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Hong Kong protesters braced for police crackdown


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Hong Kong protesters braced for police crackdown

HONG KONG: -- Hundreds of pro-democracy campaigners are camped out on the streets of Hong Kong ahead of a government deadline for them to withdraw.

Many suspect that police will try to remove them by force in the coming hours.

Hong Kong's leader says public offices and schools will open on Monday, and social order will be restored.

The protesters are angry at China's plans to vet candidates when Hong Kong holds elections in 2017.

They are demanding that the central government in Beijing allow a fully free vote for the territory's leader.

Protest groups have denied blocking entrances to government headquarters and insisted civil servants could return to work without obstruction.

The BBC's John Sudworth in Hong Kong says some want to hold out for tangible gains, while others fear tear-gas, rubber bullets and arrest, and think it is time to turn to dialogue.

Earlier the groups said they would agree to the government's offer of talks if attacks on them were investigated and protest sites were not forcefully cleared.

But discussions about opening a formal dialogue faltered after the sides failed to agree on basic principles on which the talks should be held.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-29494885

-- BBC 2014-10-06

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Many tend to forget the totalitarian nature of the PRC. It's anything but a benign, progressive, human-rights aware regime. Efficiency and consistency in suppressing democratic protest and political opposition shouldn't be confused with "gentle", enlightened governance. Communist rule is nothing but thugocracy.

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