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Koh Tao's killers: PM Prayuth to explain case to Myanmar during visit


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The suspects said they hit the man with a spade three times

Anybody who has seen pictures of David's injuries will know that this is not true.

I have seen photos of Davids injuries, In my unqualified opinion, I would say there is an injury to the back of his head, which would have been caused by the hoe, the other injury that I have seen just under his jaw was In my opinion caused by a knife. I have also recently seen a photo of a push knife which again in my opinion I would say could easily been the type of weapon used to cause this type of injury.


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I am sure the Burmese are continuing to be disappointed in the treatment they receive in Thailand. Before it was just a matter or tolerating the rude, abusive, and ill mannered behavior of their Thai employers. Now, they fear for their lives. Granted he is addressing one of the most compromised government in the world, one that is still controlled by the generals, whether or not some naive members of world community see that or not.

Some of my recent posts on this travesty, which seem as relevant as ever:

What is the real moral to this story? Well, one of them is that we are not going to see any meaningful change, to the fabric of Thai society. Many of us were incredibly hopeful that we would see some positive changes. And I think it is quite possible that Prayuth, and his top guys have their hearts in the right places, and want to see this change take place. Many expats, and many Thais really want to see progress, and want to see this country moving forward into this century. Yes, we will see some land crimes solved, and some illegal beach vendors removed. But, in terms of dealing with the massive corruption issues, the kind of power guys like the headman of Koh Tao have, and their ability to abuse that power, and positive changes at an institutional level, and at a national level, where it really counts, many of us now doubt it will happen. This case proves, that many are still above the law, and even the Army cannot touch them. That is the devastating moral to this story. A very disappointing outcome indeed.

This is simply a disinformation campaign, aimed at the ignorant. They have found the killer or killers. They have made a conscious decision not to charge him. They know who he is. They have CCTV footage of him following the victims out of the bar. They have eyewitness accounts of the incident that provoked this. The headman is simply too rich, too powerful, and nobody feels compelled to rock that boat, including the Army. It is very disappointing to alot of people here in Thailand and worldwide, to find that the Army does not really want to rock the boat, and upset the status quo. Very disappointing. Very disconcerting. A real shame. Some things never change, I guess. Looks like that crime infested, drug infested island is going to stay the same forever. Little progress there. Nobody in power wants to see change. It is going to take a very powerful force in Bangkok, if anything there is ever going to change.

I guess sometimes a new broom does not sweep so clean. Like a spiders web only the small insects getting caught - the huge bugs can fly straight through.

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I have been following this story from the beginning

and this is the first time I absorbed that David Miller was stabbed with a knife,

in addition to being hit by a swinging sharp edged gardening tool.

Don't know where you get that from,

but didn't read any police declarations talking about a knife ... ?

Knifes are mentioned in some CSI LA delirium though. rolleyes.gif

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These 2 little runts could not have taken the girl on themselves besides having a male Brit to deal with, Remember they siad there was defensive wounds on Davids hands, that means there should be some pretty good marks on one of the attackers if not more. and were is the DNA under the girls finger nails ? I am sure she did not go queitly.

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Better start from scratch with a new police force to avoid more embarrassing explanations in the future.

it does not matter what the differences are of the case, if they said they raped her and hit him but did not think he would die, what else do you want, they died, regardless of whether they smoked or not, the were drinking that is there excuse, pathetic

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The suspects said they hit the man with a spade three times

Anybody who has seen pictures of David's injuries will know that this is not true.

Correct. My goodness people. This is one of the many obvious flaws in the case. Police never said anything about there being a different object being used, from the very beginning..yet anyone looking at the male victim can tell?!? You cannot prosecute on such a horrible stance the police have taken on this...my goodness people stop this nonsense quickly!

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The police may be right, but this one is something Gen P should keep his nose out of just in case at a later date new evidence emerges that proves them wrong.

I think it's too late already. The good general already had his nose well and truly buried in the thick of things when he commended and offered to reward the police for a 'job well done'. As far as endorsements go, this is as solid as it will get. Don't see how General Sir can backpedal out of this one if things take a wicked twist.

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Clip from Thai PBS about the Burmese takraw players who were allegedy treated with boling water.

The clip also shows David's black iPhone 4 (before it was broken and left in the bushes) with a document purporting to show it was part of the deceased's personal effects.

The condom is also shown and the commentator mentions the fact that Hannah's DNA was found on the outside but none was found on the inside. She said that the police declined to answer their questions about the relevance of the condom.

A policeman is shown insisting that only the two suspects whose DNA was allegedly found inside the victim were involved in the rape and murder (despite the apparently contradictory evidence of the condom) and begging for the public to understand that.

