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Suvarnabhumi customs arrest Pakistani man with 950g of heroin in stomach


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Each one of those bags is a potential death that if successful he would have been party to. I hate anyone who deals, smuggles and uses drugs. Not one of them has any value to the world's population. Find them and eliminate them from the planet.

Didn't Mr T try this?

His problem was he couldn't be bothered with going through the courts first

Thoughtfully saving those tax dollars (baht)

He also couldn't be bothered with finding those connected to the drugs trade.

Numbers was what mattered, not culpability.

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Allah Wakbarr! Inshallah he rots in prison for all eternity and become the love slave of many foreign and local inmates w00t.gif

Not bad, in a two-line post you managed to prove, that you are a racist, islamophopic and straight from the trailerpark!!

What a disgusting post.bah.gif

Well I liked it. If there were more free-thinkers like BKKBrit then the world would be in a much better state than our current nannified, bend-over-backwards-for-perps-thieves-druggies-scum countries.

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Allah Wakbarr! Inshallah he rots in prison for all eternity and become the love slave of many foreign and local inmates w00t.gif

Not bad, in a two-line post you managed to prove, that you are a racist, islamophopic and straight from the trailerpark!!

What a disgusting post.bah.gif

Sorry JOC, but I for one agree with BKKBrit.

I may be guessing here, but would you probably give him his own lawyer paid by legal aid, put in minimum security prison with his own cell and bathroom ( because it may be against his human rights to wash with others). Lets not forget halal food, and at the end of it all, sue the police for not respecting his religious beliefs.

That is what happens in UK all the time, I for one will be happy to see him rot in the Bangkok Hilton for twenty years.

Rant over, thank youcoffee1.gif

I hate drugs!! And for me they can kill all dealers and traffickers tomorrow.

If the guy they had arrested was from Sweden, we would have had the-hang-him-high brigade out in full force (and I would have joined), but there would have been no mentioning of him being a Christian!!

I don't like stereotyping based on religion, nationality or race, that was my point! Kow jai??

And than go and think more....Of course killing drug dealers (for example these who sell a beer in Saudi Arabia) reduces the crime, but also it keeps market prices up. So the profit is always very high.

No take a moment and think. Lets say we would sell all drugs in the next pharmacy, cheaply. Do you think all our kids would run to the pharmacy and die from an overdose a week later???

I think it would kill the drug mafia. No crime not interesting in making people addicted.

Also see when alcohol was banned in some countries. Also see the rumors of connections between politicians and drug mafia....

I like your reply H90, makes sense to me.

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Allah Wakbarr! Inshallah he rots in prison for all eternity and become the love slave of many foreign and local inmates w00t.gif

Not bad, in a two-line post you managed to prove, that you are a racist, islamophopic and straight from the trailerpark!!

What a disgusting post.bah.gif

Sorry JOC, but I for one agree with BKKBrit.

I may be guessing here, but would you probably give him his own lawyer paid by legal aid, put in minimum security prison with his own cell and bathroom ( because it may be against his human rights to wash with others). Lets not forget halal food, and at the end of it all, sue the police for not respecting his religious beliefs.

That is what happens in UK all the time, I for one will be happy to see him rot in the Bangkok Hilton for twenty years.

Rant over, thank youcoffee1.gif

So suppose his family are being held hostage by the people who paid for his flight ?

A 21 yr old drug mule is unlikely to be anything more than a delivery method, the real guilty will just walk away. If he was a major dealer he would just have brought his way out of it, not that the kin pin is going to be within a mile of the drugs

I dont understand why he would be bringing herion into thailand from Pakistan when it flows over Thailands porous borders with Myanmar.

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  • 2 months later...

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Each one of those bags is a potential death that if successful he would have been party to. I hate anyone who deals, smuggles and uses drugs. Not one of them has any value to the world's population. Find them and eliminate them from the planet.

Do you count alcohol with that grouping?

you are an ignorant one aren't you?

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I have been out tonight and had a few pints, had a laugh and a joke with some friend.

Then stumble upon this thread and find out what I did tonight was worse that trying to destroy peoples lives by getting them addicted to heroin or cocain.

You learn something new everyday.

P.S. Hang the scumbag.

I fear you had more than a few pints because you are missing the point completely. Having a few drinks has not been equated to dealing drugs. The correlation would be between taking drugs and drinking beer. Surely you must admit that somewhere in the world someone went out, took some drugs and also had a good time with their friends?

The other thing which would be a valid comparison is those who sell alcohol and drugs. Every beer sold has the potential to lead not only to addiction but also death due to crime and drunk driving. So should we string up everybody who sells alcohol?

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sssssh everybody gotta keep this quiet

Thai police are busy peepee testing for Ice and Weed

the sneaky smacky Pakis and their Irani brothers are then chasing the dragon all the way from Nana to Samut Prakarn!!!

they are bringing in lots and lots of smack and what tinfoil terrorists Mr BIB is smoking that crap?

where mr BIB are those Pakis getting all the money to smoke all that smack (code word do not want to reveal to the BIB what is being chased behind their backs for $$$$$)

and some of those Sikhs let us not go there as to what they are on thinking they can hide from my eye under a turban they are the most sneaky of all the secret brain stewers

Russians are going down so cannot blame them doods

TV is a great forum for exposing all the Junk Heads and their BIB wars luvin it

I wonder what the real BIB agenda is letting all these Paki chaps sneak through the back door? Ice is not Nice so Smack is Back?

......and why Mr Tonglor BIB does farang wear T-shirt and Paki or Irani Jordani wear long sleeve shirt? roll up the sleeves and look at the veins and see what a load of crap your peepee tests are when they are not checking for the devil himself in the urine

PS I just see this quote:

Allah Wakbarr! Inshallah he rots in prison for all eternity and become the love slave of many foreign and local inmates w00t.gif.pagespeed.ce.fUUOmDCInIXuJTMTAZ

Not bad, in a two-line post you managed to prove, that you are a racist, islamophopic and straight from the trailerpark!!
What a disgusting post.bah.gif.pagespeed.ce.-cCHYEZ1LoERDvI-NyM

I am a moslem and I am not an islamophobe and I could and did just now say the same thing as BKKBRIT and good on him coz good moslems support all good Brits like him that protect Islam by attacking those that bring shame on Isalm, it is also good that he shows his care to learn some Arabic so respect to him whoever he is

Edited by Dumu Ali
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And all the while the backers (if there are any) are still free and will simply send another mule across the border.

To get a direct flight from Karachi (the heroin capital of Pakistan) to Bangkok would indicate the dealers that send these mules are very confident and must have done this more than once. Obviously the profits would be eroded by going to a third country first for a weeks "holiday" before flying in, but the chances of getting caught must be so slim it does not make it a financially viable option.

When I used to fly into Australia from Joberg in South Africa no one looked at me twice. When I flew in from Bangkok the drug dogs were there and on one occasion the TV show "Border Control" were filming as well.

I for one hope this man is NOT raped and NOT murdered as they are both crimes as well. Next people will want to bring in stoning as crimes for infidelity. And those that advocate rape as a punishment for drug offenses needs to take a long hard look at themselves.

I do hope he is punished to the full extent of the law though.

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