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Koh Tao murder report to go to prosecutors this week: police


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Many people are not saying the burmese are innocent

They are saying there are more people involved as the stories don't add up.

1. No david DNA on hoe.

2. Police state hoe not murder weapon

Used on david.

3. Re-enactment now shows hoe is

Murder weapon used for David.

4. Police say Burmese had dyed blonde

Hair, and dyed back to black.

5. Pictures show all burmese had

Black hair.

6. Burmese say saw couple snuggle and

Got aroused, so hit david and

And raped Hannah.

7. Is it possible to be in violent

To the struggle death of a large male, drag Him to sea. Continue to beat a female to death and remain aroused through-out?????

8. there is not a single picture or

Sighting of the two together romantically.

9. The wounds on david do not match the hoe.

10. Some members of . Ac bar have not been dna tested . Why?

11. The two burmese are photographed in aline up for the first DNA testing and were cleared.

12. Is it confirmed their DNA was matched to the seaman and not just the ciggy butts.

13. The phone at the crime scene with broken glass is supposedly David's. The at the burmese hut is David's.

Which one is it?

14. What about Sean's identical wounds to david.

People just want the truth.

also reports of the son of a well known person seen leaving the island soon after the murder and no DNA tests being done.

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It's all over boys.

The police even though they made a few gaffs have done an excellent job despite all the bad press and at sometimes hysterical statements made on this thread.

Quite frankly some of you need professional help back in your home countries because you clearly suffer from delusions of grandeur of being some type of crack detectives .

The sad part about all those nasty thread you guys have written is that you honestly believe yourselves and you rants.

The case is being wrapped up now and these guys are guilty and a job well done to all concerned in bringing these scumbags to justice.

What an absolute braindead idiot, and i see the equally retarded johnthailandjohn recommended it.

As you cannot accept the many gaping holes in this investigation, i seriously hop one day you get arrested for something you didnt do in Thailand.

You love Thailand for cheap Isaan women and not much else.

PS The fact you say they are guilty shows how retarded and not overly bright you are, they do have to have a day in court yet.

Someone who likes to call others brain dead (note it's two words) for holding a different view quite happily slags off Isaan women showing his own intellectual abilities.

The case has been handled very badly regarding communication, media management and the usual every man and his dog getting involved. That means none of us know what the true story is and will have to wait until all the evidence is presented in court and reported on.

Of course the conspiracy theorists and those who have decided it must be influential Thais who are hiso connected mafia, probably related to Suthep, won't accept any solution other than the one they have already decided on. And they've accomplished all this without even leaving their keyboard. Their measure of the reality of a story is if it agrees with their view,

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While the BIB may not have the greatest reputation around neither does Drummond. Looks like he will be fleeing Thailand very soon and can only hope that will mean an end to his personal investigative stories of people he is in legal battles with. At one time the guy had some relevance. He used to be an active poster here too but appears he has wore at his welcome on TV too.

I think most of his legal battles are from unhappy criminals he has exposed that hide behind a corporate image . and the court cases in Thailand can be dragged out so long it serves the crims interests to keep throwing bricks over the wall in an attempt discredit and is just one form of intimidation. I dont know all his cases but I know a few and he is dealling with many ass holes and he himself seems to be very cautious about writing anything without good justification or evidence. a least from the few coresspondance close friends of mine have had with him

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What about the phone at the crime scene next to David's shorts who did that belong to ?

The other newspaper said that it belonged to David and that the Burmese took it home but that the phone didn't work in Thailand so he smashed it.

If it didn't work, why was David carrying it around with him?

how could they take it home when it was photographed at the crime scene ?

David's phone was found at the scene......remember, the phone had a cracked screen with blood and a blonde hair stuck to it. That was reported that day.

So who's phone was behind the boy's house. It wasn't Hannah's or Davids they are accounted for.

Did they fingerprint the phone...this is not good at all looking like a big set-up.

If you watch the raid on the house it was night time they found the phone in a mass of bushes with a torch in 1 minute. The family should identify the phone asap, because they've swapped it or put David's phone in the bushes.

We're accepting that it was David's but look back it wasn't they've had David's phone from day one.

do you have a link to the news source about the phone found at the scene ?

Lozza -dead on.