Edited by Dogmatix
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On the mobile phone, Pol Maj-General Suwat Jaengyordsuk spoke at the same press conference, saying that an unnamed Myanmar friend who got the phone from the suspects told police he destroyed it, before putting it in a plastic bag and discarding it at the back of his home.

Seems the phone explanation has changed again, and up to this point this is the only phone identified as being Davids.

  • post-220854-0-63739400-1412585710_thumb.

do you have the picture of the destroyed phone ?

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On the mobile phone, Pol Maj-General Suwat Jaengyordsuk spoke at the same press conference, saying that an unnamed Myanmar friend who got the phone from the suspects told police he destroyed it, before putting it in a plastic bag and discarding it at the back of his home.

Seems the phone explanation has changed again, and up to this point this is the only phone identified as being Davids.

  • post-220854-0-63739400-1412585710_thumb.

do you have the picture of the destroyed phone ?

Nope, the only picture I am aware of is of some cop with a plastic bag supposedly containing a phone, standing in the jungle, and of course CSI LA face book page of a phone that allegedly looked like Davids 2nd phone. Witch is the first I heard he actually had a 2nd phone.


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Two innocent young souls have been brutally murdered, but what's even worse is that another two are going to share same fate for the crimes they did not commit. 4 innocent people's life's will be lost and the real killers will still be free. Sickening!

I agree with your statement.

To me it seems that tourists are more so ascertained plainly as the walking talking 10% of the economy. We should ask Farangs in passing whether they’re the 10% or live here. That way, we can delve out some kind advice on how to stay alive. Rather, they come over here as a party group without a couple of them invariably ‘travelling light’ back home – in an urn.

Cheers ...

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On the mobile phone, Pol Maj-General Suwat Jaengyordsuk spoke at the same press conference, saying that an unnamed Myanmar friend who got the phone from the suspects told police he destroyed it, before putting it in a plastic bag and discarding it at the back of his home.

Seems the phone explanation has changed again, and up to this point this is the only phone identified as being Davids.

  • post-220854-0-63739400-1412585710_thumb.

do you have the picture of the destroyed phone ?

Nope, the only picture I am aware of is of some cop with a plastic bag supposedly containing a phone, standing in the jungle, and of course CSI LA face book page of a phone that allegedly looked like Davids 2nd phone. Witch is the first I heard he actually had a 2nd phone.


You can see David's black iPhone 4 in this clip from Thai PBS with a police document listing it as a personal effect of the deceased before it was broken and turned up near the Burmese' shack.

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On the mobile phone, Pol Maj-General Suwat Jaengyordsuk spoke at the same press conference, saying that an unnamed Myanmar friend who got the phone from the suspects told police he destroyed it, before putting it in a plastic bag and discarding it at the back of his home.

Seems the phone explanation has changed again, and up to this point this is the only phone identified as being Davids.

  • post-220854-0-63739400-1412585710_thumb.

do you have the picture of the destroyed phone ?

Nope, the only picture I am aware of is of some cop with a plastic bag supposedly containing a phone, standing in the jungle, and of course CSI LA face book page of a phone that allegedly looked like Davids 2nd phone. Witch is the first I heard he actually had a 2nd phone.


You can see David's black iPhone 4 in this clip from Thai PBS with a police document listing it as a personal effect of the deceased before it was broken and turned up near the Burmese' shack.

This I phone has been seen in so many places now (in Davids luggage. on the beach, in the police station the day of the murders and in the brush behind, both the suspects house and the friends suspects house), and yet it has been confirmed by all (police, suspects and suspects friends) it would not work(or incompatible) in Thailand. But yet this phone seems to be in remarkably good condition after both a suspect and one of the suspects friends have "smashed/destroyed" it.

Why David would be dragging around a phone that didn't work in Thailand is beyond any reasonable explanation.

I am not sure how CSI LA knows David had a second phone other than he/she has 400,000 likes and possibly Davids friends have been messaging CSI LA about this 2nd phone it would seem this phone scandal will haunt this case to the end.

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The suspects said they hit the man with a spade three times

Anybody who has seen pictures of David's injuries will know that this is not true.

Is that surprising? If they are guilty, or were involved with others, or even innocent, why is there an assumption that whatever they now say is the truth?

If they are innocent, and made up a confession for whatever reasons they are lying with this statement. If they are guilty, then why would they tell any truth?

We were robbed by a Burmese maid, who looked as innocent as anyone, but lied through her teeth on several occasions. Criminals, have a habit of lying, funny that.

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