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Holiday visa refusal

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My wife was refused a holiday visa to the UK. I understand why they have a problem with her finances and employment in Thailand but why did the ECO not take my finances and the fact I provided 2 invitation letters from family to stay in their homes free of charge into consideration? It's like they only considered the money in her account, even though I stated in my letter that I would take care of her financially and the trip would be of no cost to her, that I would provide accommodation free of charge, backed by the two letter from family, with photos and house title deeds. There is no mention of this in the refusal letter? Only that they feel she will not be sufficiently maintained or accommodated, even though all the evidence was correctly given? Why has this evidence been overlooked?

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Why did they say " I don't not feel that you will be able to accommodate or maintain yourself whilst in the UK." As her sponsor, that is my job, so why do they talk as if no evidence of accommodation or my finances was given? The amount of money in her account is not important if I have stated that I was to be funding her visit, surely?

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They are refusing because of lack of evidence of a real relationship.

Two weeks marriage being discounted.

An no proof of employment from 'Patong' wouldn't have been all that helpful.

I can sort of understand their refusal.

I have no issue with the refusal as the employment issue was not dealt with correctly but why have they said that they feel she will not be adequately maintained or accommodated though? All of my evidence included bank statements, employers letter, pay slips, two letter from my family inviting her to stay at their homes free of charge along with council tax bills, house title deeds and pictures of homes. I also stated in my letter that I would take care of her financially, my bank statement showed that I had £3000 in the bank. So how did they come to the conclusion that she would not be maintained and accommodated? Also, there is not really much more evidence that I can give other than photos and skype/tango call logs, boarding passes.

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Sounds as if the application was far too thin. A two week marriage certificate is not enough evidence of a relationship to lead to an automatic visit visa.

You need to provide evidence that shows a longer standing relationship including photos etc.

Look at it from an ECO's perspective. A two week old marriage with limited evidence of a prior relationship. This is what a marriage of convenience could look like. Not suggesting yours is but your finances are only a part of the application.

Check the visit visa basics on the pinned topics, it has a lot of information!

Every aspect of the refusal needs to be covered thoroughly.

There are no handouts for visitors so better not to feed the troll, I think!

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Some ideas for you that I have passed on to friends of mine - What about money transfers, did you transfer any money to her while you were apart? Have you supported her financially since you met? Have you bought her any significant assets, motorbike? car? jewelry? house? Did you write about how you met, how the relationship developed, why you married her, your future plans? If she worked and only had a small amount of money in her account, what did she spend the money on? Does she have a Facebook page with photos of you both on it? If so, what is her relationship status? Were the photos of you together with your friends and some with her friends?

I hope these ideas get you thinking. Stay positive and don't give up.

Edited by Ausresident
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They are refusing because of lack of evidence of a real relationship.

Two weeks marriage being discounted.

An no proof of employment from 'Patong' wouldn't have been all that helpful.

I can sort of understand their refusal.

I have no issue with the refusal as the employment issue was not dealt with correctly but why have they said that they feel she will not be adequately maintained or accommodated though? All of my evidence included bank statements, employers letter, pay slips, two letter from my family inviting her to stay at their homes free of charge along with council tax bills, house title deeds and pictures of homes. I also stated in my letter that I would take care of her financially, my bank statement showed that I had £3000 in the bank. So how did they come to the conclusion that she would not be maintained and accommodated? Also, there is not really much more evidence that I can give other than photos and skype/tango call logs, boarding passes.

I understand they like photos of you together, Facebooks pages, that sort of thing.

Still, look on the bright side, the refusal can be used for proof of relationship in the future.

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Although you are accommodating her and sponsoring her.

They have to think is £100 all the money to her name. ?.

If so what if in 3 months you argue and kick her out. Then what. She can't support herself.

Not forgetting. She will be away for 3 months.

Don't she have bills to pay ?

I'm here most of the time but still gotta pay my direct debit.

You could of put a lump sum in her bank and said it was the sin sot.

But then again.after only knowing her a year and married 2 weeks. Not a good idea .

So where is this marriage going ?.

And if you've got a few bob have a couple of holidays round here.

HK. Singapore etc.

Collect pics. Keep everything.

If you think one holiday to blighty just to see if she likes it then go for settlement.

Your running too fast.

Not everyone on here is a troll .and some advice you may not like.

But your talking to some of us notching up nearly 30 years here.

Good luck whatever you decide

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looking at what youve posted,

she's got nowt,

youve only 3,000pound in the bank,not much is it by the time youve paid for flight tks.ect.plus is she supporting her family.

I have been told that the ECO likes to see at least 30,000 THB in the Thai lady's bank account just in case there is a problem with the relationship. This amount covers the return trip to Thailand.

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looking at what youve posted,

she's got nowt,

youve only 3,000pound in the bank,not much is it by the time youve paid for flight tks.ect.plus is she supporting her family.