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I won't say that I think this guy or that guy did it. And maybe the Burmese were involved. But we all have damn good reason to doubt the Police, on their reputation alone. Now a lot of other dubious details have been unearthed which shed a lot of doubt on the case and anywhere in the world we would want to have a prosecution that is 'without a shadow of a doubt'.

The Stuttering one and John does thailand or whatever he is called. Let them have their opinions, but I wouldn't bother replying to their posts

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You are dead against anyone who has expressed doubts about this case and you have found the suspect guilty.

Seems like armchair detectives have been replaced by couch judges.

Express doubts in respect of a police that is not deemed objective is normal and quite healthy. True that the case of the son Red bull murderer found not guilty is revolting. This ignoble farce will not be forgotten anytime soon.
But times are changing and it seems that detectives properly carried out its mission in this case even if we can challenge some point form.
What is shameful is to launch a lynching on a wealthy young boy without any shred of evidence.
What is shameful is to scaffold fanciful scenarios without the slightest shred of evidence.
What is shameful is to appoint two Burmese: "These scapegoat Innocent children." while the strongest evidence accuse.
Lastly, what is particularly rude is to launch a petition infamous for our hosts on some awkwardness then they work unstintingly to solve this case.
Edited by Hisseho
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It's all over boys.

The police even though they made a few gaffs have done an excellent job despite all the bad press and at sometimes hysterical statements made on this thread.

Quite frankly some of you need professional help back in your home countries because you clearly suffer from delusions of grandeur of being some type of crack detectives .

The sad part about all those nasty thread you guys have written is that you honestly believe yourselves and you rants.

The case is being wrapped up now and these guys are guilty and a job well done to all concerned in bringing these scumbags to justice.

What an absolute braindead idiot, and i see the equally retarded johnthailandjohn recommended it.

As you cannot accept the many gaping holes in this investigation, i seriously hop one day you get arrested for something you didnt do in Thailand.

You love Thailand for cheap Isaan women and not much else.

PS The fact you say they are guilty shows how retarded and not overly bright you are, they do have to have a day in court yet.

Someone who likes to call others brain dead (note it's two words) for holding a different view quite happily slags off Isaan women showing his own intellectual abilities.

The case has been handled very badly regarding communication, media management and the usual every man and his dog getting involved. That means none of us know what the true story is and will have to wait until all the evidence is presented in court and reported on.

Of course the conspiracy theorists and those who have decided it must be influential Thais who are hiso connected mafia, probably related to Suthep, won't accept any solution other than the one they have already decided on. And they've accomplished all this without even leaving their keyboard. Their measure of the reality of a story is if it agrees with their view,

oh boys your as bad as each other you need your heads knocking together

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Many people are not saying the burmese are innocent

They are saying there are more people involved as the stories don't add up.

1. No david DNA on hoe.

2. Police state hoe not murder weapon

Used on david.

3. Re-enactment now shows hoe is

Murder weapon used for David.

4. Police say Burmese had dyed blonde

Hair, and dyed back to black.

5. Pictures show all burmese had

Black hair.

6. Burmese say saw couple snuggle and

Got aroused, so hit david and

And raped Hannah.

7. Is it possible to be in violent

To the struggle death of a large male, drag Him to sea. Continue to beat a female to death and remain aroused through-out?????

8. there is not a single picture or

Sighting of the two together romantically.

9. The wounds on david do not match the hoe.

10. Some members of . Ac bar have not been dna tested . Why?

11. The two burmese are photographed in aline up for the first DNA testing and were cleared.

12. Is it confirmed their DNA was matched to the seaman and not just the ciggy butts.

13. The phone at the crime scene with broken glass is supposedly David's. The at the burmese hut is David's.

Which one is it?

14. What about Sean's identical wounds to david.

People just want the truth.

also reports of the son of a well known person seen leaving the island soon after the murder and no DNA tests being done.

I would add that the confessions were gained after an admitted grueling interrogation without legal representation.

The suspects themselves are diminutive undocumented aliens. Not likely to go power-tripping on a public beach in front of their employers property, killing tourists on a whim. And they were discovered by police through the use of torture of other migrants.

Can we say reasonable doubt?

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The only way to resolve it fairly for both sides is to get DNA tests done by an independent team. If they do not provide a match to the Burmese then the village headmans family and associates must provide samples. Then we should have an answer that can't be disputed by either side.

