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Shock Method Sought Against Thai Motorcyclists


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Shock method sought against motorcyclists

BANGKOK -- Thailand plans to use shock tactics to deter youths from motorcycle street racing.

Those caught street racing will be sent to work at accident and emergency wards so they can see what happens to victims by their reckless acts, the Bangkok Post.

The move follows a series of arrests of members of motorbike-racing gangs and injuries to police who try to stop them.

"I want them to see victims of road accidents and hear their voices of suffering in the hope it will deter them from repeating the offense," said probation officer Kittipong Kitayarak, who plans to ask courts to order offenders to work at hospital emergency units.

Kittipong said the current penalty for young street racers is too mild. Most only have to report to probation officers.

He said more youngsters will be drawn to street racing if offenders are not made to do community service.

Many Bangkok residents regard street racers as both a danger and a nuisance.

--UPI 2004-03-16

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There is a sure way to bring the plague of motorcycle racing, screeching noise, farting exhaust fumes, running stoplights,not wearing helmets, going the wrong way against traffic, riding dangerously on footpaths, and all the rest of the crap these yo-yos get away with. CONFISCATE their motorcycles. I'm not saying this will be easy. The police will have to make efforts to catch them first. But even the threat of having one's moto taken away, and facing the horrible loss of face of having to walk, could have a significant impact on their driving habits. Much more simple and effective than fines or some public service obligation. After a longish period of time with their precious machine impounded, the offending yo-yo would be allowed to pay to get it out of hock, sadder but wiser.

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"I want them to see victims of road accidents and hear their voices of suffering in the hope it will deter them from repeating the offense," said probation officer Kittipong Kitayarak, who plans to ask courts to order offenders to work at hospital emergency units
Clever! I would say this is the best way!

Why I say it? cos' this was what had happened exactly on me.

For those who suggests confiscating the bikes, I wouldn't even want to comment.

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No, super-glue their ugly jiko mouths to the exhaust pipe of a two stroke engine vehicle, and seal their noses.

Then teach an orangutan to operate the vehicle, inject a gram of yaa baa in the ape, and leave it to play.

Tape the event and run it on widescreen in the cells of repeated offenders. And, oh yes, THWOW THEM TO THE FLOOr.

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No, super-glue their ugly jiko mouths to the exhaust pipe of a two stroke engine vehicle, and seal their noses.

Then teach an orangutan to operate the vehicle, inject a gram of yaa baa in the ape, and leave it to play.

Tape the event and run it on widescreen in the cells of repeated offenders. And, oh yes, THWOW THEM TO THE FLOOr.

You paint a wonderful word picture Mr Sweetball. I can see it vividly ( is this a horny ape ? )

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After a longish period of time with their precious machine impounded, the offending yo-yo would be allowed to pay to get it out of hock, sadder but wiser.

no, he just goes and steals someone elses bike.

You paint a wonderful word picture Mr Sweetball. I can see it vividly ( is this a horny ape ? )

doctor, do you vision a stiffer penalty?

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After a longish period of time with their precious machine impounded, the offending yo-yo would be allowed to pay to get it out of hock, sadder but wiser.

no, he just goes and steals someone elses bike.

You paint a wonderful word picture Mr Sweetball. I can see it vividly ( is this a horny ape ? )

doctor, do you vision a stiffer penalty?

It has to be hard Huski, If not hardon them they'll re-offend :o

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In an article in Nation newspaper of 3-19 04, page 3A, is a rather astounding statistic: "The Metropolitan Police Bureau yesterday said police had arrested 48,553 people on charges relating to illegal road racing between December 1 and March 10. During the arrests, more than 1,600 vehicles were seized."

Do you believe that? Neither do I, but if it's even partly true, it shows that the cops have the wherewithall to put a stop to the nutcases who drive motorcycles. Now if they would just increase the number of vehicles they confiscate....

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In an article in Nation newspaper of 3-19 04, page 3A, is a rather astounding statistic: "The Metropolitan Police Bureau yesterday said police had arrested 48,553 people on charges relating to illegal road racing between December 1 and March 10. During the arrests, more than 1,600 vehicles were seized."

Do you believe that? Neither do I, but if it's even partly true, it shows that the cops have the wherewithall to put a stop to the nutcases who drive motorcycles. Now if they would just increase the number of vehicles they confiscate....

like by another 45,000

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