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North and South Korea ships exchange warning shots


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North and South Korea ships exchange warning shots

SEOUL: -- North and South Korean ships exchanged warning shots after a North Korean patrol boat crossed a disputed maritime border, say officials from the south.

The incident happened around 10:00 local time (03:00 BST) on Tuesday, said South Korea's Yonhap news agency.

It comes three days after North Korean officials agreed to resume high-level talks with the South.

The two countries technically remain at war, after the Korean War ended in an armistice.

The incident reportedly took place near the border island of Yeonpyeong, according to the AFP news agency.

A South Korea military spokesman said in a statement that they had sent "warning messages and fired a warning shot".

He said the North had fired back, resulting in another exchange of fire, before the North's ship retreated.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-29516951

-- BBC 2014-10-07

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I don't understand why the South keeps yielding to talks and this & that. Just remain quiet, snub them and let them implode. Not that the South is entirely unworthy of being trampled on by the North, I just find one slightly less irritating than the other. smile.png

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With what is going on around the World, ISIS, Japanese men joining them,some Americans are trying also, China and Russia makeing close fly-bys with US aircraft, Russia in the Ukraine, hot spots all over the World . Do I hear World War 3? What is going on, Are we all going crazy or what?

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With what is going on around the World, ISIS, Japanese men joining them,some Americans are trying also, China and Russia makeing close fly-bys with US aircraft, Russia in the Ukraine, hot spots all over the World . Do I hear World War 3? What is going on, Are we all going crazy or what?

Agreed but no crazier than facebook paying $19 billion dollars for whatsapp or whatever it is called.

Think of just how many things could be done to ease world suffering with $19 billion dollars.

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With what is going on around the World, ISIS, Japanese men joining them,some Americans are trying also, China and Russia makeing close fly-bys with US aircraft, Russia in the Ukraine, hot spots all over the World . Do I hear World War 3? What is going on, Are we all going crazy or what?


Think of just how many things could be done to ease world suffering with $19 billion dollars.

Not much at all!

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US/South Korea have to keep flexing their power because of the fear of China.

Count the warships and planes aside from the rules ( No Nukes) and China is grossly out numbered.
There is no doubting that the technology wise some western countries will continue to outmatch china in the near future

Vietnamese showed though to fight a good war, you have to sap the willingness to fight out of the enemy

I am unconvinced US ground forces can subdue or make a traditional warfare work

Recent war experiences show politicians and too much reliance on inaccurate " smart bombing" have made the US military tactically un imaginative and predictable.

Mr. Chee:

The problem in Vietnam and today is not the capabilities of the US Military to handle a battle, the problem is with the politicians that need to be reelected.

The US Military has never lost a war, the US political process has lost quite a few of them.

It's comes hand in hand for politicians in USA unlike the CCP so unfortunately the ability of the USA to win wars is rather dim ....

afghan war stretching to it's 13th year besides bomb factory employees celebrating a fat bonus ...what has the USA achieved for that region for all it's bombings and campaign ? has it's real objective been met ?

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I just Read Dear Leader written by an ex North Korean counter intelligence officer who escaped over the Chinese border. Apparently its there aim to get attention and so be bought off to do what they should be doing anyway, but also less chance of a war occurring for scuffles at sea rather than land

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