It isn't going to happen. Can you imagine if any country allowed that, the precedent that would be set? Would any country allow an outside police force, or members of a foreign community to dictate police procedure and demand people be tested because someone say so on social media? What would be the outcome if the headman's family are tested and cleared? Should the accuser and those who demanded the test be prosecuted for making false accusations?

This isn't about sides in some debating society. It's about a police investigation leading to a criminal prosecution in a murder case, You, me, us are not some self appointed jury that must be satisfied,

If a precedent like this was set, every lawyer around the world would be demanding independent DNA testing, and want to name which countries and labs are acceptable. The courts would be totally clogged while these side arguments went on.

How could being forced to take a DNA test because someone accuses you be fair on you unless there is a serious penalty for false accusations?

Social media "trial" is taking us back to the witch hunt mentality of a few hundred years ago. If you are accused you must be guilty unless you can prove otherwise, regardless of the credibility or agenda of the accuser(s).

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While the BIB may not have the greatest reputation around neither does Drummond. Looks like he will be fleeing Thailand very soon and can only hope that will mean an end to his personal investigative stories of people he is in legal battles with. At one time the guy had some relevance. He used to be an active poster here too but appears he has wore at his welcome on TV too.

I think most of his legal battles are from unhappy criminals he has exposed that hide behind a corporate image . and the court cases in Thailand can be dragged out so long it serves the crims interests to keep throwing bricks over the wall in an attempt discredit and is just one form of intimidation. I dont know all his cases but I know a few and he is dealling with many ass holes and he himself seems to be very cautious about writing anything without good justification or evidence. a least from the few coresspondance close friends of mine have had with him

Yes Epicstuff - Andrew Drummond is in legal battles with utter scumbags who know how to manipulate the judicial system to their own advantage. Thailand's Libel laws are notoriously well known. As far as I can see he has an accomplished journalistic career of many decades and he's not scared to go after bad seeds.

These guys trying to discredit him - well it tells you much of the ilk of these guys.

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Many people are not saying the burmese are innocent

They are saying there are more people involved as the stories don't add up.

1. No david DNA on hoe.

2. Police state hoe not murder weapon

Used on david.

3. Re-enactment now shows hoe is

Murder weapon used for David.

4. Police say Burmese had dyed blonde

Hair, and dyed back to black.

5. Pictures show all burmese had

Black hair.

6. Burmese say saw couple snuggle and

Got aroused, so hit david and

And raped Hannah.

7. Is it possible to be in violent

To the struggle death of a large male, drag Him to sea. Continue to beat a female to death and remain aroused through-out?????

8. there is not a single picture or

Sighting of the two together romantically.

9. The wounds on david do not match the hoe.

10. Some members of . Ac bar have not been dna tested . Why?

11. The two burmese are photographed in aline up for the first DNA testing and were cleared.

12. Is it confirmed their DNA was matched to the seaman and not just the ciggy butts.

13. The phone at the crime scene with broken glass is supposedly David's. The at the burmese hut is David's.

Which one is it?

14. What about Sean's identical wounds to david.

People just want the truth.

also reports of the son of a well known person seen leaving the island soon after the murder and no DNA tests being done.

I would add that the confessions were gained after an admitted grueling interrogation without legal representation.

The suspects themselves are diminutive undocumented aliens. Not likely to go power-tripping on a public beach in front of their employers property, killing tourists on a whim. And they were discovered by police through the use of torture of other migrants.

Can we say reasonable doubt?

Do you have any actual proof of torture?

I don't know the character of these two, their drinking and drug habits and its effect on them. I do know appearances can and often are deceptive.

The "reasonable doubt" will be for the prosecutor to decide first. If he decided their is enough evidence then it's up to the judge. The police have made a rod for their own back by releasing all sorts of stories, some without any foundation, and that is something they ought but probably won't learn from. Sean McAnna needs to put up or shut up, and seems to be opting for the latter. There has been no comments from any of the victims friends about anything. That may be because they know more and have been requested not to make that knowledge public.

The truth will out.

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It's all over boys.

The police even though they made a few gaffs have done an excellent job despite all the bad press and at sometimes hysterical statements made on this thread.

Quite frankly some of you need professional help back in your home countries because you clearly suffer from delusions of grandeur of being some type of crack detectives .

The sad part about all those nasty thread you guys have written is that you honestly believe yourselves and you rants.

The case is being wrapped up now and these guys are guilty and a job well done to all concerned in bringing these scumbags to justice.

