out and I was right. Yes working online is a bit of a grey area, its working, which is not allowed on a tourist visa. However in this electronic age there are 1000's of people all around the world doing exactly the same. Thailand is going to have to get used to it. There are a lot of old guys on here who have difficulty accepting that it is relatively easy for a bright young guy to make a living on line because they have no clue how to do it.

CM is great, I was there for a month earlier this year. Hope you negotiated a monthly rate with Smith Residence and didn't just book by the day. Monthly rate would be around half daily rate.

Be aware that if you use Ebay, they may block your account when they see you regularly logging in from Thailand. Possibly Paypal also. Unsure. Do your own Google research. Good luck & enjoy CM.

But I specifically read recently that, when they changed the Visa rules, they said "Digital Nomads" would be absolutely fine. How can someone tell me I can't work online? I'm pretty sure 90% of the people on any vacation are still working to a certain extent, accepting money, answering emails, directing staff...etc.

Why would PayPal - a global payment system - block me from logging on from Thailand? Just curious.

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The concern about visas is sound. As you have no connection here (wife, kids, work) and are under 50, it is a tougher to stay 'indefinitely' nowadays. Just wondering on what grounds you obtained the multi-entry visa...

As mentioned, working online is a grey area and while technically not depriving a local of job or contravening the list of banned foreigner trades, I would still keep it quiet. I.E. if and when you have dealings with immigration or customs, don't be tempted to mention you will be working while here... tell them you support yourself through savings or rental income from home.

Phone: Easy, get a local SIM card anywhere, even some 7-11s. I would stick with DTAC as they tend to have the best coverage vs promotions vs prices. Go for a midrange package that includes internet so you can hotspot your phone and run your lappie immediately, and as a backup for when your digs' connection inevitably goes down.

Taxi: On arrival at CM Airport, turn left after baggage doors to one of the taxi desks and tell them the address. They'll give you a slip which you take to a driver just beyond the exit. You'll pay on arrival at digs. 20 baht tip if you feel like it... no percentage tipping here, Yankee boy. wink.png

Dosh: As it's your first time, I would just draw on your US savings if poss'. You might hate it. Having said that, with your visa, opening a Thai account should be a doddle. About 200 baht with ATM card, and yes they charge you for the privilege... EVERY YEAR!

Gen yourself up on Thailand with the likes of Wikitravel and read the ins and outs on this forum. Great time of life to travel, and with no ties etc. Have fun and focus on keeping it that way; very easy to get snagged and tied down, no more freedom... just imagine it!

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You already have a visa? What kind of visa is it?

Are you familiar with the laws about working here?

I got a multi-entry Visa. I'm not working there, I work online. Anywhere in the world I go, as long as there is an Internet connection, I make the same amount of money. So I'm not planning on working anywhere over there.

If your ass is in Thailand, so is your online work. Nobody in Thai officialdom will likely bother you about it but that doesn't change the matter.

Edited by JLCrab
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Just one or two further thoughts!

1.Not sure how dependent you are on your phone. 1) I have done three things: pretty much mothballed my Galaxy, though

left open for incoming calls. 2) Bought a new cheap Sim free handphone with either aDTAC or AIS pack ensuring you canmake overseas calls. 3) Use Skype a lot!

2. You can't survive without fresh money! ie cash. It is a good idea to have a Thai Bank Account. We use KBank ratherthan Bangkok Bank. Both OK. Money transferred through a broker in the UK ,, in GBP, NOT Thai Baht is quick..2 days

and cheaper than ATMs, which are now charging 180B on foreign card withdrawals. Make sure too, that they give..ha ha..I mean you pay for a debit card that allows international withdrawals.

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Be aware that if you use Ebay, they may block your account when they see you regularly logging in from Thailand. Possibly Paypal also. Unsure. Do your own Google research. Good luck & enjoy CM.

Why would PayPal - a global payment system - block me from logging on from Thailand? Just curious.

No might Ebay and Paypal will block your accounts.

It happened to me.

It is easily overcome by using VPN, best investment for me yet, makes them think you are loging on from home.

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There are a lot of old guys on here who have difficulty accepting that it is relatively easy for a bright young guy to make a living on line because they have no clue how to do it.


