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British Resident suffers broken arm over 40 baht parking fee in Central Pattaya


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Look at his wife's face.

"Oh darling you told me you were at the Rotary Club not in Soi BJ."

I was going to comment that she looks petrified

02.30 AM in Pattaya what else could you be doing? Night fishing?

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Look at his wife's face.

"Oh darling you told me you were at the Rotary Club not in Soi BJ."

I was going to comment that she looks petrified

02.30 AM in Pattaya what else could you be doing? Night fishing?

Some people call it night fishing, better known as cheating on your wife.

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This was an extortion attempt as there is "no parking lot" in that area of Soi Diana.

As far as I can see this all happened ".... at a car park opposite the Diana Dragon Apartments in Soi Buakhao", not Soi Diana. And there is indeed a car park very near there. It has a sign indicating the price and a barrier indicating where the car park begins and ends.

So for me the only real question is whether the driver parked inside the car park or outside.

The victim was told to pay after returning to his truck. Now if the lot of you have ever spent any amount of time in Thailand would know, you either pay in advance or get a ticket to pay after for parking.

This is true, though I suppose the attendant may have been absent or otherwise occupied when the driver pulled up.

Of course the important point here is that no one should be beaten up with lump of wood over a 40B parking ticket. But I do wonder if the driver did anything to annoy the attendant and provoke him, albeit unwittingly?

Must we clarify this again? Diana dragon apartments is on Diana, Please see google earth photo, as you can see there is no parking lot. The only diana property on buacao is diana estates which are condos.


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Must we clarify this again? Diana dragon apartments is on Diana, Please see google earth photo, as you can see there is no parking lot. The only diana property on buacao is diana estates which are condos.

Indeed. And that's why I suspect that they are talking about the car park on Soi Buakhao near Diana Estates and not about Soi Diana at all.

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Must we clarify this again? Diana dragon apartments is on Diana, Please see google earth photo, as you can see there is no parking lot. The only diana property on buacao is diana estates which are condos.

Indeed. And that's why I suspect that they are talking about the car park on Soi Buakhao near Diana Estates and not about Soi Diana at all.

I stand corrected. After looking at the photos I see the "top chorlean optical" which is next to diana estates, so he must of parked along the road opposite 7-11. So I am now 100% certain he was not employed by anyone. All businesses that were on that lot had to relocate last week as their leases were up and the owner has leased the entire lot to someone else. I had a good friend who was renting on it who was told he would be fined everyday he did not leave. The parking lot entrance was another 50 meters or so up on the side heading toward center road. The kid came along to try to poach some money illegally, anyway the guy was parked on the shoulder of road, not near near the entrance on the lot so he was perfectly legal parking there. The kid though he had an easy mark after what to him would be a rich, old farang. Glad to see he got a fruit basket.The marine group own that property.

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Arguing over 40 baht and the poor old guy ends up with a broken arm and a damaged car, it's not worth it man.

The so called parking attendant was way out of line and was as somebody already suggested out after easy money.

Thankfully he is already behind bars and I hope they are hard on him which is likely since a Pol Col have been to the old British guys house with a basket of Mangoes.

At 70 the British guy should not be out driving around in the middle of the night but fast asleep in his house with the wife, he-he.

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Jip it's not a case of people standing up for the car park guy it's a case of why get yourself in trouble over 40 Baht.

Like it or not that's the way things work here and your "Principles" will only get you into serious trouble.

Even if you knocked him out or shot him another 20-30 Thais would appear from nowhere and beat you to a pulp or possibly kill you.

Similar scenarios have happened to all of us that have been here a while whether it's an argument over a taxi fare or a restaurant bill it's all the same. Negotiate by all means but when someone picks up a weapon or is poised to attack back down and pay.

Now this fool has a broken arm damage to his car and his wife knows he was probably playing around.

So save your "Principles" for a Western Country they don't work here.

Why are you and others suggesting that he may have been playing around, just because of the time that this incidence occurred. Perhaps he had trouble sleeping and simple went out to the shop to buy something, maybe beer or sweets, whatever. Are you suggesting that all married men should be confined to their house between certain times.

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Why are you and others suggesting that he may have been playing around, just because of the time that this incidence occurred. Perhaps he had trouble sleeping and simple went out to the shop to buy something, maybe beer or sweets, whatever. Are you suggesting that all married men should be confined to their house between certain times.

Yeah sorry I'm probably wrong he could have been attending Midnight Mass.

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A broken arm and a damaged car all over 40bht. What a <deleted>

What evidence is there that the victim understood what the perpetrator wanted? Did he shout in Thai, "give me forty baht?" The "story" provides nothing on this point. Maybe he was approached late at night by a representative of "generation zero" who shouted at him in a threatening manner. Maybe he had no idea what the idiot wanted or was saying. What would you do if you did not understand him? What would you think? Maybe you would get in your car and drive off to get away from the moron.