What an absolute braindead idiot, and i see the equally retarded johnthailandjohn recommended it.

As you cannot accept the many gaping holes in this investigation, i seriously hop one day you get arrested for something you didnt do in Thailand.

You love Thailand for cheap Isaan women and not much else.

PS The fact you say they are guilty shows how retarded and not overly bright you are, they do have to have a day in court yet.

Someone who likes to call others brain dead (note it's two words) for holding a different view quite happily slags off Isaan women showing his own intellectual abilities.

The case has been handled very badly regarding communication, media management and the usual every man and his dog getting involved. That means none of us know what the true story is and will have to wait until all the evidence is presented in court and reported on.

Of course the conspiracy theorists and those who have decided it must be influential Thais who are hiso connected mafia, probably related to Suthep, won't accept any solution other than the one they have already decided on. And they've accomplished all this without even leaving their keyboard. Their measure of the reality of a story is if it agrees with their view,

oh boys your as bad as each other you need your heads knocking together

Fancy trying?

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A puzzling part of one of the confessions. The police officer in charge said on friday that the accused had confessed to the murder, and he stated that the boy said " i saw them having sex, and i got jealous" But didn't the police state at the very start of the investigation, that none od david's dna was found on hannah. I would say if they were having sex her body would have contained plenty of his dna. So why would the police accept his confession if they knew that david and hannah weren't having sex.

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You are dead against anyone who has expressed doubts about this case and you have found the suspect guilty.

Seems like armchair detectives have been replaced by couch judges.

Express doubts in respect of a police that is not deemed objective is normal and quite healthy. True that the case of the son Red bull murderer found not guilty is revolting. This ignoble farce will not be forgotten anytime soon.
But times are changing and it seems that detectives properly carried out its mission in this case even if we can challenge some point form.
What is shameful is to launch a lynching on a wealthy young boy without any shred of evidence.
What is shameful is to scaffold fanciful scenarios without the slightest shred of evidence.
What is shameful is to appoint two Burmese: "These scapegoat Innocent children." while the strongest evidence accuse.
Lastly, what is particularly rude is to launch a petition infamous for our hosts on some awkwardness then they work unstintingly to solve this case.

The Red Bull heir was not found Not Guilty as he didn't wait around to find out what the court thought and decided the climate in Singapore was healthier.

Nothing has been done to bring him back to face justice.

The petition is against a possible grave miscarriage of justice which can affect anyone here given the reputation of the BIB and the so called ' system ' of justice.

The various govts that ' run ' LoS will love you, believe everything and challenge nothing. It's the hosts that are insulting, including to their own people especially, by thinking they can do as they like and getting away with it.

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This is getting like a Thai soap opera We can give opinions bitch and moan won't change what will happen unless the British submit the DNA they took back in the UK. And either proves them innocent or guilty. Best thing to do is don't visit Koh Tao tell all your friends the same thing leave it to the thai's to swim in the cesspool. When they scream no money laugh and say you reap what you sow.

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The only way to resolve it fairly for both sides is to get DNA tests done by an independent team. If they do not provide a match to the Burmese then the village headmans family and associates must provide samples. Then we should have an answer that can't be disputed by either side.

It isn't going to happen. Can you imagine if any country allowed that, the precedent that would be set? Would any country allow an outside police force, or members of a foreign community to dictate police procedure and demand people be tested because someone say so on social media? What would be the outcome if the headman's family are tested and cleared? Should the accuser and those who demanded the test be prosecuted for making false accusations?

This isn't about sides in some debating society. It's about a police investigation leading to a criminal prosecution in a murder case, You, me, us are not some self appointed jury that must be satisfied,

If a precedent like this was set, every lawyer around the world would be demanding independent DNA testing, and want to name which countries and labs are acceptable. The courts would be totally clogged while these side arguments went on.

How could being forced to take a DNA test because someone accuses you be fair on you unless there is a serious penalty for false accusations?

Social media "trial" is taking us back to the witch hunt mentality of a few hundred years ago. If you are accused you must be guilty unless you can prove otherwise, regardless of the credibility or agenda of the accuser(s).

A country to come in and "assist" would require a request from Thailand.