I make a large part of my income online and I am no "bright young guy :)

Also, at what age do I become one of your "lot of old guys" ?

ps: I'm 77 yo in 3 weeks :)

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Please get hold of me when you come to Chiang Mai. I will give you the full run down - but only face to face. I came here in 1975, have lived here 4 times since then, came back in 2001, been here since then. I own 2 Thai companies, have had 6 Thai work permits (different companies). Own various Thai properties, Have Thai relatives that are in various government positions including police (wife) and immigration. I think I can help you. Roger D <snip>

Edit: email removed

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The concern about visas is sound. As you have no connection here (wife, kids, work) and are under 50, it is a tougher to stay 'indefinitely' nowadays. Just wondering on what grounds you obtained the multi-entry visa...

As mentioned, working online is a grey area and while technically not depriving a local of job or contravening the list of banned foreigner trades, I would still keep it quiet. I.E. if and when you have dealings with immigration or customs, don't be tempted to mention you will be working while here... tell them you support yourself through savings or rental income from home.

Phone: Easy, get a local SIM card anywhere, even some 7-11s. I would stick with DTAC as they tend to have the best coverage vs promotions vs prices. Go for a midrange package that includes internet so you can hotspot your phone and run your lappie immediately, and as a backup for when your digs' connection inevitably goes down.

Taxi: On arrival at CM Airport, turn left after baggage doors to one of the taxi desks and tell them the address. They'll give you a slip which you take to a driver just beyond the exit. You'll pay on arrival at digs. 20 baht tip if you feel like it... no percentage tipping here, Yankee boy. wink.png

Dosh: As it's your first time, I would just draw on your US savings if poss'. You might hate it. Having said that, with your visa, opening a Thai account should be a doddle. About 200 baht with ATM card, and yes they charge you for the privilege... EVERY YEAR!

Gen yourself up on Thailand with the likes of Wikitravel and read the ins and outs on this forum. Great time of life to travel, and with no ties etc. Have fun and focus on keeping it that way; very easy to get snagged and tied down, no more freedom... just imagine it!

I went to the Thai consulate here in Atlanta, GA and applied for a multi-entry tourist visa and they gave it to me. Is it hard for other people to get that or something? I had no problem at all.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Be aware that if you use Ebay, they may block your account when they see you regularly logging in from Thailand. Possibly Paypal also. Unsure. Do your own Google research. Good luck & enjoy CM.

Why would PayPal - a global payment system - block me from logging on from Thailand? Just curious.
No might Ebay and Paypal will block your accounts.
It happened to me.
It is easily overcome by using VPN, best investment for me yet, makes them think you are loging on from home.

Yeeaaahhh - that's a good idea to use a VPN. I'll probably do that. Still, I don't understand why PayPal would care? I don't use eBay. I just send / receive payments from PayPal.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Please get hold of me when you come to Chiang Mai. I will give you the full run down - but only face to face. I came here in 1975, have lived here 4 times since then, came back in 2001, been here since then. I own 2 Thai companies, have had 6 Thai work permits (different companies). Own various Thai properties, Have Thai relatives that are in various government positions including police (wife) and immigration. I think I can help you. Roger D <snip>

Edit: email removed

Sounds good - I definitely will. I'll be arriving January 15th.

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Paypal has problems with Thailand, don't count on your account working for long.

But why isn't anyone explaining to me why that is? It's a global payment system. I've been with them since 2004. Why would they magically stop handling my transactions if I suddenly withdraw money from a Thai ATM or login to the site from a Thai IP?

- William

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So, I just called PayPal because y'all are freakin' me out. They said that there's absolutely no problem. As long as I call them and let them know when I leave, they won't flag my account for logging in from other countries.

I was planning to do that with Simple and PayPal before I left anyway, so no big deal.


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Tourist visas for Americans (and many other nationalities) are very easy to get. Staying long time in Thailand on a tourist visa is now a thing of the past. Many have been turned away at the border if they have back to back tourist visas in the passport. Or, if they are trying to re-enter with an ED visa from a dodgy school.

The days of staying here for years by only doing 1 day visa runs are over. Sorry to say....

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