Khun Tosapon claims he approached Mr. Hayward and requested the 40 Baht which was not forthcoming. He further explained that Mr. Hayward attempted to drive away which enraged the parking attendant who picked up a piece of wood and struck Mr. Hayward’s car - See more at: http://www.pattayaone.net/pattaya-news/148694/british-resident-suffers-broken-arm-over-40-baht-parking-fee-in-central-pattaya/#sthash.WptfU8jb.dpuf
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We need a thread purely for people who want to bash Pattaya - you could all go at it 24/7 while those of us who actually live here get on with our lives. I just dont know how many times certain people can repeat themselves re their opinion of the town - it's pathological.

I'm not a huge fan of Bangkok, but I dont wade into various threads on events in BKK just to vent my spleen.

Its got eff all to do with Pattaya, its got plenty to do with jerks who as soon as a Thai appears shyt themselves.

Example, come out the bowling green on klang, turn right, on your LH side is a bunch of masage shops/beauty product shops.

I was parked in one of the car park beside the shops, the mrs was in a beauty shop, I left the carpark, some jumped up Somchai wanted paying (free parking for those who used the local shops), the Thai woman owner came out and ripped this pryck to shreds.

Another time in Bkk some Burmese tawat was giving me shyt, I phoned the BIL, as soon as I started talking Thai (to the BIL) this pryck shyt himself, 2 minutes later the BIL appeared with a baseball bat and 5 of his friends.

Khun Gobshyte wasnt so effin gobby anymore.

How long have you actually lived there now, fluent in Thai are you, sussed out the Thai pecking order yet have you?

Gotta laugh at how everyone tries to defend their choice of location, up to you, as they say here.

Funniest post I've read in a while... Geezer thinks he's the daddy and somehow finds a way to brag about the fact he ain't got the stones to take care of shyt himself. Even shied away from a one-on-one with the Burmese geezer... Lo &lt;deleted&gt; L... and after that chest-beating first line too...

So tell me this please, seeing as how you're such a player... What happens when the BIL decides that you're a bit too keen on picking up the bat-phone (which is supposed to be just for emergencies)...? So he gave you a pass for running away from the Burmese fella... But deep down he thought that the incident with the vending machine that stole your 10 baht was something that you should've been able to handle on your own... And then you have a row with your missus.... And all of a sudden the bat-phone ain't working.... Where does that leave you, player?


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A broken arm and a damaged car all over 40bht. What a <deleted>

he's probably got more balls than you do....would you just bend over and let this vermin scammer humiliate you?


Answer: Yes. They actually feel bad about it, embarrassed & emasculated really, and so come here looking to commiserate with their also regularly intimidated fellows. What a way to live. That they're so eager to bend over for it and put it down to "thai culture" makes you wonder what thais must think of our "culture", doesn't it?

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No one is putting anything down to Thai Culture or being a Fairy or whatever.

The whole point is why get a kicking over 40 Baht? If the clown had given 20 Baht that would probably have solved the problem or even just thrown the 40 Baht in his face or on the road it would still have avoided a beating.

I would say most Thais in Pattaya have never even been to Bangkok. They jump straight off a buffalo go to Pattaya and they think they are in Las Vegas. Please try to understand what you are dealing with.

Everyone has their own risk/reward threshold and 40 Baht isn't even on my radar. Mark it down as Tam Boon.

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I believe the old fart should have just paid the 40 baht. Talk about cheap Charlie. He should have never illegally parked or gotten out of his car. Not smart to challenge a younger man.

If it was your father or grandfather, would you be so stupid to say this.

It's not about the money its about extortion. People should stand up to people who do this, and as another poster wrote, "he would NEVER hit a 70 year old Thai man"!

I know I would never hit a 70 year old man. I did threaten to give a 70-ish year old man a heart attack once though when I was 19. I was going to yell him to death.

He was just a neighbor & I was renting from my brother & decided to install a circular driveway by doing doughnuts in my '72 Chevy pickup truck in the front yard.

I yelled at him a bit & told him to get off the property, but never dreamed of whacking him with anything, much less a chunk of wood. They'll throw you UNDER the jail for 5 years for whacking a senior citizen in the US.

The penalty (of which I was ignorant at the time) never entered my mind. I'd just never beat up on an old man.

I DID however take on my nephew a few weeks back. He just turned 18 yesterday 7 October & is 29.5 years my junior. I put that punk in the dirt.

Too bad the old man wasn't like this guy:

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