We are too far into play now and the Thais won't risk being shown up to the world for what has actually been a highly manipulated and contrived set of circumstances. It will take investigative journalists such as panorama to be here as well as some family members that may be able to act as representatives and have a presence on the islands. If either of these things don't happen soon it will be end game for the Burmese lads. Now that they are in the game we need to fast forward all efforts here. Oh and then there's Sean. I think I ve become repetitive on this but he was there he saw things and he s terrified. But execution or death in custody before the execution happens, is now up for grabs. Please Sean come forward.

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A puzzling part of one of the confessions. The police officer in charge said on friday that the accused had confessed to the murder, and he stated that the boy said " i saw them having sex, and i got jealous" But didn't the police state at the very start of the investigation, that none od david's dna was found on hannah. I would say if they were having sex her body would have contained plenty of his dna. So why would the police accept his confession if they knew that david and hannah weren't having sex.

You are right, but this is another critical detail regarding which police eventually changed their version during the process. They initially said the couple was having sex, just to change and say they were just kissing when the point you make regarding the lack of DNA was raised.

A similar change has been done with regard to the phone found near the accused men's room. They stated was Hannah's just to change to Davis's after pics of the phone being given to police the day after the murder were spread.

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What about the phone at the crime scene next to David's shorts who did that belong to ?

The other newspaper said that it belonged to David and that the Burmese took it home but that the phone didn't work in Thailand so he smashed it.

If it didn't work, why was David carrying it around with him?

how could they take it home when it was photographed at the crime scene ?

David's phone was found at the scene......remember, the phone had a cracked screen with blood and a blonde hair stuck to it. That was reported that day.

So who's phone was behind the boy's house. It wasn't Hannah's or Davids they are accounted for.

Did they fingerprint the phone...this is not good at all looking like a big set-up.

If you watch the raid on the house it was night time they found the phone in a mass of bushes with a torch in 1 minute. The family should identify the phone asap, because they've swapped it or put David's phone in the bushes.

We're accepting that it was David's but look back it wasn't they've had David's phone from day one.

So you were at the investigation scene, since you are so evry well aware that they found said phone within 1 minute ?

Do you really think that if the family had Davids phone since day one, as you claim, that they won't step forward now to deny the claims.

Or would you suggest that they are not following the case very close?

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The other newspaper said that it belonged to David and that the Burmese took it home but that the phone didn't work in Thailand so he smashed it.

If it didn't work, why was David carrying it around with him?

how could they take it home when it was photographed at the crime scene ?

David's phone was found at the scene......remember, the phone had a cracked screen with blood and a blonde hair stuck to it. That was reported that day.

So who's phone was behind the boy's house. It wasn't Hannah's or Davids they are accounted for.

Did they fingerprint the phone...this is not good at all looking like a big set-up.

If you watch the raid on the house it was night time they found the phone in a mass of bushes with a torch in 1 minute. The family should identify the phone asap, because they've swapped it or put David's phone in the bushes.

We're accepting that it was David's but look back it wasn't they've had David's phone from day one.

So you were at the investigation scene, since you are so evry well aware that they found said phone within 1 minute ?

Do you really think that if the family had Davids phone since day one, as you claim, that they won't step forward now to deny the claims.

Or would you suggest that they are not following the case very close?

David's phone was photographed as part of the evidence found on the beach. There was a link showing two pictures of it clearly in one of these threads recently. I would say it was kept as evidence.

A phone looking exactly the same as David's was pulled from the bushes a few days ago. I saw it featured on a news clip in a plastic bag, but I do not have time to go searching for links.

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The only way to resolve it fairly for both sides is to get DNA tests done by an independent team. If they do not provide a match to the Burmese then the village headmans family and associates must provide samples. Then we should have an answer that can't be disputed by either side.

It isn't going to happen. Can you imagine if any country allowed that, the precedent that would be set? Would any country allow an outside police force, or members of a foreign community to dictate police procedure and demand people be tested because someone say so on social media? What would be the outcome if the headman's family are tested and cleared? Should the accuser and those who demanded the test be prosecuted for making false accusations?

This isn't about sides in some debating society. It's about a police investigation leading to a criminal prosecution in a murder case, You, me, us are not some self appointed jury that must be satisfied,

If a precedent like this was set, every lawyer around the world would be demanding independent DNA testing, and want to name which countries and labs are acceptable. The courts would be totally clogged while these side arguments went on.

How could being forced to take a DNA test because someone accuses you be fair on you unless there is a serious penalty for false accusations?