I have been told that the ECO likes to see at least 30,000 THB in the Thai lady's bank account just in case there is a problem with the relationship. This amount covers the return trip to Thailand.

yes jim between her and him there is not a lot to play with.the eco knows most of them have to suport family so if she's away well.plus she might have childen.i am not sure what they want to see in the op's bank acc.if he gets married and applies for a settlement visa for the uk.its a dam sight more than 3 or 10k. gbp.

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For a visit visa wife or not they are going to be looking for reasons for her return to Thailand.The ECO would have taken your finances into consideration, but it is her application

What would be a suitable reason to give for returning to Thailand(I am thinking of my own situation,not the op's sorry)If she has no job?

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Reasons for returning to Thailand other than a job might be:

- significant assets that she owns here such as property, a car, a business, other investments;

- any dependent children not traveling with her;

- individual circumstances - maybe she has to return to Thailand in the near future for a significant event such as a family wedding.

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For a visit visa wife or not they are going to be looking for reasons for her return to Thailand.The ECO would have taken your finances into consideration, but it is her application

What would be a suitable reason to give for returning to Thailand(I am thinking of my own situation,not the op's sorry)If she has no job?

a job would be no.1 and a bank balance.even with them 2 a lot try for long stays eg.6months well they know that taking that amount of time off work becomes suspicious.owning property,land that helps.

then there is the relationship,they need a lot of proof that it is genuine.and also if she has kids dont try and hide it.

25yrs.ago it wasnt easy but now its a nightmare for some.

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I suspect an ECO is looking for stability in Thailand. Money going in and money being spent in a consistent way that suggests a settled lifestyle.

I have never seen any suggestions that there are set amounts needed in bank accounts, applicant or sponsor. I am sure this can be tricky for ECO's on occasions. There have been plenty of visas issued to applicants without jobs etc (according to posts on here) so this is not an absolute requirement.

Someone in a documented long-term relationship should really present a relatively low risk compared to a poorly documented one.

The applicant has to present a picture that suggests the on the balance of probability the applicant will comply. Job, bank account, family etc may help but are not absolute requirements. A carefully prepared application is!

Normally I would suggest waiting a bit before applying again which, in itself supports a genuine relationship but as you are married perhaps just reapply with better documentation of the relationship.

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looking at what youve posted,

she's got nowt,

youve only 3,000pound in the bank,not much is it by the time youve paid for flight tks.ect.plus is she supporting her family.

I have been told that the ECO likes to see at least 30,000 THB in the Thai lady's bank account just in case there is a problem with the relationship. This amount covers the return trip to Thailand.

yes jim between her and him there is not a lot to play with.the eco knows most of them have to suport family so if she's away well.plus she might have childen.i am not sure what they want to see in the op's bank acc.if he gets married and applies for a settlement visa for the uk.its a dam sight more than 3 or 10k. gbp.

I work full time, she would be spending a lot of time at my mothers home whilst I work. We wouldn't be doing anything extravagant whilst she was here, just living everyday as I normally would. She doesn't send money to family nor her daughter as she is looked after by her rich hi so cousin. I met the family in Nong khaem after we married, no big fuss about money or whatever, we just got drunk and partied. They understand I'm not well off but respect that I love her. Me and her both know she would be fine and looked after if she came here with help from my family and that she would go home on time but the question is, how do I prove it to this ECO character? Obviously, I will need to inject cash into her account prior to printing her bank statements and get proof of work. But on what grounds does it become a "real relationship"? I gave them photos from three trips to Thailand in a year and stupid amounts of tango call logs from virtually everyday from August last year! Do I have to have sent money every week to prove that I love her lol. What more evidence do they want regarding our love? Naked pictures? Dirty home videos? Our soppy recordings? Romantic Poems?

My mum suggested helping with money to her account, is this a good idea? And if she did, they will want to know where that money came from, where on the application would we explain this?

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looking at what youve posted,

she's got nowt,

youve only 3,000pound in the bank,not much is it by the time youve paid for flight tks.ect.plus is she supporting her family.

I have been told that the ECO likes to see at least 30,000 THB in the Thai lady's bank account just in case there is a problem with the relationship. This amount covers the return trip to Thailand.

yes jim between her and him there is not a lot to play with.the eco knows most of them have to suport family so if she's away well.plus she might have childen.i am not sure what they want to see in the op's bank acc.if he gets married and applies for a settlement visa for the uk.its a dam sight more than 3 or 10k. gbp.
I work full time, she would be spending a lot of time at my mothers home whilst I work. We wouldn't be doing anything extravagant whilst she was here, just living everyday as I normally would. She doesn't send money to family nor her daughter as she is looked after by her rich hi so cousin. I met the family in Nong khaem after we married, no big fuss about money or whatever, we just got drunk and partied. They understand I'm not well off but respect that I love her. Me and her both know she would be fine and looked after if she came here with help from my family and that she would go home on time but the question is, how do I prove it to this ECO character? Obviously, I will need to inject cash into her account prior to printing her bank statements and get proof of work. But on what grounds does it become a "real relationship"? I gave them photos from three trips to Thailand in a year and stupid amounts of tango call logs from virtually everyday from August last year! Do I have to have sent money every week to prove that I love her lol. What more evidence do they want regarding our love? Naked pictures? Dirty home videos? Our soppy recordings? Romantic Poems?

