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Universal doubts cloud 'perfect' Koh Tao murder investigation


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Apparently, lawyers appointed to Burmese suspects were only given 30 minutes to prepare for today's hearing in Samui.


Further, same paper reported yesterday that suspects complained of chest pains after interrogation.


I haven't seen any of this in Thai media.

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A pot containing a link to Bangkok Post has been removed as well as a reply.

Apologies, being new (to posting), I wasn't aware of the no linking policy. Odd, but will respect it and keep dirty pots away in future wink.png

Yes keep your dirty pots away or else you will be panned.

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Im glad we now have clarity from the General. Apparently we have all been confused because of the swift efficiency of the BiB. Having been informed so , the British authorities are now completely satisfied !

How embarassed we feel to have so underestimated the abilities of the RTB , thank goodness that we now know that justice will truly be delivered.

Edited by joecoolfrog
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Which Uni was he at? Bangkok

What course was he doing? Accounting and Financial Management

And where's his condo? Blessing of Deities Condo-Bkk






Here's the non-suspect who fled the island the day after and has not provided a dna sample.

Mon sot.....408749_2516699513748_939083871_n.jpg?oh=

Taken from his fb page

Thay lied about his cctv still

Thay said its from uni

But it was from his condo

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Great to see global media are not letting this lie. Let's see how quick the British police can get involved.

Once the UK police are up to speed if they arnt already there are going to be some pretty P***ed off UK investigators when they see the full horror of it.

I dont think most people even here are aware of how bad this was.

Its far more than straight forward rape/murder believe me.

My hope is the UK is well aware of the complexity and extreme savagery of this and isnt going to be messed about because of it.

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I suspect the higher up it goes, its not so much about direct connections, as much as keeping face or admitting the extent to which this country is crippled by the patronage system. Prayuth won't be keen to recant his praise

On the subject of "Saving Face" in Asia... I saw an episode of that Locked Up Abroad show, where Indonesian police had mixed up a guy's fingerprints on some heroin containers.

He got a lawyer to re-check the fingerprints. Lo & behold, they did not belong to the accused, but the police wouldn't admit it, as it would make them "Lose Face".

Poor guy did 15 years because the cops didn't want to "Lose Face" ie: admit they are bungling idiots.

This case is really about admiting that the whole modern system of police investigation is flawed. DNA can be planted, people can be bought, and confessions are often a result of torture.

I hope that these british investagators are going to be diligent and get evidence directly from anyone. It would be nice to find the true guilty person(s), but I hope that these investagators aren't going to have any political pressure to simply confirm the police's findings. It is possible because it really does put into question police tactics used around the world. Most of these politicians only want problems to vanish unless they are problems that are useful to them.

I hope that a clear conclusion about the innocence of the two suspects can at least getted cleared. If they are innocent, which there is mounting evidence pointing to this, then they don't deserve this. I would like to see the real killer get justice, but it doesn 't look likely that this could happen conclusively but this would be nice as well. I'm just not going to expect anything.

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I suspect the higher up it goes, its not so much about direct connections, as much as keeping face or admitting the extent to which this country is crippled by the patronage system. Prayuth won't be keen to recant his praise

On the subject of "Saving Face" in Asia... I saw an episode of that Locked Up Abroad show, where Indonesian police had mixed up a guy's fingerprints on some heroin containers.

He got a lawyer to re-check the fingerprints. Lo & behold, they did not belong to the accused, but the police wouldn't admit it, as it would make them "Lose Face".

Poor guy did 15 years because the cops didn't want to "Lose Face" ie: admit they are bungling idiots.

This case is really about admiting that the whole modern system of police investigation is flawed. DNA can be planted, people can be bought, and confessions are often a result of torture.

I hope that these british investagators are going to be diligent and get evidence directly from anyone. It would be nice to find the true guilty person(s), but I hope that these investagators aren't going to have any political pressure to simply confirm the police's findings. It is possible because it really does put into question police tactics used around the world. Most of these politicians only want problems to vanish unless they are problems that are useful to them.

I hope that a clear conclusion about the innocence of the two suspects can at least getted cleared. If they are innocent, which there is mounting evidence pointing to this, then they don't deserve this. I would like to see the real killer get justice, but it doesn 't look likely that this could happen conclusively but this would be nice as well. I'm just not going to expect anything.

You make some fair points, but any investigation will fail when the investigators main goal is to screw the investigation up and not find the culprit.

It is like playing hide and seek with a 3 year old.you know exactly where they are, but do everything you can to not find them.

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