Social media "trial" is taking us back to the witch hunt mentality of a few hundred years ago. If you are accused you must be guilty unless you can prove otherwise, regardless of the credibility or agenda of the accuser(s).

A country to come in and "assist" would require a request from Thailand.

We are too far into play now and the Thais won't risk being shown up to the world for what has actually been a highly manipulated and contrived set of circumstances. It will take investigative journalists such as panorama to be here as well as some family members that may be able to act as representatives and have a presence on the islands. If either of these things don't happen soon it will be end game for the Burmese lads. Now that they are in the game we need to fast forward all efforts here. Oh and then there's Sean. I think I ve become repetitive on this but he was there he saw things and he s terrified. But execution or death in custody before the execution happens, is now up for grabs. Please Sean come forward.

Sean says he was there, says he saw things, says he was threatened, says he was frightened, even says who the guilty party is. Now says nowt.

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Many people are not saying the burmese are innocent

They are saying there are more people involved as the stories don't add up.

1. No david DNA on hoe.

2. Police state hoe not murder weapon

Used on david.

3. Re-enactment now shows hoe is

Murder weapon used for David.

4. Police say Burmese had dyed blonde

Hair, and dyed back to black.

5. Pictures show all burmese had

Black hair.

6. Burmese say saw couple snuggle and

Got aroused, so hit david and

And raped Hannah.

7. Is it possible to be in violent

To the struggle death of a large male, drag Him to sea. Continue to beat a female to death and remain aroused through-out?????

8. there is not a single picture or

Sighting of the two together romantically.

9. The wounds on david do not match the hoe.

10. Some members of . Ac bar have not been dna tested . Why?

11. The two burmese are photographed in aline up for the first DNA testing and were cleared.

12. Is it confirmed their DNA was matched to the seaman and not just the ciggy butts.

13. The phone at the crime scene with broken glass is supposedly David's. The at the burmese hut is David's.

Which one is it?

14. What about Sean's identical wounds to david.

People just want the truth.

For the sake of Thailand we want the truth!

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Big blunder from the Thai police if the report about it now being David's phone is true.

As i see it, the defence of these two Burmese kids comes down to producing two very easy pieces of evidence and the whole thing blows up:

1. Any statement from the time of the discovery of David's phone being found. If what was reported is true, then they have openly admitted that they did not find Hannah's phone. They accept that the phone was in fact turned in on the day of the murder by her friends after all. This of course makes JTJs claim that it was a power charger or a glasses case, or anything else that took his fancy laughable. Im sure he will now also change his story to reflect this information ("obviously it was the same phone! i said this all along! but i also said it was DAVID's phone they found").

What makes it even more laughable is that people, like you and many others on this forum, believe that the BIB are such idiots that after they self-handed the phone to the family on 18 September, later would announce that they found the phone where the suspects were living.

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So you were at the investigation scene, since you are so evry well aware that they found said phone within 1 minute ?

Do you really think that if the family had Davids phone since day one, as you claim, that they won't step forward now to deny the claims.

Or would you suggest that they are not following the case very close?

David's phone was photographed as part of the evidence found on the beach. There was a link showing two pictures of it clearly in one of these threads recently. I would say it was kept as evidence.

A phone looking exactly the same as David's was pulled from the bushes a few days ago. I saw it featured on a news clip in a plastic bag, but I do not have time to go searching for links.

And David's parents don't read the same news articles as you and just accept it ?

Or maybe they are just above your idiotic conspiracy theories.

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Big blunder from the Thai police if the report about it now being David's phone is true.

As i see it, the defence of these two Burmese kids comes down to producing two very easy pieces of evidence and the whole thing blows up:

1. Any statement from the time of the discovery of David's phone being found. If what was reported is true, then they have openly admitted that they did not find Hannah's phone. They accept that the phone was in fact turned in on the day of the murder by her friends after all. This of course makes JTJs claim that it was a power charger or a glasses case, or anything else that took his fancy laughable. Im sure he will now also change his story to reflect this information ("obviously it was the same phone! i said this all along! but i also said it was DAVID's phone they found").

What makes it even more laughable is that people, like you and many others on this forum, believe that the BIB are such idiots that after they self-handed the phone to the family on 18 September, later would announce that they found the phone where the suspects were living.

There have been many changes in the police team in charge of the investigations, including the chief. Under such tremendous pressure (global media) it is easy to make mistakes when you cover the truth.

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