My mum suggested helping with money to her account, is this a good idea? And if she did, they will want to know where that money came from, where on the application would we explain this?

Listen to your mom.

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I have been told that the ECO likes to see at least 30,000 THB in the Thai lady's bank account just in case there is a problem with the relationship. This amount covers the return trip to Thailand.

You have been told wrong.

The ECO wants to see that sufficient funds are available to the applicant to cover all the costs of the trip; this money can belong to the applicant, the sponsor, a third party or any combination of these. There is no set minimum as everyone's circumstances are different.

Immigration on entering he UK may ask to see a return or onward ticket, or if the traveller doesn't have one then evidence that sufficient funds are available to them with which to purchase one.

My mum suggested helping with money to her account, is this a good idea? And if she did, they will want to know where that money came from, where on the application would we explain this?

Listen to your mom.

ECOs are, as Bob says, likely to be suspicious of large amounts of money appearing in an applicants account; and as I said above it's not necessary.

If you are sending her money then you should explain why and what it is for in your sponsor's letter; e.g. to help support her and/or her family or to purchase her ticket once the visa is issued.

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Reading the refusal notice it seems that this refusal is down to lack of evidence.

Lack of evidence of the relationship covering the whole time you have known each other.

Lack of evidence of her employment and that she has the time off; i.e. a letter confirming this from her employer.

Lack of evidence that you have sufficient funds with which to pay for the trip. It is no good you just saying you will be doing so; you need to show that you can afford it.

On that latter point, you say you provided some bank statements; is that all? What else did you provide and what period did it cover?

As she is your wife there is also the suspicion that she may be attempting to use a visit visa to by pass the settlement rules and stay in the UK illegally once there. Did you explain why she was not applying for settlement at this time?

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Reading the refusal notice it seems that this refusal is down to lack of evidence.

Lack of evidence of the relationship covering the whole time you have known each other.

Lack of evidence of her employment and that she has the time off; i.e. a letter confirming this from her employer.

Lack of evidence that you have sufficient funds with which to pay for the trip. It is no good you just saying you will be doing so; you need to show that you can afford it.

On that latter point, you say you provided some bank statements; is that all? What else did you provide and what period did it cover?

As she is your wife there is also the suspicion that she may be attempting to use a visit visa to by pass the settlement rules and stay in the UK illegally once there. Did you explain why she was not applying for settlement at this time?

I provided 6 months bank statements, 6 months pay slips, letter from employer and my p60 from 2013/14 and two letters from family confirming accommodation free of charge. I don't know what other evidence I can give proving our relationship other than photos together and skype/tango call logs? I have started to screen shot all our video calls and have screen shot all our facebook communication, as well as her profile page which is a picture of me and her and my last visits boarding pass.

The photos I provided were black and white miniatures copied onto two sides of A4 paper, next time I will get full coloured copies printed at the supermarket. Should I also highlight on my bank statements money I have sent to her? I will also send 20000 baht prior to the next application, should I explain that it is for plane tickets? She will also be saving money until the next application in January

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It is the applicant that needs to provide an employers letter, confirming permission to take time off.

Photos should be accompanied by dates and basic explanations. This will be checked against visit dates.

Any payments to your wife should be explained, including payments for tickets.

My wife had a joint credit card (still does!) so it was clear that she had access to funds when required. It seems to be much easier to get an additional credit card for a non-UK resident than it is to get a joint bank account.

Yes, you really do need to provide this sort of detail to be sure of the best chance of getting a successful visa. Some seem to glide through the system with ease but it is easy to understand why an ECO might be looking for someone trying to get round the settlement route! Fully explain why you are continuing to live apart!

Stick with it, take nothing for granted and try again!

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undertaker 123 you say you will send her 20,000bht.for flight tickets,that will only buy one way.[uless applying for settlement]

but dont dispare write it all down so you dont forget what you have been told.

also someone said why are you not applying for a settlement visa?

back as far as 1987 my wifes application was for a visitors visa and the embassey asked why she was not applying for a settlement visa.i said what if she doesnt like it in the uk.i was then asked what if she does,you would have to go through it all again, those days what i can remember it wasnt too costly.so you should look at the financial requirements before you apply.

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